View Full Version : Driver's test

Joe Walsh
06-01-2010, 11:57 AM
I thought that I would 'ace' this test...I got a 90%.
:hmmm:....I missed 2 of the 20 questions...:dunno:


How'd you do?

06-01-2010, 12:05 PM
hmm i thought i aced it too i got an 85

Egon Spengler
06-01-2010, 12:06 PM
I got an 85 which is above average for my age group!

My Wrong Ones:
3.You may cross a double solid yellow line: Your answer: Under no conditions.
Right answer: To turn into a business or driveway.

6.When you are merging onto the highway, you should: Your answer: Enter at the posted speed limit on the freeway.
Right answer: Enter at or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.

20.If you approach an intersection at the same time as another vehicle, who has the right of way? Your answer: The first one who enters the intersection.
Right answer: The driver on the right.

06-01-2010, 12:10 PM
i did 80%
average women is 78%.lol

06-01-2010, 12:12 PM
An 85, oh yeah!!!

06-01-2010, 12:16 PM
I got a 90 also.

The average score for men is83The average score for women is78

^ let the flaming begin lol

These are the ones I got wrong:
A vehicle is passing you on the left. You should: Your answer: Keep driving at the same speed and do not slow down.
Right answer: Slow down slightly and keep to the right. After the vehicle passes and is ahead of you, resume your normal speed.

Slowing down the flow of traffic because you get passed is stupid. With this theory the right lane would be going 0mph because they are continually being passed?

If a police officer believes that you are driving under the influence: Your answer: None of the above.
Right answer: You can refuse to be tested but will face stiff penalties for doing so.

I think that is arguing semantics because you automatically consent to a test when you sign your license.

06-01-2010, 02:15 PM
Someone explain to me the rationale behind the correct answer to #5.

5. You are waiting in an intersection to complete a left turn. You should:
Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left.
Signal and keep your wheels straight.
Flash your headlights so that the other drivers will let you get through.
Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you.

06-01-2010, 02:24 PM
Someone explain to me the rationale behind the correct answer to #5.

5. You are waiting in an intersection to complete a left turn. You should:
Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left.
Signal and keep your wheels straight.
Flash your headlights so that the other drivers will let you get through.
Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you.

so if you get rear ended at the light you wont turn into oncoming traffic, you will go straight

06-01-2010, 02:28 PM
so if you get rear ended at the light you wont turn into oncoming traffic, you will go straight

+1 Exactry

06-01-2010, 02:42 PM
I got a 95. Above average in all areas. Oh yeah!

06-01-2010, 02:51 PM
I got a 95. Above average in all areas. Oh yeah!

Cheater, you saw our corrected answers. :beer:

06-01-2010, 02:58 PM
so if you get rear ended at the light you wont turn into oncoming traffic, you will go straight

:banana2: 100 :banana2: Very good answer to that question Dave.

06-01-2010, 03:01 PM
Cheater, you saw our corrected answers. :beer:

I got a 95 too and I DIDN'T cheat!:)

06-01-2010, 03:02 PM
I got a 95 too and I DIDN'T cheat!:)

Yeah, but you have at least 175 years more driving experience than I do.

06-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Yeah, but you have at least 175 years more driving experience than I do.

Your memory capacity is supposed to be better isn't it? All you "youts" are poor sports! Not as good as the "geezer" gang.;)

06-01-2010, 03:24 PM
Cheater, you saw our corrected answers. :beer:I did not cheat, I went to the link from the first post.

06-01-2010, 03:33 PM
so you mean i'm the only one that failed i got a 70...

Joe Walsh
06-01-2010, 03:35 PM
so you mean i'm the only one that failed i got a 70...

Don't worry,
Dom should take the test soon....:)

RF Overlord
06-01-2010, 03:39 PM
90%...not bad for an old fart.

Re: question 5...I see people waiting to turn left with their wheels turned all the time. I just hope to God they aren't doing it when I'm in the other lane...morons.

Kinda the same thing for the question about how to enter a highway...one of the choices was to stop and wait for an opening...I see that all the time, too. Good way to be slammed into from behind and propelled into high-speed traffic. Many of the on-ramps here are tight and have limited visibility until too late...more morons.

06-01-2010, 03:42 PM
85% Oh well. My record proves otherwise:rock:

06-01-2010, 03:59 PM
85% here. I see which ones I got wrong from the answers on here, the one about what to do when passed (doesn't make a LOT of sense to me, but it makes sense), the "NEVER can you break a double yellow line, even when entering a business." one, and the one about entering the highway at the same speed as traffic regardless. I think that's VERY stupid, because any LEO will tell you that it doesn't matter if traffic is flowing 15 mph over the speed limit, he still has the right to ticket YOU for speeding if YOU are going 15 over as well. Granted, it would make sense to enter at a lower speed if traffic isn't moving at the speed limit, but then that question kind of becomes a trick question with two right answers (plus saying that people obey the speed limit on highways in Texas is like saying a stock MM is fast, not only incorrect but hilarious to those that know better.)

06-01-2010, 04:02 PM
85% here. I see which ones I got wrong from the answers on here, the one about what to do when passed (doesn't make a LOT of sense to me, but it makes sense), the "NEVER can you break a double yellow line, even when entering a business." one, and the one about entering the highway at the same speed as traffic regardless. I think that's VERY stupid, because any LEO will tell you that it doesn't matter if traffic is flowing 15 mph over the speed limit, he still has the right to ticket YOU for speeding if YOU are going 15 over as well. Granted, it would make sense to enter at a lower speed if traffic isn't moving at the speed limit, but then that question kind of becomes a trick question with two right answers (plus saying that people obey the speed limit on highways in Texas is like saying a stock MM is fast, not only incorrect but hilarious to those that know better.)

i didnt see which ones i got wrong but i think you just told me. never cross a double yellow to turn into a house? WTF? who is gona turn around to go to there house thats absolutely retarded. i cross a double yellow every time i home home to turn in my driveway

06-01-2010, 04:07 PM
I got a 90, missed 3 & 5. The right answers were my first choice but I second guessed myself. Still.

06-01-2010, 06:10 PM
I got a 95. i missed this:

If a police officer believes that you are driving under the influence: Your answer: You can refuse to be tested for the presence of alcohol or drugs.
Right answer: You can refuse to be tested but will face stiff penalties for doing so.

Hardly related to driving.

Edit: knowing the rules and following them are very different.

06-01-2010, 06:14 PM
I'm not sure that even applies everywhere. Anywhere I've heard, you can't actually be punished for refusing a voluntary thing, of course what will happen is they will eventually force some type of test on you anyway, but you never HAVE to volunteer to take a test for fear of extra punishment for not taking it.

06-01-2010, 06:14 PM
I got a 95. i missed this:

If a police officer believes that you are driving under the influence: Your answer: You can refuse to be tested for the presence of alcohol or drugs.
Right answer: You can refuse to be tested but will face stiff penalties for doing so.

Hardly related to driving.

Edit: knowing the rules and following them are very different.

what? that musta been the other one i got wrong. that doesn't make any sense. since when will you "face stiff penalties"? what does that even mean. *****y test

06-01-2010, 06:15 PM
I'm not sure that even applies everywhere. Anywhere I've heard, you can't actually be punished for refusing a voluntary thing, of course what will happen is they will eventually force some type of test on you anyway, but you never HAVE to volunteer to take a test for fear of extra punishment for not taking it.

exactly. this is dumb lol

06-01-2010, 06:29 PM
methinks it's just a scare tactic really. ;)

In fact, I distinctly remember what one of my professors (lawyer and head of a law firm) told my entire class once, I believe it was something like this: "for the love of God, don't submit to a search or a test. Unless you clean your car religiously and/or are POSITIVE that you or your friends have left nothing in the car, force them to prove probable cause because you don't want them finding something you didn't know about when they are poking around."

06-01-2010, 06:33 PM
Just a stupid poll so insurrance companies have a reason to raise rates and the government can make up new rules install more cameras etc etc and take over more of or lives. Thats my 2cents.

06-01-2010, 06:59 PM
95% here.:D

06-01-2010, 07:15 PM
I'm not sure that even applies everywhere. Anywhere I've heard, you can't actually be punished for refusing a voluntary thing, of course what will happen is they will eventually force some type of test on you anyway, but you never HAVE to volunteer to take a test for fear of extra punishment for not taking it.

According to your state law:

However, in Texas, we have a statute that gives “implied consent” to any field sobriety tests that a police officer asks of you. That is to say, when you receive the privilege of a Texas Driver’s License, you automatically give consent to field sobriety tests. This means that when you get pulled over consent is assumed........if you refuse a sobriety test, the officer is required to take you into custodial arrest and your driver’s license is automatically suspended!


06-01-2010, 07:15 PM
90. No complaints. Missed the alcohol one and the yellow light.


Mr. Man
06-01-2010, 07:49 PM
95%. Missed the person passing me and I'm supposed to slow down til he's ahead of me. BS, I actually agree with Phrogg and the question is to general. If I'm on the freeway in the right lane and someone wants to pass they can do so at their pleasure I'm not changing my speed. Same goes for a two laner. If you want to pass you better have the engine to get it done. Many questions are "depends on the situation" questions but insurance people only see things in black and white I guess. Must be nice to live in a world with no grey:)

06-01-2010, 08:03 PM
Yellow Light

06-01-2010, 08:08 PM
According to your state law:

However, in Texas, we have a statute that gives “implied consent” to any field sobriety tests that a police officer asks of you. That is to say, when you receive the privilege of a Texas Driver’s License, you automatically give consent to field sobriety tests. This means that when you get pulled over consent is assumed........if you refuse a sobriety test, the officer is required to take you into custodial arrest and your driver’s license is automatically suspended!


Thank you for clarifying, now that you mention it, this lesson in drivers ed came back to me.

My comment about searches remains the same though, can't be punished for not volunteering a search of your vehicle.

06-01-2010, 10:51 PM
Missed the turn into business or residence over two solid lines.
Person to the right first.

06-02-2010, 12:41 AM
I got a 95. Missed the alcohol and drug one.

06-02-2010, 05:44 AM
I got a 90, missed 3 & 5. The right answers were my first choice but I second guessed myself. Still.

Me too.....but, I did better than my state and age group (which I think is saying something because I thought I read somewhere that Connecticut drivers scored pretty low on average LOL)....


06-02-2010, 06:07 AM
I got a 95. i missed this:

If a police officer believes that you are driving under the influence: Your answer: You can refuse to be tested for the presence of alcohol or drugs.
Right answer: You can refuse to be tested but will face stiff penalties for doing so.

Hardly related to driving.

Edit: knowing the rules and following them are very different.

That's the only one I got wrong too.:P

06-02-2010, 06:13 AM
95 I got #3 wrong.... state average Texas 82

06-02-2010, 06:21 AM
Thank you for clarifying, now that you mention it, this lesson in drivers ed came back to me.

My comment about searches remains the same though, can't be punished for not volunteering a search of your vehicle.

I agree about the search as well. Although I did hear one interesting way to consent to a search if you have been pulled over. That you tell the cop you will consent to a search as long as if he finds nothing that you won't get a ticket. Sounds ok in theory, but maybe some of our LEO's on here can chime in on whether trying to do some roadside bargaining might cause us more trouble.

Joe Walsh
06-02-2010, 06:40 AM
According to your state law:

However, in Texas, we have a statute that gives “implied consent” to any field sobriety tests that a police officer asks of you. That is to say, when you receive the privilege of a Texas Driver’s License, you automatically give consent to field sobriety tests. This means that when you get pulled over consent is assumed........if you refuse a sobriety test, the officer is required to take you into custodial arrest and your driver’s license is automatically suspended!


Maryland does this:

In Maryland, the penalty for refusing a roadside test is an immediate 120-day suspension of your license. Any subsequent refusal will suspend your license for a full year, so you can see that even refusals stay on your driving record. If you depend upon driving for work or other critical needs, you will have to find alternative ways to get wherever you need to go. This is at minimum, a huge inconvenience if not an outright risk. Not only could it put your job in jeopardy if you don’t have reliable transportation, but because this goes on your driving record, it will most likely result in an increase in insurance rates.

Consequences are far more severe if you hold a commercial driver’s license. The first offense for a CDL holder is disqualification from driving a commercial vehicle for one year, or three years if you were hauling hazardous materials at the time you refused the test. Permanent disqualification for a CDL is mandatory upon any second incident of refusal to take a breath test. This penalty is imposed upon any CDL holder even when driving a personal vehicle.

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 06:41 AM
That's the only one I got wrong too.:P
Just because you did better on this test than me doesn't mean your old arse is more fit to be on the road! Got to take into account your eye sight and your hand eye coordination which I am sure is slim to none at your age!:P

06-02-2010, 07:01 AM
Just because you did better on this test than me doesn't mean your old arse is more fit to be on the road! Got to take into account your eye sight and your hand eye coordination which I am sure is slim to none at your age!:P

When I got my first license all it took was $.50 and to be the age of fifteen. No test and I still did better than you, you wet behind the ear punk!:P

Shouda paid that dude more to NOT stop when he rear ended you on your bike!:(

06-02-2010, 07:03 AM
Shouda paid that dude more to NOT stop when he rear ended you on your bike!:(

You should have asked for donations.

06-02-2010, 07:04 AM
shouda paid that dude more to not stop when he rear ended you on your bike!:(


06-02-2010, 07:06 AM
You should have asked for donations.

Dammit, why didn't I think of that?:confused:

06-02-2010, 07:12 AM
Dammit, why didn't I think of that?:confused:

Cause everyone's already donating to the Dom fund???

06-02-2010, 09:56 AM
12.What should you see in your rear view mirror before attempting to return to the right lane after passing a vehicle on the left?

The middle finger of the driver of the SRT8... :D

06-02-2010, 10:19 AM
Your results
Review quiz answers
Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 100
How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is 81
The average score for your state is 79
The average score for men is 83
The average score for women is 78
Average scores by age
15-24 76
25-34 80
35-54 82
55-64 83
65 and over 81

No cheating btw

06-02-2010, 10:50 AM
Okay I goofed on the test only got a 75%

But seeing I have never had an accident that was my fault and only 3 speeding tickets in my lifetime no DUI's no suspended license ever and drove my Kenworth for 4 years and had a class A comercial license I would say the test was stupid and dosn't determin :censor: in my eyes.

Okay go ahead and :flamer: for getting the 75%

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 10:51 AM
Okay go ahead and :flamer: for getting the 75%
I think you have been burned enough in the past couple of weeks! LITERALLY!:beer:

06-02-2010, 10:56 AM
^^^^ :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:
Not funny!

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 11:07 AM
^^^^ :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:
Not funny!
thank you!

06-02-2010, 11:25 AM
Na I left myself open for an attack on purpose that is why I posted my score!

I rather be honest about it than a bull *****er. The only thing that pisses me off is if your score is too low it dosn't tell you **** about what you screwed up on or anything else other than I FAILED!! :mad2:

As to my hand and arm I had a doctors apointment yesterday and had mixed results.
My blood work was good, BP and what not was perfect.

I got a :awe: as to how quickly my hand and arm is healing and how good it looks almost like it was more of a sun burn already than a hot chem burn.

Went for a CT scan to see what is going on as far as the stuttering and comprehension problems and they found more dead area's of the brain so I must have had another micro stroke. :depress:

Just like TimeX I take a licking and just keep on ticking :rofl:

Egon Spengler
06-02-2010, 11:32 AM
Just like TimeX I take a licking and just keep on ticking :rofl:
Glad you were able to take a joke! THANK YOU! I have said it before and I'll say it again, you are like the freaking Terminator!

Glad you are doing well will the burns buddy!

06-02-2010, 07:07 PM
Just because you did better on this test than me doesn't mean your old arse is more fit to be on the road! Got to take into account your eye sight and your hand eye coordination which I am sure is slim to none at your age!:P
O K, that does it!!!!!I wasn't going to reply--but I can't let this go. I'm 81 years old, have 110,000 miles in the Marauder. I run in the high 14s in the 1/4 and have outrun Corvettes and Chargers on the road course. I completed the Team Texas High Performance Driving School Nascar Sprint car (800 hp) and started on the pole against 9 younger drivers last year, lapped 4 cars and was finally passed coming out of turn 2 on the 9th lap of a 10 lap race. This was on the Texas Motor Speedway high-banked track. I showed 110 on the speedometer of the Marauder for one lap. By the way, I have 20/25 vision, uncorrected. You pay for the time, and I'll show you a few tricks in a F-51 Mustang. With 22,000+ hours of logged pilot time ( Cubs to DC-10s ), I think my hand- eye coordination is pretty good. Really, I like young folks with a lot of fire in their guts, but, don't forget, experience is the only true teacher. I hope that when you are 81, you have had as much fun as I have. Good Luck and drive safely, but with great entusiasm--love you kids, Old Man Maury
By the way , scored 90 0n the test--missed DUI and double yellow line

06-03-2010, 05:57 AM
O K, that does it!!!!!I wasn't going to reply--but I can't let this go. I'm 81 years old, have 110,000 miles in the Marauder. I run in the high 14s in the 1/4 and have outrun Corvettes and Chargers on the road course. I completed the Team Texas High Performance Driving School Nascar Sprint car (800 hp) and started on the pole against 9 younger drivers last year, lapped 4 cars and was finally passed coming out of turn 2 on the 9th lap of a 10 lap race. This was on the Texas Motor Speedway high-banked track. I showed 110 on the speedometer of the Marauder for one lap. By the way, I have 20/25 vision, uncorrected. You pay for the time, and I'll show you a few tricks in a F-51 Mustang. With 22,000+ hours of logged pilot time ( Cubs to DC-10s ), I think my hand- eye coordination is pretty good. Really, I like young folks with a lot of fire in their guts, but, don't forget, experience is the only true teacher. I hope that when you are 81, you have had as much fun as I have. Good Luck and drive safely, but with great entusiasm--love you kids, Old Man Maury
By the way , scored 90 0n the test--missed DUI and double yellow line

My hero...I'm wet behind the ears compared to you. lol. Take that, you, you, you senior citizen hating "youts"!:mad2: Oldkidd, we're just messing around.:P

Egon Spengler
06-03-2010, 05:59 AM
My hero...I'm wet behind the ears compared to you. lol. Take that, you, you, you senior citizen hating "youts"!:mad2: Oldkidd, we're just messing around.:P
Bet you guys have those daily pill trays though! :P

06-03-2010, 06:04 AM
Bet you guys have those daily pill trays though! :P

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, low dose aspirin and Glucosamine...that's it punk.:mad2: I don't remember where I put my Ginko Biloba.:shake:

Egon Spengler
06-03-2010, 06:06 AM
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, low dose aspirin and Glucosamine...that's it punk.:mad2: I don't remember where I put my Ginko Biloba.:shake:
LOL! hahaha...:beer: My mom and dad are approaching 60 and they have their pill trays... My dad has some health issues and my mom is a breast cancer survivor, so I am always making sure they take their pills!

06-03-2010, 08:01 AM
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, low dose aspirin and Glucosamine...that's it punk.:mad2: I don't remember where I put my Ginko Biloba.:shake:

Gee, I must be doing something wrong--take Aleve for an old back injury and Vytorin for cholesterol--better ask the Doc for more :D:burnout: Maury

06-03-2010, 09:42 AM
I scored 90

06-03-2010, 09:57 AM
According to your state law:

However, in Texas, we have a statute that gives “implied consent” to any field sobriety tests that a police officer asks of you. That is to say, when you receive the privilege of a Texas Driver’s License, you automatically give consent to field sobriety tests. This means that when you get pulled over consent is assumed........if you refuse a sobriety test, the officer is required to take you into custodial arrest and your driver’s license is automatically suspended!


Pennsylavania Law is the same way... for all those coming to Carisle this year & next etc....

06-03-2010, 10:00 AM
95%. Missed the person passing me and I'm supposed to slow down til he's ahead of me. BS, I actually agree with Phrogg and the question is to general. If I'm on the freeway in the right lane and someone wants to pass they can do so at their pleasure I'm not changing my speed. Same goes for a two laner. If you want to pass you better have the engine to get it done. Many questions are "depends on the situation" questions but insurance people only see things in black and white I guess. Must be nice to live in a world with no grey:)

LOL its like why allow cruise control in a car if you can't get in the right lane (which ur req'd to be in if not passing in PA) and simply put ur cruise control on.... now someone wants to pass me I need to stop my cruise control... BS

06-03-2010, 10:07 AM
Your results
Review quiz answers
Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 100
How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is 81
The average score for your state is 79
The average score for men is 83
The average score for women is 78
Average scores by age
15-24 76
25-34 80
35-54 82
55-64 83
65 and over 81

No cheating btw

well come on you just finished studying the drivers license exam materials to get you drivers license... of course u did well... Its all freshy fresh...