View Full Version : RIP Malcom McLaren

05-05-2010, 09:39 PM
You might know the name, but not the man. This guy got together my favorite British Punk band The Sex Pistols. I didn't like him at first, but to me he took Rock N' Roll and push it to the max. I actually understood that Punk Rock was really just really really fast Rock N' Roll musically and sometimes by lyric content... especially The Ramones.

He died a few weeks ago so sorry for the delay.

Here's a few songs he got together. Maybe I can visit his grave in a few weeks. :bigcry:

Why can't the guy who invented autotune die instead? :mad:

If you watch the first video you'll see the pistols still as immature as ever with all original members! They haven't aged a bit and Johnny is showing off that he got fat, I wish there were more bands like these guys.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAXI MUM ROCK N' ROLL

^^^^^My favorite

I gotta catch them on tour if they decide to do it this year... or better yet open up for them!

Mr. Man
05-05-2010, 10:30 PM
I thought you were talking about the F1 guy. They make supercars too.

05-05-2010, 10:35 PM
While I believe the Sex Pistols had some awesome songs, I blame McLaren and the Sex Pistols for ruining the viability of punk rock as a legitimate form of music.

Before the Pistols, record labels were signing better punk rock bands (Ramones, Dead Boys, Saints, Dictators, Radio Birdman, etc.) and betting that the punk rock thing would take off. McLaren's Pistols came along and changed the whole perception of what "punk rock" was supposed to be. What in fact started as an intent to return to the 2-or-3 minute rock 'n' roll song, turned into ugliness, "God Save The Queen", etc. It was more about being outrageous than it was about writing good music.

So what did the record labels do? Changed their strategy and started betting on wimpy "New Wave" crap, which was basically pop music with a raw edge - The Knack, etc...then dropped every punk band that wasn't named The Ramones.

Not to mention, McLaren ruined the New York Dolls before he ruined punk rock altogether. The Dolls had been a fantastic rock 'n' roll band until McLaren started (mis)managing them, dressed them up in red patent leather suits and put a communist flag behind them.

The Dolls were never about that. Not once, in any of their songs, did they make any claims about being or supporting any sort of politics really. So why the flag?

Malcolm just wanted to make a statement. You know what the statement was? The breakup of the New York Dolls.

So Thunders started the Heartbreakers, Arthur Kane hit the gutter, and David Johansen became Buster Poindexter.

THANKS, Malcolm! :shake: David went from "**** 'n' Boots" to "Feelin' Hot Hot Hot" in less than 10 years!

05-06-2010, 12:02 AM
Adam, you pretty much said word for word the same speech I have in a class a few years ago why The Sex pistols should not be in the RRHOF. I completely agree with you that Malcom ruined a lot for other bands. New Age had to come out so Punk bands actually had a chance of making a living, but they had to play slower and not be offensive. A perfect example is The Cars.

I like what he did with the band and pretty much burned everyone else bridge. When he decided Punk Rock was over, he made sure it was over. I don't know how many people ever had power like that... at least in the music industry to wipeout an entire type of music in the matter of one year.

The New York Dolls story has a lotta holes in it. They were all junkies prior to Malcom and already had failed albums, Malcom was just around for the final blow. I like Johnny Thunders work more than The Dolls, but I think Johnny quit The Dolls and then they broke up... to my knowledge. David just wanted to make money and had to become a pop star to do so, happened with a lotta bands. You should hear what Dr. John was doing in the 50s compared to the material that made it on the radio.

Well said Adam, now please respond to my PM. :)

05-06-2010, 08:32 AM
The Dolls' morale was so low at the time that yes, they were v-e-r-y close to a breakup. McLaren swooped in and boosted their morale enough to dress them up like commies and send them to Florida. I believe that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The band should have been allowed to break up naturally, without dressing like commies and without "Red Patent Leather" (easily their worst song!).

I like the Thunders' solo music just fine, but...I don't know if JT's Heartbreakers were better than the Dolls. I know one thing: Gang War was the best stuff Thunders ever did aside from the Dolls. Gang War was a Thunders/Wayne Kramer (MC5) project.

05-06-2010, 08:40 AM
I never said Johnny was better than The Dolls, I just enjoy his stuff more. I used to say this is better than that, but I realized it's all subjective. When someone says something is "so good" I always ask why. If it's a song, movie, car, video game... exc and the funny this is no one ever has a answer to back up their opinion. I'm not ganging up on you it's just something I noticed.

Thanks again for telling me about that concert last year. That band was mentioned a book I recently acquired about vinyl.

05-06-2010, 08:45 AM
I'm not ganging up on you it's just something I noticed. Naw, I don't feel like you are, I'm just engaged in a discourse is all.

05-06-2010, 09:02 AM
Adam this is for you... LOL!!!


05-06-2010, 09:22 AM
Oh, I've seen and absolutely love this.

^Gang War. There are several bootlegs, this is the worst one but the only one I was able to find on YouTube.

05-06-2010, 09:24 AM
Wow LOL! Terrible vocal performances, yet funny. I love Punk Rock.