View Full Version : Runaway Prius incident shines spotlight on driver, his finances

03-13-2010, 01:05 AM
I knew something was fishy :fishslap:

DETROIT — Jim Sikes is finding out the downside of instant celebrity in the Internet age after his highly publicized trip in a runaway Toyota Prius: You have no secrets.

As National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Toyota inspectors continue to take apart his vehicle — which he says took him on a 23-minute, out-of-control race down a freeway — Jalopnik, an auto blog, posted details of his financial situation and set off speculation about his tale.

Sikes filed for bankruptcy in 2008, and the Prius is his sole remaining car.
He tells USA TODAY that, while he hopes to get a replacement car out of this ordeal, he isn't planning to sue Toyota or otherwise profit. "You had to be there. People can second-guess all they want, but you can't live a life until you've lived it."

Bankruptcy court records show that in 2008, Toyota was listed as a $19,000 creditor, the value of the leased Prius, which has to be returned.

His total debt was $700,000, and he has had a Mercedes, a boat and a motor home repossessed. The bank also took back a 2007 Dodge Ram, leaving him and his wife with just the Prius.

While Sikes is current on his lease payments, he has to give the car back in a few months, which would leave him carless.

Toyota has questioned details of Sikes' story, noting the Prius hybrid has a brake override that is supposed to slow the engine when the brake is applied. The car's brake system also helps recharge the battery, and the override system prevents overloading the car's electronics.

As to why he didn't put the car in neutral and coast to a stop, Sikes says he panicked, and was afraid that would "flip the car."

"I've since found out that's not possible, but I had no idea," Sikes says. "Hopefully, I helped save five to 10 lives because people are now finding out" how to put a moving Prius into neutral.

Sikes' bankruptcy court filing showed he also owed $115,000 on 16 credit cards. He filed for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which meant all of his debt would be eliminated, but also resulted in liquidation of almost everything he owned.

Toyota and NHTSA dispatched engineers this week to examine the car. There is a chance, though, that they'll find nothing to confirm or refute details Sikes provided. The circumstances of many instances of sudden acceleration have been such that they do not register error codes in Toyota's computer systems.

"We are eagerly awaiting the results," says Mike Michels, Toyota's head of public relations.

RF Overlord
03-13-2010, 03:14 AM
I've always been amazed at stories of people who can sit frozen behind the wheel for long stretches of time DOING NOTHING while their car accelerates out of control. WTF are they thinking? Aside from stepping on the brake, um, how about putting the car in neutral? Oh wait...that might "flip the car". :shake: How about shutting off the ignition?

23 minutes. Seriously? Dude, do SOMEthing!

03-13-2010, 05:46 AM
I've always been amazed at stories of people who can sit frozen behind the wheel for long stretches of time DOING NOTHING while their car accelerates out of control. WTF are they thinking? Aside from stepping on the brake, um, how about putting the car in neutral? Oh wait...that might "flip the car". :shake: How about shutting off the ignition?

23 minutes. Seriously? Dude, do SOMEthing!

Exactly, but they all seem to be able to pick up their cell phone and dail 911..................

03-13-2010, 08:07 AM
I've always been amazed at stories of people who can sit frozen behind the wheel for long stretches of time DOING NOTHING while their car accelerates out of control. WTF are they thinking? Aside from stepping on the brake, um, how about putting the car in neutral? Oh wait...that might "flip the car". :shake: How about shutting off the ignition?

23 minutes. Seriously? Dude, do SOMEthing!

The Prius doesn't have an ignition, only a power button, you can't just shut it off.

03-13-2010, 08:17 AM
Some combination of vehicles, Prius, Mercedes, Motorhome, boat. He was real serious about gas mileage. He should have tried turning on the radio as that may have slowed it down.

03-13-2010, 08:44 AM
I sure hope this story was legit and they are not just trying to cast the spotlight onto him...

I'd imagine that they would do just about anything, even falsify evidence at this point to clear their name. It is true that he could have have done something, ANYTHING, but if there really was a problem, then lets not forget who is still at blame here. If it were me, and I had exhausted all efforts into stopping, I would have used the guard rail to slow me down, thats what insurance is for.

Either way, I hope they will not bury the facts, if they find that they are in the wrong. I have a lifelong friend who owns one of these because of his commute, he actually uses it like it was meant to be used, not like most I see running 80 down the freeway.

Funny thing is lately every time I see a Toyota behind me, I tend to switch lanes...

03-13-2010, 08:48 AM
The Prius doesn't have an ignition, only a power button, you can't just shut it off.

Uh, what do you do when you arrive at your destination .... just let it idle??

How the H3LL do you run up $700K in debt? :dunno:

03-13-2010, 09:00 AM
Uh, what do you do when you arrive at your destination .... just let it idle??

How the H3LL do you run up $700K in debt? :dunno:

I meant while you were driving. Common sense is authorized.

03-13-2010, 11:27 AM
you cannot put the Prius in nuetral at 90mph. It has an electronic joystick for a shifter so it decides what gear or function it goes in, regardless of your requests.

also the brakes dont work mechanically after 60mph, it uses the electric motor turning backwards, which recharges it, to slow the vehicle to 50mph and then the mechanical brakes come on.

This is what happens when you have no real control over your car.

03-13-2010, 01:37 PM
What an idiot :lol: applying the breaks would make a car flip I have officially heard it all. He was just trying to get out of a speeding ticket and used the runaway Toyota :bs:as an excuse so he did not incur a $100 ticket to add to his $700,000+ debt.

03-13-2010, 02:57 PM
This sounds like the "Balloon Boy Hoax."

03-13-2010, 07:36 PM
I just thought of something. Don't some of these push button starts not even require that you insert a key as long as it's within 10 feet of the car? So here's the solution: Throw the key out the window.

Won't it shut off then?

03-13-2010, 07:47 PM
I didn't know a prius was capable of doing 90mph! :lol:

03-13-2010, 08:13 PM
piece of **** car anyways

03-14-2010, 12:31 AM
you cannot put the Prius in nuetral at 90mph. It has an electronic joystick for a shifter so it decides what gear or function it goes in, regardless of your requests.

also the brakes dont work mechanically after 60mph, it uses the electric motor turning backwards, which recharges it, to slow the vehicle to 50mph and then the mechanical brakes come on.

This is what happens when you have no real control over your car.
Drive-by-wire will be the end of us all. My 08 Taurus has DBW, don't like it at all.