View Full Version : Let me see if I got this right?

05-15-2010, 07:42 AM
If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.

If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.

If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.

If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.

If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.

If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.

If you cross the U.S. border illegally you get........................... .....

A job
A drivers license
Social security card
Food stamps
Credit cards
Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
Free education
Free health care
A lobbyist in washington
Billions of dollars worth of public documents printed in your language
The right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect.

I just wanted to make sure I had a firm grasp on the situation...

05-15-2010, 07:54 AM
That is PC.

Mr. Man
05-15-2010, 08:41 AM
Sounds about right. And if you live in NYC you are very likely to get a "__________" Day Parade! (Fill in the blank) I have all the respect in the world for other cultures/countries...and their sovereign borders. Would appreciate the same respect for mine.;)

05-15-2010, 08:44 AM
That's what's wrong with this country! :bs:

:shake: :shake:

05-15-2010, 09:40 AM
That's what's wrong with this country! :bs:

:shake: :shake:
Its gone down the http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-toilet05.gif.

I have no better use of my dollars than to give it to ILLEGAL DIRTBAGS who should be shot for stealing!!

SC Cheesehead
05-15-2010, 11:03 AM

05-15-2010, 11:46 AM
You gotta love AMERICA.

05-15-2010, 11:55 AM

Thanks for reminding me where my tax dollars go.


05-15-2010, 03:27 PM
It would be sweet justice if...
Illegals made a mass exodus from Arizona and resettled in the states that have admonished Arizona, AND
Taxpaying citizens leave those PC states for something better, leaving the liberal lawmakers to wallow in the associated problems...

05-15-2010, 03:43 PM
Taxpaying citizens leave those PC states for something better, leaving the liberal lawmakers to wallow in the associated problems...

Kind of why CA is in the *****er now? I feel so bad for them. :puke:

IIRC NV lowered it's taxes to draw more tax paying citizens from CA, and it worked.

05-15-2010, 05:45 PM
Kind of why CA is in the *****er now? I feel so bad for them. :puke:

IIRC NV lowered it's taxes to draw more tax paying citizens from CA, and it worked.

No, CA is in the *****ter because they want to regulate everything you do!

05-15-2010, 05:50 PM
No, CA is in the *****ter because they want to regulate everything you do!

But they are smarter than the constituents, why wouldn't they? ;)

BTW I crossed the N Korean border after eating some kimchi for lunch and dropped a bomb.

05-16-2010, 07:59 AM
Personal opinion here so dont everybody get all hurt we can still be friends. I feel that we have been too nice as the U.S.A. for too long giving aid to anybody else in the world except here IE yes I felt for the people of hati I was sorry to hear about that but why do we still have people in LA without good water sewer housing etc. We need to stop being the WORLD POLICE! If a country wants to have war with its self fine do it but dont get us involved. We need some old school leaders like back in world war 2 when the a U.S. army general was asked by the germans to surrender you know what he said? "NUTS"! we need to take care of us first for now, I feel after we have our jobless, homeless, uneducated, unclothed, hungry are taken care of here first then lets go help the rest of the world! Also we need money right well what happens if you buy a car and can't pay it gets REPOed, So I say to all the country's we ever borrowed money to that well sorry the bank note is due what you cant pay? Well fine we will take it from your natural reserves then or recover the money some how else but lets get it back. If someone is here legal eagle good no issues with them from me! But illegally well I have a glock I would love to use for that issue! It makes me mad when everything I have I earned and worked for illegals seem to get free. Yes it must be nice to get all those freebies from the Big Brother, but I must have a mental problem or something cause I feel guilty taking things for free if I didn't work for them. OH sorry this is called a good ole fashioned ball kicking American work attitude. You don't see this much from the younger generation SAD to say. Well hope I did not piss you all off to bad. Good Sunday to all!

05-16-2010, 09:12 AM
Personal opinion here so dont everybody get all hurt we can still be friends. I feel that we have been too nice as the U.S.A. for too long giving aid to anybody else in the world except here IE yes I felt for the people of hati I was sorry to hear about that but why do we still have people in LA without good water sewer housing etc. We need to stop being the WORLD POLICE! If a country wants to have war with its self fine do it but dont get us involved. We need some old school leaders like back in world war 2 when the a U.S. army general was asked by the germans to surrender you know what he said? "NUTS"! we need to take care of us first for now, I feel after we have our jobless, homeless, uneducated, unclothed, hungry are taken care of here first then lets go help the rest of the world! Also we need money right well what happens if you buy a car and can't pay it gets REPOed, So I say to all the country's we ever borrowed money to that well sorry the bank note is due what you cant pay? Well fine we will take it from your natural reserves then or recover the money some how else but lets get it back. If someone is here legal eagle good no issues with them from me! But illegally well I have a glock I would love to use for that issue! It makes me mad when everything I have I earned and worked for illegals seem to get free. Yes it must be nice to get all those freebies from the Big Brother, but I must have a mental problem or something cause I feel guilty taking things for free if I didn't work for them. OH sorry this is called a good ole fashioned ball kicking American work attitude. You don't see this much from the younger generation SAD to say. Well hope I did not piss you all off to bad. Good Sunday to all!

05-16-2010, 09:33 AM
Gosh....Mexico is angry.....my, my my....maybe they should do something about all the "non-residents" we have here in Germany as well....
Read all the way to the bottom.........


Three cheers for Arizona

The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the state of Sonora, Mexico doesn't like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost funny. The state of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico. Nine state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson to complain about Arizona 's new employer crackdown on illegals from Mexico.

It seems that many Mexican illegals are returning to their hometowns and the officials in the Sonora State government are ticked off.

A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora was in Tucson on Tuesday to state that Arizona 's new Employer Sanctions Law will have a devastating effect on the Mexican State.

At a news conference, the legislators said that Sonora, Arizona's southern neighbor, made up of mostly small towns, cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools that it will face as Mexican workers return to their hometowns from the USA without jobs or money.

The Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the United States. Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their business license.

The Mexican legislators are angry because their own citizens are returning to their hometowns, placing a burden on THEIR State government. 'How can Arizona pass a law like this?' asked Mexican Rep Leticia Amparano-Gamez, who represents Nogales.

'There is not one person living in Sonora who does not have a friend or relative working in Arizona ,' she said, speaking in Spanish. 'Mexico is not prepared for this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more and more Mexicans working in Arizona and who were sending money to their families return to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,' she said. 'We are one family, socially and economically,' she said of the people of Sonora and Arizona.


The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico, and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico 's citizens.

It's time for the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically off the United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs.

Too bad that other states within the USA don't pass a law just like that passed by Arizona .

Maybe that's the answer, since our own Congress will do nothing!

New Immigration Laws: Read to the bottom or you will miss the message...

1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools. * * * * * * * * 2. All ballots will be in this nation's language. * * * * * * * * 3. All government business will be conducted in our language. * * * * * * * * 4. Nonresidents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here. * * * * * * * * 5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office * * * * * * * * 6 Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported. * * * * * * * * 7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. * * * * * * * * 8. If foreigners come here and buy land ... options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country. * * * * * * * * 9. Foreigners may have no protests; no demonstrations, no waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, no badmouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation. * * * * * * * * 10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you. * * * * * * * * *
Too strict?
The above laws are current immigration laws of MEXICO!

You can check the above with snopes -- snopes.com/Mexican (http://snopes.com/Mexican) Immigration laws -- John

05-16-2010, 10:03 AM
dak, that's your best post ever.

05-16-2010, 10:14 AM
Lol I was born in Puerto Rico and look somewhat like a u.s Marine with green eyes, while my grandfather on my moms side was black as the night! Lol yes we get a parade in new york but that's probally because half of the island is up there I don't know how because it's the complete opposite of a carribian island and by the way both of my grandfathers served in war and does so much of our island so as a u.s citizen I love and respect America and if put in the situation I wouldn't take the Ali route!

05-16-2010, 10:17 AM
Oh and yes I agree with most of you! The country puts others first and hence why were trying to help ourselves now but I don't see no other country coming over with a sack of money or ideas? NO because there goin to try to take the u.s down because that's just a fantasy of the rest of the world because of the u.s's world leader status or you can call it sticking their nose everywhere status!

05-16-2010, 11:25 AM
They're working on law here in Tennessee, it doesn't go near as far as Arizona's but it's a start. We gotta beat Goergia to it or the illegals will come up here as soon as Georgia passes their illegal immigration law. We have a few up here but nowhere near as many as Georgia.

05-16-2010, 11:37 AM
All these law that are designed to work against Legal citizens and favor Illegal aliens just makes me sick. I just can not understand it. WTF!!

05-16-2010, 11:45 AM
What I don't get is the idiots in the media. They complain that the Arizona law makes it a crime to be an illegal alien. Are they stupid or what? What part of illegal isn't a crime?

05-16-2010, 11:56 AM
AG Eric Holder testifies on not reading AZ Bill after he campaings against it.

05-16-2010, 12:16 PM
What I don't get is the idiots in the media. They complain that the Arizona law makes it a crime to be an illegal alien. Are they stupid or what? What part of illegal isn't a crime?

Got to understand what Brian said in RED above---so TRUE!

Better yet --lets look it up--


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tionary, the free dictionary.

Illegal, or unlawful, is used to describe something that is prohibited or not authorized by law or, more generally, by rules specific to a particular situation (such as a game)

Its not a game here or anywhere else--Its the LAW

AG Eric Holder testifies on not reading AZ Bill after he campaings against it.

I do not get any "sound " from your reference link---hope tha'ts not a omen.

05-16-2010, 12:18 PM
AG Eric Holder testifies on not reading AZ Bill after he campaings against it.

uh, uh, uh, well i heard that.........:shake:

05-16-2010, 12:24 PM
uh, uh, uh, well i heard that.........:shake:

Heard what???:(:mad::confused:..I don't get any "sound" when I try that link???

05-16-2010, 12:27 PM
I don't know how this country got to the state it is now but I really fear for my grandchildren. It's been said time and again there just is no common sense in our govt. How in God's name did we get to this??????

05-16-2010, 01:20 PM
Looks like political threads are back....

05-16-2010, 01:28 PM
AG Holder is the same person who has us beleive on his own accord he proposed freeing the FALN Terrorist who were convicted of blowing up bldgs in NYC and who murdered. When AG Holder first made his offer to the FALN they rejected it as a trick.

The "deal" he offered them was to sign a paper saying they would not engage in violence. In return the Pres gave them amnesty.

When I lived in NYC a bldg I had walked by was bombed a few hours latter.

"What does trouble us and should trouble the American people, because it reflects a pattern likely to be repeated, is Mr. Holder's central role and the influence of racial politics in the 1999 pardon of 16 FALN (Armed Forces of Puerto Rican Nationalists) terrorists. Following the Los Angeles Times's Jan. 9 disclosure of new evidence concerning Holders' role, it is clear - in the words of the National Review's Andrew McCarthy - that "Holder ... engineer[ed] the shocking, politically driven pardons of 16 Puerto Rican separatists ... responsible for over 130 bombings and the murders of innocent Americans; terrorists who hadn't even applied for clemency or expressed a modicum of remorse (elementary prerequisites for pardon consideration under Justice Department standards)." At the urging of Puerto Rican activists and Puerto Rican members of Congress, Mr. Holder chose to ignore opposition to the pardons from the FBI, two United States Attorneys, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Fraternal Order of Police and victims of the FALN bombings. " http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jan/23/eric-holder-and-the-faln/

05-16-2010, 01:58 PM
Looks like political threads are back....

How can there not be political threads with the shape our country's in...I realize that this is first and formost a Marauder website but I guess it helps to vent a little.:o

05-17-2010, 03:17 AM
Looks like political threads are back....

At least it's better than the " PM me cause I can't post it here" threads......

05-17-2010, 03:39 AM
Heard what???:(:mad::confused:..I don't get any "sound" when I try that link???

Holder said that he didn't read the new AZ law, the Politician then asks how if he hadn't read the law that he could conclude that it was unconstitutional, and holder said that he HEARD blah blah blah....

05-17-2010, 03:43 AM
Interesting. I just watched 'Hillary: The Movie' last night. It was explained that SHE pushed for the release of the FALN criminals at the urging of Puerto Rican community activists, and in turn they would throw thier votes to her when she was running for Senator. Bill Clinton, for obvious reasons, says he has no idea who put thier names on the pardon list. Which doesn't exactly explain why he would pardon them/grant clemency if he has no idea who they are or what they did. Crooks, all of them.

AG Holder is the same person who has us beleive on his own accord he proposed freeing the FALN Terrorist who were convicted of blowing up bldgs in NYC and who murdered. When AG Holder first made his offer to the FALN they rejected it as a trick.

The "deal" he offered them was to sign a paper saying they would not engage in violence. In return the Pres gave them amnesty.

When I lived in NYC a bldg I had walked by was bombed a few hours latter.

"What does trouble us and should trouble the American people, because it reflects a pattern likely to be repeated, is Mr. Holder's central role and the influence of racial politics in the 1999 pardon of 16 FALN (Armed Forces of Puerto Rican Nationalists) terrorists. Following the Los Angeles Times's Jan. 9 disclosure of new evidence concerning Holders' role, it is clear - in the words of the National Review's Andrew McCarthy - that "Holder ... engineer[ed] the shocking, politically driven pardons of 16 Puerto Rican separatists ... responsible for over 130 bombings and the murders of innocent Americans; terrorists who hadn't even applied for clemency or expressed a modicum of remorse (elementary prerequisites for pardon consideration under Justice Department standards)." At the urging of Puerto Rican activists and Puerto Rican members of Congress, Mr. Holder chose to ignore opposition to the pardons from the FBI, two United States Attorneys, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Fraternal Order of Police and victims of the FALN bombings. " http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jan/23/eric-holder-and-the-faln/

05-17-2010, 04:02 AM
At least it's better than the " PM me cause I can't post it here" threads......

You must have missed forum bylaw number 468: Rules don't apply to you if you are 24, still live at home, and mommy and daddy buy you everything.

05-17-2010, 04:04 AM
Poster art.

05-17-2010, 05:05 AM
At least it's better than the " PM me cause I can't post it here" threads......

A big AMEN to that brother!

05-17-2010, 09:16 AM
A big AMEN to that brother!

You post in those..... :rolleyes:

So does Fastblackmerc from time to time....

05-17-2010, 09:17 AM
You must have missed forum bylaw number 468: Rules don't apply to you if you are 24, still live at home, and mommy and daddy buy you everything.

Who are you talking about this time? You have no life if you get off to typing BS all day. You should be getting off to porn.

You're a weirdo.

Egon Spengler
05-17-2010, 09:48 AM
Who are you talking about this time? You have no life if you get off to typing BS all day. You should be getting off to porn.

You're a weirdo.
Hey Dom, How has porntube been treating you lately?:rofl:

I frequently refer back to that thread to find new and exciting porn sites!:beer:

05-17-2010, 09:55 AM

05-17-2010, 10:17 AM
You post in those..... :rolleyes:

So does Fastblackmerc from time to time....

Haven't posted in a long long long time in one of those threads.............

05-17-2010, 10:26 AM
Haven't posted in a long long long time in one of those threads.............

The point is you have. If you haven't posted in a while you have learned that the topics are not of your interest. If you don't like it, don't post. You've got the idea, some other people just don't have that type of intelligence.

SC Cheesehead
05-25-2010, 12:35 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about...

06-15-2010, 10:58 AM
Looks like political threads are back....
+1 on that!:eek:

06-15-2010, 11:40 AM
+1 on that!:eek:

No, this is a thread on immigration.....

Egon Spengler
06-15-2010, 11:43 AM
No, this is a tread on immigration.....
I tried to change the topic to adult films, but it wasn't happening... :banned: