View Full Version : Justice on the streets (motorcycle related)

04-24-2010, 04:42 PM
Long story. I posted this on CVN too, so if you're a member over there...then yes, this is a repost.

I would never swerve in order to potentially cause a crotch rocket to wreck. But seriously, who hasn't seen one of these a-holes stunting in areas where they don't belong, and thought either that "They deserve to wreck" or "They're gonna wreck if they keep driving like that"? We have these guys in my town called the StarBoyz. They do that crap all the time, scaring regular motorists and driving in INCREDIBLY unsafe manners. I see this crap all the time and they always escape unscathed.

I finally saw what I figured was inevitable today! I was driving home from work, in the Magnum and in uniform. I'm getting ready to turn right at an intersection when a crotch rocket comes speeding westbound and in the direction I'm going to turn. So he passes, and I get behind him.

About 1/8 mile down the road is a set of railroad tracks. Single set of rails, v-e-r-y SLIGHT elevation. A very minor set of tracks. Dude slows down to what I believe was 45 or 50mph, then GUNS IT at the tracks and tries to jump 'em. Bike gets about 6 inches of air, then lands and shears an oil line, causing the bike to lose traction.

The bike then starts heading straight for a telephone pole, then runs RIGHT INTO IT. Gas tank breaks (plastic?!?!?! wtf!) and causes an amazing but brief fireball. Dude slides across the pavement without a helmet and somehow survives it. Bike spins, helicopter style, into the middle of the street.

Of course, I arrived on scene with my low-intensity strobes (aka 4-way flashers). Already on the phone with 911 (aka my job). The person I saw at shift change 10 minutes prior is on the other end of the phone.

Dude is scrambling to pick the bike up and doing a miserable job. Very obvious he's wondering if he can get it running again. First thing out of my mouth is "don't go running, dude." He drops the bike, looking stunned that someone is there so fast. I figure out that he's okay, telling my co-worker what's going on, advising them of the reckless operation and lack of helmet and calling for the FD anyway to check him out and bring a truck to wash down the road. One of the guy's idiot buddies showed up on his bike and was trying to pull debris out of the road, hide the license plate, etc., which I put a stop to. In other words the scene is secure. http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/default/laugh.gif

So I ask the dude what happened. His response was "nothing." http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/default/drug.gif
One of the neighbors said "I heard him coming. I think his bike got messed up."
I said "yeah, it got messed up when he tried to jump the tracks, ran into a pole, and burst into flames."

Good times.

To those who know specifically what I do and where I work, let's leave good enough alone as it really is not germane to the story here.

04-24-2010, 05:04 PM
Wait, so 911 Operators (is the new the politically correct term Emergency Response Telecommunications Service Representative?) have uniforms? Is that so when I call I can be sure that I'm not talking to an impostor on the phone? :P

Not that I wish anyone to get hurt, but some people just deserve it. Too bad you don't have a dash cam, that would be an amusing vid. :beer:

04-24-2010, 05:08 PM
Well jeez, thanks for putting it out there in the open, jerk! :flamer:
One of the CVNers said it best.
Adam makes Donuts.
Shop has a funny name:
Anyway, for the division I work, yes, we are uniformed. I don't get it. Nobody ever sees us but, eh, my division has always been uniformed....

You're not the first person to wish I had dashcam footage.

04-24-2010, 05:11 PM
I'm just kiddin. ;)

Was the guy hurt? Most ppl would probably have been too busy texting and driving to even know a bike wrecked, it's nice to know there's SOME one paying attention on the road.

04-24-2010, 05:13 PM
He refused transport. Although he was not wearing a helmet, he was wearing a full racing suit. The leg was ripped open on the pants, but there was no apparent blood. He looked to be limping a little bit, and I'm sure he's feeling it now and will feel worse in the morning...

04-24-2010, 05:26 PM
Doing stunts with no helmet, sounds like a smart guy.

04-25-2010, 11:01 AM
If you want to take the risk and go on a suicide mission, go have a blast. Just don't take anyone with you, who isn't mission related. G00d job Adam on securing the scene and making sure Mr Danger was alright.