View Full Version : Guns Guns Guns (anyone want to go? NY/CT)

11-22-2003, 09:04 AM

I'm overdue for shooting practice. I go to Connecticut as they allow .223 and other high power long guns.

Any interest before it get really cold?


11-22-2003, 04:35 PM
are you talking about? And are you interested in shooting along side a 50 caliber shooter? (it gets a bit too noisy for some people, but I luv it)......

11-22-2003, 05:23 PM
Loud, what??

I Can't hear you.

I can't remember the name of range. I have it written down. Senior moments are coming closer together.

I'll let you know, but I guessing you already know a place or two.

11-23-2003, 03:57 AM
ranges will allow 50 caliber shooting. Furthermore, it's best to shoot the big 50 at longer ranges than 100 yds. I go to Wallingford Blue Trail Range, but that's a bit of a ride from N.Y. But they have a 200 yrd range there which is probably the bare minimum that anyone would want to shoot a 50 at. 500yds would be better, but there's only one place that I know of in CT that offers that distance. However it's a private club, and you have to know someone who's a member just in oder to get in.

11-23-2003, 07:42 AM
There is a public range in Calverton , Long Island. They allow any caliber weapon up to 200 yds. The range is in Suffolk County just west of Riverhead. Bridgeport ferry leaves you in Port Jefferson - 10 min from my house/25 min. from the range.

11-23-2003, 03:55 PM
Krytin - Welcome aboard. This is the best site on the net. Nice to have another Long Islander as a member.:D :up:

11-23-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Krytin
There is a public range in Calverton , Long Island. They allow any caliber weapon up to 200 yds. The range is in Suffolk County just west of Riverhead. Bridgeport ferry leaves you in Port Jefferson - 10 min from my house/25 min. from the range.

...okay, a couple questions:

believe it or not, I've never even taken the ferry, so I'm wondering how it would be to take my Marauder on it. Who parks your car, you or them? What would concern me about that is the fact that I never park my car close enough to another car where someone can swing their car door open and hit my car. At work, home, and whenever I go to any store, I always park atleast a good 4 feet away from other vehicles so that this will not happen, and on the Ferry, I doubt that would be possible. And unless I bring my car, something tells me that I wouldn't be able to walk on the ferry w/a gun case in my hand. Which also brings up the legality of me even bringing a rifle to N.Y. I know that N.Y. is even more politically LIBERAL than CT is, and they have some pretty strict gun laws there. So I'm not even at all sure that I can even bring my rifle to N.Y. in order to target shoot since I'm not a resident there.

11-24-2003, 01:45 PM
Hi Billy,

I can answer some questions.

On the ferry (at least the ones I've taken) you park your own car. It might be within door swinging room.

NYC is really picky about traveling through with guns. In theory you are supposed to register with a precint before traversing (without stopping) the city with a gun. I can't say i've read the law but I did inquire about 12 yrs ago and that is what I was told.

Long Island is not NYC and NY State law applies everwhere else but NYC. To the best of my knowledge you can come in and shoot. Trigger lock laws may or may not apply, I can't say.

NYC marine cops once told me they don't want me to have a flare gun in their waters. I believe this was just those particular cops (my old boat looked piss poor, read that as suspect, in those days).


11-24-2003, 08:07 PM
You park your own car on the Bridgeport ferry. It is tight - you may not feel comfortable. I have never got dents in anything from a minivan/SUV up to my old Linclon Towncar. Never had my Marauder on it yet. You can travel with long arms unloaded - separate from amunition into NY - even through NYC non-stop.If you stop - you have to register. Handguns I'm not sure about. I only just got my permit for NYS and I get the feeling that out of state pistol permit holders would only be welcome at organized/sanctioned shooting events.

11-24-2003, 09:05 PM
Yes as stated above you park your own car and very tightly. Rough seas can subject your MM to salt water and high or low tide can cause the loading ramp to be at a very steep angle. This is a possible problem.

11-25-2003, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Krytin
There is a public range in Calverton , Long Island. They allow any caliber weapon up to 200 yds. The range is in Suffolk County just west of Riverhead. Bridgeport ferry leaves you in Port Jefferson - 10 min from my house/25 min. from the range.

Well, in light of what's been said, as far as I'm concerned, I appreciate your suggestion, cuz I'd like to go shootin w/you guys, but I think Long Island would be out for me. I'm really not crazy about the idea of bringing my car on the Bridgeport Ferry. That's just trouble waiting to happen. I can see myself getting into a fight because some low-life from Bridgeport(which isn't a great part of Connecticut) swings his door into my Marauder. And that wouldn't be a good scenario w/guns & ammo in my car. Not that I'd be tempted to shoot anyone. I have more self-control than that. But the thought of any authorities getting involved, and finding firearms in my car wouldn't be good. I mean I don't baby my car as far as the way I drive it, but when it comes to where I park it, I'm very particular. Dropping 30K on a car wasn't just a drop in the bucket for me.
But if I went to NY to shoot, it would have to be some place closer to CT. Perhaps just over the line.The only alternative that I can offer, is that if anyone wants to shoot my 50 cal, then you can come to the range that I go to in Wallingford, CT and shoot at 200 yds w/me. And if you came all that way from NY, then I'd be glad to supply the ammo & the targets too. All is you'll have to do is pay for your range time(which would be $13 per hour on the weekend, or $13 a day on the weekdays). If weather allows, I'll be going to that range on wednesday 11:00am to break-in a new gun(one of my two 50 cals), and I then plan on going again next week atleast once. Unless someone can come up w/some place else in NY, that's closer than Long Island.

11-25-2003, 06:26 AM
Anyone that gets down to the metro Atlanta area that wants to go shoot contact me and we will go to my club. It's great to be a shooter in Georgia.

I am new to the list and just picked up my 300B, Silver Birch in Skokie Il on Sat. I had a blast all the way home and can't wait to bump it up a bit.


11-25-2003, 09:07 AM
and congratulations on your new car.

11-25-2003, 03:57 PM
I understand your thoughts & feelings completely! I do head north from time to time - friends and relatives in NH. Maybe sometime in the spring. I have some short range stuff - my fav is the Thompson semi 1927 A1 with the drum mag! We'll keep in touch.

11-25-2003, 08:19 PM
greyghost - Welcome to the site. It is the best on the net. Congrats and enjoy your new ride.:D :up:

11-26-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Krytin
I understand your thoughts & feelings completely! I do head north from time to time - friends and relatives in NH. Maybe sometime in the spring. I have some short range stuff - my fav is the Thompson semi 1927 A1 with the drum mag! We'll keep in touch.

well for short range stuff like that, we can go to another place that's also in Walingford that is indoors. So we would be able to do that any time of the year, including the winter time. ofcourse I wouldn't be able to bring the big 50 since it would send the rounds right through the walls, but I do have some pretty potent handguns that I can bring, such as a S&W snub-nose 44 mag revolver(talk about a wall of flame!) as well as a 454 casull revolver. So let me know ahead of time if you plan on being in N.H.;)

11-26-2003, 07:34 AM
I think this is the appropriate thread for me to mention the following:

If there's anyone on here who lives down south, or out west who either has a lot of private land or has a close relative who does, who is also into target shooting, I'd like to offer to bring atleast one of my 50BMG caliber bolt action rifles to where your at so that we can shoot at any targets we choose. I'll supply the rifle, and the ammo(which will include plenty of armour piercing ammo), as long as you supply enough land for us to legaly shoot. I'd also help provide us with some interesting targets such as cinder blocks, old car batteries, and even a junk car w/an egine block from nearby that we can drop the cas tank out of, and drain the coolant from before using it for our target. I'm dead serious about this offer. If you can provide the land, I'd not only be willing to drive a good distance to where that land is at(I live in Connecticut), but I'd also allow you to shoot the big 50 all you want as well as the land owner too if you're not the owner yourself. Where I live, not very many people have a big piece of oland, so my only resort is to shoot on the public range where I can only shoot paper.

11-28-2003, 08:25 AM
Wallingford ain't far for me. Maybe after the holidays I'll drop you a line. I have a stock Black 300A and you have done all the mods I've been considering! It would be nice to see your car.

11-28-2003, 09:24 AM
BillyGman, I think there is a .50 cal range over in Alabama that goes out to at least 1500 yds. I will verify and let you know the particulars. Getting harder and harder to get a long range that will even allow .50 cal. Our 600 yd range requires special permission to fire a .50.

11-28-2003, 01:22 PM
Hi Billy,

Blue Trail in Wallingford is the closest range I know that lets you shoot high velocity I finally found it again and it the one you know. So It sounds like a good idea to me.

How about next Sunday? I don't know hours etc but it is local to you, want to check it out or is it posted on your refrigerator?


If we get any offers on private land that would be great.

11-29-2003, 12:30 AM
Greyghost, I have two places that I can shoot my 50 cal rifles that are both only a 20-25 minute drive away from me. But because both of them are public ranges, I cannot shoot anything but paper targets at those places, and w/all the 50cal armour piercing ammo I have, that's just a waste. I mean I still Luv shooting these big guns even if it's only at paper targets, but some day I'd like to find a place where I can shoot almost anything I want. But I wouldn't drive all the way to Georgia just to shoot paper even if it's at a very long range like over 1000 yds. But maybe I feel that way right now because I'm really not ready for shooting at those kind of distances. Oh, the gun can do it no doubt. But I think I'll have to shoot another year or two w/these big guns as well as break in my reloading press before I'll be any good at 1000+ yds.
Krytin, and Jaywish,
next Sunday at Wallingford sounds good to me as long as weather allows it. If it isn't raining, snowing, or heavy winds, then we're good. We'll have to keep an eye on the 5 day weather forcast during the week, and if it looks good, then we can send eachother a PM, and I can give you my phone # and some directions to the Wallingford Blue Trail range on thursday, or friday. Let's also hope that the temperatures stay in the 40's because I'm really not into hangin outside for a couple hours shooting in 30 degree weather. Upper 30's maybe, as long as it isn't windy, but if it's near freezing, then count me out. Blue Trail range is open 7 days a week from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The fee for the 200 yd range is $18 per person,per day, and for that fee you can shoot as long as you want.
Krytin, I see that your profile says that you're into photography. So perhaps you would be able to bring a digital camera if you happen to own one, so that you can get a shot of the muzzle blast coming out of my gun around 4:30 or 4:45pm on that day when it's begining to get dark. I want to get a still shot of that so I can post that pic on the website that my Sister has set up for our family. And maybe I can even put it here on the board(if I can figure out how to do that...I'm not a real PC wiz).

11-29-2003, 05:28 AM
I will make sure that the range allows other targets besides paper. My son has shot the Marine Corps .50 cal sniper rifle, 3 shots 3 kills at over 1000 yds. If we can line something up he would like to come along.

11-29-2003, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
...You can get a shot of the muzzle blast coming out of my gun around 4:30 or 4:45pm on that day when it's begining to get dark. I want to get a still shot of that so I can post that pic on the website that my Sister has set up for our family.

Note to self: Never, ever, make fun of BillyGman or his sister or his family for that matter. Never, ever, never!!!

In fact, let me be the first to say "Happy Holidays!!" to the Gman family!!

11-29-2003, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by martyo
Note to self: Never, ever, make fun of BillyGman or his sister or his family for that matter. Never, ever, never!!!

In fact, let me be the first to say "Happy Holidays!!" to the Gman family!!

Well now, that's better Marty....I guess I can take my cross hairs off of your kitchen window now.....

11-29-2003, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
Well now, that's better Marty....I guess I can take my cross hairs off of your kitchen window now.....


11-29-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by greyghost
I will make sure that the range allows other targets besides paper. My son has shot the Marine Corps .50 cal sniper rifle, 3 shots 3 kills at over 1000 yds. If we can line something up he would like to come along.

Hmmmm, that's a very interesting idea. I wouldn't mind letting you and your son shoot the big 50. And since my outdoor shooting time will be coming to a close up here in Connecticut pretty soon this year because of the cold weather on it's way, then it would be nice to shoot in a warmer climate like Georgia. Perhaps it would be easiest for me to visit you guys in the week between Christmas day, and New Years day. That way I wouldn't have to take any time off from work since I have holiday vacation on that week. Find out what days and hours that range is open. Maybe a weekday would be best since there probably be less people there during the week. One that might prevent us from shooting past 300 yds though is that I don't have a spotting scope. The scope I have mounted on my Barret 50 caliber is a 42X scope and can easily be used as to spot your hits at 200 yds, and I'm sure there wouldn't be any problem at 300 yds either. But farther out than that, I dunno. So unless you have a high end spoting scope, then we might want to keep are shots at 300 yds and less. Does this shooting range you're talking about have a place to shot at those midrange distances? Or are there only places there to shoot at 1000+ yds?

BTW, Marty, if you aren't too politically Liberal like the majority of the people in your state(as well as the majority in my home state as well) then you're always welcome to come along to shoot w/me weather it's in Wallingford, CT, or in Georgia if that ever happens.;)

11-29-2003, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
BTW, Marty, if you aren't too politically Liberal like the majority of the people in your state(as well as the majority in my home state as well) then you're always welcome to come along to shoot w/me weather it's in Wallingford, CT, or in Georgia if that ever happens.;)

Sign me up. I took my hand gun certifcation course in CT a few years ago. As NY is not the easiest place to get a permit.

11-29-2003, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by martyo
Sign me up. I took my hand gun certifcation course in CT a few years ago. As NY is not the easiest place to get a permit.

Good! If the weather allows it, then you can come along w/me (and the others if they can make it) to Wallingford on Sunday. But I know that you said Sundays are usually tough for you, so if you want to join me either some time this week, or on a Saturday, then send me a PM. if it starts getting too cold to shoot outdoors comfortably, then another option for us since you've said you have experience w/handguns is to go to another range in Wallingford that is indoors where we can shoot some of my handguns instead. That would be fine w/me too since I haven't even shot any of them in about 6 months!! But the choice is your Marty. We can grab a bite to eat somewhere around there after we're done shooting. However if it's on a weekday, then I have to be in work by 3:30pm so we would have to get an early start.

11-29-2003, 11:07 AM
BillyGman, as I have researched the ability to shoot the .50 BMG and be able to shoot at more than just paper I have narrowed it down to two sources.

The "Fifty Caliber Shooters Association"


Knob Creek Gun Range in Kentucky


Knob Creek is where they have the big machine gun shoot twice a year. I have queried them and am waiting for a response.

The range in Alabama I haven't been able to find and the contact person i had here in Georgia that knew about it unfortuately has past away. It is a private range owned by a former LEO named Husky, not sure of the spelling and no hits on the Google.

If I get anything I will let you know.

11-29-2003, 02:45 PM
I do have activities scheduled next sunday, however, if the weather looks really nice I may have to make changes to allow a trip to CT. I do have a digital and can tage the picture your looking for. It's just a matter of time before it happens! Talk again at end of week.

11-30-2003, 05:59 AM
we will see what the weather report is like for next weekend. Hopefully it will be good.

12-01-2003, 09:07 AM
Hi All,

This All sounds good, weather is key As I remember freezing my butt on that range once or twice before.

I'll be heading from Yonkers so anyone is welcome to hook up and take the ride, My car is not black, red, blue or silver, but we all have big trunks.


12-03-2003, 11:26 PM
it isn't looking too good for this coming weekend at all as far as shooting outdoors due to the aproaching wet/cold weather. And there isn't any place on earth where we can shoot a 50BMG caliber rifle indoors since the rounds would go right through cement walls. So maybe we can plan for this on the following Sunday if that's okay w/you guys. But it would have to be Sunday the 14th, because on Saturday the 13th, Marty & I plan on going to race our Marauders at the Atco track which will be the last race day for this year. BTW, everyone is welcome to join us there too. But ofcourse all of this is also dependent on the weather forcast next week.

12-04-2003, 08:12 AM

I agree that range will not be much fun this Sunday.

I believe Troopcar is trying to get a meet together next Sunday in Yonkers.

Well maybe the 20th will be warm. You never know.