View Full Version : 18-Wheeler Dosen't See Car In Front Of It

03-18-2010, 02:13 PM
How scary do you think this has to be for the person in the car?


Egon Spengler
03-18-2010, 02:17 PM
I'm amazed the car didn't roll! If they came across a bridge abutment I would think the wheels would grab and roll it!

03-18-2010, 02:22 PM
They must have pissed him off big time that driver knows the car is there!

03-18-2010, 02:27 PM
They must have pissed him off big time that driver knows the car is there!

Maybe this is Maximum Overdrive 2?

03-18-2010, 02:35 PM
When your driving one of those for 8 to 10 hours dealing with the jerks n the road all it takes is getting cut off and forced to down shift on a hill sometimes and that cork just pop's and they want revenge.

Granted he took it too far but I am sure he knows what he did and just had to figure out how to stop without jackkniffing the trailer on that wet road and keep from rolling over the car at the same time.

I use to get infront of jerks and pully the trolly brake and lock up the trailer tires while keeping the truck floored to scare the **** out of the jerks once I got infront of them.

People seem to think because you have a class A you can avoid them easily with your driving skills and dispite what you do and think they stop on a dime safely.

You can only take so much of that sometimes before well you can see one of the results in that video.

Mr. Man
03-18-2010, 03:04 PM
They must have pissed him off big time that driver knows the car is there!

+1 on that. Especially since its a COE

03-18-2010, 03:58 PM
I use to get infront of jerks and pully the trolly brake and lock up the trailer tires while keeping the truck floored to scare the **** out of the jerks once I got infront of them.

People seem to think because you have a class A you can avoid them easily with your driving skills and dispite what you do and think they stop on a dime safely.

You can only take so much of that sometimes before well you can see one of the results in that video.

Jeeze you're worse then me! The best is the dump truck drivers that drive through a mudpit with the tag axle down, then pull it up when they get on the freeway. Once someone gives them a hard time, they pull in front and drop the tag axle. When it hits the ground it looks like a explosion of mud and debris all over the road.
I agree 100% ,sometimes you just wanna drag them along the freeway sideways for a few miles when some dumbass cuts in front or slows down for no reason.
I usually pull up next to them and gently ease my way into thier lane to put some fear into them. ;)

03-18-2010, 04:03 PM
Jeeze you're worse then me! The best is the dump truck drivers that drive through a mudpit with the tag axle down, then pull it up when they get on the freeway. Once someone gives them a hard time, they pull in front and drop the tag axle. When it hits the ground it looks like a explosion of mud and debris all over the road.
I agree 100% ,sometimes you just wanna drag them along the freeway sideways for a few miles when some dumbass cuts in front or slows down for no reason.
I usually pull up next to them and gently ease my way into thier lane to put some fear into them. ;)

Never drove a Dump truck so never had that ability. But locking up trailer wheels usualy does the trick and gets the point accross.

At least that was after the split rims were done away with. I never would have done it with them on an axle. I have seen them go through a car and kill everyone inside.

03-18-2010, 04:08 PM
Hey that was me..... he gave me the finger so I taught him a lesson......

03-18-2010, 04:50 PM
Thats so cool. I feel like doing that almost everyday when I drive my Drill Rig to job sites or when I drive the our semis with lowboy trailers with heavy ATV Drill Rigs on them. I always drive in the left lane most of the time because I can not take people cutting in front of me just to make a right turn. I wale on the air horns and most people respond to that just how I want them to. People think we can stop quickly for some reason. I have had people almost hit concrete dividers where lanes merge and end because they just have to get in front of the truck. I dont slow down for A-holes like that. They usually slam on the brakes because they know at the last second that they are going to destroy their car and just scratch my paint. I like when dildos speed past me just to get in front of me and then slow down. What the hell is that about. I feel no pitty when I see a car slamed by a truck because it seems 90% of the time the accident was due to the dildo driving the car. I say F-em.