View Full Version : Marauder at Carmax...

04-19-2010, 11:16 AM
I see they still haven't lowered their prices much and still continue to sell. I bought mine from them in Oct 04 with 14,340 miles for $22,500. Thats all, good news atleast.

http://www.carmax.com/enUS/view-car/default.html?AVi=0&id=6436440&D=90&ASTc=marauder&zip=60190&pD=0&pI=0&pT=400&pC=200&pB=0&No=0&Ep=search:results:results page&Rp=R&PP=20&sV=List&Q=3732461d-fbb1-4aa0-b5ad-92269f470173

Egon Spengler
04-19-2010, 11:17 AM
I know those bulbs are terrible on black paint, but it still looks awfully dull to me... Maybe a good buffing is in order???