View Full Version : Bikers fume at noise crackdown

06-17-2010, 12:37 PM
In my city the police use a new measuring device to ticket drivers whose vehicles are louder than 92 decibels on the Sunday Cruise Night's.

I think my MM is louder then 92 DB so I have to be very careful too. http://www.motorcitymarauders.com/forums/images/smilies/grumble.gif



06-17-2010, 01:03 PM
So is it at idle or do they have you rev it up? Cuz if it's at idle my car should be fine, but rev it up and that's a whole 'nother story! Lol

Egon Spengler
06-17-2010, 01:06 PM
They are doing this in certain areas around me as well here in MA. Pulling people over as they leave bike rides, bike hang outs, rallies, etc.

I used to have loud pipes on my bike, but that bike got totalled. Got to save my pennies to get new pipes for the new bike. They are also trying to get people for non-DOT helmets around here as well, but there is nothing in the law stating that the helmet has to be DOT. There is also no law stating WHERE you have to wear your helmet. So if you strap your helmet to your thigh and carry around the little piece of paper stating that, then you are good, but are going to get pulled over A LOT!

06-17-2010, 02:19 PM
id would have a stack of those

Stranger in the Black Sedan
06-18-2010, 07:48 AM
I hate the horrid sound 2 cylinder machines make so I'm all for making them stop running open pipes. Most performance cars at low rpms could probably squeak by that noise ceiling too w/ any reasonable muffler

06-21-2010, 06:45 AM
It would be interesting to know the ratio of loud bikes to quiet ones that are involved in traffic accidents. I like the sound of "stock" Harley pipes but too many of them are just stupid loud. It seems the louder they are the more the rider has to rev it up at stop lights or downshift coming to a stop.

Egon Spengler
06-21-2010, 06:53 AM
It would be interesting to know the ratio of loud bikes to quiet ones that are involved in traffic accidents. I like the sound of "stock" Harley pipes but too many of them are just stupid loud. It seems the louder they are the more the rider has to rev it up at stop lights or downshift coming to a stop.
The phrase "Loud Pipes Save Lives" couldn't be more true. There have been many instances where I had someone going to pull of in front of me and I cracked the throttle and it would get their attention rather quickly. I have had my ass saved many a times by just cracking the throttle. Can't do that on my new quiet bike and I have already had someone pull out in front of me and almost caused an accident! It seems the roads are getting more and more dangerous every day!

06-21-2010, 06:57 AM
The phrase "Loud Pipes Save Lives" couldn't be more true. There have been many instances where I had someone going to pull of in front of me and I cracked the throttle and it would get their attention rather quickly. I have had my ass saved many a times by just cracking the throttle. Can't do that on my new quiet bike and I have already had someone pull out in front of me and almost caused an accident! It seems the roads are getting more and more dangerous every day!

Get an airhorn!:P

Egon Spengler
06-21-2010, 07:02 AM
Get an airhorn!:P
I had one on my old bike! That was used if the exhaust didn't make enough of an indent in some idiot's head!
http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs001.snc3/10844_209647532925_562932925_4 136278_2856739_n.jpg

06-22-2010, 06:20 AM
With all the crapola people are doing in their cars nowadays (the list is endless but to me the worst are texting and people listening to their Ipod with earplugs on) motorcyclists need all the attention getting as possible. Finding the horn button isnt exactly a split second movement, its much quicker to just blip the throttle. On a Harley (or some other bikes too I guess) its more than the sound, those low freequency waves can be noticed, even by the earplug wearing idiots in their cars. I make an effort not to gas my bike to super loud levels but Im glad I can if I have to.

06-22-2010, 08:41 AM
Has anyone seen this episode of South Park about loud Harleys?

06-22-2010, 09:36 AM
Sounds like a law for the suburbs. I love livin' in the city!

Egon Spengler
06-22-2010, 09:41 AM
Sounds like a law for the suburbs. I love livin' in the city!
Actually Boston MA is VERY strict about this. They will ticket your motorcycle just for being parked on the side of the road with aftermarket pipes on it. It is a law for both cities and towns around here because the city folk don't want to hear them rumbling through and neither to the townies want to hear them rumbling by their houses

06-22-2010, 09:42 AM
Actually Boston MA is VERY strict about this. They will ticket your motorcycle just for being parked on the side of the road with aftermarket pipes on it.

How can the police tell what's factory and aftermarket? I don't know bikes. I am guess the police get a brief overview at a meeting or something.

Wow that's bad. :shake:

06-22-2010, 10:15 PM
Last Sunday the LEOS were staked out at a favorite coffee shop where a lot of the hot cars & riders go to & they listen to any fancy bike or car that passes by that sounds louder then normal.It's a 70 KM zone so at that speed evan my MM is loud too.

Evan when I left at 11pm a ghost car was tailing me for a 5 kms waiting for me to rev it up until it turned back the other way. :censor:

Big Black Beast
06-24-2010, 09:31 PM
Okay, there is some merit to the safety arguement, but fact is, motorcycles are smaller and thus harderto see. NOTHING will change that, ever. On the other hand, it sometimes seems like bikers are in a contest to see who can be the loudest and most annoying. Case in point, the group of guys that starts their bikes up all at once and sit there revving their engines while people are sitting in the patio or walking down the sidewalk right behind them. Or the guy who guns it as he goes by a Porsche just to set the car alarm off. Or numerous other examples I have personally witnissed. Alot off times, it's just a cry for attention. As far as I'm concerned, You can have the biggest baddest 2500CC engine and it6 still sounds like a F'n lawn mower to me. Loud doesn't always mean good.