View Full Version : Cargo Net Hooks

03-01-2010, 07:58 PM
:help:Does anyone have a pic of the cargo net "hooks" for a 2003 MM? I had a slight fender bender and when I picked up the car, the cargo net was not attached. I found out why when I tried to re-install and I now only have the round plastic hook on the driver side, but nothing to hook it onto on the passenger side.

I never noticed how it was attached, but the body shop has thrown up their hands. The left side attaches to a bolt, but I can't see a hole where the right hook many have been attached.

Thanks for any help and particularly for a pic of that part of the trunk!

03-01-2010, 08:46 PM
Ray (TheDealer) can help you on this one.

03-02-2010, 06:05 AM
There should be a knob on each end of the interior trim panel.

03-02-2010, 10:01 AM
Yes, I suspect there should be one, but when it came back from the body shop, only the drivers side knob was there. They claim they took out the carpet on that area, but couldn't find anything where it was attached before. I was trying to get a picture that I could show to them to prove it's former location. The dealer parts store wasn't much help either and claimed they didn't have a graphic.

03-02-2010, 01:05 PM
A screw goes through the panel from the back side. If it's gone there should be a hole where it used to be.

03-03-2010, 04:57 AM
Issue resolved! Thanks to those that replied. The body shop put the trim panel back, but where the knobs are supposed to be are now two black plugs, just like the two others on each side of the trim panel. They apparently lost one of the knobs the net attaches to and put the remaining one on the left side holding the "elbow" portion of the carpet (by the CD player). I had assumed this was the proper place for that side, but we all know what assuming does. The screw/bolt that's supposed to be sticking out of the trim panel to screw the knob on is not there on either side! It also helped that my brother in Dallas knows someone with a MM and he sent me several pics.