View Full Version : Why there was no looting in Nashville after flooding

06-04-2010, 06:30 PM

06-04-2010, 06:59 PM
Too funny........and true.

06-04-2010, 07:52 PM
New meaning to militia, or maybe that's the original intent.

06-04-2010, 10:06 PM
I think that photo was taken in the Houston area when Rita was approaching. After Katrina I went through several "check points" manned by citizens.

What most people saw on TV in New Orleans after Katrina was mostly the result of 24% of the population of New Orleans on food stamps, as in the Federal Gov't had determined they were unable to feed themselves, which is the most basic survival requirement.

When resources are stretched thin there is a fine line between civilization and anarchy.

The Human Spirit endures when people help each other.

There were untold numbers of people who went to great and small lengths to help strangers that never got reported.

And yes a lot of really bad things happened. What you had was a population of the area go down from 900,000 to 75,000 but the criminals didn't leave. You had the same number of criminals committing more crime on a much smaller population. There was no way to call the police and once they did arrive the police did not record crimes.

I have heard enough first hand accounts and seen enough evidence to know do not ever under any circumstances go to a Gov't run shelter.

A relative who was a decorated veteran stayed at the family business. When the power went out a gold van pulled up on Bourbon St and 3 guys in wheel chairs got out. The guys in wheel chairs started looting Bourbon St. My relative decided it was time to leav, how ever there was now rioting on Canal St where he needed to go down to leave.
Fortunately a News Crew caravan came by and he pulled his vehicle in to their caravan safely getting out. Thats right the violence was so bad the news crew left, the same ones you see reporting from wars!

I could go on and on, but the point is made and I don't want to relive it.

06-05-2010, 04:25 AM
Everything in Nashville was completely flooded... There's nothing to loot! The stuff has no value to it.