View Full Version : PBS on Veterans Day

11-09-2003, 01:08 PM
On Veterans day PBS will broadcast a 90 minute show about Medal of Honor recipients.

Here is the website.


There is a new book out called American Valor that will also debut on Veterans day. May of the book stores in large cities or near military installations will have MOH there to sign copies.

For example on the 11th at 1900 the Books-A-Million in Fayetteville, NC will have MOH recipients there to sign a copy f the new book. Of note Retired USMC COL Wesley Fox will be on hand, he was awared the MOH for actions during 1968.

Here is a link to his website. Take a look lots of good information and good links.


I plan on heading over to Fayettenam on the 11th and get a couple of books signed. A very fitting way to spend Veterans Day, I have the Marine Corps Ball the night prior and then I get to meet actual MOH winners.

11-09-2003, 01:14 PM

Good to "hear" from you...you still have your Marauder?

Thanks for the post of a very worthy time for all of us to appreciate what you and those before have done to make even Marty free to express his useless garble.

God bless our fighting men and women!

11-09-2003, 01:15 PM
Thanks Piglet! I'll have to check that out!


11-09-2003, 03:47 PM
Interesting NEWS piglet, thanks.

A few years back I attended the Remembrance day parade in Albany OR. Said to be the largest west of the Mississippi
There was a pancake breakfast before the parade, and no less than three of the "servers" were MOH holders. Truly something awesome.

Canada's last surviving Victoria Cross holder is "Smokey" Smith, of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada in Vancouver BC. It is truly amasing to meet such people.

11-09-2003, 04:09 PM
Piglet - We should all take a moment and reflect that freedom is not really free. Thanks to the men and women in the armed forces who keep us safe. God bless you all. Thank You.

11-09-2003, 05:00 PM
Whether it is Veteran's Day, Remembrance Day, or another name, the point is the same.

We all owe a non-repayable debt to the men and women who have fought for us in defence of freedom. In Canada successive governments have marginalized our veterans. Despite this, the general public manages to hang on to the knowledge that without the effort and lives of those who answered the call to arms, our world would be a dim, dark place to live.

God bless all those from all nations who have fought so that we can be free.

11-09-2003, 09:23 PM
I visited my brother's grave in the new Dallas/Ft Worth Veteran's Cemetary this morning. As I drove to his grave site, I was really affected by the sight of all the grave markers that appeared since my brother was buried there in May, 2000 . The attendant informed me that they had an average of 1,000 interments per month!!!!! I wish every school kid and adults who have not served had to spend a few hours reading the inscriptions and realizing the millions of lives that were kept safe by the sacrifice of these young people who gave their lives for us.God Bless Our Veterans and Those Who Are Now In Harm's Way...

11-09-2003, 11:09 PM
Freedom is not free

Thank you Veterans for all you have done.


Dr Caleb
11-10-2003, 11:27 AM
I'll be at the Legion all day tomorrow. There's this old timer, a former Royal Marine, with more iron on his chest than in the bumper of my car.

Every year, he tells me stories and I buy him drinks until one of us loses molecular cohesion. Usually me.

It starts with a long solemn ceremony, followed by copious amounts of reverie. That's the way the boys would have wanted it. A memorable event every year.

11-10-2003, 12:26 PM
It's funny how I hated the Army when I was in but now I love to talk about the good old times when I was in.

To all the Veterans Thanks for a job well done!

11-10-2003, 12:48 PM
Ain't that the truth George, but I never regret serving the RED, WHITE and BLUE. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!:up:

11-10-2003, 12:52 PM
My wife Linda and I each "did our 20" in the USAF funny as George said only seem to remember the good parts.

Thank a vet today!

2003 MIB
11-10-2003, 12:53 PM
Happy Birthday Piglet (and all you other Devil Dogs)!
No MCB for me tonight but y'all will all be remembered at tonight's Happy Hour.
Semper Fi,

11-10-2003, 05:16 PM
I saw this show, it was tremendous. The things those soldiers, sailors, and airmen accomplished to preserve our freedom is awe inspiring. As a retired (23 1/2 yrs), combat disabled veteran it brought tears to my eyes and made me so proud of my comrades in arms.

11-10-2003, 05:34 PM
To all that serve(d)... THANK YOU! My father is a "retired" USMC Master Sergeant who will retire from the NADEP here in Jax Jan. 31,2003. He has spent his entire life ( 2 careers) in one way or another defending the freedoms that most of us take for granted, and has too seldom been appreciated. So, to all who gave much, or all ... Thank you from a nation of individuals who won't forget what youv'e done for us even as some others do.

P.S. The #1 regret that I have now, at age 43, is not having served. Thank you again.