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View Full Version : Location PCV valve MGM 2003

05-01-2010, 02:51 PM
:confused: Hello to all Marauderers. the time to tune up my Panther is near and I need to know where is located the PCV valve of my 2003 mercury grand Marquis, due tha I will make a change of oil/oil filter/gasoline filter/PCV valve, if anyone can post a picture it will be better, thanks to all who take time to read and post. :wave:

05-01-2010, 03:15 PM
:confused: Hello to all Marauderers. the time to tune up my Panther is near and I need to know where is located the PCV valve of my 2003 mercury grand Marquis, due tha I will make a change of oil/oil filter/gasoline filter/PCV valve, if anyone can post a picture it will be better, thanks to all who take time to read and post. :wave:

It's on the top of the engine................ somewhere. Follow the hoses.

I'd post a picture but the only thing I have is a Marauder.

05-01-2010, 09:09 PM
It's on the RH ( passenger ) valve cover.