View Full Version : Returned from Marathon Road Trip

05-02-2010, 12:04 PM
Got back last night from our "Expedition #2 - Southwest" with my two brothers. We left Dallas and drove via Las Cruces NM to Flagstaff, AZ. If youve never been there Flagstaff is a beautiful city on a cool, tree covered mountain "island" surrounded by thousands of miles of dusty, windy desert. We drove up and visited the Grand Canyon (fantastic) and the next day visited Meteor Crater and the Pertified Forest, both pretty interesting but man was it windy. When we got back to Flagstaff it was snowing!! The next day we drove up and saw Monument Valley and saw Gouldings where they filmd some John Ford movies then drove up to four corners and the damn place was closed!!! I felt like going on the warpath against the owners. That evening we drove to Gallup NM and damned if it wasnt snowing again! The next day we decided to push it and drove the 800 miles back to Dallas. All in all a great trip, mostly just bsing with my brothers. The old Dodge Ram ran great, got about 20 mpg at 75 mph so I am not complaining. Over and out.

Blk Mamba
05-02-2010, 02:03 PM
Sounds like a good time, when you said Flagstaff, all I could think of was how cold the nights are, seems like 40 degrees difference from the valley floor.

05-02-2010, 08:18 PM
Glad you had such a good time with family.I am surprised 4 corners was closed also. Saw a show about it on TV this week.

05-03-2010, 04:58 AM
That was a cool trip. I love Flagstaff, but I like Williams more. If I'm staying anywhere near there, it's in Williams. Love that little town.

With the GM and MM around, why did you take the truck on that trip? Have to haul something back?

BTW, you didn't miss much at 4 corners.

05-03-2010, 06:53 AM
That was a cool trip. I love Flagstaff, but I like Williams more. If I'm staying anywhere near there, it's in Williams. Love that little town.

With the GM and MM around, why did you take the truck on that trip? Have to haul something back?

BTW, you didn't miss much at 4 corners.

With me and my two brothers (all of us "Men of Size") and all our stuff the truck was the only option. I also have to admit on real long trips the truck is way more comfortable, has plenty of power and gets almost the same mpg. Re: 4 Corners, access is controlled by an Indian Reservation and is private property (from the New Mexico side that has the road).