View Full Version : This makes me mad....

05-18-2010, 07:45 AM

One thing I cannot stand is somebody BSing about their military service. Ive always believed even if you served in the Air Force Reserve and worked the whole time as a mail clerk at Lackland AFB for two years and got out you still had your "hat in the ring" and could be proud of your service. Civilians sometimes forget once you are on active duty, you can be sent anywhere, anytime, and its just luck of the draw where you go. That said, I cannot tolerate people who lie about where they had been. It particularly makes me mad when people claim to be Vietnam vets. I meet these idiots alot on my Harley, guys a little younger than me who claim to have been there. The Vietnam Era was over in August of 1975 and except for a few specialized folks there were no major deployments Im aware of after 1972. There is no shame in saying you are a "Vietnam Era" veteran (emphasis on ERA). This guy in Connecticut is a simple liar. He could have just told the truth in the first place and that would have been ok (even though he did claim several prior deferments) but to say he was there and in later speeches infer he was there makes me mad. Nobody "misspeaks" about that, that is a plain lie. I hope the voters in Connecticut send a message to this clown. (Lots of coffee this am, sorry) :mad2:

05-18-2010, 07:53 AM

One thing I cannot stand is somebody BSing about their military service. Ive always believed even if you served in the Air Force Reserve and worked the whole time as a mail clerk at Lackland AFB for two years and got out you still had your "hat in the ring" and could be proud of your service. Civilians sometimes forget once you are on active duty, you can be sent anywhere, anytime, and its just luck of the draw where you go. That said, I cannot tolerate people who lie about where they had been. It particularly makes me mad when people claim to be Vietnam vets. I meet these idiots alot on my Harley, guys a little younger than me who claim to have been there. The Vietnam Era was over in August of 1975 and except for a few specialized folks there were no major deployments Im aware of after 1972. There is no shame in saying you are a "Vietnam Era" veteran (emphasis on ERA). This guy in Connecticut is a simple liar. He could have just told the truth in the first place and that would have been ok (even though he did claim several prior deferments) but to say he was there and in later speeches infer he was there makes me mad. Nobody "misspeaks" about that, that is a plain lie. I hope the voters in Connecticut send a message to this clown. (Lots of coffee this am, sorry) :mad2:

Speaking as a Vietnam veteran, imho this man is a scumbag! He is on a par with the late, thankfully, John Murtha one of the few ex-Marines.

05-18-2010, 08:16 AM
Yep, a total dirtbag and liar. And not an ounce of shame at all. :mad:

05-18-2010, 11:36 AM
What an *******

Egon Spengler
05-18-2010, 11:44 AM
What a loser. I hate posers like that! Plenty of them in the fire service as well. I can't stand people that talk about something as serious as that and use it for their own personal gain!

Thanks to all the ACTUAL veterans out there! Anyone who votes for this nimrod is either uneducated about him, or a total imbecile!

05-18-2010, 11:48 AM
Hey, the C-130 transport plane that I was on landed in Vietnam in 1970 and I got a tax break for that month, does that count?

SC Cheesehead
05-18-2010, 02:02 PM
I can always tell when a politician is lying.

Their lips are moving...:rolleyes:

05-18-2010, 02:43 PM
I can always tell when a politician is lying.

Their lips are moving...:rolleyes:

:laugh::laugh: Never heard a greater truth. Maybe this guy will get defeated.

05-18-2010, 02:46 PM
Hey, the C-130 transport plane that I was on landed in Vietnam in 1970 and I got a tax break for that month, does that count?

Of course that counts. :beer:

I still wear an MIA band from a pilot that never came home from the Nam.