View Full Version : My newest accessory...

04-16-2010, 07:35 AM
I have a paint issue from replacing my trunk lid logo last year. Here are my cheap solutions that also expresses my dislike of left lane slowpokes.

I currently have the "pass left" version on my car since yesterday. Within the hour of mounting them I'm on the PA turnpike. I spot a vehicle in the left lane holding back traffic. A gorgeous 30something blond woman driving a very capable car. So I very safely make a point to get in front of her. When I look into my rear view mirror she makes sure that I see her expressing herself with a waving middle finger salute. LOL! She continues to hang out in the left lane for another two miles! Some people are so clueless, even when given a hint.

After passing a few more slow pokes and do the same maneuver, these same folks moved over right away, Yippee, some got the message!

Later at a stop light, a taxi cab pulls up to my right very closely. I can tell he wants to say something, so I turned down the radio and window. He said that he loves the stickers and wanted to know where I got them.

At another stop I hear a horn tooting to get my attention. When I look back, the man driving a pick up is pointing and giving me a huge grin and a thumbs up!

So, I guess that some agree and some don't, regardless they seem to be visible enough to get attention. Hopefully some more will actually get the message.

The ones that I had made are magnetic. I can have them made and shipped for $20 a set if someone might be interested. Alternately, you can do as I did and visit a local graphics company. They can be made with just about any color. White is the magnetic stock surface color that can also be covered up.

I got the idea from these websites...


PassLeft (http://www.cafepress.com/+pass_on_the_left_travel_on_th e_right,158501896)

WrongLane (http://www.cafepress.com/+if_i_passed_you_on_the_right_ bumper_sticker,279198329)

04-16-2010, 07:39 AM
Pic 3 for the win :beer:

04-16-2010, 07:47 AM
I wish more people would dig back into their rules of the road booklet. Speaking of complaints, just what ever happened to the use of turn signals??? It's called common courtesy, try using some...

Egon Spengler
04-16-2010, 07:51 AM
I lay on the horn when people don't use turn signals... Especially on the bike with the air horns blasting!:D

I wish more people would dig back into their rules of the road booklet. Speaking of complaints, just what ever happened to the use of turn signals??? It's called common courtesy, try using some...

Joe Walsh
04-16-2010, 08:25 AM
I was thinking they were bumper stickers...but because they are magnetic, I'd be interested in a set!
I can move them from vehicle to vehicle when we take road trips.

04-16-2010, 08:28 AM
sign me up for a set.

04-16-2010, 09:01 AM
Ordering info....If you guys are serious about ordering a set as shown, include a shipping address, and paypal me $20 per set at trio @ muchomail dot com Indicate what set you want as "PassLeft" and/or "WrongLane" also your screen name to reduce possible confusion since I don't know everyone by there real name.

I can place an order in on Tuesday April 20th and have them shipped by Sat. April 24th.

BTW, there is virtually no profit on these at this price. So I'm not in it for the money, LOL!


I totally agree with the comments so far about people who seem to forget basic road rules and courtesy! I think that some just don't care about anyone but themselves!

Perhaps we can come up with more sticker ideas? Any suggestions?

04-16-2010, 09:11 AM
Great idea. I HATE the anti destination league and all left lane bandits. Paypal on the way for the wrong lane choice. I want to lecture everyone:D Dennis

04-16-2010, 09:32 AM
But wait, in Miami left is the texting lane. Where will we go?

I gotta get me a set of them

04-16-2010, 10:30 AM
Thanks Hotruader, got your email!

04-16-2010, 10:47 AM
Please keep in mind that I do NOT have a spoiler! If you have a spoiler, these will not fit as shown!

Joe Walsh
04-16-2010, 10:58 AM
Please keep in mind that I do NOT have a spoiler! If you have a spoiler, these will not fit as shown!

I hadn't thought of that...can you confirm the dimensions of them?
They still might work on the other cars.

04-16-2010, 03:15 PM
These are 3" high by 12" long.

If someone were willing to measure what would fit below the spoiler, I can have another version made. These might have to be shorter in height and longer in length to allow the text to fit better.

04-16-2010, 11:04 PM
I indeed pass often, unfortunately it is done in the right lane due to left lane hogs!

I95 in Philly seems to have an abundance of these idiots! It is faster to drive in the middle lanes or sometimes even the right lane!

The impetus for me putting on the large magnetic stickers came from an experience while on the PA Turnpike, NE ext. There was a lot of traffic, but not enough to justify the 5-10 under limit in both lanes basically going the same speed. So I started to pass on the right when possible. In each instance where I passed on the right, the left lane was clogged in clumps of about ten cars with a left lane hog in the lead. Once they moved over, the traffic density cleared up.

When I drive my wife's Jeep Cherokee, I'm aware that I'm driving a slow poke vehicle and considerate enough to keep it in the right lane.

04-16-2010, 11:58 PM
Got to get a set for the big motorcoach................:up:

Ms. Denmark
04-17-2010, 05:02 AM
Great idea Tom! BTW..... I never drive in the slow lane......and no one ever passes me on the right. ;):D

04-17-2010, 07:58 AM
Great idea Tom! BTW..... I never drive in the slow lane......and no one ever passes me on the right. ;):D

Now you're my kind of driver! :cool4::D Wish there were more like you on the roads.

I don't really care how slow a person may chose to drive, but they should stay in the right lane to do it!

How hard is this to understand? slower traffic keep right.

I try to be a good example too. Once I pass someone, I move to the right when possible.

04-17-2010, 08:03 AM
great idea tom AWSOME

04-18-2010, 09:03 PM
Thanks Brian for the compliment.

Just a reminder that is anyone wants to buy a set as shown, the order will be placed on Tues. at 2:00 P.M.

Joe Walsh
04-19-2010, 06:49 PM
PayPal sent for a set.
They will be great for long road trips!

BTW: Before you offered these bumper stickers, I would get in front of the left lane squatters and then slow down to @ 45 mph.
As soon as the dipwads would flash their lights or blow their horn I would give them a screaming downshift and flip them the bird as I pulled away.

04-19-2010, 07:14 PM
But wait, in Miami left is the texting lane. Where will we go?

I gotta get me a set of them
mke sure you get a set in spanish too.:lol:

04-19-2010, 07:52 PM
mke sure you get a set in spanish too.:lol:

I was LOL when I read this! Then I thought about it more and you might be on to something here.

Thanks for the orders fellas.

04-19-2010, 08:05 PM
im Cuban and i lived in Miami since i was 11 years old till i was 20.
i wouldn't be a bad idea, with the exception of to many words in spanish.

04-19-2010, 08:17 PM
How is this?


04-19-2010, 08:20 PM
transito lento en carril derecho.
si te paso en la derecha, estas en el carril equivocado.

04-19-2010, 08:33 PM
Hey, I don't speak Spanish. I lifted it off of a mexican road sign website, LOL!

So what does your additional text mean?

04-19-2010, 08:44 PM
from Google translate...

slow traffic in right lane.
if you step in the right, you're in the wrong lane

04-19-2010, 08:47 PM
also from Google translate...

Keep right, except to pass

Manténgase a la derecha, excepto para pasar

04-19-2010, 08:50 PM
Since my car is white, sometimes others have thought that I'm a LEO and move over for me. What is funny is once I pass, they immediately move back into the left going the same speed as the right lanes! Do'h! What dummies!

04-20-2010, 12:09 AM
^^^ So true!! And yes there are way too many dummies behind the wheel.

04-20-2010, 03:24 AM
I want a set in black only.
But first baby's gettin new shoes!

04-20-2010, 03:31 PM
^^^ So true!! And yes there are way too many dummies behind the wheel.

And........ they vote and procreate.

04-22-2010, 06:13 AM
Even though there are dummies a plenty on the roads, some are moving over after I get in front of them now. So there is hope for some drivers being aware that they are being left lane hogs.
What I don't get is commercial truck drivers. They are supposed to be professionals. They know they have some of the slowest vehicles on the road yet they are hanging out in the left lane for miles! Even after multiple drivers pass them on the right. I'm sure our Bigdogjim is not like that! ;)

04-24-2010, 06:04 AM
I got the stickers, going to mail them today. If you're unhappy with the items, let me know asap to get replacements made. I already spoke to the manager of the place explaining that these were for other customers.

04-24-2010, 06:41 AM
I stopped using my turn signal when I realized that it meant speed up and not let me in instead of give me a little buffer, I'm getting over.

That was the case in California anyway. Here in SC, there are plenty of idiot drivers, but I notice people are a lot more courteous when it comes to maneuvering in traffic. It's very rare that someone doesn't let me in, out, whatever. Also, I get a lot more thank you waves here than I did back home, which definitely makes me more inclined to go that extra step to let people in.

04-27-2010, 04:57 AM
Though most of the drivers are pretty accommodating, some can be a real pain!

04-28-2010, 12:00 PM
Sorry, delayed mailing until last Monday, they should be arriving UPS soon. Got distracted with family issues.

04-28-2010, 12:06 PM
I stopped using my turn signal when I realized that it meant speed up and not let me in instead of give me a little buffer, I'm getting over.

Unfortunately I have experienced this also. :mad2:

04-29-2010, 06:45 AM
Got my stickers on Monday! Thanks they look great:up:

04-29-2010, 11:39 PM
Got my stickers on Monday! Thanks they look great:up:

Wow, that was fast delivery! I'm glad you like them. So, post a pic on how you are going to use yours.

04-30-2010, 06:45 PM
Mine arrived yesterday. They are high quality, well done with firm magnetic grip and they do send the message. Thanks Tom for the quality product, great service and a reason to smile now everytime I pass a dummy on the right and pull back into the hammer lane.:D Dennis

04-30-2010, 10:37 PM
...they do send the message....and a reason to smile now everytime I pass a dummy on the right and pull back into the hammer lane.:D Dennis

Now that is what I'm talking about, LOL! Have fun showing the message to the dummies out there! Be safe, Tom

05-08-2010, 10:29 AM
I'm considering a second order on these in case someone is interested. Post here, PM me, or with my new email address for this purpose as mentioned below.

I will have to increase the price as shipping was 3x of what I thought it would be. This would bring the price to be $20 per set PLUS shipping cost of $10. Still just breaking even at that price. Taking paypal only unless if other arrangements are made with me ahead of time. Don't be offended, since I have been burned in the past, any M.O. option is at my discretion.

Got some more positive comments from my family while I was at my uncle's funeral. Also another stranger at a stop light honked for my attention, then commented that he loved the stickers. Too short of time to answer his question of where I got them.

So now I opened another email address that I'm going to place on my car so that others can contact me. Who knows, most likely I'll get emails that only say, "Hey expletive, You passed me on the right, slow down!" LOL! I'd LOVE to respond to them. Anyways, no surprise by the name, but here it is...keepright@fastmail.net

Should I add this email address in small text on the sticker itself on future ones made?

05-13-2010, 04:24 AM
Second order:

There has been others interested in these items, so I will place the order on the 18th, sending out on the 22nd.

01-12-2011, 05:50 AM
new email address:


Another version....Co-worker wanted a single larger sticker for his dully truck. About 5 X 36 with both halves being joined.

01-12-2011, 06:49 AM
Get 'em now people the really send the message:lol:

Thanks again Tom!! :up: