View Full Version : Broken in to...

Hack Goby
02-21-2010, 08:33 AM
Has anyone come home to that helpless feeling of coming home and your house has been broke into.It happened last night at Tina`s house.Not a whole lot taken but having that helpless feeling that you have been violated.Bedroom window was broke and her bedroom trashed.Jewelry gone and her late husbands wallet(All expired cards) Tina`s a wreak and it will take a while to get things back to normal.Life is so not fair sometimes.

02-21-2010, 08:35 AM
Thats not cool Paul. Give her a hug from Linda and me! I have been thru it and understand!

Ms. Denmark
02-21-2010, 08:55 AM
Wow Paul! We are so sorry to hear of this. It is a horrible feeling that really destroys a sense of security for a long time. Happened at my parents home while they were on vacation and we were checking on the house, picking up their mail daily. Drove up and noticed the upstairs bathroom window wide open. Mom's jewelry was gone, including a ring my Dad had given her when they were in highschool. Still upsetting to think about all these years later. We'll be thinking of you and Tina and wish her all the best.

02-21-2010, 08:59 AM
That's rough, hope they catch the bastards.

02-21-2010, 09:00 AM
That really sucks, had an old car of mine broken into and had to get rid of it, that feeling of being violated really sticks with you...sorry to hear.

02-21-2010, 09:09 AM
Hey paul really sorry to hear this.
Glad she wasn't there when it happened.

02-21-2010, 09:12 AM
Sorry to hear this Paul. It really is a lousy feeling. Even being a LEO I know the feeling, because I have been a victim in the past. I hope you folks reported it, every little bit of information helps, especially when there are a string of burglaries. Yours may provide that one necessary link that catches these guys.

02-21-2010, 09:17 AM
I'm sorry to hear that but at least this all happened while no one was home, glad both of you are ok. One of the worst thing they can rob from you is feeling of being safe in your own home. I would suggest you look into a home security system. While some my protest, guns in the hands of properly trianed people is a good thing. Also it doesn't hurt to have a 85lbs pound dog that has been protection trained and a strong dislike for strangers. Between the dog and my wife's great aim I have no problem leaving her home alone.

Hack Goby
02-21-2010, 09:38 AM
Also it doesn't hurt to have a 85lbs pound dog that has been protection trained and a strong dislike for strangers. Between the dog and my wife's great aim I have no problem leaving her home alone.

Ya,We had Buddy(90lb. Lab)put down just before Christmas.He was a great watch dog with a deep bark.We will be calling monday for a home alarm.And yes the feeling you have after is just sickning and you feel helpless.

02-21-2010, 09:50 AM
My prayers with you. I hope all gets back to normal soon for you both.

SC Cheesehead
02-21-2010, 10:26 AM
Dang, Paul! Let Tina know we're thinking of her. FWIW, know the feeling, had two of my vehicles broken into over the years, also, the garage at our first home in WI (years back) was broken into twice, cleaned out a bunch of tools and such. Insurance took care of replacing the stolen items, but that doesn't address the feeling of being violated that you mentioned.

02-21-2010, 11:33 AM
I know setting the house up with security now will help with the recovery from the violation but it will still take time before you feel safe again and it will still linger for a long time unfortunatly.

That is why I have a beware of Dog's sign posted in the front and rear windows near the doors to make someone think twice before trying anything.

Molly and Franky are a good deterant with their big dog barks but I do know that they would probably run away first if they were not protecting us personaly especialy at 13 years of age.

Just glad no one was home at the time and no one was hurt personaly!

People are still desperate now a days and the number of homeless and out of work people is way too high so no one is safe.

Even in Greenwich CT which is a very rich town with big money houses has been having a serious problem with break in's latley no matter what they do to try and stop it. Little consolation knowing your not alone I know but a problem for all non the less.

02-21-2010, 05:05 PM
I have had that feeling before and it is *****ty.

Sorry to hear.

02-22-2010, 11:35 AM
Been there done that, don"t have my stuff anymore to show for it. But there was a nice dashcam video on youtube, showing the bastage getting chased by the Police and getting clipped by a truck and rolling the stolen van that he was driving into a telephone pole. :banana2: I got nothing back in return, but satisfaction when he went to prison. They linked him to my house, when the Detective walked up to him and rang my prepaid phone, and he pulled it out of his pocket, about three months after the break in. Dumb A$$! They knew who he was, and knew who he called with the cell phone. Just sat and waited for him!

Sorry to hear about your violation. See you in KY?


02-22-2010, 11:46 AM
Sorry to hear this Paul. It really is a lousy feeling. Even being a LEO I know the feeling, because I have been a victim in the past. I hope you folks reported it, every little bit of information helps, especially when there are a string of burglaries. Yours may provide that one necessary link that catches these guys.
This is true. Criminals get sloppy and when the cases start to add up, it can help the prosecution in court. Not to mention if the police aren't aware of the crime, they can't patrol accordingly.

They linked him to my house, when the Detective walked up to him and rang my prepaid phone, and he pulled it out of his pocket, about three months after the break in. Dumb A$$! They knew who he was, and knew who he called with the cell phone. Just sat and waited for him!
Wow, keeping the phone and not changing the number? That's a new brand of stoopid :lol: Glad he got sent away.

02-23-2010, 09:06 AM
Paul Tina that really sucks,I hope they catch the idiots.

White Knuckles
02-23-2010, 12:52 PM
Sorry for your loss. I'm a strong believer in security systems. There are too many potential targets. If yours appears to be a difficult target, they usually move on to the easy one.
I've got it all ---- 24hr monitored security, big rabid Dog w/ aids (I jest, she does bark, but would be more likely to lick them to death or bowl them over with her breath) and a small arsenal (in case they are dumb enough to come in while I'm home).

02-23-2010, 01:41 PM
125#s of teeth and muscle is a big deterrent. Rotties save the day :up: No rabies needed.