View Full Version : Could Sure Use A Leader Like This Today

06-19-2010, 11:37 PM

06-20-2010, 03:25 AM
What a great speech! Reagan is the polar opposite of Obama!
Obama's motto: Uv da Guvmint, fo da guvmint, bye da guvmint!

06-20-2010, 06:09 AM
Our city walls are crumbling!

06-20-2010, 07:03 AM
Our city walls are crumbling!

You fought to hold this country together and he is chipping away at destroying it far faster.:mad2:

06-20-2010, 07:03 AM
I supported Reagan (twice) and think Obama is doing as good a job as anybody could do given the circumstances.

06-20-2010, 08:50 AM
I supported Reagan (twice) and think Obama is doing as good a job as anybody could do given the circumstances.

• I don't think driving a wedge between us Britain and Israel is a good job!
• I don't think preaching fiscal responsibility to the public while spending uncontrollably is a good job.
• I don't think back room strong arming and bribes to pass laws the overwhelming amount of the population doesn't want is a good job.
• I don't think planning on suing a state for a law that is less restrictive then the current federal one when you yourself or anybody in your administration has read the law is a good job.
• I don't think being the first black president playing the blame game in which has more racially divided the country is a good job.
• I don't think being the first black president and ignoring (or not knowing) the words of the great Dr. King and uniting the country with EQUAL justice for all not SOCIAL justice is a good job

06-20-2010, 09:01 AM
• I don't think driving a wedge between us Britain and Israel is a good job!
• I don't think preaching fiscal responsibility to the public while spending uncontrollably is a good job.
• I don't think back room strong arming and bribes to pass laws the overwhelming amount of the population doesn't want is a good job.
• I don't think planning on suing a state for a law that is less restrictive then the current federal one when you yourself or anybody in your administration has read the law is a good job.
• I don't think being the first black president playing the blame game in which has more racially divided the country is a good job.
• I don't think being the first black president and ignoring (or not knowing) the words of the great Dr. King and uniting the country with EQUAL justice for all not SOCIAL justice is a good job
Could not have said it better :2thumbs:

Mr. Man
06-20-2010, 11:58 AM
• I don't think driving a wedge between us Britain and Israel is a good job!
• I don't think preaching fiscal responsibility to the public while spending uncontrollably is a good job.
• I don't think back room strong arming and bribes to pass laws the overwhelming amount of the population doesn't want is a good job.
• I don't think planning on suing a state for a law that is less restrictive then the current federal one when you yourself or anybody in your administration has read the law is a good job.
• I don't think being the first black president playing the blame game in which has more racially divided the country is a good job.
• I don't think being the first black president and ignoring (or not knowing) the words of the great Dr. King and uniting the country with EQUAL justice for all not SOCIAL justice is a good job

I disagree with #'s 2 and 3

Reagan spent money like it was going out of style and had everyone believing he cut deficit spending

He was also a master at getting his way in Congress. Whether that's good or bad that's up to the individual.:)

06-20-2010, 01:01 PM
^^Regan invested heavily on our decrepid military that eventually caused the Soviet Union to collapse they just couldn't keep up with the US in terms of military might. Why did we win the Cold War?

He is the great communicator so master of selling his ideas to the public and getting congress to go along based on this...unlike President Obama who is forcing his agenda down our throats....healthcare, cap and trade are very polarizing and because he holds majority in the house/senate/media well...connect the dots.

Mr. Man
06-20-2010, 02:06 PM
^^Regan invested heavily on our decrepit military that eventually caused the Soviet Union to collapse they just couldn't keep up with the US in terms of military might. Why did we win the Cold War?

He is the great communicator so master of selling his ideas to the public and getting congress to go along based on this...unlike President Obama who is forcing his agenda down our throats....health care, cap and trade are very polarizing and because he holds majority in the house/senate/media well...connect the dots.

Actually you are partially right on the first part. Reagan did spend phenomenal amounts of money (for the time) on the military and while he was responsible for modernizing the armed services the Soviets didn't cave because of our impressive military might. They just couldn't keep up the spending on their own military and continue to support their socialist way of life (four legs good, two legs better). The Cold War ended because the Soviets could no longer (financially) afford it.:)

06-20-2010, 03:39 PM
Regan's domestic policies were the worst. He did nothing to stop the spread of AIDS and nothing to stop the flow of drugs comming into the country. Anyone remember Nancy's "just say no" campaign? As long as AIDS was considerded a "homosexual" and "minority drug user's" diseese it got $0.00 in funding from the federal government. Anyone in Miami back then can tell you our streets were full of illegal weapons, and an abundance of drugs and our government did NOTHING to stop it.

06-20-2010, 06:23 PM
Regan's domestic policies were the worst. He did nothing to stop the spread of AIDS and nothing to stop the flow of drugs comming into the country. Anyone remember Nancy's "just say no" campaign? As long as AIDS was considerded a "homosexual" and "minority drug user's" diseese it got $0.00 in funding from the federal government. Anyone in Miami back then can tell you our streets were full of illegal weapons, and an abundance of drugs and our government did NOTHING to stop it.

That's all behavioral issues. What's the government supposed to do about that? Even 10 Reagons couldn't make me wear a condom.

06-20-2010, 07:23 PM
Behavioral? Try telling that to the families of the 10's of thousands of people who have died from blood transfusions back then when blood was'nt tested before releasing it to the general public. How about the health care workers that have died comming in contact with the paitient's that were infected? I'm sure they will tell you there is nothing behavioral about it. What you gonna tell them they should have worn a comdom?

06-21-2010, 02:22 PM
Behavioral? Try telling that to the families of the 10's of thousands of people who have died from blood transfusions back then when blood was'nt tested before releasing it to the general public. How about the health care workers that have died comming in contact with the paitient's that were infected? I'm sure they will tell you there is nothing behavioral about it. What you gonna tell them they should have worn a comdom?

What about the 4.5 billion people that didn't get nuked? Hey, if the new guy can count jobs that didn't get lost, we ought to be able to count the lives that didn't get vaporized in a nuclear war. Fair is fair.

And for the record, "just say no" worked just fine for me. I don't know why it failed with Obama though. Maybe he should have listened to Nancy Reagon.

06-21-2010, 02:37 PM
Funny thing is I never mentioned Obama. What's he got to do with my comments?

06-22-2010, 06:43 AM

*Grabs Extra Large bag of Popcorn*