View Full Version : Atlanta and some good news

04-16-2010, 04:22 PM
Well I got some excellant news today my friends, I ahve been offered, and a promotion to Region Vice President of Operations in Atlanta. While I will certainly be sad to leaving family and friends, especially my hetero life-mate "Just Bob", I am thrilled at the opportunity. So if there are any Marauding friends in Atlanta, I look for to seeing you.

04-16-2010, 04:27 PM
I hope you enjoy the new life and move!

04-16-2010, 04:29 PM
Thanks Leo

04-16-2010, 04:50 PM
You suck....

04-16-2010, 04:52 PM
That's what she said :censor:

04-16-2010, 04:55 PM
That's what she said :censor:

I read what you posted in the other thread and good for you on that note as well!

04-16-2010, 05:03 PM
Thanks again Leo, aprreciate the great words

04-16-2010, 05:07 PM
Thanks again Leo, aprreciate the great words

Everyone like's a little recognition of their achievments in life from time to time or that pat on the back.

When someone manages to lose the weight you did and change his life around a bit for the better it is always a great thing to have acknowledged by others.

04-16-2010, 06:26 PM
Congrats, Ponyup!!! :up:

04-16-2010, 06:36 PM
:congrats: Sounds like life is really going your way.

04-16-2010, 06:43 PM
Thats Bullsh!!t...............Good to hear. Good luck in stupid Atlanta. Youll be very happy in Atlanta. I hear there is a very large and vocal gay and lesbian community so you wont feel lonely!! :congrats:

SC Cheesehead
04-16-2010, 07:17 PM
Hey, you're not gonna be that far from Greenville, we'll need to hook up some time.

Donny Carlson
04-16-2010, 08:33 PM
Especially the weather. Well, maybe not so much in summer, but the winters will be waaay better.

There is a strong Marauder community in the ATL, they get together once a month for breakfast, and of course, the mecca of all things Marauder is Team Ford and the guru is Scott Levine.

Also, first Sunday each month is Caffeine and Octaine in Marietta, a casual get together of some of the most amazing iron you can imagine. Some real high end and otherwise rare stuff. And the women who show up aint shabby, either.

I make an appearance on occasion, if you can stand being around a Mopar.

Hope to meet you!

04-16-2010, 09:50 PM
My shop is in the Atlanta Metro area. We are the home of the world's fastest Marauder as well as the world's bluest Marauder, not to mention some old school muscle.

And, not only do we turn wrenches on all things performance automotive related, we have an in-ground Dyno Jet dyno and tune all Ford and GM products and we will soon be the authorized area distributor for Kenne Bell.

04-16-2010, 10:31 PM
so will this new raise mean that you will finally go out and buy a real car? (Marauder)

04-17-2010, 06:19 AM
:congrats: on the promotion. Enjoy yourself down there. The roads are better but I believe the traffic is not.

04-17-2010, 09:40 AM
Yeah I hear the traffic in rush hour is the worst in the country, but a friend of mine that lives there says the rest of the time it's almost like the the autobahn and the cops don't really care how fast you go. We'll see because I plan on testing that theory to a certain extent

04-17-2010, 09:41 AM
Thats Bullsh!!t...............Good to hear. Good luck in stupid Atlanta. Youll be very happy in Atlanta. I hear there is a very large and vocal gay and lesbian community so you wont feel lonely!! :congrats:

Really Joe? Does that mean you're packing your bags?

04-17-2010, 09:54 AM
Yeah I hear the traffic in rush hour is the worst in the country, but a friend of mine that lives there says the rest of the time it's almost like the the autobahn and the cops don't really care how fast you go. We'll see because I plan on testing that theory to a certain extent

Be careful. I know someone who got a $374 speeding ticket going through GA and had no choice but to pay it.

04-17-2010, 10:20 AM
You still suck....

You will still have to pay for your apartment here for me to hang out at on Saturday nights anyways, so why move?

Congrats, you diserve it!

04-17-2010, 10:24 AM
WHAT!?! When are you leaving? Oh boy... Congrats I guess, LOL. Bob is right, YOU $uck! Seriously though, congrats just don't forget us CHICAGO guys. BTW with this new promotion you would look a lot better driving aMARAUDER! Now you can't use $$$ as an excuse!

04-17-2010, 10:32 AM
WHAT!?! When are you leaving? Oh boy... Congrats I guess, LOL. Bob is right, YOU $uck! Seriously though, congrats just don't forget us CHICAGO guys. BTW with this new promotion you would look a lot better driving aMARAUDER! Now you can't use $$$ as an excuse!

Oh man it is so funny you mention that. I was just telling Bob last night that with the low volume winter down there, and 2 car garages, might have to dump the Vic and get a Marauder to park next to the Mustang. Of course the blower will be the first to go on

04-17-2010, 10:33 AM
Oh man it is so funny you mention that. I was just telling Bob last night that with the low volume winter down there, and 2 car garages, might have to dump the Vic and get a Marauder to park next to the Mustang. Of course the blower will be the first to go on

You don't have to dump the VIC, just get a MARAUDER too! :beer:

04-17-2010, 10:44 AM
Don't get caught drinking and driving I hear their handling of that has the most serious consequences in the country.

But it might be tuff dealing with the summer heat and humidity not my cup of tea.

04-17-2010, 11:11 AM
We gotta do a cruise to Cascade Drive In before you go!

04-17-2010, 01:30 PM
Welcome to Atlanta and congrats on the promotion.

We meet every third Saturday of the Month in Marietta, Ga for Breakfast. Watch the board for the posting.

Marietta is is a stones throw north of Atlanta. Today we had 10 new Marauders and George brought out his 1964 Marauder, so 11 in total.

Let us know when you get into town.


04-17-2010, 02:51 PM
Welcome to Atlanta and congrats on the promotion.

We meet every third Saturday of the Month in Marietta, Ga for Breakfast. Watch the board for the posting.

Marietta is is a stones throw north of Atlanta. Today we had 10 new Marauders and George brought out his 1964 Marauder, so 11 in total.

Let us know when you get into town.


Very Cool David, that sounds great. It will probably be a little while before I get a Rauder in the stable (though it is planned once I get settled) If your alright with a Mustang showing up, I'd love to be there. Thanks dave


04-17-2010, 02:52 PM
We gotta do a cruise to Cascade Drive In before you go!

Oh Hell Yeah, especially since it is that time of year

04-17-2010, 05:24 PM
Very Cool David, that sounds great. It will probably be a little while before I get a Rauder in the stable (though it is planned once I get settled) If your alright with a Mustang showing up, I'd love to be there. Thanks dave


Sure. Looking forward to meeting you soon.

04-18-2010, 09:32 AM
Welcome to Atlanta and congrats on the promotion.

We meet every third Saturday of the Month in Marietta, Ga for Breakfast. Watch the board for the posting.

Marietta is is a stones throw north of Atlanta. Today we had 10 new Marauders and George brought out his 1964 Marauder, so 11 in total.

Let us know when you get into town.


+2 Brad....... Bring the Mustang or the Vic, and come ready to play:lol:Yesterday we started at 8am and I did not get home till 11pm...... Next meeting will revolve around Marty O's Mo's Garage Open House, and the Metco Motorsports Open House on May 22nd. If you are in town by then, you won't want to miss this.:burnout::burnout:Welcome :beer:

04-18-2010, 10:11 AM
Awesome, I'm really looking forward to getting down their. I'll update once I know the move date. This is exactly why I love this site, we can be connected all over the place

04-18-2010, 05:29 PM
Really Joe? Does that mean you're packing your bags?
I am leading the parade for the gay and lesbian coalition:lol:you and me buddy. Lets do it.:lol:

04-18-2010, 05:30 PM
This is exactly why I love this site, we can be connected all over the place
Welcome to the internet!!:D

04-18-2010, 05:31 PM
Well I saw that you had your bus down in Kentucky, so we can just take that show on the Road. :lol:

04-18-2010, 05:32 PM
Thats a good one!!:lol:

04-18-2010, 05:35 PM
Welcome to the big ATL! You'll like it down here. Summers suck with heat but other than that it's great. We are about an hour north of the big city. Look us up when you get here. Southern Marauders are a great group to hang around. Good luck on the move. :beer:

04-18-2010, 05:36 PM
Welcome to the big ATL! You'll like it down here. Summers suck with heat but other than that it's great. We are about an hour north of the big city. Look us up when you get here. Southern Marauders are a great group to hang around. Good luck on the move. :beer:
Thanks, I have already been floored by the number of reach outs, I think thats why I find this site so addicting. Can't wait to get down there

04-18-2010, 05:41 PM
Thanks, I have already been floored by the number of reach arounds, I think thats why I find men on this site so addicting. Can't wait to get down there
Wait you misspelled a word or two. I fixed it for you.:D:D:lol:

04-18-2010, 05:55 PM
Wait you misspelled a word or two. I fixed it for you.:D:D:lol:

:rofl: Thanks Joe I really appreciate it. Not sure what happened. Oh wait I know, I didn't buy that new keyboard with the "gay" hotbuttons for quick typing. :stupid:

04-18-2010, 06:02 PM
Brad, good for you, hope it all works out for ya. I don't have the male bonding ties that you have with j-bob or the tied up male bond you have with joe, but I will miss you just the same if you do not show up to Kentucky due to the new job.

04-18-2010, 06:09 PM
Brad, good for you, hope it all works out for ya. I don't have the male bonding ties that you have with j-bob or the tied up male bond you have with joe, but I will miss you just the same if you do not show up to Kentucky due to the new job.

No way I miss Kentucky, I'll be there next year. It's about the same drive, so I am definitely planning on it. And you know you ahve the exact same bond with bob that I have with Joe. That's what makes us special.

Aww God!!!! this is going to far now. i have to put something straight in this thread


04-18-2010, 06:15 PM
No way I miss Kentucky, I'll be there next year. It's about the same drive, so I am definitely planning on it. And you know you ahve the exact same bond with bob that I have with Joe. That's what makes us special.

Aww God!!!! this is going to far now. i have to put something straight in this thread


Nice! Hair bands, God I love that era.:beer:

04-18-2010, 06:19 PM
I love that era, long hair, wild parties, loud concerts, groupies, that is how you rock

04-18-2010, 06:25 PM
And here is the ultimate 80' hair band video


Paul T. Casey
04-19-2010, 06:22 AM
Nothing ever happens in the ATL. There's no fast cars, no comaradarie, no food. Hell, I went to only 3 official events and 2 un-official in one day. Talk about a lack of fun things to do. :rolleyes: Looking forward to meeting you when you get down. Hopefully prior to the May stuff, or you'll have to wait until the fall to meet me.

04-19-2010, 06:30 AM
Welcome to Atlanta
Contact me if you need help finding stuff, things to do, etc.
Later Dennis

05-12-2010, 11:10 AM
Have you moved to Atlanta yet? Breakfast meeing this Saturday 8am in Marietta.

05-12-2010, 11:21 AM
Have you moved to Atlanta yet? Breakfast meeing this Saturday 8am in Marietta.
Yeah, I just saw that post, I haven't moved yet, that will be over Memorial day weekend, so I'll definitely get involved in the next one. Found a place in Duluth/Sugarloaf area by the lifetime fitness. I really like it, I think I'll like Atlanta quite a bit. I'll look you up once I get settled, look forward to meeting you.

05-12-2010, 11:26 AM
See ya next month.

Egon Spengler
05-12-2010, 11:37 AM
Congrats Pony Boy! I am sure you and Bob will miss each others gentle hugs around the marauder... Try not to get the tears on the paint!

05-12-2010, 07:52 PM
Yeah, I just saw that post, I haven't moved yet, that will be over Memorial day weekend, so I'll definitely get involved in the next one. Found a place in Duluth/Sugarloaf area by the lifetime fitness. I really like it, I think I'll like Atlanta quite a bit. I'll look you up once I get settled, look forward to meeting you.

Well hurry and get the hell out so I can move in on JustBob already, LOL! Are ya going to DUKES? Hopefully the move will be a smooth one for you. The Chicago Gang is gonna miss ya, but I'm sure you'll meet the Atlanta Crew soon. BTW you'll need a MARAUDER:burnout: to go with that successful look.

SC Cheesehead
05-12-2010, 07:56 PM
Don't forget about me, we'll need to hook up some time, too; I'm only a couple hours to the northeast.

05-12-2010, 11:26 PM
Congrats bro...

05-13-2010, 02:57 AM
Nooooooooo!!http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-sad026.gif You cant leave:bigcry:We are going to miss yahttp://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-sad011.gif

05-13-2010, 07:27 AM
Congrats Pony Boy! I am sure you and Bob will miss each others gentle hugs around the marauder... Try not to get the tears on the paint!
I sure fire way to Bob's heart is Italian Beef Combos with Giardinara on the side.

Every Pun in the above sentence is absolutely intended

05-13-2010, 07:28 AM
Well hurry and get the hell out so I can move in on JustBob already, LOL! Are ya going to DUKES? Hopefully the move will be a smooth one for you. The Chicago Gang is gonna miss ya, but I'm sure you'll meet the Atlanta Crew soon. BTW you'll need a MARAUDER:burnout: to go with that successful look.

I can't make the Saturday get together, but plan to make Dukes on Sunday

05-13-2010, 08:02 AM
They moved Dukes to Saturday now.

05-13-2010, 07:45 PM
They moved Dukes to Saturday now.

Damn, you going Saturday? I got Cubs Tickets, but should be back by 6pm, if we want to do a fashionably late kind of thing

05-13-2010, 08:13 PM
Pony- Congrats on the move. I live on the same side of town. Be warned tho if you are working in Buckhead, the perimeter or downtown ATL, your commute is gonna be hell.

85 is a gridlock hell hole when it rains and on Friday evenings. Would hate for you to move here and spend all your time commuting:o Ya have a chance to learn from some of our mistakes hehehe. Good luck with everything, and like Dave said...... Let us know when you land.:burnout:

Yeah, I just saw that post, I haven't moved yet, that will be over Memorial day weekend, so I'll definitely get involved in the next one. Found a place in Duluth/Sugarloaf area by the lifetime fitness. I really like it, I think I'll like Atlanta quite a bit. I'll look you up once I get settled, look forward to meeting you.

05-13-2010, 08:38 PM
Thanks Mike, I've heard rush hour is hell. I'm gonna kind of be moving all over Atlanta as I will have offices in different places and the all important home office. I'll just have to set my schedule outside of rush. Thankfully my daily beast is quite comfortable for commutes (03 CVN Sport) and the roads are nice and smooth for me to get the Mustang out on a good cruise on the weekends. See you guys once I get down there

05-15-2010, 06:06 AM
Don't forget about me, we'll need to hook up some time, too; I'm only a couple hours to the northeast.

Noooooo!:shake: You don't want to meet up with Cheesy!!!! :P He will make you drink beer:beer: and eat good food:drumstck: :drool: ...it's just too horrible to describe!:eek: Shudder!

05-15-2010, 07:17 AM
HHHmmmmm? Food, Beer, I shudder at the thought :eek: but I may just have to put myself through that horrific experience :banana2:

05-15-2010, 07:17 AM
HHHmmmmm? Food, Beer, I shudder at the thought :eek: but I may just have to put myself through that horrific experience :banana2:

Don't say I didn't warn you!;)

05-15-2010, 10:53 AM
Welcome to Atlanta - good luck on your move. Are you a LTer or a Shorty guy. See you at a MM Breakfast soon.

Like Mike said traffic is very bad on 285, 75, 85, 675, 404, 20 and only 100 other roads. Watch the Atlanta cops on speeding - you MUST at least have a radar detector and I would strongly advise you get a Laser Jammer. Atlanta is now mainly laser. Example the main city loop #285 is 55 MPH - NO one goes 55 everyone goes 70-80. Everyone speeds in Atlanta so it is easy for the LEO to pull anyone over.

Look forward to meeting you.

Glenn :burnout:

05-15-2010, 02:11 PM
Noooooo!:shake: You don't want to meet up with Cheesy!!!! :P He will make you drink beer:beer: and eat good food:drumstck: :drool: ...it's just too horrible to describe!:eek: Shudder!

You gotta get him to tell you about the BIG ONE (:beer:) we shared............

05-15-2010, 07:36 PM
You gotta get him to tell you about the BIG ONE (:beer:) we shared............

Um, big one? Don't know if I want to know.:P

05-16-2010, 05:43 AM
... as well as the world's bluest Marauder

I challenge you to a "Blue Off"!