View Full Version : London Trip

06-01-2010, 08:32 AM
Just got back to Illinois locked the back door oh boy. Just woke up after 15 hours of sleep and I'm ready for more. Here's what went on.

On the first day I couldn't sleep on the airplane. No matter what, no position felt good enough to pass out. Upon the arrival to the airport Dereck picked up Jeff, me and we were on our way to a day of sight seeing. Dereck's Marauder is very clean and to my surprise had American plates on it! The road's were like something I have never seen before, everyone drives so close to one another. The cars also lack damage and rust. They have strict over there on vehicle safety and I think it would be best enforced across the world. We went to the London Eye and a nice boat cruise. Later we went out for dinner at a placed called Ace Cafe London. It was like we were in Mad Max. It was full of bikers who were riding on one wheel down the main street and everyone was pretty cool. A few Asian cars showed up later and a PT Cruiser. Pictures will be posted. After a day of looking around and food Dereck and I had to depart ways. I told him we was welcomed to come to Chicago at anytime. ;)

The second day was when the "work" began. We were up and moving early to get to Abbey Road to setup the drum kits and guitar amps for recording. The studio was like nothing I have never seen before. The room that was used to record Star Wars seemed as big as a two story building and it probably was. There was old recording equipment all over the hallways incase anyone had the coin to record the good way... analogue and mono. We were told only bands like U2 can actually afford to do that. The people where were all nice to my surprise and not protective, I guess they knew Jeff and I knew what we were doing and we didn't need to be told to be careful. Doing all of this took hours, but neither one of us cared. We were left in charge for the whole Abbey Road setup. Called the shots on how many guitars to order, amps, keyboard, drums, mics exc. It was a nice feeling knowing we were gaining trust and now making decisions.

The third day was all jamming at another studio called The Joint. That day consisted of me running around all day making sure everyone was happy. Happy with their loaner Gibson's, amps, basses, drums..... if anyone needed anything. Basicially I was a roadie when I was at the Joint, but I didn't care. It was all music all day.

The forth day was exactly the same, except I got a chance to jam that night. A band was covering I love Rock N' Roll and I told them it was an Arrows song, not Joan Jett. Even the rock stars didn't know that and were going to look it up later. I sang louder than anyone on that song and in key. Some people started looking at me being that I hogged the attention :rolleyes: but really all I was doing was enjoying myself and getting attention for it. We did a few Stones songs too and I sang on the choruses. On the way back I was challenging anyone I could to Rock N' Roll trivia and no one could out do me. I even made some of the councilors look bad for not knowing certian answers... I didn't mean to. One guy asked if I knew who wrote the song He's a Rebel for The Crystals, of course I knew it was Gene Pitney and than I mentioned how it's not actually the Crystals on that recording it's The Blossoms.... they couldn't believe I knew that. The question that I asked which really made people give me this look like GET A LIFE was when no one knew the mistakes in the Beach Boys recording of 409. The rev at the beginning is a 348 Chevy engine, not a 409. One woman camper said "If you know that, you need a woman." Another dude said "You need more oxygen in your life." I didn't care.

That night at the bar in the hotel campers kept coming up to me with trivia and questions about Rock N' Roll music. Many people said they were impressed and only knew about 1/10th of what I knew. Three other people (days apart and completely sober) said I was a genius. I just said "Thanks, but the truth is I just really like music a lot. I know nothing about The Constitution or anything else I'm supposed to know." "Meh I've never had to use any of that info anyway!" (said a lawyer) :lol:

The sixth day came to me with a big assignment. I had to be Jack Bruce's (Cream) bass tech for the day. It was no problem. Jack pulled up in a brand new 2 Door Bentley and I'm guessing it came from the reunion tour. I spoke to him later on cars and he's had a ton expensive cars and fast cars. He knew what a Marauder was and he's reaction was "Wow. That's a good car in a straight line." :lol: Yup, he knew it... or maybe it was just the fact that was an American car that wasn't a Corvette. He took a few pictures and jammed with all the bands. We went to Abbey Road too to jam and record. White Room seemed to be a favorite with all the bands followed by Sunshine of your love. Someone asked the big question if Cream would ever tour again and Jack said yes. That day I also wrote on the Abbey Road wall and took a photo by the crosswalk.

The seventh day Chris from Yes was around and I had to bass tech for him too. I got a photo with him and Allen, their drummer. I guess it was a big deal since that haven't played together in a while and where they were at different parts of the building both were talking bad about one another. :( I didn't know too much about Yes, but now I know I gotta learn how to play Roundabout on bass.

The eighth day everyone went to jam at Abbey Road. The drummer from Pink Floyd was there too, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him at all. Everyonbe was recording covers and sure enough I jumped in the vocal booth, sang and recorded at Abbey Road. The songs I sang on were Do Wa Diddy and Hang on Sloopy. It was a really cool feeling. I forgot to mention that on the first day there I had to test the amps to I played at Abbey Road too. I just played All Day and All Of The Night since the Beatles music just won't die over there.

This was also the day I was really hurt. The guy who got the who together said he needed to speak to me. He was also on the top of a flight of stairs and wouldn't come down... like he was looking down on me during this talk. That made me angry to begin with and I couldn't come up because I had work to do where I was. "Dominick you need to learn to shut the f*** up." "Why?" "Well you can learn from everyone if you just shut your mouth. When I was with Ringo I just listened to everything he had to say, I never said a word." "No one seems to mind. Campers who saw me last feb said they prefer me now than the shy way I was last winter." "Well not the rock stars. They aren't your friends. Remember Marky Ramone? See he wasn't your friend. He's gone. Jeff is your friend." (at that point I was ready to cause major damage at Abbey Road, but I couldn't just drive away. :mad2: ) "Just shut the f up and keep your personality at home."

I was hurt so bad even campers were asking if I was okay. I was no longer the one that would tell you what key a song was in or who performed it first. I just sat in the corner when I wasn't needed and didn't socialize at all. I was thinking if what the guy said was actually true or not. It occured to me I was just making some of the rock stars look bad because where they lacked knowledge I shined and they didn't like that. Maybe it was best. But I also thought if I was quiet all the time how am I going to network? I'll be just another guy moving equipment around. If that's all I am to them, I think I'll stay away for the rest of my life.

Here is what drove me crazy. The final day Mark Hudsion (Aerosmith producer) went up to me and said "Where did your personality go?" WTF?!?!?! "I was told to leave it at home." We actually had a talk for a few minutes because he was actually concerned about me. He asked for a demo of mine and said he would see what he could do. He was going to call back even if he said we sucked.... so I got a demo to a hot shot producer that knows me , knows I can sing, knows I know guitar, committed ... exc. This made me feel glad all over. The final night Kip Winger went up to me and said "Dude as a friend, I gotta tell you if you're going to try to pick up chicks do something about your breath." Now I got people looking out for me when I was told no one here is a friend of mine? Well I'm really confused now.

I'm not going to make a decision as to if I will return or not for at least a week. The two other workers with Jeff and I said they did get further as to where they wanted to be in life, but it takes time... just as I thought.

Well I will post pictures soon guys.

Mark Hudsion was full of stories too. Half the fun was just listening everyone. Marc couldn't believe I knew of the name Phil Spector or the type audio format I prefer at the age of 24. Marc mentioned how it's sad everything is being mixed for earbuds as suppose to actual sound systems. On the subject of Phil Spector i asked if he knew Phils first band The Teddy Bears or how he produced one of my favorite songs by The Alley Cats called Puddin-N-Taine. Marc couldn't believe this, he was in shock almost. :eek: He was like "You're in the wrong time Dom." "Yeah I know, that's why I'm cryin' all the time."

He did mention a funny story that I'll never forget. Phil Spector recording John Lennon's album with all the Rock n' Roll covers. Marc was just walking into the recording booth to see what was going on and John opens the door, smiles and saids "He's pissed." Starts running down the hallway and Phil Spector is chasing him with a gun in his hand pointed at the ceiling. It didn't sound funny at first until he said they were going into different rooms back in forth in the hallway like a Three Stooges episode. Just IMAGINEing this happening made me laugh for a good ten minutes.

06-01-2010, 08:42 AM
Ahhh, how to comment on this...saga.:confused:

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 08:44 AM
Ahhh, how to comment on this...saga.:confused:
How far did you make it? I made it through the third paragraph and went cross eyed! I need to come back to this and TRY reading it all the way through!

06-01-2010, 08:45 AM
How far did you make it? I made it through the third paragraph and went cross eyed! I need to come back to this and TRY reading it all the way through!

I actually made it all the way through...I'm having trouble typing this as I'm laughing so hard at your comment.:P

06-01-2010, 08:46 AM
Sorry guys. I trimmed a lotta fat and still had this much....

06-01-2010, 08:47 AM
I can't stop laughing! Damn, you!

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 08:48 AM
Sorry guys. I trimmed a lotta fat and still had this much....
That's what she said

06-01-2010, 09:04 AM
Dom, I read your missive with great interest. You are an amazing guy, I am in awe of your talents. You seen to have total recall about music so I wouldn't feel bad about what that unnamed character said about "shutting up".

One does have to apply a certain wisdom of when to talk. I have the same problem and I ride with a friend who also has a motormouth. We interrupt each other with a exclamation "it's my turn".

Hopefully this experience will help you.

Good to hear you arrived back home OK. Don't change, your great just as you are. It's all in the context.

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 09:08 AM
Dom, read the story and it is pretty interesting...

06-01-2010, 09:13 AM
Sorry your trip was so short!

06-01-2010, 09:17 AM

Here's a trivia question - who recorded "Magic Carpet Ride".
Clue - "Ah rrrrink tink tink".

One of my favorites for some unholy reason.

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 09:19 AM
Dom, keep in mind that this story will not fit in a facebook status update....

06-01-2010, 09:21 AM
Dom, read the story and it is pretty interesting...


Get your eyes un-crossed?:confused:

06-01-2010, 09:26 AM

Here's a trivia question - who recorded "Magic Carpet Ride".
Clue - "Ah rrrrink tink tink".

One of my favorites for some unholy reason.

Stefanwolf... I don't know the correct spelling.

They also were the first to use the term "Heavy Metal" in the song Born To Be Wild. I got that from Silversurfer. :cool:

06-01-2010, 09:32 AM
I was actually interested by your post Dom....first one in a long time. A little jealous of getting to meet the bassplayer of Yes....Roundabout was one of the songs that got me into playing bass.

As far as keeping your mouth shut, who know's without being there. my guess is it could have come across as a little snotty or whatever that you were "showing up" all of these guys that have "made it".

06-01-2010, 09:41 AM
Glad for the update. You have done what most people will not get to do and are following your dream. Keep after it as it seems you are on your way. The guy over there that told you to shut up might have been having a bad day or have been jealous cause you were getting too much attention. Be yourself. If only one person told you this you are doing OK.

06-01-2010, 09:56 AM
Good read Dom. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Without you and the great Bazzleazoo for a week, things have been quite er... Normal? LOL J/K Bud.

06-01-2010, 10:07 AM
Dom, it sounds as though overall you had a good time. Congrats!!

06-01-2010, 10:56 AM
Great write up Dom!! Sounds like you had a great time overall!! Be yourself dude. If someone doesnt like, oh well. Sucks for them and they are missing out!!

06-01-2010, 11:00 AM
Stefanwolf... I don't know the correct spelling.

They also were the first to use the term "Heavy Metal" in the song Born To Be Wild. I got that from Silversurfer. :cool:

Your right Dom, but that's not the one I was thinking of. The Mighty Dub Katz's rendition is what I had in mind, hence the clue. But your absolutely correct in your answer, press on good buddy.

06-01-2010, 11:56 AM
Cliff notes:

Dom went to london
Dom went to abbey road
Dom was a studio *****
Dom met some famous people
Dom got yelled at
Dom got feelings hurt
Dom has bad breath
Dom came back :rolleyes:

The End

06-01-2010, 12:12 PM
Correction, I wasn't yelled at.

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 12:14 PM
Cliff notes:

Dom went to london
Dom went to abbey road
Dom was a studio *****
Dom met some famous people
Dom got *****ed out
Dom got feelings hurt
Dom has bad breath
Dom came back :rolleyes:

The End
This pretty much sums it up... made one little correction.

06-01-2010, 12:16 PM
Yeah that's a better way to put it.

06-01-2010, 12:38 PM
Cliff notes:

Dom went to london
Dom went to abbey road
Dom was a studio *****
Dom met some famous people
Dom got yelled at
Dom got feelings hurt
Dom has bad breath
Dom came back :rolleyes:

The End
Young, brash and american in a place like abbey road studios, hmm, the "show-em what an american can do" advice you recieved here might not have been the best.

Sometimes you just have to tread lightly.

But i for one like your enthusiasm!

Rock on!:beer:

06-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Dom, sounds like you had a great trip and did alot of cool stuff. :cool: :up: Keep on chasing your dreams. Sometimes it is good to kick back and just listen. There are other times when it is right to speak up. It takes years to figure this out.

RF Overlord
06-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Dom went to London
Dom went to Abbey Road
RF turns green with envy
Dom is now hated by RF
Dom better have taken pix

06-01-2010, 03:24 PM
I did enjoy the part about the Ace Cafe. That is a huge motorcycle bar/hangout over there. Certainly one of the places that I'd want to visit if I got to go over there.

06-01-2010, 05:53 PM
Welcome Back Dom, sounds like an awesome time. I will make your mind up for you right now, if you get the chance to go back, do it, no if's ands or buts (thats what she said). Following dreams will involve some rocky times and you won't always get along with people, especially rock stars. But you are totally in your element doing something like this, and it opens a ton of doors and makes for some great stories. One day, you'll wake up and be forty, and be thankful that you had those experiences. Good for you Dom, I'm glad you had a rockin time!!!

06-01-2010, 10:27 PM
AWESOME TRIP...See you in about a month at the burnout contest and the wedding !!!

06-02-2010, 06:21 AM
I will post pics soon. Yesterday I was having problems loading the pictures. We'll see today.

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 06:44 AM
"Dominick you need to learn to shut up.

06-02-2010, 06:57 AM
Hey, Dominick, shut up!

06-02-2010, 07:07 AM
Shut up dom!!

06-02-2010, 07:12 AM
Shut up dom!!

No you need to call me back so we can discuss your punishment for saying 474RWHP is slow.

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 07:22 AM
Why my post got edited, I have no idea. I am messing with Dom... he knows it is all in good fun... and it was a quote from the story... so edit that part of the story out if you are going to edit it out of my post

06-02-2010, 07:33 AM
Why my post got edited, I have no idea. I am messing with Dom... he knows it is all in good fun... and it was a quote from the story... so edit that part of the story out if you are going to edit it out of my post

Bad hose man! :cool4:

06-02-2010, 07:35 AM
No you need to call me back so we can discuss your punishment for saying 474RWHP is slow.

what? lol..

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 07:42 AM
Bad hose man! :cool4:
Hey, I like Dom... I like joking around... I may take it too far, but he always for gives me. I just thought that line was funny and thought Dom would as well. I apologize for the "f***", but it was a copy and paste straight from Dom's story.

06-02-2010, 07:53 AM
Everyone shut the F*** up! :P

I was actually going to start a thread to find out the point of cencorship on this site being that everyone hates it includding me. Kids don't go on this site and we all know every word anyway.

I'll save it for a day when I'm mad at the world again.

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 07:54 AM
Everyone shut the F*** up! :P

I was actually going to start a thread to find out the point of cencorship on this site being that everyone hates it includding me. Kids don't go on this site and we all know every word anyway.

I'll save it for a day when I'm mad at the world again.
Edit this post! there is a "f***" in it!!

06-02-2010, 08:04 AM
I see more bans in the future

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 08:05 AM
I see more bans in the future
Yeah... YOU! I heard what you did and from what I hear it wasn't appreciated!

06-02-2010, 08:13 AM
Yeah... YOU! I heard what you did and from what I hear it wasn't appreciated!

Again im totally lost

06-02-2010, 08:13 AM
I see more plane fires in the future

Yeah... YOU! I heard what you did and from what I hear it wasn't appreciated by the Capt.!

06-02-2010, 08:19 AM
London was awesome.

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 08:27 AM
London was awesome.
So, how was your trip to London? What happened while you were there?

06-02-2010, 08:46 AM
So, how was your trip to London? What happened while you were there?

Yeah, post up a few details...I'll get my reading glasses cleaned off and Butt Bandit can get his eyes un-crossed.:P Oh, and shut the **** up!

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 08:48 AM
Yeah, post up a few details...I'll get my reading glasses cleaned off and Butt Bandit can get his eyes un-crossed.:P Oh, and shut the **** up!
This thread is so getting closed and WE are all getting banned...

Sorry to steal your thread AGAIN Dom... It is just too easy and I am a playful dude...

06-02-2010, 09:07 AM
I am just too easy and I am a playful dude...

That's what CBT said.

06-03-2010, 07:25 AM
Abbey Road pics here...
