View Full Version : Springfield Va. Sat. nite

Brian H
03-10-2010, 02:59 PM
:help:I will be in springfield Va. sat nite for a show at a place called Jaxx. I'll be there for the show and thats it. I'd also like to see if anyone would want to meet up for a:beer: B.S. session and toss the idea around of me:sleepy: passing(i don't drink) out on:sleepy: there floor for a few hrs. Just can't see paying a :bigcry:C-note for 3-4 hrs sleep. I'll be heading out around 7/730 Su. morning, so as to get a good start home. its an 8 hr. drive, and i have to be at work Mon. morning. Give me a shout out if yer interested in just meeting up or what have you. Thanx and have a great weekend also!!

03-10-2010, 04:57 PM
If my buddy was still around he'd be all over goin to see WASP! Are you just goin to see the band or are you there with the band?

Brian H
03-10-2010, 05:16 PM
just goin to see'm saw last Fri. and half to have another dose