View Full Version : 2000 CVPI question

04-21-2010, 07:40 AM
hey fellas. friend of mine had a question, and ive noticed the response over here to be worlds quicker and nicer than the response from CVN, lol.

Alright so for about a week now Every time i start my car up it sounds like its going to stall out, so i kill the motor, and try again....starts right up. This only happens for the first start of the day first thing in the morning....its perfectly fine all day after that.

I changed the oil about a week ago and used a different oil, still 5w30. This morning i finally decided to let it stall and see what happens. Then i turned the key off and started it right up... It sounded like liquid flowing in the engine..... and not a normal sound. Possibly have a bad motor craft filter and its not holding oil????
Would that cause the problem? It also knocks a little first start of the morning. Yesterday i changed the spark plugs, flushed the coolant, and put in a new thermostat.

Another question is that today on my way to work the car got to its normal temp spot about midway, then went down to about 1/4 way. Then up when i floor it. then back down.....its never done this before i assume its something to do with the new 180 degree thermostat???

And after the spark plug changed it does still knock a little on the first start of the day.

Basically the car has a little knock at idle. not all the time, just after it's warmed up usually. So yesterday we seafoamed both the vics (which is pretty entertaining btw) and did plugs on his and a new thermostat. The thing that makes his car different is that it has a PI Manifold on NPI heads, so the compression is higher than a stock CVPI. the plugs we put in are NGK SP103, iridium plugs in one degree colder than stock and replaced the thermostat with a 180*. i also think a tune would help fix the knock at idle since its still running the stock computer. So what do you guys have as far as thoughts, opinions? they're greatly appreciated

04-21-2010, 09:31 AM
hey fellas. friend of mine had a question, and ive noticed the response over here to be worlds quicker and nicer than the response from CVN, lol.

Basically the car has a little knock at idle. not all the time, just after it's warmed up usually. So yesterday we seafoamed both the vics (which is pretty entertaining btw) and did plugs on his and a new thermostat. The thing that makes his car different is that it has a PI Manifold on NPI heads, so the compression is higher than a stock CVPI. the plugs we put in are NGK SP103, iridium plugs in one degree colder than stock and replaced the thermostat with a 180*. i also think a tune would help fix the knock at idle since its still running the stock computer. So what do you guys have as far as thoughts, opinions? they're greatly appreciated
The temp fluctuation is low coolant/air in the system. The running fluid sound on shutdown could also be coolant low/air pocket. I didn't think the 2V motors were hard to refill with coolant but that would be the first thing to check.
Start up knock could be related to the oil weight - 5/30 is not the recomended wt. It should be 5/20 no? Thicker oil will knock more on start-up because it takes longer for it to circulate through the motor. A motor speced for a light wt oil has tight bearing clearance to build enough pressure in the journals for the crank to ride on the propper film of oil. Too thick oil will not get through/into the bearings as fast as the thin oil on start-up hence the initial "knock". Go back to the correct wt. oil and see what happens.

04-21-2010, 09:54 AM
Everything Krytin said. :agree:

Go to stock oil specs and burp the cooling system too many bubles.

04-21-2010, 10:00 AM
I agree with Krytin and on the stall, check the IAC.

04-21-2010, 10:13 AM
I wouldnt go telling your buddy to drain the 5w30 in favor of 5w20. Ever drained 5w20 when hot? It comes out like you turned on a garden hose....thin as water.

Ill stick with 5w30 like ive been using since late 2002, thanks.

04-21-2010, 10:20 AM
hey fellas. friend of mine had a question, and ive noticed the response over here to be worlds quicker and nicer than the response from CVN, lol.

Another reason I left CVN and will never go back. A*%$oles :censor: from the top down! Do yourself a favor and leave CVN, you are right, this group is much nicer!

04-21-2010, 10:24 AM
Another reason I left CVN and will never go back. A*%$oles :censor: from the top down! Do yourself a favor and leave CVN, you are right, this group is much nicer!

We are nicer which means we do not put down others right?

Just say welcome aboard and hope we can help you out!

04-21-2010, 10:39 AM
i'll pass all the advice on fellas. Thanks for the quick response, as usual, lol. and i run 5w-30 with no problems too, so i'll just stick with the Zman on that one :D

04-21-2010, 10:43 AM
i'll pass all the advice on fellas. Thanks for the quick response, as usual, lol. and i run 5w-30 with no problems too, so i'll just stick with the Zman on that one :D

Maybe you should do more reasearch first -"dry knock" on startup has been caused by too thick oil more times than you or Zack might think!

04-21-2010, 11:08 AM
Maybe you should do more reasearch first -"dry knock" on startup has been caused by too thick oil more times than you or Zack might think!

My cars dont knock at startup :confused:

04-21-2010, 11:14 AM
My cars dont knock at startup :confused:

More wear and tear play in all of the parts so the thicker oil can get in there better? :laugh:

04-21-2010, 11:17 AM
More wear and tear play in all of the parts so the thicker oil can get in there better? :laugh:

I tune out the 2000rpm start-ups. No knock at 1500

04-21-2010, 11:23 AM
I tune out the 2000rpm start-ups. No knock at 1500

I was just playing around with you Zack never hurts to do a laugh a day.

04-21-2010, 11:29 AM
I was just playing around with you Zack never hurts to do a laugh a day.

I was just relaying info, its all good. :flamer:

04-21-2010, 11:39 AM
I tune out the 2000rpm start-ups. No knock at 1500

Do all of your tunes tune out the 2k start up too? I'm still running your tune and i've not had problems with knocking either. lol

04-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Do all of your tunes tune out the 2k start up too? I'm still running your tune and i've not had problems with knocking either. lol

I believe they do. ;)

04-21-2010, 12:46 PM
My cars dont knock at startup :confused:
Nobody said they did or would.

Some do and some don't - it depends on the condition of the motor/oil pump and what filter is being used.

04-21-2010, 02:36 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. The sticker under the hood says use 5w30 so thats what I've been using. The knock really isn't the issue i'm worried about, its the horrible startups. Every morning since around the time of the oil change the car wont start first crank, it goes to start then starts to stall so i kill the engine. Second crank it starts right up without a problem. And starts up without issue the rest of the day. Its just first start of the day that has a problem. Just a thought but could this be battery related??? Because after first start the battery would be fine since the alternator turned a few times, it would almost make sense....sorta?

04-21-2010, 02:47 PM
Ever clean out your IAC motor? My crown vic had all kinds of carbon build up in it and it would cause weird start-ups sometimes.

RF Overlord
04-21-2010, 03:44 PM
Basically the car has a little knock at idle. not all the time, just after it's warmed up usually.So this isn't start-up knock, like before oil presssure builds? The knock happens while the car is just sitting there idling? Phoebe does this once in a while, too, and has ever since we bought her (almost 50,000 miles ago), but with 132,xxx on the clock I'm not too worried.
The thing that makes his car different is that it has a PI Manifold on NPI heads, so the compression is higher than a stock CVPI. Changing the intake manifold does not affect the compression ratio.
i also think a tune would help fix the knock at idle since its still running the stock computer.No. If the car is knocking at idle due to over-advanced timing, you have many more massive problems to worry about.

RF Overlord
04-21-2010, 03:51 PM
Norman, I need a little clarification: when you say "horrible startups" are you referring to start-up noises, or the fact that it starts, quits, then starts again?

If it's the former, then change the oil filter. You prolly got one with a bad ADBV that's allowing oil to drain out when it sits overnight. Motorcraft is a good choice, but so is WIX or NAPA Gold.

If your issue is the latter, then I agree with Blackened300a...your IAC is getting flaky...you can try cleaning it but they aren't expensive and sometimes just need replacement.

04-21-2010, 04:07 PM
Norman, I need a little clarification: when you say "horrible startups" are you referring to start-up noises, or the fact that it starts, quits, then starts again?

If it's the former, then change the oil filter. You prolly got one with a bad ADBV that's allowing oil to drain out when it sits overnight. Motorcraft is a good choice, but so is WIX or NAPA Gold.

If your issue is the latter, then I agree with Blackened300a...your IAC is getting flaky...you can try cleaning it but they aren't expensive and sometimes just need replacement.

Its not really noises, it just tries to stall on initial startup. Its only the first start of the day, the second time i turn the key it starts right up like nothing is wrong. I was curious about the oil filter not holding oil overnight, but yet the car sits at work for 7-8 hrs and still starts right up when i leave. Its only first thing in the morning that it has the issue. Ill change the filter this weekend thats the next time ill get a chance i don't have ramps or a oil pan or anything where i'm at now, and i'm busy all day tomorrow and Friday.

I've never removed my IAC before so that could be the issue, Ill remove that tomorrow after i go see if i can buy a new socket adapter....I broke the one i have.

RF Overlord
04-21-2010, 05:50 PM
I've never removed my IAC before so that could be the issue, Ill remove that tomorrow after i go see if i can buy a new socket adapter....I broke the one i have.I *think* you need a security Torx bit...one with a hole in the middle for the little nubbin in the fastener. I *think* it's a T-25. I know the guys on CVN play with their IACs all the time, one of them should know... :D

04-21-2010, 06:12 PM
I just replaced the IAC and went and drove around for about 30 min, I believe that problem is now solved. Thanks guys. All i need to worry about now is the startup issue, which if it is still going on tomorrow i'm just going to replace the filter, anything better than Motorcraft you would recommend......CVN will just say motor craft.

04-21-2010, 07:25 PM
Alright so i emailed the guy that works on my car about the stall on initial startup....He says i should consider changing my fuel filter/pump. I really hope hes wrong the pump isn't cheap... Should i stick with the oil filter and just change that first and hope for the best??

04-21-2010, 08:40 PM
response over here to be worlds quicker and nicer than the response from CVN, lol.

ummmmmmm he posted it today and i went back into his post history and i didn't see a single post where people were rude or giving BS advice. sometimes you don't get the answers right away, some people have things to do and other problems to deal with.

04-21-2010, 09:27 PM
ummmmmmm he posted it today and i went back into his post history and i didn't see a single post where people were rude or giving BS advice. sometimes you don't get the answers right away, some people have things to do and other problems to deal with.

lol, i was just talking about in general man. ive posted tech questions or asked for opinions and never received a reply. so i usually come here with tech questions

RF Overlord
04-22-2010, 10:06 AM
All i need to worry about now is the startup issue, which if it is still going on tomorrow i'm just going to replace the filter, anything better than Motorcraft you would recommend......CVN will just say motor craft.So will mm.net.

You won't find a "better" filter, just more expensive ones. Any filter manufacturer can have an occasional sub-standard part slip by, althought it's also entirely likely that the noise you're hearing is not related to this issue at all. You could have worn timing chain guides. Very common.

04-22-2010, 10:21 AM
Does the car stall when its lower than 45-50 degrees outside, and not stall when its above 45-50?

04-22-2010, 07:22 PM
Like i said its only on my first start of the day, and its been warm all day besides in the morning lately so that could be a possibility. what would that mean?

04-23-2010, 01:22 PM
Sorry, can't be nice on that one!
When several members on the CVN site were looking at purchasing vehicles from a used police car "schister" in North Carolina, which I had a personal documented bad expierence with, the site administrator/owner took the side of the scumbag instead of my verified, correct version because the scumbag whined and cryed that it just wasn't true. He removed my detailed posts, and everything related to warning people of the business which then caused several other members to get burned by the same creep who I was warning everyone about.
BTW, my posts were removed after I received advanced approval to post the information by another forum administrator after he read all the information I submitted directly to him along with the verified documentation. Finally, after so many people got burned, the business got shut down by the state.
If I wanted to be a real jerk, I could stop and issue citations to the site owner as soon as he arrives at the Ford show in Carlisle since his vehicle doesn't conform to Pennsylvania DOT regulations for operation on a public highway. Legally, he is required to trailer/tow it into Pennsylvania....so in essance, I am being "nice" to him!

We are nicer which means we do not put down others right?

Just say welcome aboard and hope we can help you out!

04-23-2010, 03:40 PM
Sorry, can't be nice on that one!
When several members on the CVN site were looking at purchasing vehicles from a used police car "schister" in North Carolina, which I had a personal documented bad expierence with, the site administrator/owner took the side of the scumbag instead of my verified, correct version because the scumbag whined and cryed that it just wasn't true. He removed my detailed posts, and everything related to warning people of the business which then caused several other members to get burned by the same creep who I was warning everyone about.

Sounds familiar.