View Full Version : stupid job

11-14-2003, 10:41 PM
Well I started working in parts at a Ford dealer on Monday. Its okay, but I cant see myself sitting at a computer all day. The work is either non stop or nothing at all. Whatever it is, they dont make the part anymore, no one ever orders them so we dont carry them, etc., its the parts guy's fault :rolleyes: . Its just not my thing.
However, if I stay I can get a bigass discount on parts now, and after I take a few million tests I can get certified and get a bigass discount on cars (less than dealer cost, so I've been told). That almost makes it sound worth staying.
I'd rather get a job in landscaping or something, where I can actually work. Do vol. fire dept., emt training, etc. and possibly be a state cop someday.
Ahhhhh, what to do... :confused:

Dr Caleb
11-14-2003, 11:41 PM
Dude, all Jobs are stuipd. That's why they call it <ul>work</ul>. :)
All you can do is find one you like. Or win the lottery. In which case, I get half. :)

11-15-2003, 05:25 PM
Hang in there give it a chance. I take it you expected something different. Hey you may get to like it .:D

11-15-2003, 05:37 PM
I've been in the Ford Service dept. for over 8 years. Even with parts, you can take your experience with you to the next job, if needs be. Don't let it get to you. I always say that my parts dept "sells dust". I just wished that they laugh when I say it.

11-15-2003, 07:11 PM
I have run Parts and Service departments for many many years and I can tell you this, Who ever hired you for this job screwed up big time. It sounds like you were never explained what the job would entail nor what you wanted to do and to learn. The most important thing a first timer can bring to a new job is attitude and you will never have the right attitude if you don't know what to expect. If you really feel what you expressed in your post then the best thing you can do is on Monday quit and go find something more to your liking. Good luck and good hunting.

11-15-2003, 08:02 PM
Well, one of my friends recently got laid off, and he could probably stand sitting on his butt all day. We went to the same school (vo-tech, in auto) and he works at a body shop where I used to work. He's worked there longer than I've worked at all (when I was there, I was getting about 6 hours a week for $6 and hour, wasnt worth it). I've worked there, as a mechanic at a buick dealer, did a lot of random junk at a gm dealer, and delivered pizza. So maybe he can get the job.

Your right, I wasnt given a good job description. If they had shown me all the crap I'd have to do with the computer, I would've reconsidered taking the job. I was chosen from over 40 applicants, which was narrowed down to 7, and then to 4 who were actually interviewed. My uncle is a parts manager, but that dealer is a lot less busy.
I'm going to try finding another job. Something that pays half way decent with the normal 40 hour week, maybe a little more. I'll be looking into landscaping, masonry, that kind of thing. I dont know that it'll work, but I'll be checking into paramedic stuff, ambulance driver, whatever. The fire dept's (paid) want experience in med or vol. fire, the cops want the same thing. So if I end up with a new Crown Vic for a company car, it'll probably be a while. btw, if anybody has any tips on getting in to a P.D., they'd be appreciated.

11-15-2003, 08:09 PM
InSaiyan - I see your in Ct. The NYPD has a test coming up if you wouldn't mine relocating. You can file on line. Go to the NYPD Official Web Site. Good Luck.

11-15-2003, 08:51 PM

Remember...it has long been said that the mighty Oak tree had its start from a small acorn !
Give it a chance before rushing to judgment.
You, and everybody else for the next hundred years, are faced with daily computer interaction, no matter what the job description. It seems reasonable to assume that daily computer involvement in Police, Emergency, or Paramedic work would be of utmost importance.
My 2 cents worth...for what its worth !

11-15-2003, 09:16 PM
I'll check out the NYPD site, thanks :)

I can deal with computers, its just that this is essentially all you do at a parts counter. Every single thing that happens and theres a thousand ways to do it, requires use of a computer. We're probably supposed to bill out those Ford Quality Care bags to put parts in :rolleyes:
I cant sit still unless I'm doing something. If I stay on, I'll eventually be the only one there at certain times. So that rules out conversation. Cant smoke cuz I told my girlfriend I wouldnt, and they probably have some stupid rule about it, though any other place I worked it was never enforced. Cant even walk across the shop to stretch, someone might need parts and you cant see the front counter from the shop.

edit: The NYPD stuff is gone (for now).
However, the town I live in, and severel surrounding towns are looking for entry level. The test date is next month. Must have C.H.I.P card by January, so I'd just have to figure out what the hell that is before then :confused:

11-16-2003, 01:39 AM
These days for a lot of people having any job is a blessing.

In the Army a "parts guy" would be called a Bin Rat.