View Full Version : Facebook YouTube Virus: Ed Daniels AND Mark FastMerc

03-09-2010, 09:51 AM
If you guys log on here before facebook...you two keep sending out messages...I wasnt sure if it were you two so I didnt open the links...

03-09-2010, 09:54 AM
It seems Dennis Reinhart got a virus or something and then it sent a message out to all of the people on his friends list, and same thing happened to Ed and Mark.

If something doesn't look right NEVER CLICK ON A LINK!! Also change your password if something ever does happen.

03-09-2010, 10:05 AM
Dan Fielding had it too. If you find the link in your messages, posted in your news feed or posted to your Wall-to-Wall, delete without opening!

03-09-2010, 10:11 AM
Dan Fielding had it too. If you find the link in your messages, posted in your news feed or posted to your Wall-to-Wall, delete without opening!

Yep, what she said.

I got the message from Dan Fielding about 30 times.

03-09-2010, 11:22 AM
I got this a few times.

03-09-2010, 12:16 PM
I haven't recieved a link yet, but I saw the warnings.

Dennis Reinhart
03-09-2010, 12:30 PM
If you guys log on here before facebook...you two keep sending out messages...I wasn't sure if it were you two so I didn't open the links...

This is terrible it happened to me yesterday and Ed was in my face book, this virus, copies your face book address then sends emails from that person to all that is in there address book, then copies there address book, so this can spread like wild fire in sage brush, Face book then suspends your account and you have NO way of calling them, which really sucks. I had family pictures and videos, I got a email from a classmate and I clicked on the link and my virus detection went off right away, it took me a hour to clear it up Mary also notified me she got sent a email from me from face book. So this is any ones nightmare, and there is no way of knowing if face book will turn the account back on and I can find no way of contacting them.

03-09-2010, 12:43 PM
Dennis...I am not sure if this link will work...but if you trust me enough to fill in your info I can...good luck...

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=798494818&ref=nf#!/help/contact.php?show_form=hack_nol ogin_access

Dennis Reinhart
03-09-2010, 01:37 PM
I have tried for a hour to find some point of contact with them, if you do a search there are some very surprising things said a about face book, thank you for trying to help. It says on the site if you try to re sign up if the account is suspended that is a violation of there terms of service so I guess I wait to never hear from them unless I find a point of contact.

03-09-2010, 01:50 PM
Wall posts were sent from my account, and I didn’t send them.

It is possible that malicious software was downloaded to your computer or that your password was stolen by a phishing website designed to look like Facebook. Please carefully follow the steps provided:

Run anti-virus software: If your computer has been infected with a virus or with malware, you will need to run anti-virus software to remove these harmful programs and keep your information secure.

For Windows:
http://www.microsoft.com/protect/viruses/xp/av.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/protect/computer/viruses/default.mspx
For Apple/Mac OS:

Reset password: From the Account Setting page, you will need to create a new password. Be sure that you use a complex string of numbers, letters, and punctuation marks that is at least six characters in length. Do not use words found in the dictionary.
Never click suspicious links: It is possible that your friends could have unwillingly sent you spam, viruses, or malware through Facebook if their accounts were infected. Do not click this material and do not run any .exe files on your computer without knowing what they are. Also, be sure to use the most current version of your browser as it will contain important security warnings and protection features.

If you are still unable to access your profile, please send us more information regarding the issue so we can investigate. Please submit your report here (http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=account_ compromised). http://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=13525

Dennis Reinhart
03-09-2010, 01:57 PM
Thanks Mary, I would like to know who did this, and slide them down a ten foot RAZOR blade in to a pool of alcohol.:mad2:

03-09-2010, 02:13 PM
Free and GOOD anti spyware/virus removal programs.

AVG Free Edition

Spybot - Search & Destory

Spyware Blaster

Windows Defender by Microsoft

I use all of the above on all of my computers, I've gotten some bugs in my system but it's never slowed me down. Reboot in safe mode, run scans, clean up and reboot in normal mode and back on my way. If you keep getting stuff coming up while in normal mode, disconnect from the internet until you have cleaned out the virus. Especially spyware and malware will keep downloading more trojans without you knowing while connected to the internet and most important of all always make sure your updates are up-to-date.

03-09-2010, 02:17 PM
Thanks Mary, I would like to know who did this, and slide them down a ten foot RAZOR blade in to a pool of alcohol.:mad2:
Welcome to the World Wide Web. Just need to be more careful about what you click on next time. When in doubt don't click on something someone sent you until you confirm they really did send it.

03-09-2010, 02:50 PM
Do NOT forget about Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. In comes in first for our virus removal, right in front of Spybot-Search and Destroy. Malwarebytes is free, for clarification, and I believe they update virus definition files on a daily basis.

I'll put it like this: we haven't had a single virus threat we haven't been able to quarantine and remove if we've been able to run Malwarebytes (some virii are getting intelligent and trying to block out those programs on your computer.)

03-09-2010, 03:21 PM
I tried Malwarebytes before and it would not pick up what AVG and Spybot S&D would pick up. Too many of the same programs can actually be bad.

03-09-2010, 07:54 PM
I received the e-mails too on face book also but didn't open them.

03-09-2010, 08:28 PM
Sorry people :( , I've disabled my facebook account to ensure no more messages are sent out. I'll deal with creating another account later, right now I have to rebuild my main system to get rid of the virus. :censor:


03-09-2010, 09:10 PM
Facebook sucks and I have just been waiting to delete my account.

You guys touting anti-spyware programs are sadly mistaken...

If you click the link as it pops up on your desk top, your'e DONE.
There isn't a spyware program in the world that STOPS you from from saying, click, sure, come on in.

Malware is not like a virus that is detected as you click and something along the lines of Symantic stops you and says " no way...I won't open this file ".

Once you click, your'e done.

Jessica got the same mail a few days back.
However she was smart enough to realize that when a window pops from no where and says "Your computer may be infected - scan now?" that there isn't a program on the market that acts in such a fashion suggesting you might be infected with a header Microsoft Explorer.

Since when does Microsoft Explorer SCAN your hard drive?????:rolleyes:

Yeah, I know....thousands each day fall for this shat.
Educate yourselves people!!!

When these odd windows pop up from no where....click CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up task manager. Look at your processses and END them immediately.

It's that easy.

I get one of those shat tard pop ups once a month these days.

Oh...and good luck removing it.
If you have no clue how to edit your registry little alone know which entries are part of the problem...there isn't a SPYBOT program in the world that will remove what just blistered your operating system. But go ahead, try the free ones, even pay for some. If you can't manually do it yourself....you're reformating...wait..see...I told you so.

I just re-installed operating systems on my Mother's pc in Florida, my mother-in-law here in Ohio, and last week my Grandfather's.

I'll do Fastmerc's (for a second time now in two years I might add) next week.

Damnit Mark...quit clicking on that crap!:lol:

I would like to add one last thing for you die hards that MUST fix their operating sytem but can't do it alone and formatting is not an option.

There are forums out there with gurus that will help walk you through the manual removal process. You will need to download quite a few programs, hijack and post your registry, and use another program to edit your registry. It may take several attempts, and quite a few days (it may take a few days to even get assigned to someone), but if you have the patience and fortitude...I have actually removed some nasty spyware in this fashion.

These days...I keep current backups, and if it happens, I spend a day and half re-installing the OS and drivers. Much less brain cell loss-age.:P

03-10-2010, 06:53 AM
Sorry people :( , I've disabled my facebook account to ensure no more messages are sent out. I'll deal with creating another account later, right now I have to rebuild my main system to get rid of the virus. :censor:

Reboot in safe mode and run scans for the virus or just make sure you are not connected to the internet (unplug ethernet cable from back of computer or router) and with the computer in normal mode run your scans.

As long as the computer doesn't actually crash and lock the hard drive up you can save it, just takes time, the right programs and know what to look for.

03-10-2010, 07:59 AM
Facebook sucks and I have just been waiting to delete my account.

These days...I keep current backups, and if it happens, I spend a day and half re-installing the OS and drivers. Much less brain cell loss-age.:P

That's pretty much the reason why I rebuild mine.

Reboot in safe mode and run scans for the virus or just make sure you are not connected to the internet (unplug ethernet cable from back of computer or router) and with the computer in normal mode run your scans.

As long as the computer doesn't actually crash and lock the hard drive up you can save it, just takes time, the right programs and know what to look for.

This thing was so into my OS I couldn't even go to an anti-Virus site, or even download Fire fox to circumvent using IE. There were other things it was doing, like giving me a time limit until an automatic shutdown unless I punched in some random password :mad2:. I do run a 2 hard drive system and most of my important info is on the secondary. It's coming back slowly but surely.

03-10-2010, 01:28 PM
It's everywhere!

THANKS MARY FOR DELETING THAT THREAD CRLTRAVEN (OR WHATEVER HIS SCREEN NAME IS) posted today with the link the man who cut the roof in his car.

Run that video and it's all over.

It's the VP32.EXE worm.

"VPC32.exe is an executable file installed by the WORM_AGOBOT.XM worm parasite. This worm is installed using network shares and copies the VPC32.exe file to system folders. Once it has been executed, it uses NetBEUI functions to get available lists of usernames and passwords from the infected computer and sends copies of itself to the obtained usernames and passwords. To remove VPC32.exe completely, you need to remove all registry entries and WORM_AGOBOT.XM parasites to ensure your computer remains protected from dangerous activity."

My backup computer (of all friggin drives to get boned:mad2:) picked that one up about a half hour ago.

So far, I have been able to load a restore point, run scans, and next I'll run through my registry and delete every sign of it I can find.

Man...it's the iTunes music on this pc that will take years to backup lol....most of it is already on disks, it's just the hassle of putting it all back and not syncing my ipods for awhile.

03-10-2010, 01:36 PM
GREAT! I watched that video, haven't noticed anything yet. I didn't play it till the very end?

03-10-2010, 01:45 PM
This is a problem...since some of the members here were infected on facebook, and that crap is now running rampant across the country, I am worried that those folks are bringing it here in some fashion with their attachments.

I'm outta here as well until this gets squared away...

03-10-2010, 08:27 PM
It's everywhere!

THANKS MARY FOR DELETING THAT THREAD CRLTRAVEN (OR WHATEVER HIS SCREEN NAME IS) posted today with the link the man who cut the roof in his car.

Run that video and it's all over.

It's the VP32.EXE worm.

"VPC32.exe is an executable file installed by the WORM_AGOBOT.XM worm parasite. This worm is installed using network shares and copies the VPC32.exe file to system folders. Once it has been executed, it uses NetBEUI functions to get available lists of usernames and passwords from the infected computer and sends copies of itself to the obtained usernames and passwords. To remove VPC32.exe completely, you need to remove all registry entries and WORM_AGOBOT.XM parasites to ensure your computer remains protected from dangerous activity."

My backup computer (of all friggin drives to get boned:mad2:) picked that one up about a half hour ago.

So far, I have been able to load a restore point, run scans, and next I'll run through my registry and delete every sign of it I can find.

Man...it's the iTunes music on this pc that will take years to backup lol....most of it is already on disks, it's just the hassle of putting it all back and not syncing my ipods for awhile.
The link was fine and the site it was hosted on has always been fine for myself and TONS of people I know who view it. You might of clicked on something or already had something in your system. No one else had complained or said anything so it's a isolated issue that only you had. Just a little FYI for you I do 98% of all my posting from my work computer which has a lot of sensitive information on it and can be accessed via through it to my company's main servers. I wouldn't post something that I wouldn't trust on my work computer or home computers.

03-11-2010, 06:08 PM
The link was fine and the site it was hosted on has always been fine for myself and TONS of people I know who view it....

That's fine....but atleast two people that hit that link got it.
Ping it again a few times if you feel that confident.

Not blaming you, just your link.;)
You wouldn't be the first to unknowingly direct toward an infected link.
The thread was obviously deleted for a reason.

I fixed my computer. And I'll fix Mark's as well.

No more linkies for me.

03-11-2010, 08:25 PM
That's fine....but atleast two people that hit that link got it.
Ping it again a few times if you feel that confident.

Not blaming you, just your link.;)
You wouldn't be the first to unknowingly direct toward an infected link.
The thread was obviously deleted for a reason.

I fixed my computer. And I'll fix Mark's as well.

No more linkies for me.
Glad you were able to fix it, next time I'll search more and see if a video is on youtube to post up.

03-11-2010, 10:37 PM
I'm back up as well, and I'll be keeping my eyes open for ANYTHING that looks out of place. I fell for "You need to update your flash player", forgetting my flash player is always updated.


03-11-2010, 10:53 PM
Facebook sucks and I have just been waiting to delete my account.

You guys touting anti-spyware programs are sadly mistaken...

If you click the link as it pops up on your desk top, your'e DONE.
There isn't a spyware program in the world that STOPS you from from saying, click, sure, come on in.

Malware is not like a virus that is detected as you click and something along the lines of Symantic stops you and says " no way...I won't open this file ".

Once you click, your'e done.

Jessica got the same mail a few days back.
However she was smart enough to realize that when a window pops from no where and says "Your computer may be infected - scan now?" that there isn't a program on the market that acts in such a fashion suggesting you might be infected with a header Microsoft Explorer.

Since when does Microsoft Explorer SCAN your hard drive?????:rolleyes:

Yeah, I know....thousands each day fall for this shat.
Educate yourselves people!!!

When these odd windows pop up from no where....click CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up task manager. Look at your processses and END them immediately.

It's that easy.

I get one of those shat tard pop ups once a month these days.

Oh...and good luck removing it.
If you have no clue how to edit your registry little alone know which entries are part of the problem...there isn't a SPYBOT program in the world that will remove what just blistered your operating system. But go ahead, try the free ones, even pay for some. If you can't manually do it yourself....you're reformating...wait..see...I told you so.

I just re-installed operating systems on my Mother's pc in Florida, my mother-in-law here in Ohio, and last week my Grandfather's.

I'll do Fastmerc's (for a second time now in two years I might add) next week.

Damnit Mark...quit clicking on that crap!:lol:

I would like to add one last thing for you die hards that MUST fix their operating sytem but can't do it alone and formatting is not an option.

There are forums out there with gurus that will help walk you through the manual removal process. You will need to download quite a few programs, hijack and post your registry, and use another program to edit your registry. It may take several attempts, and quite a few days (it may take a few days to even get assigned to someone), but if you have the patience and fortitude...I have actually removed some nasty spyware in this fashion.

These days...I keep current backups, and if it happens, I spend a day and half re-installing the OS and drivers. Much less brain cell loss-age.:P

I'm sorry dude, but half the stuff you're saying here is complete and utter BS. I remove malware for a living as a helpdesk technician on my college campus, and I can vouch for Malwarebytes Anti Malware and Spybot Search and Destroy as successful tools. Rarely do I need to go into the registry to clean these systems. Indeed you do need to have some know how to do this properly, but you don't need to go that far. I mean, just due to the basic architecture of Windows operating systems, there are weak points to every virus, funny ones at that. Have you every tried just straight up creating another account on the infected computer? A number of recent virii we've dealt with practically don't exist outside of the infected account, at least in the case of Vista. I'd say the most difficult problem we've faced recently is virii that hijack the .EXE file extension, but even then we require Mcaffee enterprise on ALL the machines that students bring to connect to our network (which we do supply for free, no one is out of pocket), so we find the file that it tries to run in place of any .EXE and we blacklist it, and half the problem is already gone. Seriously, easy stuff, just gotta have some experience. I can guarantee you almost any infection problem can be recovered by our methodology, and we have literally hundreds of cleaned machines to prove that by.

03-12-2010, 04:10 AM
I'm sorry dude, but half the stuff you're saying here is complete and utter BS.....

I was beta testing Windows before you even made the decision to roll down your mother's leg or swim upstream...

My age appropriate response to a 20 year old know it all....

Whatever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7_3n7xyDg)

03-12-2010, 07:32 AM
On a laptop we had Defender & AVG, both had current definitions and scanned that day. This has also happened with Norton although Norton did not turn off Defender. Norton updated their Definitions to recognize the virus but not fix it once you had it.

It got a virus that mimics the Window Security pop up, only allows you to go to a proxy server. The virus was profile specific which made it easier to remove. Removal was an involved process requiring downloading 2 different softwares and getting in to the registry.

Certain versions of AVG turn off Defender and AVG admits that it does not recognize this particluar virus nor does it plan to in the future.

We have now gotten rid of AVG and purchased antivirus software.

Thinking all you need is "free software" with up to date definitions and you have nothing to worry about is just plain ignorant.

We do not use Outlook, we use an internet service such as yahoo for all email to further block viruses.

03-12-2010, 07:41 AM
Wow, classy. And typical.

Apparently you're bothered that at 20, with only 3 years of on-the-job experience with this stuff, I am more competent at this task than you are. Oh well, have fun going through excessive unnecessary steps to fix your comp, I'll keep using the techniques I know work and use to move the tens to hundreds of student machines on a monthly basis.

As for your Windows tester comment, all I have to say to that is, just because you've owned a car doesn't mean you know how to fix it when it breaks.

03-12-2010, 07:49 AM
Get Acronis and backup to an external drive weekly (or daily if you wish).....verify the backup and call it a day!!! :beer::bows::D

I backup weekly and on three occasions over the last year have restored EVERYTHING (operating system and ALL programs) in less than 30 minutes!!!:banana2:

Should you expect a virus or malware just go back a week and all you lose is a few days!!:shake:


03-12-2010, 08:20 AM

03-12-2010, 08:31 AM
This reminds me of a virus I picked up in the Philippines a couple years back. It was a doozy to get rid of, reformatting didn't even come close.