View Full Version : Fires in Canada stretching to MA!

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 06:02 AM
Been smokey around Massachusetts over the weekend! Believe it or not, the smoke is coming from over 500 miles away up in Canada! The 9-1-1 lines in Boston and surrounding towns were getting jammed up with calls because the smell of smoke was so strong in the area and people didn't know where it was coming from! I found this to be pretty interesting that the smoke from the wild fires in Canada is so strong here in MA, that it was causing people to call 9-1-1!

06-01-2010, 06:30 AM
When I woke up yesterday and looked out, I thought it was sea smoke - we're only a mile from the ocean, as the crow flies. It wasn't warm and humid enough to be the "hot and hazy" we get in July. Went to the beach 15 miles away and the "haze" was there too, and everywhere else. I happened to check news headlines while at the beach and read about the Canadian smoke. While I didn't smell smoke until the afternoon, others said it was very noticeable at their houses in the morning. Winds were from the Northwest, which is fairly unusual here and the smoke came along. I left the beach after the smoke started bothering my eyes when the wind shifted.

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 06:36 AM
EMS agencies recommended people with respiratory problems stay inside. I guess people were having symptoms from the smoke such as scratchy throat and irritated eyes, but from what was said on the news, no serious medical issues... from the smoke anyways!

06-01-2010, 07:37 AM
EMS agencies recommended people with respiratory problems stay inside. I guess people were having symptoms from the smoke such as scratchy throat and irritated eyes, but from what was said on the news, no serious medical issues... from the smoke anyways!

Well, go up and help them put it out before I come up in July. :P