View Full Version : I got a nice lesson on Saturday

05-26-2010, 04:14 PM
My upstairs neighbor has a Lincoln Aviator and wanted to do a coolant change out and flush.

He knocked on my door saying Dave I need your help I can't get it to stop over heating. I mentioned filling it by the crossover tube and needing to burp the system he did not understand so I went out tohelp him.

There was no fluid in the cross over tube so the sensor wasn't reading the temp right. I figured it was safe to open it up and fill the crossover tube. I got about a half a gallon of mixed antifreeze into it and then Kapow it decieded to blow out boiling hot fluid out of the cross over tube like an exploading volcano.

Here is my end pay back results for trying to help him out.







BTW I took these shots today and this happend on Saturday. I had to keep a soaking wet towel on this for a day and I could smell the antifreeze burnt into the flesh the whole time.

Lesson learned the hard way to say the least.

05-26-2010, 04:21 PM
SOB that looks like it hurts. It's a mistake you only make once, pain is one of the best educators. Hopefully everything heals fast and OK

05-26-2010, 04:23 PM
holy **** :(

05-26-2010, 04:24 PM
sorry brother that happen, looks bad. glad ur okay.

05-26-2010, 04:26 PM

05-26-2010, 04:33 PM
Leo Thank god that thing did not get your eyes,, Holly **** that look bad, Hope you feel good

05-26-2010, 04:38 PM
I was lucky to have fast reflex's is all I can say. It came out with a force you would not believe.

It hit the underside of the hood and sprayed everywhere. That burn happend in only a split second. When we looked @ the temp guage after it had enough fluid in it to read anything it was off the scale so it had to be about 220 degrees or more when it came flying out.

It hurts like a B**ch still and sensative to water touching it and sun light hitting it. Plus it keeps forming blisters al over the place.

At first it had turned pretty dark in color almost purplish in nature. That stoped and started to turn to red yesterday.

05-26-2010, 04:40 PM
I was lucky to have fast reflex's is all I can say. It came out with a force you would not believe.

It hit the underside of the hood and sprayed everywhere. That burn happend in only a split second. When we looked @ the temp guage after it had enough fluid in it to read anything it was off the scale so it had to be about 220 degrees or more when it came flying out.

It hurts like a B**ch still and sensative to water touching it and sun light hitting it. Plus it keeps forming blisters al over the place.

At first it had turned pretty dark in color almost purplish in nature. That stoped and started to turn to red yesterday.

wheres CBT?

05-26-2010, 05:53 PM
Hot and cold dont mix to good like that. sorry to hear about this. Hope ya get better soon almost looks like second degree burns there. I learned about cooling systems in a very similar fashion. Now I will always wait till the engines cooled off.

05-26-2010, 05:59 PM
Jeez Leo...hope it heals quickly.

05-26-2010, 06:03 PM
OMG that's horrible. Hope you're ok!!!

05-26-2010, 06:13 PM
I was lucky to have fast reflex's is all I can say. It came out with a force you would not believe.

It hit the underside of the hood and sprayed everywhere. That burn happend in only a split second. When we looked @ the temp guage after it had enough fluid in it to read anything it was off the scale so it had to be about 220 degrees or more when it came flying out.

It hurts like a B**ch still and sensative to water touching it and sun light hitting it. Plus it keeps forming blisters al over the place.

At first it had turned pretty dark in color almost purplish in nature. That stoped and started to turn to red yesterday.


What may help is a constant stream of cold liquid. And by that I mean drink lots of cold beer. LOTS of it. A roaring hangover will divert some of that burn pain to your noggin. It's science, I can't really get into it. Hope you feel better, man.

05-26-2010, 06:18 PM
WOW Leo! I'm really sorry to read this... I hope you feel better

05-26-2010, 06:36 PM
Thanks everyone.

I am just surprised it started to blister today and not sooner. after all it did happen on Saturday. If it looks any worse tomarrow I will call my doctor up and see if I can get into to see him.

I have some paper work from SSI that needs to be filled out anyways so a good excuse to do both @ the same time.

Being an Auto Tech for as many years as I have been burns happen all of the time but this is the first time ever for a cooling system burn. It's usualy a screw up on the exhaust instead.

It's common to pull your hand out from somewhere and say wow where is all of this blood comming from with pitch black hands and say I never felt that happen.

I have to admit this is a little differnt to say the least.

05-26-2010, 06:40 PM
I did that too.... once.

Not as bad tho.

I'd go to the emergency room right away.

Hope there is no lasting damage.

Lesson learned.

1 Bad Merc
05-26-2010, 07:00 PM
I wouldnt wait and would go to the doctor as soon as possible. That looks like one hell of a burn! Glad you had quick reflexes and did not get hit in the face with it.

05-26-2010, 09:11 PM
OuCh, oUcH, OUCH... Take care of yourself will ya!

05-26-2010, 11:54 PM
100 % Agave Tequila as needed for pain.

05-27-2010, 02:32 AM
I seen that happen to my dad when I was a kid. Scare the **** out of me.

05-27-2010, 03:19 AM
Man that sux, SOmetimes it doesn't pay to be a nice guy.
Burns are crazy painful. I would go to a doctor, that could easily get infected.

05-27-2010, 05:18 AM
Alcohol will actually dehydrate your body.

Sorry about that. Geesh and a crazy thing like that happened to a smart guy like you?

Ointment. Loose fitting bandages (breathable)

Egon Spengler
05-27-2010, 05:33 AM
If it looks any worse tomarrow I will call my doctor up and see if I can get into to see him.
Leo, GLad you are alright! Those look like some pretty nasty burns and I was going to suggest that you should probably have those looked at! If it is blistering and stuff, you probably should have it looked at and try to prevent infection.

05-27-2010, 06:25 AM
Just now seeing this Dave. WOW that sucks! Hopefully it wouldn't leave you too badly scared.

05-27-2010, 06:32 AM
Wow! I hope it heals well. So sorry. Sucks even more that it happened while trying to help someone. I guess on the flip side now. That person will now think to go else where to have their car worked on as they might be thinking you dont know squat about cars and they will leave you alone.

Hope it heals good.

05-27-2010, 02:21 PM
I was @ my dealership today with my friend Joe helping him finish up the purchase on a 2007 Mercury Mountainer he had picked out when I brought him there on Monday.

Anyways my salesman well ours now said Dave let me see your arm and I told him what happend.

He called his wife who is a burn specialist who works @ the only major burn unit in the state.

He did a live video feed to her @ the dealership and she had me turn my hand and arm around to look @ it all and said it is a major second degree burn. I have an apointment with them tomarrow morning @ 9:45 a.m. and they are going to do skin tests and treatment right away when I get there.

I mentioned the silvadene to her that was mentioned to me in a P.M. on here from musclemerc and she said I am beyond the help that can give me so something more intence needs to be done. Maybe if I had gotten help right away it might have worked but something more needs to be done.

I figured I would keep you all updated and pass along the info I got from the burn center.

Thanks everyone for the concern and advice! :beer:

Egon Spengler
05-27-2010, 02:54 PM
Being an EMT I knew those didn't look good. You definitely should have gone to the hospital right away with those! Hope everything goes well and you heal up nicely!

05-27-2010, 02:58 PM
Being an EMT I knew those didn't look good. You definitely should have gone to the hospital right away with those! Hope everything goes well and you heal up nicely!

Unfortunatly it did not start to blister till yesterday so there was no visable indication to me that it was that serious.

If it had blisterd right away or close to it I would have gone to have it looked @ sooner.

As I said live and learn and a lesson to go with it.

I made the same goof on my first heart attack waited a lot longer than I should have for help.

Egon Spengler
05-27-2010, 03:08 PM
Unfortunatly it did not start to blister till yesterday so there was no visable indication to me that it was that serious.

If it had blisterd right away or close to it I would have gone to have it looked @ sooner.

As I said live and learn and a lesson to go with it.

I made the same goof on my first heart attack waited a lot longer than I should have for help.
Glad you are ok man. Like Bawazir said, good thing it didn't get in your eyes, or anywhere near you face for that matter!

05-28-2010, 12:25 PM
well went to the burn center today!

They actualy complimented me on how I handled the care of it and were surprised about the actual healing process going on in such a short amount of time considering the severity of the burn. I guess the Army training was good for something after all in my Civy life! :lol:

They took a large sample of skin and tested it for bacteria and it is just fine no problems that way.

Aparently up to about a week after a burn like that it can end up looking worse and it is normal for blisters to form late in the process.

They dressed it up for me and gave me all I need to keep up with the cleaning and protection dressing plus ointment and more.

No working on cars for 2 weeks they said to make sure I keep it clean other wise I should be good to go after I see them again once back from Carlisle! :banana:

05-28-2010, 02:04 PM
Good for the healing process, take 500 IU of vitamin E tabs, and cold(frigerated) Aloe Vera on the non-listered parts.

Ms. Denmark
05-28-2010, 04:19 PM
Just seeing this now Leo. It looks so painful. Not a nice thing to happen when you were being so helpful to your neighbor! Thanks for sharing this experience. It may save one of us from serious injury. Hope you're good as new real soon!

05-28-2010, 04:27 PM
A good way to prevent this accident is to make sure the overflow tank cap is off so there is no pressure in the coolant system, and while the engine is idling... slowly add coolant to the cross over port.....AFTER the engine has cooled.
I recently changed the water pump on the Marauder and had to go through the same process to bleed air from the cooling system and add coolant via the cross over tube.

05-29-2010, 12:56 PM
A good way to prevent this accident is to make sure the overflow tank cap is off so there is no pressure in the coolant system, and while the engine is idling... slowly add coolant to the cross over port.....AFTER the engine has cooled.
I recently changed the water pump on the Marauder and had to go through the same process to bleed air from the cooling system and add coolant via the cross over tube.

Unfortunatly I ran into this situation in the middle of someone elses work. I did my Marauder before as well as a 1998 Lincoln Continental without issues done on the first shot no bubbles or any other problem.

It never fails walking into another guys mess having something go wrong.

He sliped me a $50.00 spot today and has never stop saying his sorry even though I tell him it is okay.

I Just sea foamed the lincoln for him after he changed out the plugs on it as I taught him last year how to do it. I cheked the coils and found a weak one that was setting his engine code so I ran him down to Ford to grab a new one and I cleaned his MAF and IAT for him as well seeing he put a new air filter in.

My arm and hand will make it and his Lincoln Aviator is now running like new basicly so all ended well in the long run.

05-31-2010, 11:49 AM
Sounds good Leo! Hows that hand doing?

05-31-2010, 01:17 PM
Sounds good Leo! Hows that hand doing?

Much better now thanks! No more pain just the itching process has started from the healing which make's me more nuts than any pain :lol:

The dead skin is starting to peal away and nice pink non sensative skin is underneath it.

I am sure there will be some scaring but it just goes to show I am not a money handling city boy and worked for a living :lol:

05-31-2010, 09:25 PM
Damn Leo, glad your okay and it is getting better. Watched a instructor catch some hot coolant to his face in auto shop in high school. Scared the ish out of me and I took culinary arts for the next 2 years. All I can say is he wasn't that handsome after that, just glad your okay and don't need any skin grafts.