View Full Version : Report From Afghanistan

05-15-2010, 04:56 PM
Jason, my Honda Mech (second son), called home from his base in Afghanistan. Good to hear from him, he reports that his team (design and survey) is very productive. The food is good, the work is hard and long but they seem to have all they need. They have to clear out a lot of unexploded munitions before they start work on a construction site.

He's learning how to "bargain" with the Czech's over building materials.

They live in something called a "K" hut. Like a big "shot gun" house for you folks that know about them.

Since he's the "automotive" expert it falls to him to keep the teams vehicles and utility carts working. He's changed a steering box, a clutch, fixed assorted mechanical problems, but it keeps his hand in.

All he needed was some GNC brand weight gain supplement. They eat a lot but work off more than they take in, so he's losing overall.


05-15-2010, 05:24 PM
What are they building?

05-15-2010, 05:48 PM
i,m glad your son is doing fine and tell him to keep up the good work we appreciate it,,,,unfortunatly we lost another brother on friday while on patrol at night dame IED again

05-15-2010, 06:36 PM
Saddened to hear of your loss Scruff. The IED is the main weapon "de Jur".

CBT, they are building a wooden and concrete city, living spaces, community rooms, offices, airports the whole nine yards. If and when we leave the A's will have a ready made city to live in. (But I don't envision us leaving during the next decade).

06-08-2010, 03:57 PM
Talked to Jason today via cell phone hook-up through his home post in Alexandria, La, Fort Beauregard.

He's doing fine, working hard. His unit is building up the base and constructing a women's health clinic in town plus a new city hall. Also upgrading the airport.

A couple of his barracks mates were driving along and an IED exploded under them. They are OK just shaken up. The new armored/blast resistant vehicles are worth their weight in gold.

One of his other troopers, for some reason, was running along the barricade during a time of alert and the guards mistook him as an insurgent and opened fire. Got him in the chest but he will live, air lifted him out.

He's adapted to the situation and to his mates. He's working with Afghan nationals, Navy Sea-bee's, Air Force and Czech's.

Jason will be reassigned to another FOB in the next few days to help out.

The mail plane crashed on landing, pilot error, and so it's carcass sits on the hill. Don't know if they recovered the mail. He say's he hasn't gotten any lately.

06-08-2010, 04:14 PM
Pat I'm glad your son is OK and doing good please let him know I thank him for his service and sacrifice. I pray for his and all others safe return

06-19-2010, 10:11 AM
Jason has arrived at his new post, FOB Shank. Here are some Pics.

06-19-2010, 10:33 AM
I've been to FOB Shank briefly and some of my guys are there. I like it. That vehicle above is the new MATV and it is freakin awesome. I just recently had a class on that vehicle and it is easier to maneuver.

The living conditions are not too bad depending on what FOB you're on. Some of us have wifi in our rooms and some sleep in little tents in crappy environments.

06-19-2010, 11:29 AM
I'll be heading over there next year with the National Guard. Pat, judging from what you've said, your Son is an Engineer? I'm a Combat Engineer too. We'll probably be doing the same type job if so. Tell him to keep his head down and powder dry.


06-20-2010, 06:12 AM
I'll be heading over there next year with the National Guard. Pat, judging from what you've said, your Son is an Engineer? I'm a Combat Engineer too. We'll probably be doing the same type job if so. Tell him to keep his head down and powder dry.


Yes, his MOS is 21T. Good luck.


06-20-2010, 09:40 AM
Pat, Thanks for the info and the pictures. They help us to better understand what we are doing over there now. God Bless you and your son and family. Please thank him for us for his service and thank you and your wife for yours, also. Dennis:)

08-26-2010, 11:30 AM
Jason's little engineer unit, has been attached to a combat outfit and they have deployed to one of the danger zones in Afghanistan.

I told him this AM to get his head screwed on right and be prepared to fire without having to mull it over. Told him to aim and squeeze and not shoot up the sky and run out of ammo like those other poor souls did a little while back. No ammo and savages coming over the parapet.

Darn, I wish I could be in front of him to ward off those bullets and blasts, parents can do that.

But it's just left to me to sit home and hang on the news releases. Don't know when I'll hear from him again.

I know you guys have him in your thoughts and prayers and I thank you.


08-26-2010, 11:58 AM
Pat, you and Patricia have a lot on your plate right now. Keep the faith and vigil. We'll keep you all in our prayers.

08-26-2010, 01:26 PM
I wish him all the luck and to be home soon. I know you think about him a lot. Keep the faith.

08-26-2010, 03:59 PM
Darn, I wish I could be in front of him to ward off those bullets and blasts, parents can do that.

I know how you feel Pat. I had similar thoughts when my son was deployed. Just tried not to think about it too much. Think it was harder on my wife.

08-26-2010, 09:59 PM
May God send His Angels to shield and protect your son as I ask him to do for my son every day! My son is in Iraq. May you be blessed with the Lord's peace as your son serves his country and his unit.

SC Cheesehead
08-27-2010, 05:04 AM

Has Jason run into any Fluor guys? We're doing the majority of set up and maintenance at the FOBs.

My nephew just came of his TOD in Iraq, so can relate to your feelings. I continue to keep Jason in my prayers.

08-27-2010, 05:45 AM
Rex, I'll ask him.

Fluor Corporation is a company that deals in maintenance services, construction, Procurement and engineering. It is a fortune 500 company, international and employs more than 41,000 people. It is based out of Irving Texas, DFW area.

Wikipedia has a big write up on the company.

Is that who you work for, Rex?

SC Cheesehead
08-27-2010, 10:45 AM
Rex, I'll ask him.

Fluor Corporation is a company that deals in maintenance services, construction, Procurement and engineering. It is a fortune 500 company, international and employs more than 41,000 people. It is based out of Irving Texas, DFW area.

Wikipedia has a big write up on the company.

Is that who you work for, Rex?

Yup. I'm in the Global Services Business Segment, HQ'd in Greenville.

09-15-2010, 06:27 AM
Finally heard from Jason this morning. He's been in the "field" building new outposts for our troops as they criss cross the country and thus was incommunicado for nearly a month.

He's back at his home FOB now. He said the Afghan police and army are so corrupt (what's new). They were giving their positions away to the Taliban who were chasing them from place to place. Jal-rez District of Wardak provance (sounds like something out of star wars).

Anyway, it was a big relief to hear from him. He'll send pictures from his camera soon. They don't have Internet yet but are working on it.

He's in good spirits, physically fit and feels good.

Black bart
09-15-2010, 07:27 AM
Pat my family and I give thanks for Jason’s service in harm’s way! We will focus our thoughts to keep him and his unit safe and victorious!
Pass – on a word of advice, Always watch your 6:00

01-17-2011, 03:36 PM
Well folks, Jason's tour of duty is in it's last month. They have completed their construction assignments and have turned the "keys" over to the next unit ripping in right now.

Jason has been assigned to escort the units small arms weapons back to the states so he's guarding them in Kabul right now. He should be leaving Afghanistan sometime in February.

The main unit will come back a different direction, Jason will come back more as a cargo flight.

So he's out of the action, if one can say that, just guarding the family Jewels. After he gets home and takes his, new to him, bride in hand, (just married two months before he shipped out), I'll toss him the keys and they can "honeymoon" in Little Rock.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. He knows of it and appreciates you all.

The Pat's

01-17-2011, 03:45 PM
Give him a big Thank You! for helping protect us all and may he get home safe. :beer:

02-07-2011, 07:14 PM
We are now tracking Jason across the world. How do we do that? By his use of the ATM machine.

His wife, who lives across the street, checks the bank balance each day. Jason makes a small withdrawal for snacks at each stop so we know when and where he's at.

He's left FOB Sharana, then left Kabul, then left Kandahar and now has left Turkey. Heaven knows where he's headed. How long can a C-5 Galaxy stay in the air anyway?

It's funny, but it gives us a measure of comfort.


02-07-2011, 08:52 PM
God Bless him and thanks for his service to our country!

02-07-2011, 09:49 PM
We are now tracking Jason across the world. How do we do that? By his use of the ATM machine.

His wife, who lives across the street, checks the bank balance each day. Jason makes a small withdrawal for snacks at each stop so we know when and where he's at.

He's left FOB Sharana, then left Kabul, then left Kandahar and now has left Turkey. Heaven knows where he's headed. How long can a C-5 Galaxy stay in the air anyway?

It's funny, but it gives us a measure of comfort.


Thanks for sharing the update with us Pat, but please be cognizant of OPSEC, for his sake ;)