View Full Version : Donny Carlson

Paul T. Casey
05-28-2010, 06:21 AM
I know some of the Southern Marauder gang were concerned, so I called him last night. He is fine, and doing well. Talked about a half hour. This is good to know.

05-28-2010, 06:22 AM
Glad you are still with us Paul!

05-28-2010, 06:23 AM
Welcome back Paul.

05-28-2010, 06:32 AM
I know some of the Southern Marauder gang were concerned, so I called him last night. He is fine, and doing well. Talked about a half hour. This is good to know.

Thanks Paul. Glad you're both doing ok. I guess you guys got a chance to compare notes...

05-28-2010, 06:47 AM
Super. Looking forward to seeing you both at a breakfast or event soon.

Donny Carlson
05-28-2010, 08:09 AM
He's now one up on me, 4 stents to my 3. Whoa. Must be all that burnout smoke. :)

05-28-2010, 08:34 AM
He's now one up on me, 4 stents to my 3. Whoa. Must be all that burnout smoke. :)

I have you both beat! 3 setnts and 3 bypass! Now if I could figure out how to beat Paul at the tree!!!!:flamer:

05-28-2010, 12:13 PM
Single mammory By Pass

8angio plasties with 8 stents

10 MI's and 4 cardiac arrests

1 ICD pacemaker

3 Micro Stroke's

2 DVT's in right leg and 1 DVT in the left.

Want to trade up body's guys???

Anyways I am glad your feeling better and home now Paul glad all s well! :beer:

Egon Spengler
05-28-2010, 12:18 PM
Single mammory By Pass

8angio plasties with 8 stents

10 MI's and 4 cardiac arrests

1 ICD pacemaker

3 Micro Stroke's

2 DVT's in right leg and 1 DVT in the left.

Want to trade up body's guys???

Anyways I am glad your feeling better and home now Paul glad all s well! :beer:
You are like the terminator!!!

05-28-2010, 12:18 PM
So what is a DVT?:confused:

Egon Spengler
05-28-2010, 12:26 PM
So what is a DVT?:confused:
Deep Vein Thrombosis - Blood clot in a major vein or artery

05-28-2010, 12:28 PM
So what is a DVT?:confused:

Deep nein thromboses! Large blood clots.

I have blood clots in my legs where it comes back out of it so they tend to fill with blood over time unless I lay down with my legs and feet up.

Over time your body forms new pathways around them and the circulation has gotten better over time. @ least my leg dosn't flop over my socks anymore like it use to but I do have some skin discoloration where the blood use to come out of my poors when it was too full.

They installed a filter to make sure non of the clots could break away and travel to my lungs.

05-28-2010, 01:08 PM
old bastads

05-28-2010, 01:19 PM
Single mammory By Pass

8angio plasties with 8 stents

10 MI's and 4 cardiac arrests

1 ICD pacemaker

3 Micro Stroke's

2 DVT's in right leg and 1 DVT in the left.

Want to trade up body's guys???

Anyways I am glad your feeling better and home now Paul glad all s well! :beer:
Anyone here have any faith in natural remedies? Now don't get me wrong, i'm no expert but over the past 3 years since iv'e started taking them i feel rejuvenated. Someone posted the other day on the "prayers for paul" thread that taking coenzyme Q10 is a good idea. Anyway i won't tell you my personal stories but here is what i take daily.

Omega 3-6-9, a no brainer IMO, every one should\could benefit from this.

Garlic, as per above

Coenzyme Q-10, many believers.

Glucosamine sulfate, "joint ease", i had trouble with both my knees, 1 elbow and 1 ankle, i don't now. Not an overnight solution, give it a few months.

Bee propolis, suppose to help the immune system, seems to have helped mine.

Grape seed concentrate, suppose to fight "free radicals" which cause{?} cancers, again i'm no expert. 60 minutes did a segment on this.

St johns wart, suppose to help depression and sleep.

This is where i get my stash,


No recommending these guys or anything but you can browse around for info, clicking on "more info" gives you just that. Also look on the left half way down you will see "health conditions index" where you can see what's recommended for your condition.

Consult with your doctor to be sure he has no objections to anything, i did with mine and he told me that he himself takes many of these. Of course this is not pharma so its a grey area most MD's try to avoid.

Anyone have experience here? Any helpfull advice helps.


05-28-2010, 01:38 PM
old bastads

It was passed onto me from both side's of the family and started before my 30th B-Day.

I bet even with only 40% left to my heart operational I can still get you face down in the mud and sit on you before you think about doing anything.

Never underestimate anyone older than you!

I don't drink but you can owe me a Coke when I let you up off the ground.

05-28-2010, 01:52 PM
old bastads

I bet even with only 40% left to my heart operational I can still get you face down in the mud and sit on you before you think about doing anything.

Never underestimate anyone older than you!

I don't drink but you can owe me a Coke when I let you up off the ground.

You guys have to promise to mud wrestle in thongs only.

05-28-2010, 01:56 PM
You guys have to promise to mud wrestle in thongs only.


Oh hell no!!

I can picture an entire clip from my 9MM being dumped into my crotch as soon as the other half heard about that happening. :eek:

Joe Walsh
05-28-2010, 02:09 PM
Anyone here have any faith in natural remedies? Now don't get me wrong, i'm no expert but over the past 3 years since iv'e started taking them i feel rejuvenated. Someone posted the other day on the "prayers for paul" thread that taking coenzyme Q10 is a good idea. Anyway i won't tell you my personal stories but here is what i take daily.

Omega 3-6-9, a no brainer IMO, every one should\could benefit from this.

I take a Fish Oil pill every am.

Garlic, as per above

Use it in most of my cooking.

Coenzyme Q-10, many believers.

I've got to read up on this...:hmmm:

Glucosamine sulfate, "joint ease", i had trouble with both my knees, 1 elbow and 1 ankle, i don't now. Not an overnight solution, give it a few months.

Been taking it for years; Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM
My shoulder was shot from years of playing volleyball. They feel great now!...but I'm not playing volleyball anymore either.

Bee propolis, suppose to help the immune system, seems to have helped mine.

Never tried it.

Grape seed concentrate, suppose to fight "free radicals" which cause{?} cancers, again i'm no expert. 60 minutes did a segment on this.

Never tried it.

St johns wart, suppose to help depression and sleep.

Read about St John's wort, just never took any of it.

No recommending these guys or anything but you can browse around for info, clicking on "more info" gives you just that. Also look on the left half way down you will see "health conditions index" where you can see what's recommended for your condition.

Consult with your doctor to be sure he has no objections to anything, i did with mine and he told me that he himself takes many of these. Of course this is not pharma so its a grey area most MD's try to avoid.

Anyone have experience here? Any helpfull advice helps.

Red wine in moderation is good too!

05-28-2010, 02:37 PM
Viagra gets me up in the morning...oh, er, ah.;)

05-28-2010, 02:50 PM
Viagra gets me up in the morning...oh, er, ah.;)
Heh, i've had some "semi" issues in that department, that stuff kinda scares me, face gets all flush, heart feels a little wierd, i've started cutting that little blue pill up into 4 pieces, still works great for me but overall viagra scares me, use caution, IMO.