View Full Version : Email Scams

05-05-2010, 01:20 PM
Sort of brings a tear to your eye.......... :lol::lol:

"Dear Beloved

beleive you will treat this mail with the fear of God. It is with a tears that
I am writing you this mail, I dont need your pity, but love to my adopted son.
I adopted him at the age of 3year and has since became my beloved one because my wife did not born,i mean barren.

It will be a surprise how i can contact a stranger that i dont know before but there is nothing i can do at this stage than to hope in Almight God that my son will not fall into wrong hand

Because of this the family treated her badly and give her no rest that she is the one that did not allow me to marry another woman that will born for me.She was later poison by unknow person and died.

Because we married legally,i refused to marry again and this make my family to rise against my adopted son which i protect very well.

Since af ter this painful and sorrowful inccident of my wife,my cancer sickness got worst and i have been suffering from heart failure .

My reason of writing you this mail is due to the sad news that came to me
recently from the doctor.After my last diagnose result, it was proved by the doctors that i may not leave for more than two to three weeks if i am lucky , due to the damange the cancer have caused in my system unless I undergo an urgent surgical operation which my chance of survival is less than 20% according to the medical experts.As it stands, I have given to faith.

But i have a more concern problem,that is why i have contacted you. Please, this is about my adopted son.Since it is now obvious that i will die, my son's future have been the greatest problem i have.I want you to take care of my son please.He is only 13 years and i have no person here to take care of him if I die t oday.

My family may kill him as they kill my wife,because i feel so.I have some money in a deposit house , which we intended to use for investment in europe.I want you to take this money and my son.

Use the money into a big investment, that you will manage until my son grows up to take over the investment.I will like you to take my son as your own son, give him the love that we his parents would have given him. Do not let him feel the pains of being an orphan. give him good education, bring him up into a responsible man. Make him have the fear of God.

Please do not refuse this task. As soon as I receive your reply, all i
will do is to look for a lawyer here, who will draw up my will in your favour.

The fund is is US$8.5million I will give you all the documents that is covering the deposit with the deposit house, i will transfer eve ry power and right of ownership to you to enable you claim the deposit from the deposit house.

It will be also included in the Will that you are the only person my son should be released to, if i die and you are entitle to 20% of the fund.
All i need is your acceptance and assurance that you will not treat my son
badly.I am writing you this mail with great tears and i pray you to be kind in concering this matter. Please reply this mail immediately.Thanks you.

May God bless you.


05-05-2010, 01:25 PM
:D :D :D :shake:

Send a check for 50K and I will send you 60K back!;)

05-05-2010, 02:12 PM
Is that from Dom's Father?

05-05-2010, 02:47 PM
wtf did bawazair write this? i got to the second paragraph and couldn't read any more

05-05-2010, 02:59 PM
gDMJoe say - "TSB ... Sucks to be you . No $$$$$. Everybody gonna die !".

RF Overlord
05-05-2010, 03:12 PM
It's obviously a scam, but I don't get how it's supposed to work. He doesn't ask for money or for a bank account number...?

05-05-2010, 03:15 PM
It's obviously a scam, but I don't get how it's supposed to work. He doesn't ask for money or for a bank account number...?

Not yet...

They suck you in, then ask for money.

I just tell them, if you trust me so much, send me the money & I'll give you your cut.... never hear back from them.