View Full Version : Figured this would happen....

05-18-2010, 03:41 AM
.... but didn't figure it would make headlines in Australia first instead of here. One of my English papers was on this topic. The Professor asked me yesterday to pop into her class tonight and read one of my other papers to the new class, and it caused me to remember the other papers I wrote, which caused me to look and see what ever happened with ol' "Auntie Zeituni". All of my papers got a perfect score except one. THE MARAUDER PAPER !! It only got a 97. :mad2:

Ozark Marauder
05-18-2010, 04:54 AM
Obama’s ‘illegal’ Kenyan Auntie wins the right to stay in America

"The rationale for the judge’s decision was not made public."

"The asylum process is confidential and she wants to keep it that way, so we can’t get into details on why the judge granted asylum or the exact basis for her claim,”

If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny, You can't just go public that the President called you, told you to grant her immunity, and you simply did. Jeez, it is beyond stunning how blatantly self-serving Obama is.

SC Cheesehead
05-18-2010, 05:42 AM
Obama’s ‘illegal’ Kenyan Auntie wins the right to stay in America

"The rationale for the judge’s decision was not made public."

"The asylum process is confidential and she wants to keep it that way, so we can’t get into details on why the judge granted asylum or the exact basis for her claim,”

If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny, You can't just go public that the President called you, told you to grant her immunity, and you simply did. Jeez, it is beyond stunning how blatantly self-serving Obama is.


05-18-2010, 05:45 AM
The funny part is Obama was helping pay her medical bills, and he gets his money from us, the taxpayers, so in a roundabout way we helped her. Wait a minute...that actually doesn't sound so funny...

Egon Spengler
05-18-2010, 05:53 AM
I hope your weren't surprised by this Casey...

05-18-2010, 06:30 AM
You have to be a scientist to read that families family tree. The Pres says he did not know she was an illegal although he suddenly understands how to run car companies and banks. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!:thinker: