View Full Version : I'm being watched.

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 09:26 AM
I woke up this morning and found a coffee stain on my wall. Now I don't drink coffee so I don't know how it got there. I think someone has been in my house possibly planting wires and bugs and mini cameras. My whole house was locked up tight, I am wondering with they either had a key made or were able to get down the chimney and move the pellet stove and then put the pellet stove back and repel back up the chimney. I have that feeling that I am being watched now and don't feel safe in my own home. I get the feeling I am going to get swarmed by the FBI with helicopters and SWAT teams. FBI guys drink coffee right?

03-12-2010, 09:29 AM
AJ is back!!!

03-12-2010, 09:29 AM
My job does not require a urinalysis, and since there is no union, no one can make me take one. So pass that stuff.:D

03-12-2010, 09:33 AM
Quick, wrap your head in aluminum foil so they can't read your thoughts!!!

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 09:38 AM
From what I hear, they can now penetrate through tin foil. I tried, but I could still feel the memories getting copied out of my brain. I get the feeling I have an avatar out there that they are programming to know my everythought so that it can figure out the best way to kill me. They are out for me! I wonder if the stain in regular or decaf... Any FBI here? What do they prefer? decaf or octane?

Quick, wrap your head in aluminum foil so they can't read your thoughts!!!

03-12-2010, 09:40 AM
From what I hear, they can now penetrate through tin foil.
That's what she said, and she was correct, I can.:D

03-12-2010, 09:41 AM
I have never had my 'chimey' entered by a man, but I can't imagine the sense of violation you are feeling.

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 09:41 AM
I am not familiar with this "that's what she said" you speak of... please explain a little more in depth?

That's what she said, and she was correct, I can.:D

03-12-2010, 09:42 AM
please explain a little more in depth?
That's what she said.

03-12-2010, 09:44 AM
Leprechauns! It's that time of year, ya know! Any signs of fairy dust? :dunno:


Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 09:50 AM
Oh no! I have a phobia of little people. Thanks... now I am not going to be able to sleep! Are there leprechaun exterminators? Or should I hire a frat house to come and hunt them down so that they can use them at their next kegger for midget tossing competitions? Wait, leprechauns cannot be caught right? Oh man... I don't want to be alone tonight! Good thing my girlfriend is coming over... we will have to take turns doing night watch. I just can't catch a break!:mad2:

Leprechauns! It's that time of year, ya know! Any signs of fairy dust? :dunno:


03-12-2010, 09:51 AM
Question, was this coffee stain in the form of Jesus? And if it was, is it still there?

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 09:56 AM
The stain actually resembles the face of Marshal Applewhite, the leader of the Heaven's Gate religious group! Is there another Hale Bop comet coming in the near future?
http://propheticactivation.files.word press.com/2009/07/1463_heavens_gate_468.jpg

Question, was this coffee stain in the form of Jesus? And if it was, is it still there?

03-12-2010, 10:21 AM

03-12-2010, 10:21 AM
I'd check for blood dripping down the outside garage walls. Then I hear they can send a camera up the sewer and come out your toilet. It happened to my neighbor once. Then there are the robotic bugs they send to monitor you.They come in when you open the door or window. You always got to be on the lookout.

03-12-2010, 10:23 AM
Is there ANY black cars of any kind parked within a block from your house? This also includes perhaps garaged cars? If there is, then YES you are being watched!

03-12-2010, 10:27 AM

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 10:28 AM
THERE IS A BLACK CAR! There is a black car in my driveway everyday! But it is only there when I am home! When I am in the house I always keep an eye on it with binoculars but it looks like there is noone in it.

Is there ANY black cars of any kind parked within a block from your house? This also includes perhaps garaged cars? If there is, then YES you are being watched!

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 10:30 AM
When I am driving my car and put on my blinkers, my car my a clicking sound... is this clicking sound a timer for a bomb that may be planted in my car? Should I stop using my blinkers to stop the countdown?

03-12-2010, 11:12 AM
When you drive at night, is the area in front of your car lighted up no matter how fast you go? Like a helicopter is shining a spot light right in front of your car??

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 11:17 AM
Stop screwing with me, I know those are my headlights, it is the other stuff mentioned that boggles my mind.
The thing that get me about my car is that when I leave from a dead stop my RPMs go up and then at a certain speed the RPMs drop and then climb again... It does this a few times until I am up to speed and then it just stops... Maybe it is because the car has over 100K... I dunno

When you drive at night, is the area in front of your car lighted up no matter how fast you go? Like a helicopter is shining a spot light right in front of your car??

03-12-2010, 11:22 AM
Stop screwing with me, I know those are my headlights, it is the other stuff mentioned that boggles my mind.
The thing that get me about my car is that when I leave from a dead stop my RPMs go up and then at a certain speed the RPMs drop and then climb again... It does this a few times until I am up to speed and then it just stops... Maybe it is because the car has over 100K... I dunno

If you post that problem up in at least 10 more threads, then the answer will magically appear in a PM. I can prove it works, why else would that one guy just randomly stop posting his question about what production number his car is???

03-12-2010, 11:26 AM
So is this what happens after you go back to work? ;) The walls have ears? The house is jealous and misses you?

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 11:31 AM
LOL, no relation to that quack! I have legitimate concerns.

If you post that problem up in at least 10 more threads, then the answer will magically appear in a PM. I can prove it works, why else would that one guy just randomly stop posting his question about what production number his car is???

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 11:34 AM
Could it be the house missing me? Could the stain be the house crying? I liked the stain and it didn't taste like coffee. Could it be the houses tears? Should I be concerned with the fact that the "tears" took the shape of the dude that was the leader of heaven's gate? There are too many questions left unanswered!

Did the FBI have Cold Air Intakes invented because they knew I would put them on my car and now they can track me by the sound? Does the CAI resonate a certain frequency that the FBI can pick up and track me?

So is this what happens after you go back to work? ;) The walls have ears? The house is jealous and misses you?

03-12-2010, 11:34 AM

Oh WoOoOoW that is freaking creepy. Jesus christ. LOL

03-12-2010, 11:42 AM
Where can I find the production number of my car?

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 11:46 AM
Its tattooed on my ass... or maybe that is the bar code that the government uses to track me! Does that mean I am a limited production?

Where can I find the production number of my car?

03-12-2010, 11:52 AM
Oh your limitted all right!

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 11:54 AM
I noticed fishy things happening when I got my girlfriend. Maybe she is an undercover agent? You better watch out Bob, I think they are sending out Melanies as spies... Your Melanie could be a spy!!!

Oh your limitted all right!

03-12-2010, 12:19 PM
Where can I find the production number of my car?
It's 9000.

03-12-2010, 12:22 PM
It's 9000.


Its over 9000


03-12-2010, 12:24 PM

Its over9000

9001 then.

03-12-2010, 12:26 PM
9001 then.


03-12-2010, 12:29 PM
Is he sleeping on watch? That's unsat, write him up.


Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 12:29 PM
Is the FBI shaving rubber off my rear tires? Do they own the tire companies and are they shaving rubber off my tires so I keep buying more and more? I do a lot of what you people call burnouts, but from what I hear I am doing no damage to the tire when I do the burnout and that the tire is eating away at the asphalt and that is what burns.

03-12-2010, 12:30 PM
Is the FBI shaving rubber off my rear tires? Do they own the tire companies and are they shaving rubber off my tires so I keep buying more and more? I do a lot of what you people call burnouts, but from what I hear I am doing no damage to the tire when I do the burnout and that the tire is eating away at the asphalt and that is what burns.
What do you mean by "you people"?

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 12:33 PM
What do you mean by "you people"?

03-12-2010, 12:45 PM
Is he sleeping on watch? That's unsat, write him up.


03-12-2010, 02:27 PM
Will somebody please feed the aliens two posts above, they look a little hungry.

03-12-2010, 03:34 PM
Its Obama that is watching. And maybe the stain is a wet fart stain.

03-12-2010, 03:51 PM
What do you mean by "you people"?
Yeah, what do you mean "you people"? Racist...

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 03:57 PM
That why I date a girl that isn't white... You all are a bunch of white devils!

Yeah, what do you mean "you people"? Racist...

03-12-2010, 04:15 PM
Any signs of fairy dust? :dunno:


All over his nose!

Egon Spengler
03-12-2010, 05:19 PM
I paid good money for her and she was worth every penny!


All over his nose!

03-12-2010, 05:34 PM
That why I date a girl that isn't white... You all are a bunch of white devils!

Your just saying that because my wife is African-American.