View Full Version : Man have I had a rough day.

Long Live #3
11-26-2003, 04:03 PM
My day went from bad to worse in a matter of hours. I was already pissed at my friend for telling me to fix my own damn car when I told him that I have no $. Then one of my classmates says to me, "Hey Joe, is your dog dead yet?" I simply told him to shut the ****** up or he'll get the s**t kicked out of him. He says, "I don't give a ******." I got in his face about ready to take a swing to his face, and my counsler held me back and I went to tell my administrator. I was trying to control my temper, but my actions got the best of me.

12-01-2003, 08:07 AM
Joe, you are already learning, and you will continue to learn as you get older, that the world is full of a$%holes. It is so easy to just let yourself go and take a poke at them sometimes. And believe me, sometimes they deserve it. One of the best lessons we can learn is when to fight and when to realize that some a$%holes just aren't worth it. The momentary satisfaction of seeing someone with a bloody nose usually isn't worth the price we pay in school suspensions or even a trip downtown in Sarge's patrol car. The cops on this site can probably tell you stories about guys they have had to arrest for punching out someone who really deserved it. Sometimes the mark of a man is keeping your cool when a lesser man would have lost his. This is the voice of experience, buddy. We're all with you here.

12-01-2003, 08:39 AM
Well said, Ross.

O's Fan Rich
12-01-2003, 09:02 AM
one of my favorite movies. Heartbreak Ridge.
One of the recon members accidently fires of a few rounds towards an ********* major on the range.
The Major orders him to run around the company , weapon raised over head, all the way back to base. he gives out on the road.
Clint goes over to him, picks him up and whispers to him... "Don't give the bastard the satisfaction."
So, I'm whispering the same to you.

Long Live #3
12-01-2003, 10:20 AM
Ross: if I punched him, I would've been suspended for a week. I don't want that to happen.

12-01-2003, 10:27 AM
Smart move, my friend. Never lose sight of the big picture.

12-01-2003, 10:27 AM
I don't get it? :confused:

He was calling your car a "dog"????

12-01-2003, 10:37 AM
P74Vic, you would have had to have been here for awhile to understand this. This past summer Joe lost his beloved dog, and all of us mourned with him over that loss. Now, apparently some dip%^& is giving him hell about the loss of his old friend. That kind of guy is asking for a boot in the a$$. Joe was cool, though, and opted not to rise to this guy's remarks like he easily could have done.

12-01-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Ross
P74Vic, you would have had to have been here for awhile to understand this. This past summer Joe lost his beloved dog, and all of us mourned with him over that loss. Now, apparently some dip%^& is giving him hell about the loss of his old friend. That kind of guy is asking for a boot in the a$$. Joe was cool, though, and opted not to rise to this guy's remarks like he easily could have done.

Ahh............ agreed! I love my dogs more than I do most people!

12-01-2003, 01:12 PM
Well when ever I have had a bad day or something bad has happened and I have had a few like most people I just look around.

I look around at others who are either friends, colleagues, relatives or just people I see in the press. I think about what they went thru and how they handled it. Usually they went thru a lot worse and came out a ok.

If they can handle it and come out a ok I know I can also handle it and come out a ok!

12-01-2003, 01:31 PM
LL#3: It take a BIG BIG man to walk away.

Any A-Hole can turn and attempt to pound someones face into the ground.

You did the right thing..

12-01-2003, 01:59 PM
The best revenge is to live well. Next time someone starts hitting those buttons, smile at them and tell them "And your point is ....?????"

Dr Caleb
12-01-2003, 02:23 PM
Well said Mad.

LL#3, I see my school bully about once a week. He picks up my garbage (and drools over my MM). Where did it get him?

Walk away. It shows more courage than fighting. If walking away doesn't work, you could always try a rousing game of "I got your nose"..

Long Live #3
12-01-2003, 03:10 PM
He's nothing more than a Freshman. Think of it, Freshman against a Seinor. Not really good odds. Anyway, when someone starts to **** like that to me, I would like nothing more than to see him twitching on the floor in pain. But I'm not like that. I guess you could say that I think of what the consiquences will be if it happens.