View Full Version : lasik eye surgery

03-16-2010, 05:16 PM
have any of you had it done? i think i asked about this in another thread but dont remember what the word was. im very interested in it but kinda scared they will make my eyes worse then they are lol. i REALLY hate glasses and im just about sick of them. if you could just give me your honest opinion on it if you've had it done that would be great, thanks.

03-16-2010, 05:29 PM
Link to your "I hate Glasses" thread from 10-2009.

I had Lasik 3 years back.
Besides my Vortec, the best 2k I ever spent.
I hated glasses.
I was near sighted.

First, you will go through extensive testing that will create a 3-dimensional rendering of your corneas that give exact instructions to the laser cutter and reshaper allowing for no mistakes. Both machines are able to track and slight movemants of the patient during procedure and no mishaps will happen regardless.
The procedure was in two stages during the same visit.
First the 3/4 cut of the outer lining covering the cornea.
You won't feel it at all. No nerve endings there.
The covering layer is then moved aside with a swab and it will appear as though you are looking into a glass of milk. This process will take about 30 seconds.
You are then moved into the laser chair and the the cornea will now be reshaped via laser. It will appear as though you are watching a really cool green and red laser light show. This process takes about 20 seconds.
The cover layer of skin is now swabbed back over the cornea and you are officially done.
The entire time I spent in the operating room was about 10 minutes.

You can see 20/20 imediately, however, everything is VERY bright, and will be for several hours. You will need dead black sunglasses for a bit.
You will also experience star bursts when looking at lights, This may last as long as two weeks. Those Bono looking yellow sunglasses help with this, particularly at night.

Again, never will you feel pain.
It's really quite strange that this procedure, as easy as it is, and as they pump nearly 30 people through the doors a day at the average cost of $1500 that more optomitrists aren't quiting their jobs and going straight into lasik.
Again, you feel nothing

03-16-2010, 05:32 PM
I know a couple ppl who have had it done and SWEAR by it. It is also so established now that the military will even let you be a pilot with those type of surgeries depending on what your vision was before the surgery.

03-16-2010, 05:41 PM
The only negative... eventually you're likely going to have to wear them again. I had mine fixed and it was great for a number of years. But now that I'm an old fart it's bifocals.

03-16-2010, 05:56 PM
Best thing I ever did :2thumbs:

03-16-2010, 05:57 PM
got it done 5 years ago abd am ready again. I suspect it is no different then needing to get a new perscription

Local Boy
03-16-2010, 06:33 PM
My wife had it done and it is Great...

Good luck Brutha!


03-16-2010, 07:37 PM
thanks Barry, i knew i posted it some where.

i really wana get this done some time soon, seems like the cost isnt going to be much more then i pay for glasses since i go through a pair or 2 a year. although every one says you cant feel anything id still be scared about the WHAT IF then im blind...lol

03-16-2010, 07:45 PM
I have read some cons about it. Possibility of permanetly having dry eyes, some have a problem with the sun being painful to their eyes, some have had to go back to wearing glasses as before or of lesser prescriptions and I am sure there is more. Personally I will never let someone mess with such a vital sense. I dont mind my glasses though. I like them. But I am a big believer that if its not life threatning then I dont need that kind of procedure. I just dont want anyone to mess with my eyes.................. And anyways you dont hear Stevie Wonder complaining:lol:

03-16-2010, 08:03 PM
I have read some cons about it. Possibility of permanetly having dry eyes, some have a problem with the sun being painful to their eyes, some have had to go back to wearing glasses as before or of lesser prescriptions and I am sure there is more. Personally I will never let someone mess with such a vital sense. I dont mind my glasses though. I like them. But I am a big believer that if its not life threatning then I dont need that kind of procedure. I just dont want anyone to mess with my eyes.................. And anyways you dont hear Stevie Wonder complaining:lol:

i hear ya man, im in the same damn boat. maybe i ought to try contacts again. its still relatively new, who knows what long term side effects will be.

03-16-2010, 08:35 PM
I did get tested for Lasik but my prescription was too strong (-9.5) and my corneas weren't thick enough to leave the required buffer. Love my contacts and have been wearing them since I was 14. I see SOOO much better with the contacts. Hard, gas permeable Boston lenses.

03-16-2010, 09:26 PM
I had Lasik surgery about six years ago and the results were fantastic. Now I can see my golf ball disappear into the woods. I will probably need an enhancement at some point in time though. You will need reading glasses unless you have one eye done differently from the other, assuming you need them now, of course.

03-17-2010, 04:19 AM
I had Lasik surgery about six years ago and the results were fantastic. Now I can see my golf ball disappear into the woods. I will probably need an enhancement at some point in time though. You will need reading glasses unless you have one eye done differently from the other, assuming you need them now, of course.

LMAO! :lol:

Egon Spengler
03-17-2010, 05:22 AM
Wow... your vision is worse than mine! Not by much though! I have had glasses since second grade and wanted to do the surgery, but I don't like people touching my eyes... How bad is the surgery?

I did get tested for Lasik but my prescription was too strong (-9.5) and my corneas weren't thick enough to leave the required buffer. Love my contacts and have been wearing them since I was 14. I see SOOO much better with the contacts. Hard, gas permeable Boston lenses.

03-17-2010, 06:08 AM
I'd rather get contacts then Lasik.

burt ragio
03-17-2010, 06:09 AM
I will have lasik surgery performed on my eyes some day. I will have one eye done for reading the other eye done for distance. I had a evaluation done found the cost high at $1300.00 per eye. This was at a well known large & local lasik facility. What a racket talk about thiervery. On the flip side eye glasses every few years are not cheap either. I do know my superchargher comes 1st. I find it amazing how we personaly prioritize things in life.

03-17-2010, 06:11 AM
Just get it done already Davey, ya big girl

03-17-2010, 06:30 AM
Lasik is allowable through Flexible Spending Account, so you can allot the funds through payroll deduction pre-tax.

03-17-2010, 06:32 AM
I had it done seven years ago and love it! I was a little worried right before having it done but it's really no big deal. I did it when they actually cut your lens, now I don't think they do that anymore so the recovery time will be much faster. I do have the small side affects of dry eyes which isn't that bad you get used to it, and my eyes being more sensitive to bright light but that's why they sell sunglasses. It's given me an excuse to build my collection of oakleys! All in all it was a very good investment and I would do it again. As to you going blind, the chances o that are very very slim. When was the last time you heard of someone going blind from it? I know a lot I people that have had it done with no problems. I'm not going to tell you to do it cause that is your decision. I'm just giving my 2cents!

03-17-2010, 06:41 AM
You run the risk of seeing halos around objects at night, dry eyes, etc.
All problems that cant be fixed....ever again.

Go to about 25 eye doctors offices and tell me how many of them are wearing glasses....I think that should be your warning right there.

03-17-2010, 06:52 AM
I had the halos for about six months and then they started to go away eventually to mostly non existent, in my situation no big deal. FYI if you were wondering ,halos are like what you would see if you've been swimming at night for awhile and look up at a light, its the halo of fuzzyness that you see.

03-17-2010, 06:53 AM
My wife had it done 12 years ago without any regrets. At 40 like the rest of us you will probable have to have reading glasses. My wife now needs reading glasses but, her eyes are still good from the Lasik.

03-17-2010, 07:36 AM
I wish I'd had it done when I was younger.

After thinking about it for years, and then finally researching it, reading a book that was published by TLC (the people that did Tiger Wood's eyes), interviewing the doctor, talking to patients with similar corrections as mine and even going and watching two operations, I did it when I was in my late 40s. I went from 20/200 in one eye and 20/400 in the other eye, both with astigamatism, to 20/15 in both eyes and no astigamatism. Total time under the knife? 10 seconds for one eye, 13 seconds for the other.

Now, about 6 years later, the astigamatism has returned in one eye, and I'm trying to schedule a correction (a timing issue). Both eyes are still 20/15, but one is astigmatic.

The downside? It helps to have reading glasses for the computer and for reading a book, but I can even get by without them. It just takes longer to recover from up-close work, since my eyes aren't as elastic as they once were.

They'll tell you if you are not a good candidate and, today, the techniques are much less invasive.

Ultimately, I waited too long to enjoy going without glasses, which I've had since 4th grade.

03-17-2010, 07:56 AM
In the end you will still need glasses the older you get. Why not put that money to good use like mods, or investments. Why piss it away for something so temporary and not to mention the risk involved. Take the money and invest it.

Egon Spengler
03-17-2010, 08:26 AM
If you had vision as bad as mine, the decision would be quite easy... I want to get it done, but it is pricey and I hate people messing with my eyes!

In the end you will still need glasses the older you get. Why not put that money to good use like mods, or investments. Why piss it away for something so temporary and not to mention the risk involved. Take the money and invest it.

03-17-2010, 08:54 AM
If you had vision as bad as mine, the decision would be quite easy... I want to get it done, but it is pricey and I hate people messing with my eyes!

a men brother, i duno they few bad things seem to out weigh the good. im blind as a bat, take my glasses off and i cant even read the computer screen

Egon Spengler
03-17-2010, 09:03 AM
I could quite possibly be legally blind without glasses haha... my own mother could walk by me and I wouldn't even notice

a men brother, i duno they few bad things seem to out weigh the good. im blind as a bat, take my glasses off and i cant even read the computer screen

03-17-2010, 09:07 AM
I will have lasik surgery performed on my eyes some day. I will have one eye done for reading the other eye done for distance. I had a evaluation done found the cost high at $1300.00 per eye. This was at a well known large & local lasik facility. What a racket talk about thiervery. On the flip side eye glasses every few years are not cheap either. I do know my superchargher comes 1st. I find it amazing how we personaly prioritize things in life.

I would think hard on that one. It means you would have to get prescription reading glasses to compensate for the eye that can't focus up close unless you just read with one eye. It's easier to just go to the drug store and pick up a cheap pair of granny glasses.

03-17-2010, 09:13 AM
You run the risk of seeing halos around objects at night, dry eyes, etc.
All problems that cant be fixed....ever again.

Go to about 25 eye doctors offices and tell me how many of them are wearing glasses....I think that should be your warning right there.

WOW zack that is strange but TRUE ......what about contac's dave than you can do diff. colors just a hummmmm thought

03-17-2010, 09:22 AM
I had it done 3 years ago ... BEST money EVER spent! I heard all the complaints and worries. Rings around lights at night, dry eyes, gonna wear glasses again ... and on and on and on.

But, to wake up at 2 am, look across the room and see the clock, and READ it ... priceless. I don't have any rings around lights at night. I do get dry eyes, but then again, not until I have been up for 24-30 hours. A couple of drops and I am good to go for another 12-18 hours.

You will not regret it. I did alot of research, interviewed 6-7 doctors before I chose the one who was going to cut my eye open ...

03-17-2010, 09:24 AM
Like letting a shop work on your car. Check the guy out good who is going to do it.You don't won't any mistakes. I will check into it some day but using reading glasses for now.

03-17-2010, 01:49 PM
I like my contacts.

I have them in different colors so I can have two different colored eyes. I'm still waiting for solid white ones to hit the market. Those or maybe some mirrored ones would also be cool.

03-17-2010, 06:59 PM
i highly ecomend the surgery with a good doctor.
my mother had it done and she is hapy with it

03-17-2010, 07:06 PM
Best thing I ever did for myself, had it done 6 years ago..

I will say this though, during the procedure, I smelled a burning smell, like when the dentist is drilling your tooth. I asked the doctor, what's that smell?

"Oh that's just the cells the laser is burning off your cornea" :eek:

03-17-2010, 07:12 PM
My wife's sister had it done.... BIG regrets... she developed scar tissue after 1 week. Needs Steroid drops for the rest of her life. She still needs glasses too. Glasses & or contacts are safe with no problems. Regrets ever having it done.

03-17-2010, 07:17 PM
As for anyone saying that it is expensive yes it is but ........ When I went to get my free conciliation they said that it would be about $1700 an eye:eek: and I told them I wasn't going to pay that and thought it was highway robbery.
My dad had it done a year earlier and got it done for $750 an eye and he had worse vision than me. So I told them to call me when they could get close to that number. Well after two weeks of negotiations they agreed to do it for $750 a piece. Yes I know, why would I wheel and deal with someone that is going to laser etch my eyes? They are one of the biggest names in Cincinnati and they wouldn't put there reputation on the line just to do a crappy job. So what I'm getting at is that remember the price is negotiable. :cool:

03-19-2010, 02:36 PM
A friend of mine had it done. He went blind from it bro....

03-19-2010, 08:53 PM
A friend of mine had it done. He went blind from it bro....

yeah........... this would be my luck..... looks like its contacts for me.

03-20-2010, 07:40 AM
yeah........... this would be my luck..... looks like its contacts for me.Good choice. Its safe and if something goes wrong with you putting them in one morning, at least you can be angry at yourself and not some doctor who made a profit from you.