View Full Version : Car sitting for ten years, what to replace?

03-29-2010, 03:01 PM
My dad has a 1971 Mercedes 260 or 280 SL and it's been sitting for ten years or so. The car is in mint condition since it was restored three years prior to it's storage. I think we are going to have to get it fired up and sell it this year. :( He told me it probably needs a head gasket because it's been sitting so long and oil was required to flow to keep the gasket strong. This I have never heard of and my dad doesn't know much about cars at all... or at least how they work and how to fix them.

Would the head gasket need to be changed just from sitting?

So far what I think all we need to do is.

1. Change all fluids
2. Change all rubbers. Belts, hoses, tires

Would it need anything else? Besides a battery?

03-29-2010, 03:27 PM
Start with a battery and fresh fuel. See if it runs. Take it from there.

Paul T. Casey
03-29-2010, 03:28 PM
The gaskets may fail. Make sure you oil up the cylinders before you crank it as their certianly dry after 10 years. Heater core may be rusted out, or weak enough to blow out. If you can, jack the car, remove the plugs, and hand crank it slowly. Then try to put it into gear and hand crank again to move some oil around in the tranny. Here's what I'd do:

empty all fluids
remove plugs
remove belts
fill plug holes with oil.
fill crankcase with oil
go away for the rest of the day
come back
remove distributor cap
hand crank engine till rotor moves 1/4 turn
re-fill plug holes with oil
leave for day
return repeat
hand crank engine a few times
re-install all the parts
discover God, and pray the rings got some new oil on them.
try to start.
Get ready for some smoke.

03-29-2010, 03:30 PM
Then a good thorough look at the wires, vacuum lines, fuel and brake lines, all fluids, brakes and tires. Like Brian said, first make sure it will turn over and run.

03-29-2010, 03:31 PM
The gaskets may fail. Make sure you oil up the cylinders before you crank it as their certianly dry after 10 years. Heater core may be rusted out, or weak enough to blow out. If you can, jack the car, remove the plugs, and hand crank it slowly. Then try to put it into gear and hand crank again to move some oil around in the tranny. Here's what I'd do:

empty all fluids
remove plugs
remove belts
fill plug holes with oil.
fill crankcase with oil
go away for the rest of the day
come back
remove distributor cap
hand crank engine till rotor moves 1/4 turn
re-fill plug holes with oil
leave for day
return repeat
hand crank engine a few times
re-install all the parts
discover God, and pray the rings got some new oil on them.
try to start.
Get ready for some smoke.

^^^ what he said. Pulling out the plugs is a must. Then spray in some penetrating oil. Let sit a while crank over by hand.

03-29-2010, 03:41 PM
You didn't say if it was parked indoors or outside. That will make a big difference in what needs to be done.

03-29-2010, 07:10 PM
It has been in storage indoors. It was fired up come to think about it, 3 years ago, but it was just to be moved. It wasn't driven on the street or taken above ten mph.

03-29-2010, 07:24 PM
I'd replace the owner...

Hi Dom!

03-29-2010, 07:29 PM
I like to think I would do all the right stuff like drain the fuel and put in fresh fuel, change the oil, pull the plugs and lube the cylinders with Marvel Mystery oil, etc, etc.

Honestly, if it was mine what I would probably do is top it off with fresh fuel and fire it up. Check the tires, air them up and drive it around until it gets warmed up. Then change the oil.

03-29-2010, 07:31 PM
I'd replace the owner...

Hi Dom!

I think that's the plan!

I think we are going to have to get it fired up and sell it this year.

03-29-2010, 07:45 PM
Drop the gas tank first. Replace every fluid. They had this on Two-Guys Garage with a Camaro. Might wanna do some searching online.

03-29-2010, 08:51 PM
I'd replace the owner...

Hi Dom!

Where have you been stranger?

Big Black Beast
03-29-2010, 08:51 PM
Also, crawl under it and inspect all the suspension bushings for signs of cracking.

03-30-2010, 06:34 AM
Where have you been stranger?

Taking a much needed vacation.

Did you get the car started yet?

03-30-2010, 07:31 AM
Taking a much needed vacation.

Did you get the car started yet?

Haven't touched it, probably won't be touched for a few months. Hopefully not at all, I don't want the car gone.

03-30-2010, 08:12 AM

If it has been stored indoors - put in a new battery, check the oil, crank it over a dozen times to get oil pressure up and FIRE that SOB UP! Then go from there.

Glenn :burnout:

Egon Spengler
03-30-2010, 08:57 AM
Zack should chime in on this... oh wait...

RF Overlord
03-30-2010, 10:18 AM
I have a friend who is very knowledgeable about older German cars and he's never heard of a head gasket needing to be replaced just from sitting.

You should definitely change all the fluids (including the gasoline) and filters, wiper blades, check the belts and hoses carefully. The tires may also need replacement from dry rot, even if the tread is good, but if stored indoors they may be OK. Look for tiny cracks (called "checking") in the sidewalls near the bead.