View Full Version : Barn finds in Cuba

04-28-2010, 11:55 AM
Good read..........


04-28-2010, 12:30 PM
It is truly amazing how 0ne guy can do so much damage to a country isn't it? Several years ago there was a PBS special named American Cars In Cuba. You may have seen it. If not, it showed how the Cubans have kept our American cars there roadworthy since Castro took over . Most of these cars were Fords and Chevys as most everyone there is poor. They really used ingenuity to keep these cars going. It is so sad that the true Gems in cars got caught up in the Castro Regime.

04-29-2010, 11:57 AM
"What a waste of machinery."

04-29-2010, 07:59 PM
I was born in Cuba, and lived there till i was eleven years old. i remember my dad's 1948 Chevy with an Hino diesel engine. he had to install that inline 6 with a 5 speed trans because there was no parts to put the car back together after he bough it in pieces. Diesel its alot easier to find down there, my father also had an indian motorcycle. it is amazing the things they do with so little. As of now my older brother is working on the body of a 1959 Cadillac 4 door, since he could not find parts down there, he found and installed a 1970 Korean mercedez benz 5 cylinder with a four speed manual. like i said there is much to be discovered in that country from cars to people. its sad what that country has become.


04-30-2010, 06:57 AM
If the U.S. put just a little effort in to doing something with that country. It could change the way we see it,,, What happened to the sugar industry down there. I think its sad the we just ignore it.. its so close.

What it would take to turn that country around is like a fart in the wind compared to what we spend in the middle east..

04-30-2010, 08:22 AM
It is truly amazing how 0ne guy can do so much damage to a country isn't it? Several years ago there was a PBS special named American Cars In Cuba. You may have seen it. If not, it showed how the Cubans have kept our American cars there roadworthy since Castro took over . Most of these cars were Fords and Chevys as most everyone there is poor. They really used ingenuity to keep these cars going. It is so sad that the true Gems in cars got caught up in the Castro Regime.

I remember that special, I believe it was called "Yank Tanks"! And yeah the lenghts they go to keep thier prized cars going are inspiring. They even make their own brake pad, FROM SCRATCH.

And yeah, why are we still embargoing them? Didn't the cold war end? Russia is not an enemy, and Castro is practically impotent as a leader right? I remember reading about how this embargo is the only thing keeping him in power. And they are right there, its ludicrous, are we just waiting for Castro to pass away?

04-30-2010, 09:02 AM
It is truly amazing how 0ne guy can do so much damage to a country isn't it? Several years ago there was a PBS special named American Cars In Cuba. You may have seen it. If not, it showed how the Cubans have kept our American cars there roadworthy since Castro took over . Most of these cars were Fords and Chevys as most everyone there is poor. They really used ingenuity to keep these cars going. It is so sad that the true Gems in cars got caught up in the Castro Regime.

It's happening here!

04-30-2010, 09:10 AM
It's happening here!

So you have warned yourself. Start stocking up 50 years of parts for your Marauder.;)

05-02-2010, 12:11 PM
I gotta admire the Cubans for their ingenuity and I hope when the day comes when it isnt communist they dont let rich (fill in blank) swoop in and ship those cars out.

05-03-2010, 07:23 AM
It's happening here!

One jackass out for another.

05-03-2010, 07:57 AM
THE GULL WING MERC. is an awsome find and looks restorable