View Full Version : Feds: Homes with Chinese drywall must be gutted

04-02-2010, 04:34 PM
http://att.my.yahoo.com/_ylt=AuCvESgKqd.niwXLDotm0rKmN 3wV;_ylu=X3oDMTIxbjlpNWJxBGNwb 3MDMgRpbnRsA3VzBHBrZwNpZC0yNDA xMgRwa2d2AzkEcG9zAzIEc2VjA2F0d HRkLWZlYXQEc2xrA3RpdGxl/SIG=14269ahce/**http%3A//finance.yahoo.com/news/Feds-Homes-with-Chinese-apf-3307134453.html%3Fx=0%26sec=to pStories%26pos=main%26asset=%2 6ccode=

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Thousands of U.S. homes tainted by Chinese drywall should be gutted, according to new guidelines released Friday by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

About 3,000 homeowners, mostly in Florida, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, have reported problems with the Chinese-made drywall, which was imported in large quantities during the housing boom and after a string of Gulf Coast hurricanes.

04-02-2010, 06:58 PM
Oh yeah. I believe I heard that a year or two ago. Nasty bastards. But at least the manufactures saved money.

04-02-2010, 08:54 PM
If you think the drywall is bad, you better start reading the country of origin labels on all that packaged frozen food at WalMart comes from, esp stuff like seafood.

04-02-2010, 09:28 PM
If you think the drywall is bad, you better start reading the country of origin labels on all that packaged frozen food at WalMart comes from, esp stuff like seafood.
I eat mostly all natural foods. I stay away from packaged and processed foods.

Mr. Man
04-02-2010, 10:06 PM
What do people expect from contractors who low ball construction. Get what you pay for.

04-02-2010, 10:59 PM
What do people expect from contractors who low ball construction. Get what you pay for.

My hometown got wiped out in a flood two years ago. 300+ homes destroyed or heavily damaged in a town of 1,500 people. Menards doesn't carry that much stuff so that's probably why this crap got imported here in the first place.

As they say; Beggars can't be choosers. Walls are pretty nice to have.

04-03-2010, 07:37 AM
What do people expect from contractors who low ball construction. Get what you pay for.

To assume it was "low ball" is wrong. It was supply and demand which was in some cases exacerbated by Gov't imposed price fixing.

A hurricane causes major damage resulting in a large and sudden demand for building material. How will a Mfg meet this sudden and unanticipated demand?

By adding a shift or incurring over time. The costs of their product is increased.

Would you prefer to have the option of purchasing a needed good at a higher price or have no option at all? Or in this case end up with a defective and harmful product at a price the Gov't has determined is normal?

Example - I own a gas station along an evacuation route. All my perishables are sold out and knowing the power will go out I will not order more perishables. Concerned about looting so I will not order more of anything.

I do have gasoline however I sell it a break even at best. If I decide to stay and keep the store open risking my life and staying away from my family perhaps I should raise the price to compensate me for this increased risk. But if I raise the price I will suffer the wrath of Gov't.

Guess what I evacuate with my family and no one gets to buy my gas resultign in some running out of gas and perishing. Hey but nobody got "ripped off"!

PS Sean Peyton head coach of the Saints bought a house in the most expensive area and he has Chinese Drywall in his house.

04-03-2010, 10:22 AM
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! As a U. S. citizen we have all these grandiose Laws and protections our Federal government has put in place to protect us from such things. How could such a thing ever happen to us as Americans with our government up all night working to protect us? Now we are trusting them with our health. :shake: