View Full Version : It's about time.

03-03-2010, 10:31 AM
And here I thought it would be crappy all day long. Finally, finally, the tax cheat in charge of our tax codes gets busted. Classic "do as I say, not as I do" mentality of politicians. What happens if you or I did this? Fines, audits, maybe jail time. When a politician does it? They get praised by Nancy Pelosi for years of outstanding service. What a steaming pile.

Rep. Charlie Rangel temporarily stepped down as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday, a decision forced by a growing storm of ethics controversies threatening the veteran congressman.
The 20-term New York Democrat told reporters he had submitted a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requesting a temporary leave of absence until a broad-reaching House ethics committee investigation concludes.
"In order to avoid my colleagues' having to defend me during their elections, I have this morning sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi asking her to grant me a leave of absence until such time as the ethics committee completes its work," Rangel said Wednesday morning.
Pelosi released a statement saying she had accepted Rangel's request, and praised the veteran congressman for "his decades of leadership on jobs, health care, and the most significant economic issues of the day."
The night before Rangel said he had no plans to step aside from his powerful post. The Ways and Means Committee is responsible for drafting the nation's tax policies.
Rangel is being investigated for, among other things, failing to pay taxes on a home in the Dominican Republic. The congressman also has admitted failing to report several hundred thousand dollars in assets on federal disclosure forms.
In addition, he is under scrutiny for the purported misuse of a rent-controlled apartment for political purposes, as well as for allegedly preserving tax benefits for an oil-drilling company in exchange for donations to a project he supported at the City College of New York.
Rangel was formally admonished Friday by the House ethics committee for violating rules on receiving gifts. Specifically, the committee found that Rangel violated House gift rules by accepting reimbursement payments for travel to conferences in the Caribbean in 2007 and 2008.
Rangel's staff, according to the committee, knew that corporations had given money to the Carib News, which sponsored the events. That fact had not been divulged to the ethics committee when Rangel asked for and received approval to attend the trips, according to the committee's report. The committee found that while Rangel did not know about the contributions, he was nevertheless responsible.
A source told CNN on Tuesday that if Rangel stepped aside, senior Ways and Means Democrat Pete Stark would take over as the committee's chairman "on a temporary basis."
House Republicans plan to introduce a resolution Wednesday calling on Rangel to permanently step down and again force House Democrats to go on record defending him. They issued a statement after Rangel's announcement, calling his decision to temporarily step aside an "embarrassing episode" for the Democratic majority.
"Nancy Pelosi's promise to run the 'most ethical Congress in history' has been reduced to a punch line, and as a result she is presiding over a caucus in chaos," said GOP spokesman Ken Spain. "The Democrats -- under Speaker Pelosi's leadership -- are incapable of leading the United States Congress."
House Democrats have blocked previous GOP resolutions on the House floor, but several Democrats in competitive districts have come out publicly in recent days, saying they thought it was time for Rangel to step down.

03-03-2010, 10:39 AM
They're all a bunch of crooks.

03-03-2010, 10:40 AM
This is just the tip of the iceberg in getting rid of democrats. Wait until November!

03-03-2010, 03:18 PM
I guess those fat cat Republicans were too busy doing other things:



03-03-2010, 03:21 PM
I guess those fat cat Republicans were too busy doing other things:



Yeah, like stopping unemployment payments and infrastructure repairs.......

03-03-2010, 03:37 PM
Term limits for all parties! These clowns get embedded for 10, 20, 50 years and lose touch with reality. Now, most would agree that politicians are clueless (especially those in Congress) but who forgets to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in income when you are in charge of taxes?!? How much freakin money do you make as a Congressmen that you can lose track of a few hundred THOUSAND dollars? Come on, man. If you blame it on poor memory, then you are too old and senile to be representing anyone about anything.

03-03-2010, 04:20 PM
Term limits for all parties! These clowns get embedded for 10, 20, 50 years and lose touch with reality. Now, most would agree that politicians are clueless (especially those in Congress) but who forgets to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in income when you are in charge of taxes?!? How much freakin money do you make as a Congressmen that you can lose track of a few hundred THOUSAND dollars? Come on, man. If you blame it on poor memory, then you are too old and senile to be representing anyone about anything.

Yeah CBT, Rangel is not the only crooked one up there but he needed to be put on a short leash along with Barney Frank. These old guys like them have Fleeced the American public for too long.:mad2:

03-03-2010, 05:21 PM
Extending unemployment benefits during a recession is a fantastic way to extend a recession. Why even look for work?

Don't worry though, I'll help everyone out. My taxes changed (Green acres valuation) and it looks like I will have to pay an extra $30,000+ this April 15th. Great. I won't even earn that much this year.

I cannot possibly believe how completely screwed I am right now. At this rate it'll be 6 more years before I can get a tune. Have fun with my money!

Big Black Beast
03-03-2010, 05:32 PM
Nice to know my annual wallet reaming is going to a good cause...:mad:

03-03-2010, 08:07 PM
Its all a lie. Our Politicians are like Heros to me!!

03-03-2010, 08:16 PM
Extending unemployment benefits during a recession is a fantastic way to extend a recession. Why even look for work?

Don't worry though, I'll help everyone out. My taxes changed (Green acres valuation) and it looks like I will have to pay an extra $30,000+ this April 15th. Great. I won't even earn that much this year.

I cannot possibly believe how completely screwed I am right now. At this rate it'll be 6 more years before I can get a tune. Have fun with my money!

How in the hell are you paying $30,000 plus this year in taxes and you claim not to make $30,000 per year? That's just impossible there has to be more to the story.... :confused:

03-03-2010, 09:14 PM
How in the hell are you paying $30,000 plus this year in taxes and you claim not to make $30,000 per year? That's just impossible there has to be more to the story.... :confused:

One of my customers owns 17 properties here in FL. You would not believe what he pays in taxes (property taxes) every year.

He hasn't worked in atleast 3 years and therefore pays more taxes than he earns.

Do I feel sorry for him? NO!!!! He and I both know he can sell his properties and will NO LONGER be forced to pay these taxes.

Note: He's a retired and has millions. He pays more than he earns.

03-04-2010, 03:18 AM
How in the hell are you paying $30,000 plus this year in taxes and you claim not to make $30,000 per year? That's just impossible there has to be more to the story.... :confused:

I'm not...but I will be. When you own non-productive farmland (hills) and then they decide to quadruple the current tax rate and then also require that I pay that rate for the PAST seven years, things get tough, fast.

Since me and a few of my friends own every hill in the state, we're expected to bail Minnesota out of it's welfare crisis. Neat.

No big deal though. I have a Marauder, a motorcycle, a barn, and lots of insurance. Did you know that wet hay gets hot and catches on fire? Leaky roofs will do that...;)

There's 20+ million illegals in this country. I'll bet 99% of them have jobs because Americans won't do the jobs those people do. Americans prefer lengthy un-employment better than crappy jobs. Good.

Maybe when they finally wipe me out, they'll take my suggestion and donate California to China so they'll keep buying our debt. Seriously, even the Chinese will eventually want to get paid back for this "free" un-employment $$$ some of us love so much.

How else are we going to get out of debt? Work? Lol!!!

BTW Vortex, There are lots of bad Republicans. There aren't any good democrats.

03-04-2010, 03:25 AM
I'm not...but I will be. When you own non-productive farmland (hills) and then they decide to quadruple the current tax rate and then also require that I pay that rate for the PAST seven years, things get tough, fast.

Since me and a few of my friends own every hill in the state, we're expected to bail Minnesota out of it's welfare crisis. Neat.

No big deal though. I have a Marauder, a motorcycle, a barn, and lots of insurance. Did you know that wet hay gets hot and catches on fire? Leaky roofs will do that...;)

There's 20+ million illegals in this country. I'll bet 99% of them have jobs because Americans won't do the jobs those people do. Americans prefer lengthy un-employment better than crappy jobs. Good.

Maybe when they finally wipe me out, they'll take my suggestion and donate California to China so they'll keep buying our debt. Seriously, even the Chinese will eventually want to get paid back for this "free" un-employment $$$ some of us love so much.

How else are we going to get out of debt? Work? Lol!!!

BTW Vortex, There are lots of bad Republicans. There aren't any good democrats.

:shake: On a "public" forum you mention, what eludes to, insurance fraud? Instead, why not just sell some of your land? Just an idea...

03-04-2010, 06:41 AM
My thoughts exactly.... There had to be a substantiable income to gain that much land that or it was inherited, either way there had to be some wealth along the way. But the property taxes collected in this country go to your local government not the federal government so your paying for our kids education, county hospitals, parks, etc. You are in a much better positon then alot of americans that have lost everything, you can always sell the property for a profit and keep your 30,000 per year....Your statements are VERY misleading at the surface!

03-04-2010, 07:03 AM
Im ready for a Republican v. Democrat discussion anytime. Im also ready for a discussion about public service and elected politicians. I just think we should generally follow the rules of the forum and not do them here. I know sometimes I reply to certain political comments but I do wish these threads wouldnt get started in the first place. Next thing you know we will be going into the Protestant/Catholic debate.

03-04-2010, 07:16 AM
Im ready for a Republican v. Democrat discussion anytime. Im also ready for a discussion about public service and elected politicians. I just think we should generally follow the rules of the forum and not do them here. I know sometimes I reply to certain political comments but I do wish these threads wouldnt get started in the first place. Next thing you know we will be going into the Protestant/Catholic debate.

Ok, their both going to H3LL.

Ozark Marauder
03-04-2010, 07:25 AM

Just another loser.................Term limits

03-04-2010, 09:45 AM
:shake: On a "public" forum you mention, what eludes to, insurance fraud? Instead, why not just sell some of your land? Just an idea...

For reasons far too lengthy to get into here I can't sell any land. Better yet, why don't you double what you pay in taxes to help cover my a$$? That's what Minnesota is asking me to do because they don't know how to balance their welfare budget.

03-04-2010, 09:53 AM
Taxes are out of control, yet we have Rangel in charge of them, so was Geitner and he had to cough up 40 thousand in back taxes to assume his new job as what ever the hell he does now. When I was looking at my hotel receipt from Louisville last year, there was a tourist tax added onto the bill? A tourist tax, wtf?

03-04-2010, 07:24 PM
For reasons far too lengthy to get into here I can't sell any land. Better yet, why don't you double what you pay in taxes to help cover my a$$? That's what Minnesota is asking me to do because they don't know how to balance their welfare budget.

:shake: If he did that would'nt you be recieving the welfare? :shake:

03-04-2010, 10:33 PM
Chalk up another one!


03-05-2010, 03:05 AM
:shake: If he did that would'nt you be recieving the welfare? :shake:

Nice try. Maybe if OTHERS would pay their taxes I wouldn't be getting so reamed.

And Vortex, as I said earlier, there are lots of bad Republicans but there aren't any good dems. Try posting a link to a good dem sometime.