View Full Version : Stolen Cars

02-18-2010, 05:14 PM
Has anyone ever had their car stolen?

In 1993, I had my 1986 Buick Regal stolen. It was only the V6 version, but was the beautiful Grand National body style. My plan was to put a V8 in it and all the trimmings. They found it on the south side of Chicago. The frame that is.:mad:

02-18-2010, 05:24 PM
Never had a car stolen but I did have my window broken and radio stolen out of my 87 Mustang GT . Just so happened to be Chicago too during a snow storm:mad:, I was pissed to say the least.

02-18-2010, 06:59 PM
Never had a car stolen but plenty of stereo equipment ripped out, windows broken, fog lamps stolen and hit and run damage.

My mother had a car stolen from a parking lot and it was found a week later stripped in the Bronx. We put it back together and sold the car for a profit. One night someone tried to steal my mothers Grand Marquis but the idiot who broke the column to get to the ignition managed to break the shift handle off and couldn't drive away with it.

I had a bike stolen and its the worst feeling in the world to come out and find something of yours stolen.

02-18-2010, 07:03 PM
Never had my car stolen but did had my Girl friend Stolen

02-18-2010, 07:05 PM
Here in San Antonio car thiefs have made stealing Hondas an art form. These kids down here with modified hondas, will have a removable steering wheel, removable ECU, and they will STILL steal them. Funny what a market there is for *****y cars down here...

02-18-2010, 07:21 PM
never had my car stolen but did had my girl friend stolen


02-18-2010, 07:44 PM
I've haven't had a car stolen from me, but someone did break into my old Crown Victoria LX at Purdue University and steal a bunch of random stuff. The girl who did it also stole the faceplate off my cd player but not the unit itself. WTH?

She was caught with my stuff and a bunch of other peoples' stuff later that night. She was only 17, but the prosecutor succeeded in getting her trial moved into adult court and she was convicted of I forget how many counts of theft!

02-18-2010, 07:52 PM
That's the great thing of living in Timmins Ontario Canada, I can leave my garage door open all night"BY MISTAKE" & everything is still there in the morning. Yes we have a 6 month winter & tons of mosquitoes in the summer, but I think we are very fortunate that we always are safe from theft & violence. We are blessed.

02-18-2010, 08:48 PM
Had about the same experience as some others. Have not had a car stolen but the 1985 Crown V was broken into by smashing window and stealing the cheap radio at the college here. A long time before I sold the car I had spent so much money in repairs I wished they had stolen the car.

02-18-2010, 09:14 PM
Back in 1998 I had a 74 Pinto Wagon stolen 3 different times over a 7 week period. Each time it was a federal felony as it was stolen on a Navy base in California. Never caught the idiot, even changed my locks after I got it back each time. The last time it was stolen was early November. New Years Day a friend of mine asked me if I ever got my car back, I said no. He then said that I might want to ask the base police why they hadn't noticed my car parked right in front of their main entrance that day......

FBI then took it and checked to make sure it wasn't used in a crime. When I got it back a week later I had to put 5 qtrs of oil in it as they even checked the oil pan. From the time I got it back I had 8 hours to get things checked out and then put the Pinto in the on base long term storage, as I deployed to Kadena Air Base Okinawa at 9PM that night for 6 months.

Mr. Man
02-18-2010, 09:15 PM
NYC Sheriff's Dept stole our '89 Escort Wagon. We were in dispute over a parking ticket we got and in the mean time they came like wraiths in the nite and took her away. Cost a lot to get it back too. We still don't understand the ticket but apparently parking tickets are big business in NYC.

02-18-2010, 09:38 PM
I never had a car stolen. But one at work I had to drill a bunch of deep holes for a hotel expansion and I was given permision to have any cars moved by tow truck. So naturaly I needed one car moved. I talked to the manager and a tow truck was on its way. The tow driver hooked up to the car and moved it way across the parking lot. Well a few hours later I see this guy just looking like someone had beaten his mother so I went over to him to see what the problem was and he told me he just got back that day from out of town and now his car was missing. After he told what kind of car it was OOOOOOOO did I started laughing and explained to him I had his car moved so I could drill. Needless to say he was surprised and happy. Just his reactions and facial expressions made it worth while. Oh good times. I love my job!

02-19-2010, 07:52 AM
NYC Sheriff's Dept stole our '89 Escort Wagon. We were in dispute over a parking ticket we got and in the mean time they came like wraiths in the nite and took her away. Cost a lot to get it back too. We still don't understand the ticket but apparently parking tickets are big business in NYC.

I had a car towed because of tickets that weren't even mine. Then they add on surcharges, towing costs and storage. I owed $325 in tickets but it cost me $900 to get my car back.
The worst part is all the lowlifes you have to deal with while waiting at the impound yard to get your car back.

Big Black Beast
02-19-2010, 04:35 PM
Never had my car stolen but did had my Girl friend Stolen

Getting a new one of those would be easier than getting another Marauder.:rolleyes:

02-19-2010, 04:54 PM
I havent had one stolen...but close....(knock on wood)
My Mom had her Pontiac Sunbird stolen from her work.....it was taken by a tow truck....the police found it about 3 weeks later in a hospital parking lot with an extra 2,000 miles on it and no seats, no wheels, no cassette player, no battery, and the rear seat broken in half. There was drug residue in the trunk.

My new to me Suburban was missing one day about 4 months after I bought it. My Girlfriend went out side ready to leave for work and came back to get me and ask me where the truck was.....I said I didnt know and first thing I thought of was to call the tow company that patrol's the property...and sure enough, they had it....took it because I forgot to put my parking permit in plain view. I went to pick up the truck about 4 hours after it was towed....cost me 400 bucks to get it back....sucked big time.

I had my 1993 Nissan Sentra broken into....some one popped my lock out to open my door....I had a detachable face stereo in there and didnt take the face off, they popped my trunk but that was it....nothing was taken....they must have been scared off by something.....

Thats my story.

Ms. Denmark
02-19-2010, 05:40 PM
Had my Celica stolen from right smack dab in front of my upper West Side townhouse in Manhattan. I rented a parking garage spot down in midtown, but for some reason didn't take it down there that night. I think I'd been out of town and was just too tired and/or lazy. :o It was the one and only time I parked that car on the street. BINGO....gone in 60 seconds! :mad2: What a sickening feeling to walk out the next morning and it was'nt where I left it! The cops found it partially stripped in da Bronx. (The air conditioner was ripped out, among other things.) And like Paul said, what a pain dealing with the low lifes up at the impound yard!! This was pre Mr. Man, so I had no intimidation factor working in my favor! LOL

02-19-2010, 05:46 PM
No car itself has been stolen from me. But stereo stuff has been, my poor fox was violated once and so was my 96' SHO.

02-19-2010, 06:20 PM
Has anyone ever had their car stolen?

In 1993, I had my 1986 Buick Regal stolen. It was only the V6 version, but was the beautiful Grand National body style. My plan was to put a V8 in it and all the trimmings. They found it on the south side of Chicago. The frame that is.:mad:

In '96 I had my '86 Buick Park Avenue stolen from a movie theater parking lot in Danbury, Ct. It had 130,000 showing on the odometer so needless to say I was dumbfounded!:eek: It was found in Bridgeport, Ct. stripped and torched.:bigcry: They took my wheels and tires off and put some throw aways on but, get this, put all the lug nuts back on. WTF.:confused: My hockey skates got burned up along with my Herman Survivors which, btw, didn't survive.:(

Big Black Beast
02-21-2010, 01:40 PM
That's pretty much why I live with the stock stereo.
Nobody steals that.
BTW, NEVER leave ANYTHING in plain sight in your car. Not even change or a lunch bag.

02-21-2010, 01:45 PM
That's pretty much why I live with the stock stereo.
Nobody steals that.
BTW, NEVER leave ANYTHING in plain sight in your car. Not even change or a lunch bag.

I LOVE the stock stereo. I wouldn't even want to replace it.