View Full Version : The song Ford didn't want you to hear

03-17-2010, 04:21 AM
I didn't know it was by Chuck Berry. Ford really did their best to stop this song from reaching the charts. Maybe it's the lyrics... ;)


Dear Dad, don't get mad,
What I'm asking for
Is by the next semester
Can I get another car ?
This one here is sick'ning
On a wide dual road.
I might as well be walking
As to drive this old Ford.

Almost everytime I try
To go and pass a truck,
If I ain't goin' down hill,
Dad, I'm, out of luck.
And even if I get by,
It's still a rugged risk,
The way this old Ford
Keep a hitting and a miss.

Last week when I was driving
On my way to school,
I almost got a ticket
'Bout a freeway traffic rule.
It's now a violation
Driving under forty-five,
And if I push to fifty,
This here Ford will nosedive.

Dad, I'm in great danger
Out here trying to drive.
The way this Ford wiggles
When I'm approaching forty-five/
I have to nurse it along
Like a little stubborn pup,
And cars whizzing by me,
Dad, look like I'm backing up.

She just don't have the appetite
For gas somehow,
And Dad, I got four carburetors
Hooked up on it now.
I tried to hook another
To see if I'd do a little good,
But ain't no place to put it
'Less I perforate the hood.

Well Dad, send the money,
See what I can see,
Try to find a Cadillac,
A Sixty-two or three.
Just something that won't worry us
To keep it on the road.
Sincerely, your beloved son,
Henry Junior Ford

03-17-2010, 04:24 AM
I don't blame them. I don't think it should have been released either. Or posted here!:lol:

03-17-2010, 04:27 AM
Would you prefer the white peoples version? lol


03-17-2010, 04:27 AM
Would you prefer the white peoples version? lol


Have to check it out after work.....

03-17-2010, 04:33 AM
Would you prefer the white peoples version? lol

What's that suppose to mean?

03-17-2010, 04:35 AM
What's that suppose to mean?

What's THAT supposed to mean?

03-17-2010, 04:42 AM
What's that suppose to mean?

Sadly it means the version that made it on the radio as suppose to the original.

"We will get your song played." ......no one said the original version.

Very common back in the day.

03-17-2010, 04:46 AM
What's THAT supposed to mean?

OK, grammer police, what does it mean?

03-17-2010, 04:57 AM
OK, grammer police, what does it mean?
What DOES it mean?

03-17-2010, 04:59 AM
What DOES it mean?

Don't ask me ask Dom?

03-17-2010, 05:00 AM
Don't ask me ask Dom?
Don't ask ME ask Dom.

03-17-2010, 05:02 AM
Don't ask ME ask Dom.



03-17-2010, 05:02 AM
The answer is hijacking isn't nice.

Both of you go powder coat your lug nuts.


03-17-2010, 05:05 AM
I still want to know what you meant by 'white peoples' version'?

03-17-2010, 05:06 AM
I still want to know what you meant by 'white peoples' version'?
From who, me?

03-17-2010, 05:08 AM
Whom do you think?

03-17-2010, 05:08 AM
Whom do you think?
Whom do YOU think?

03-17-2010, 05:12 AM
Whom do YOU think?

Whom do YOU think I mean?

03-17-2010, 05:18 AM
Whom do YOU think I mean?

03-17-2010, 05:19 AM
I still want to know what you meant by 'white peoples' version'?

Sure. What I mean by this is the song was written by an African American, Chuck Berry who actually hated being black. Often telling people he was Indian. Almost everyone that owned a major record label and commercial radio station was white too. Lot's of racism back then, think mid 50s.

So when a Rock N' Roller was signed they were told that their song would get on the radio. Little did they know white artists re-recorded their songs and got the fame. Elvis, Gene Vincent, Jerry Lee Lewis... all great musicians, but lots of times they were playing songs written by black artists, NOT songs they wrote... often, but not all the time.

The original artists would get on the radio sometimes, but it was called R&B Rhythm and Blues or as Little Richard would say Real Black. It would be at odd times of the day, but it was just to meet the standard of the contract of being played on the radio, even if it was 2am. Pretty upsetting.

The reason for this wasn't just because of racist DJs or label owners, but parents. Who was the target audience for pop music? It was an still is teenager and preteens. So who has to buy the record? The parents. It must meet the parents approval to obtain a sale. Kids actually still wanted the original and would actually hide it somewhere in the house. Labels loved this. They sold two records. The white commercial version and the kid found a way to get the original version home. Originals often had more energy and were faster. If you ever compare Pat Boone to Little Richard you'll see exactly what I am talking about.

03-17-2010, 05:20 AM

That's not it, but I forgot what this is about.

03-17-2010, 05:20 AM
That's not it, but I forgot what this is about.
Post counts, wasn't it?

03-17-2010, 05:22 AM
Yeah, yeah that's the ticket.

03-17-2010, 08:15 AM
Yeah, yeah that's the ticket.


03-17-2010, 11:42 AM
wait wait wait wait

what do YOU mean "you people"