View Full Version : Being Neighborly

05-21-2010, 11:35 AM
Accross the street from me my neighbors have been dealing with a lot since the start of winter. Now they live in CT but have to drive back and forth to N.Y. for their jobs seeing they are originaly from there before they bought this house.

They were using a pretty beat up Saturn to get back and forth and because of paying his ex wife alamony still and for his 3 sons money has been really tight for them.

His GF ended up hurting her shoulder @ work and needed some surgery on it so that set them back a bit. Then the tranny went in the Saturn but they had a 1998 Ford Exlorer that sat in the driveway for years because it was too expensive for them to run it that distance.

On of the other reasons for it sitting was the master cylender went as well and was dumping brake fluid out the back of it. This is a 1998 Ford Exlorer with the 5.0 P code engine AWD and has over 150,000 miles on it.

So in the freezing cold and snow I changed out the master and as soon as I went to check it out for bleeding @ the wheels after bench bleeding it the rear steal line poped. So had to change that out as well then got it to bleed just fine.

Started it up to take it for a test drive and the throttle body was locked up solid. Had to use WD-40 and a pair of channel locks to free up the throttle body so I could test drive it. heading down the driveway the ABS freeked out and made it almost impossable to stop the truck. Pulled the code and found out it was the wheel sensors but they maxed out a CC just to do the other brake repair in parts. So I pulled the fuse for the ABS so it would just run on normal brakes and by pass it.

Now Fred ended up laid off from work and Scarra had to go for another surgery for her shoulder because she was still having problems. So their money situation was getting worse and from time to time we would invite them over to eat with us or a cook out just to help a bit.

Then his mother died this last Friday and they had to go to Long Island to help with the funeral and more. They stayed all weekend long. On their way back Sunday the serpentine belt poped on them and he stoped and picked up another one and started the drive back again. Once on route 8 in CT the new belt broke again and is was late with everything closed. He called me and I called Tripple A and got them towed home for free.

Monday I checked it out and found the water pump bearing gone on it which is what kept causing the belt to break and I found 1 of the idler pully's were also about to go. Plus all of the hoses were original and he said the Thermostate was never changed when I asked him about it.

I went on line to look up parts and get an idea of what all of this should cost and what was available gave him the list and I told him when he had the money to come over and I would take him to the parts store to get it all.

Not wanting to bother me feeling guility about asking for charity again they walked down town to get everything once they got a family member to clear enough of a Credit Card so they could buy the parts and then stoped over my place to ask if I could fix it for them very humbly but I did get mad saying they should have asked for a ride instead of walking in the rain for the parts.

Anyways yesterday I brough it into the back of the house and started to get craking on it. Now if any of you are familier with Ford's fun idea about the clutch fan set up on all of the engines in these vehicles like the rainger and so forth it is a big nut on the back of it and it screws onto the water pump end and you usualy need a special set of tools for them to remove and put them back on and a royal PITA to do. There is a trick to getting them off. You use an air hammer with a chissel on it and burp the corner of the nut really good to break them free and they will spin off without a single tool being needed till you put it back on the new pump. The nut is usualy 1 and 7/16 to 36mm in size for a wrench.





Now the next problem was with all of the bolts being in an Aluminum engine for so long needless to say the threads were full of rust and junk so it took hours to work them back and forth to free them up enough for removal with out breaking any of them inside the block. So this job took about 4 hours longer than nessasary. I started about 11 a.m. and did not get done till the start of nightfall and darkness after warming it up and topping it off.

The extra time was due to cleaning the threads on all of the bolts by hand with a wire brush and so forth. They offerd to take all of the old fluids to the part store for the drop off including my old rear end fluid I had and more.

Seeing they could not pay me for the job I accepted the offer. Anyways I hope you find the story and tip about these fan clutches interesting and helpfull!

Being neighborly is something I was brought up around so doing this for them the past 2 times was worth it because everyone around me are very cool and always willing to help when they can.

Egon Spengler
05-21-2010, 11:44 AM
Very neighborly of you!

I am always working on family and friend's cars for them and the occasional neighbor that asks for my advice etc. I never accept any money or anything, but if they offer to buy me lunch while I work on the car, I am not going to say no!

05-21-2010, 11:49 AM
Very neighborly of you!

I am always working on family and friend's cars for them and the occasional neighbor that asks for my advice etc. I never accept any money or anything, but if they offer to buy me lunch while I work on the car, I am not going to say no!

They all know I am usualy short of money and normaly do work on cars for extra cash. Plus it is hard for me with my heart and how bad it is. I have to take a lot of breaks and drink a ton of fluids due to the amount of sweat that pours out of me while I am working.

I save them a lot of money without the parts mark up and low labor cost I have never charged more than $100.00 to anyone for each job I do even if it takes me a couple of days due to the size of the job.

But once in a while for people like them I do my best to help out and just write it off. In the winter when I am stuck @ home they wil pick up my meds for me and what not if I need it and they are going out some where already.

05-21-2010, 11:54 AM
This is why I help coach Little League even though my kids aren't playing anymore. It just feels good to help without asking for anything in return. Good Karma for you. :up:

05-21-2010, 12:05 PM
Really not surprised Leo, your an A+ guy. Helping someone out when they really need it. A little Humility goes a long way. I know you must have felt a little insulted he did'nt ask you for that ride, especially after walking in the rain. Keep doing what your doing, your parents did a great job raising you.

Egon Spengler
05-21-2010, 12:05 PM
It just feels good to help without asking for anything in return.
Yes, yes it does!:beer:

05-21-2010, 12:10 PM
I work on friend's car just for the cost of the parts.

05-21-2010, 12:10 PM
I made my own wrench many years ago out of a slightly smaller open ended wrench using a cut off tool. Then I loaned it out......

As for freebies, I have been burned too many times, no more. I hope they take care of you any way that they can and don't use you or lose your trust.

05-21-2010, 12:20 PM
I made my own wrench many years ago out of a slightly smaller open ended wrench using a cut off tool. Then I loaned it out......

As for freebies, I have been burned too many times, no more. I hope they take care of you any way that they can and don't use you or lose your trust.

For removal of the fan once you break that grip with a good shock to the nut you need noother tool it just spins off with total ease. It's just the tightening up after words that you need a wrench.

The plastic fans on these v6 and v8 engines wear down very often and I have had to replace a lot of them over the years so that little trick I mentioned is the best way to go because it dosn't round the clutch nut what so ever which is what most end up doing with the cheep wrenches you can rent from AutoZone and what not.

Na they are cool every winter they come over and help out or clear out the snow for us in the front sidewalk sometimes before I ever get outside to do it for myself. I never asked them for it they just do it on their own because they know I am not supose to and usualy get pissed off if they see me doing it on my own.

05-21-2010, 12:30 PM
Thats good that they are giving back. I used to do alot of freebies for those in need, but I noticed that it just became expected, the last job I did I watched them carry in a new plasma right in FRONT OF ME. Thats why I have a chip, most before that were actually diserving, and yes, it does make you feel good about yourself, that much I haven't forgotten.

I'm having problems remembering this fan, it's been a long awile. I do remember 1) A PITA 2) My homemeade wrench 3) Hammer. Thats all I can remember though.

05-21-2010, 12:44 PM
Thats good that they are giving back. I used to do alot of freebies for those in need, but I noticed that it just became expected, the last job I did I watched them carry in a new plasma right in FRONT OF ME. Thats why I have a chip, most before that were actually diserving, and yes, it does make you feel good about yourself, that much I haven't forgotten.

I'm having problems remembering this fan, it's been a long awile. I do remember 1) A PITA 2) My homemeade wrench 3) Hammer. Thats all I can remember though.

They have no house phone right now just cell phones. No cable or internet and usualy end up barrowing a DVD from us from time to time to get through a rainny day so I know they are not doing too good to say the least.




This is the tool kit you can rent or buy and what the clutch looks like. There is very little room between the water pump and clutch to work with and they are usualy locked together pretty tight.

The wrenches normaly will round the nut on the clutch before you can get it to losen up and you need to put a breaker bar on the end of the wrench to break it lose if your lucky. The big wrenches are for holding the water pump still while you try to do this.

If you use an air hammer or a big chisssel with a hammer you can break the grip of the nut on the water pump and it just spins off of it with no damage to the nut on the clutch.

05-21-2010, 12:53 PM
Okay, those pics are bringing it all back to memory. I remember being more worried about it not tightening fully, but it is allways against engine rotation if memory serves me right. Reverse thread isn't?

05-21-2010, 01:04 PM
Okay, those pics are bringing it all back to memory. I remember being more worried about it not tightening fully, but it is allways against engine rotation if memory serves me right. Reverse thread isn't?

This one had standard right hand threads like most of the v8's but yes on most of the V6 engines it is left handed threads so far that I have come up on.

The plastic fans start to wear out crack and so forth after time and the blades can snap off so taking that off can be a common thing on most of them. And on the v6 engines it makes a difference on if it is a made in canada one or made in the US to find the correct fan they have differnt sizes and distance between the bolts for mounting them.

They are out right now when they get back home I will snap a shot out how it looks on the Explorer to give a better example of how much of a PITA it is to work with.
You can not remove the fan protector without getting this apart first.

05-21-2010, 01:55 PM
I own that set of tools. I ended up modifing some of it for a way to lock the harmonic balancer on my MM so I can tighten my pully to spec

05-21-2010, 04:59 PM
Okay, those pics are bringing it all back to memory. I remember being more worried about it not tightening fully, but it is allways against engine rotation if memory serves me right. Reverse thread isn't?

Here is a pic of how close and tight it all is trying to losen it up.


The rusted nut by the fan is the you you have to nail with a hammer and cisel or an air hammer to break it free.

05-22-2010, 07:00 AM
[quote=LeoVampire;914889]Accross the street from me my neighbors have been dealing with a lot since the start of winter. Now they live in CT but have to drive back and forth to N.Y. for their jobs seeing they are originaly from there before they bought this house.

If I ever move back to Ct, I'm gonna live across the street from you.:)

05-22-2010, 09:29 AM
[quote=LeoVampire;914889]Accross the street from me my neighbors have been dealing with a lot since the start of winter. Now they live in CT but have to drive back and forth to N.Y. for their jobs seeing they are originaly from there before they bought this house.

If I ever move back to Ct, I'm gonna live across the street from you.:)

Thanks for the compliment!

Isn't that how a lot of us were brought up?

We look out for each other when possable?

Some one said on here once it is no longer a Neighborhood you live in just the Hood and I refuse to let that concept go.

05-22-2010, 10:13 AM
Very nice story. You have come across to me as a very good man in the past and this is more proof of that. When the chips are down your neighbors will be there for you!

05-24-2010, 08:26 PM
LeoVampire, you are a good person and it'll come back to you ten fold.

05-24-2010, 11:23 PM
I got a remod job that is 40 miles away in Chicago area so I've been filling up my guys vans/trucks with gas on my coin. Feels good to help even though I'm feeling it too.

RF Overlord
05-25-2010, 02:51 AM
LeoVampire, you're doing just what _______ (God, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna...pick one) would want. Good on ya'. :up:

05-25-2010, 01:46 PM
LeoVampire, you're doing just what _______ (God, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna...pick one) would want. Good on ya'. :up:

Just how my mother brought me up. We could all depend on each other when I was young and the neighbors would sit on the steps and talk every night this time of year while the kids played together.

I grew up in a working class neighborhood surounded by factory's with little local shops and a single family owned grocery store.

We all knew each other and helped each other.

I like trying to keep those times alive in each area I live in.

When I was in Branford, CT I bought a grill and told my other neighbors who lived in the same 3 story house as me it was for us all to use.

Every October we would do pumpkin carving party's on the front porch.
And during the spring, summer and fall months have some pot luck suppers.
I kept spare keys for all the apartments because it was nuts getting ahold of the landlord incase someone got locked out I could let them in.
Things like that. It's hard to call a place home when you have no one to hang with or talk to around you it just dosn't seem right.