View Full Version : Army to Court Martial Officer

04-15-2010, 10:43 AM
http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/04/14/army-to-court-martial-officer-who-doubts-obama-was-born-in-u-s/?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http %3A%2F%2Fwww.politicsdaily.com %2F2010%2F04%2F14%2Farmy-to-court-martial-officer-who-doubts-obama-was-born-in-u-s%2F

Egon Spengler
04-15-2010, 10:47 AM
I read that... interesting...

04-15-2010, 10:49 AM
Title was misleading there, lol gotta love journalists.

Either way, it was bound to happen at some point. Interesting to see how this turns out (although will probably be predictable.)

Black Dynamite
04-15-2010, 10:51 AM
Damn webfilter at work censored that site. grrrrrr :mad2:

04-15-2010, 10:56 AM
Throw the POS in military prison. It is not for him to decide the legitimacy of Obama's birth certificate. His first and only obligation is to report to his duty station wherever and whenever that may be. If he wants to raise a stink, then he should resign his commission, (he should probably read the words imprinted upon his letter of commission) and become a loud mouthed, ACLU protected civilian. Turds like this guy really make me nuts...:mad2: And another thing, an O-5 in the medical corps is like an O-1 in transportation. The last sentence is my personal opinion from having experience with both and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners, moderators or anyone else on this site.

04-15-2010, 11:31 AM
1234567890 ;)

04-15-2010, 11:37 AM
He had no business breaking his chain of command with his so called concerns about who issued his deployment and the validity of those orders.

The UCMJ is very specific on these matters.

04-15-2010, 11:37 AM
Oh yeah. This is gonna go over really well. ;) President Obama doesn't even know who he is. His orders came from within the US Army multiple echelons below the White House. Too bad that he has thrown away an 18 year career just shy of possible retirement. I suspect that he will not go to Leavenworth -- but will be allowed to resign for the good of the service, general discharge, and no benefits and retirement pay. Good riddance.

I really suspect (truth be told) is that this has LITTLE to do with the validity of the Commander-in-Chief's orders and EVERYTHING to do with his Intestinal Fortitude. The little creep is AFRAID to deploy pure and simple. JMHO.

04-15-2010, 12:47 PM
Here's some good reading on the case.

Last time I checked, the President is the very top of the chain of command. It was even while I was in the Army and I doubt things have changed much since then.

http://www.safeguardourconstitution.c om/who-is-ltc-terry-lakin.html

I certainly don't think Obama is the President. The only reason I don't make a fuss about it is because we'd end up with Biden.

04-15-2010, 01:54 PM
Here's some good reading on the case.

Last time I checked, the President is the very top of the chain of command. It was even while I was in the Army and I doubt things have changed much since then.

http://www.safeguardourconstitution.c om/who-is-ltc-terry-lakin.html

I certainly don't think Obama is the President. The only reason I don't make a fuss about it is because we'd end up with Biden.

And if Biden got locked up for running his mouth too much we would have Pelosi.

04-15-2010, 03:35 PM
That nutcase needs a "room with a view of the cornfields" at Leavenworth for about the next 30 years.

04-15-2010, 04:47 PM
He had no business breaking his chain of command with his so called concerns about who issued his deployment and the validity of those orders.

The UCMJ is very specific on these matters.
I second that. When I was in the Army, I followed my orders period. When the war first kick off in Iraq, our mission was to protect the oil fields:flamer:..

04-15-2010, 05:01 PM
Too bad that he has thrown away an 18 year career just shy of possible retirement. I suspect that he will not go to Leavenworth -- but will be allowed to resign for the good of the service, general discharge, and no benefits and retirement pay. Good riddance.

I really suspect (truth be told) is that this has LITTLE to do with the validity of the Commander-in-Chief's orders and EVERYTHING to do with his Intestinal Fortitude. The little creep is AFRAID to deploy pure and simple. JMHO.

From what I read, he has been to Afghanistan before, which makes him seem like that much bigger of a moron. So the Afghan war was just when Bush was in office but there's an election in our country and suddenly he chooses to refuse to deploy? I think he's coo coo for cocoa puffs.

I agree he's also a huge moron for not just finishing out his last couple years esp since he is allegedly selected for Colonel. I hope he loses his retirement and benefits. This is becoming the norm for the branch with the lowest standards.

Semper Fi

04-15-2010, 06:22 PM
From what I read, he has been to Afghanistan before, which makes him seem like that much bigger of a moron. So the Afghan war was just when Bush was in office but there's an election in our country and suddenly he chooses to refuse to deploy? I think he's coo coo for cocoa puffs. Sounds to me like he truely believes his chain of command is broken. I don't think he's shown any qualms about serving or had any sort of anti-war sentiment before Obama.

I agree he's also a huge moron for not just finishing out his last couple years esp since he is allegedly selected for Colonel. I hope he loses his retirement and benefits. This is becoming the norm for the branch with the lowest standards. I'm sure this whole mess is something he would have much rather not had to deal with. Chain of command is clearly important to him. Do you follow orders from Kenyans?

Semper Fi

BTW, my idiot career criminal half-brother just got his 32 conviction in 20 years. That includes 6 felonies. He's a Marine FWIW. They ain't all cut from the same cloth.

04-15-2010, 06:31 PM
BTW, my idiot career criminal half-brother just got his 32 conviction in 20 years. That includes 6 felonies. He's a Marine FWIW. They ain't all cut from the same cloth.

You must not have been in the military? They are not paid to question orders, they are paid to FOLLOW orders, you don't follow an order, you get a court martial, period.

Who is a Kenyan?

04-15-2010, 07:26 PM
You must not have been in the military? They are not paid to question orders, they are paid to FOLLOW orders, you don't follow an order, you get a court martial, period.

Who is a Kenyan?

I was in the Army. Signed up during Dessert Sheild despite having a very generous offer from my Dad of a new truck to just stay home and farm. I thought then (and still do) that the needs of my country is far more important than my own.

It's true that you follow orders in the military. It would fall apart otherwise. But what about the chain of command? Do they have different rules? I had to prove my citizenship just to be a Private in the Army (52D mos BTW). What if your "leaders" are not even allowed to be leaders? What if the chain of command itself is broken?

I suppose our CinC could provide these documents and stop all this nonsence right now, but he won't.

http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/ExecutiveOrderPresidentialReco rds/


Looks like our CinC wants the chain of command to fall apart.

04-15-2010, 07:58 PM
Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro.

04-16-2010, 04:41 AM
You must not have been in the military? They are not paid to question orders, they are paid to FOLLOW orders, you don't follow an order, you get a court martial, period.

Who is a Kenyan?

obama daddy

04-16-2010, 05:09 AM
You must not have been in the military? They are not paid to question orders, they are paid to FOLLOW orders, you don't follow an order, you get a court martial, period.

Who is a Kenyan?

All military personnel are paid to follow lawful orders. You are not being paid to be an unthinking robot, that is what makes the US military the best in the world.

04-16-2010, 06:26 AM
Seriously, there are still people out there talking about whether he is a citizen? You people need to get off the pipe and come back to reality. . .

PS that Snopes page that is "sited" on that retarded page you posted, is not even legit

here is the site in its real form, you can see the URL in the screen grab, so I went to see what it really says.


Take the tin foil hats off

04-16-2010, 06:36 AM
Oh well if it's in Snopes it has to be true. Thanks, I'll take my tin foil hat off now!:beer:

Seriously, there are still people out there talking about whether he is a citizen? You people need to get off the pipe and come back to reality. . .

PS that Snopes page that is "sited" on that retarded page you posted, is not even legit

here is the site in its real form, you can see the URL in the screen grab, so I went to see what it really says.


Take the tin foil hats off

04-16-2010, 06:41 AM
Gordon, your statement would be very dependent upon one's MOS... :D
You are not being paid to be an unthinking robot

04-16-2010, 06:50 AM
Oh well if it's in Snopes it has to be true. Thanks, I'll take my tin foil hat off now!:beer:

It's actually not about snopes being right, not by a long shot. It's about reading something on the internet, which is "citing" another site, and doing so with a doctored image. If you notice I never said anything about snopes being proof of anything, what I did do was post the actual link at snopes which does not say what the other website claims it says. . .

PS I'm disappointed you didn't see the site/cite pun

04-16-2010, 06:54 AM
Gordon, your statement would be very dependent upon one's MOS... :D

You know as well as I do that even an E-4 can take charge in the Army to complete the mission no matter what his/her MOS is. :D

04-16-2010, 07:11 AM
Ever witnessed the utter chaos in a mess hall if the lifer E-6 was too hung over to make it in? The E-4 is fully capable of running the show, but without the go ahead from the senior NCO, things grind to a halt. The US Army is extremely successful with the limited "free thinking" attitude in the field, but when it comes to the REMF duties, it is a carbon copy of our civilian CF government.
You know as well as I do that even an E-4 can take charge in the Army to complete the mission no matter what his/her MOS is. :D

04-16-2010, 07:16 AM
Ever witnessed the utter chaos in a mess hall if the lifer E-6 was too hung over to make it in? The E-4 is fully capable of running the show, but without the go ahead from the senior NCO, things grind to a halt. The US Army is extremely successful with the limited "free thinking" attitude in the field, but when it comes to the REMF duties, it is a carbon copy of our civilian CF government.

I guess my attitude and training comes from never being a REMF. I was paid to think and lead when necessary.

04-16-2010, 07:23 AM
It's actually not about snopes being right, not by a long shot. It's about reading something on the internet, which is "citing" another site, and doing so with a doctored image. If you notice I never said anything about snopes being proof of anything, what I did do was post the actual link at snopes which does not say what the other website claims it says. . .

PS I'm disappointed you didn't see the site/cite pun

It's okay, I'm upgrading my tinfoil to titanium while it's off :D

04-16-2010, 07:24 AM
I guess my attitude and training comes from never being a REMF. I was paid to think and lead when necessary.

REMF? Splain that to us non-Army types.

04-16-2010, 07:25 AM
There are just as many folks convinced Obama is a foreigner I guess as are convinced George Bush Jr was a chickenhawk AWOL dumbass. I prefer we just drop it til the next election season.

04-16-2010, 07:27 AM
There are just as many folks convinced Obama is a foreigner I guess as are convinced George Bush Jr was a chickenhawk AWOL dumbass. I prefer we just drop it til the next election season.

Yeah, save it till seven months from now.:beer:

04-16-2010, 07:29 AM
REMF? Splain that to us non-Army types.

Rear Echelon Motherf***ers

04-16-2010, 08:47 AM
Yeah, save it till seven months from now.:beer:

You Betcha. Hey my tin foil hat is getting a little ragged from constant use. Let me know if you find a good deal on the titanium models.:D

04-16-2010, 09:59 AM
“Any person subject to this chapter who—

(1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation;
(2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) is derelict in the performance of his duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

(1) Violation of or failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.

(a) That there was in effect a certain lawful general order or regulation;
(b) That the accused had a duty to obey it; and (c) That the accused violated or failed to obey the order or regulation.

(2) Failure to obey other lawful order.

(a) That a member of the armed forces issued a certain lawful order;
(b) That the accused had knowledge of the order;
(c) That the accused had a duty to obey the order; and (d) That the accused failed to obey the order.

(3) Dereliction in the performance of duties.

(a) That the accused had certain duties;
(b) That the accused knew or reasonably should have known of the duties; and (c) That the accused was (willfully) (through neglect or culpable inefficiency) derelict in the performance of those duties.

I could go on but I think you get the point!

04-16-2010, 10:13 AM
Some of the bravest most selfless people I have ever known were enlisted navy corpsmen serving with Maraine units saving lives and giving theirs all to often. The recent history of Army medical officers is not so sterling, entirely self serving and disgusting. This clown's medical education was no doubt paid for by our tax dollars in exchange for his service. This disgrace gives REMFs a bad name. Dennis

04-16-2010, 10:31 AM
Seriously, there are still people out there talking about whether he is a citizen? You people need to get off the pipe and come back to reality. . .

PS that Snopes page that is "sited" on that retarded page you posted, is not even legit

here is the site in its real form, you can see the URL in the screen grab, so I went to see what it really says.


Take the tin foil hats off

Actually, I'm surprised there are people that believe he is a citizen.


04-16-2010, 10:42 AM
Actually, I'm surprised there are people that believe he is a citizen.


lol, to be frank I'm not going to debate the law or how it works with someone who doesn't know anything about the law and gets his info from a site quoting a blog by an "attorney" who doesn't even properly cite quotations.

If that site is where you are really getting all your ideas, I honestly feel bad for you. It's been said often, "intelligence is a burden." At first I chuckled at the statement, but the truth of it becomes more and more apparent to me daily.

PS just for giggles, since I was in Lexis anyway, I looked up a couple of the cases in that "article." It's never a good thing when the cases you put in an article to prove a point come up with "Validity questioned by citing refs." LOFL

04-16-2010, 10:44 AM
I give him credit for standing his ground, but an order to deploy is a lawful order. My political preferences aside (for once, lol), he's going to lose.