View Full Version : McChrystal resigns; Petraeus taking over

06-22-2010, 01:52 PM
Should he stay or should he go?

I think he could have atleast gave his opinion to a reputable news organization, but he chose to spill the beans to Rolling Stone :shake: , either way his comments were dishonorable. I'm waiting to see how this one play's out.

06-22-2010, 02:28 PM
Should he stay or should he go?

I think he could have atleast gave his opinion to a reputable news organization, but he chose to spill the beans to Rolling Stone :shake: , either way his comments were dishonorable. I'm waiting to see how this one play's out.
Not one of the quotes is attributable directly to General McCrystal. Read the article and the news accounts.

President Obama will get to exercise his leadership on this incident too. Bet you he blows this one like all the opportunities so far. If he fires GEN McCrystal for this, he will play hell finding another 4-star volunteer to willingly take command of the mission in Afghanistan under the current conditions.

06-22-2010, 02:41 PM
"The Emperor has no clothes"

06-22-2010, 04:17 PM
I think he should go. Not because of disrespect but because of lack of support he needs to succeed. He is being setup for failure so he's better off to get out now. That will make it the 3rd General in charge of Afghanistan ops since O's election.

06-22-2010, 04:34 PM
As the commander-in-chief, I don't thimk the President needs to ask for anyone willing to take command.

He says "go", they say "yes, sir".

06-22-2010, 04:58 PM
General McChrystal for President!!!!

06-22-2010, 05:09 PM
In my opionion The way he went about it was wrong but I like the fact that he was Honest and straight up about what he feels. Either way he is in a spot that he feels he can't win.

06-22-2010, 05:17 PM
The General's plans have been unsuccessful, by his own admission. Majaf is a "bleeding ulcer", Kandahar is a bridge too far, the operation has been delayed.

Jason's unit lost six men in the last few days, the enemy is at the gates.

Our operations are being undermined from Pakistan, Al Qaida has moved their operations from Afghanistan to Pakistan. It's going to end when Afghanistan leadership mades a deal with the Tailiban and we are shown the door.

06-22-2010, 05:36 PM
1. Even though he had a hand in the Pat Tillman coverup/debacle or whatever you want to call it, professional servicemen/women like him.... In theatre. So firing him could have adverse moral implications.... Not that Obama cares...(strokes his own ego first before any other considerations factor)

2. Maybe this happened on purpose? These people on McChrystals staff are not naive babe in the woods types....... They had an adgenda other than ticking off the POTUS........... That part was probably just a bonus...

Maybe they felt that AFG was not getting enough coverage lately.... All it takes is a good scandel to get the focus where it should have never left.

3. This could be a part of Obama's master plan. McChrystal voted for him................... As alluded to in the NY Times recently, Professors at Columbia theorized about how a nation could shift politically from a democracy to a socialist society. I don't have it all in my head to illustrate to minute detail, but it was something about the amount of chaotic activity within a government that focuses all eyes of the citizens on government for so long, that the lines get blurry and people quit thinking of how to do for themselves, how to perform against a measurment other than what the political power elite say is relevant....

Accomplishing this means the greatest reliance on government by the citizens, and consolidates power with the people in power. Kind of a national hypnotic spell...... This all started when people started using religious terms like the Messiah, the chosen one ect.... After all people rely on their faith to guide and in many instances follow without a thought to consiquence........

Seems somewhat strange, but if you read that article, the light will go on.....

06-22-2010, 06:12 PM
Yeah like Obama and his Pelochi/Reid administration knows more about warfare, battle plans than a career, four-star general:help:. Oh wait,:confused:...I forgot...... Biden knows more than anyone..........Absolutely pathetic what is going on in this country...........since Obama..........sickening...... ...:shake:

Brian your right though, the General should just retired, kick back and go fishing................

All I have to say, I'm done.

Paul T. Casey
06-22-2010, 06:35 PM
I have family headed for Afganistan, so the selfish side of me hopes he stays. He has the "intangibles" that they can't teach in school. The nonselfish side of me thinks he should resign, even though it wasn't physically him making the statements, he should be ultimately be held responsible for the actions of his subordinates. The realistic side of me knows this will be spun to make the President shine, even though he is the one who is bungling the whole deal.

06-22-2010, 08:40 PM
Unfortunately administrations have been running wars for decades. I agree that the front line generals should run the wars but he should step down. It's not proper for a General or any of his staff or subordinates should make any public comments about how they feel about leadership. We can't show any division to the enemy.

06-22-2010, 09:38 PM
All senior officers should have enough sense to keep their opinions of our foreign policy to themselves unless requested for an opinion by the policy makers. Additionally, senior officers should ensure their staff officers do the same. Nobody in the military is irreplaceable, including commanders in the field. From what Ive heard, this isnt the first public goofup by McKrystal. If he disagreed with our policy he should have resigned. I hope the President asks for his resignation. Ill add we need to get the hell out of Afganistan; UBL is probably living in Brownsville, Texas anyway because of our non-enforced border control.

Joe Walsh
06-23-2010, 07:15 AM
I think he should go. Not because of disrespect but because of lack of support he needs to succeed. He is being setup for failure so he's better off to get out now. That will make it the 3rd General in charge of Afghanistan ops since O's election.

Yep, but I think that he should stay and continue his efforts over in that *****hole.
As someone already noted, He and his staff knew they were talking to, and amongst a reporter.
This wasn't by accident.
I really appreciated their frank assessment of our illustrious VP Biden....:2thumbs:

In my opinion The way he went about it was wrong but I like the fact that he was Honest and straight up about what he feels. Either way he is in a spot that he feels he can't win.

Honesty is a Federal offense!

The General's plans have been unsuccessful, by his own admission. Majaf is a "bleeding ulcer", Kandahar is a bridge too far, the operation has been delayed.

Jason's unit lost six men in the last few days, the enemy is at the gates.

Our operations are being undermined from Pakistan, Al Qaida has moved their operations from Afghanistan to Pakistan. It's going to end when Afghanistan leadership mades a deal with the Tailiban and we are shown the door.

Why do I keep wishing that there was some way to obliterate that entire section of the globe?
I know that it is a horrible and unfair thought...but we are in a "no win" situation.

Stay, and we continue our new Vietnam War.

Leave, and let the Taliban/terrorists multiply and overtake the entire area...then wait for their next attack back here in the U.S.

BTW: 10:1 odds that Barry cans him, if for no other reason than to show that "I'm in control of the situation!"

(Just like he's in control of the Gulf Oil Spill.)

06-23-2010, 07:37 AM
General McChrystal for President!!!!

I agree, I like the general. I'm a straight foward person also, he didn't sugar-coat anything, he was telling it like it is. Yea him and his assistants were bad mouthing the administration but he was keeping it real and thats how he felt. I would say some other stuff but i don't want to offend anyone and their views/beliefs

Egon Spengler
06-23-2010, 07:55 AM
This puts Obama in an interesting lose / lose situation because he chose MacCrystal. Either choice he makes is going to make him look bad.

06-23-2010, 09:28 AM
Obama fell for it just as the General planned it. The General and his staff knew exactly how Obama would react to this so they set him up. The smart thing to do would have been for Obama to ignore it since the media was on the oil spill, but Obama can't pass up a good opportunity to screw with the military. The General and his staff had had enough of this administration and decided to focus the media on it. Now if he is let go he can write a book on it and be on every network for months telling what he had to put up with from these clowns.

06-23-2010, 09:49 AM
As the Father of 2 sons that are going to Afghanistan later this year I want the most competent military leaders we have, and he is one of them.
I have NO faith in the current administration.

06-23-2010, 10:20 AM
This countries been in sick state for years before our current President, I wonder how long it will take people to realize that!

Yeah like Obama and his Pelochi/Reid administration knows more about warfare, battle plans than a career, four-star general:help:. Oh wait,:confused:...I forgot...... Biden knows more than anyone..........Absolutely pathetic what is going on in this country...........since Obama..........sickening...... ...:shake:

Brian your right though, the General should just retired, kick back and go fishing................

All I have to say, I'm done.

06-23-2010, 10:42 AM
When such a big fuss is made because our President (yes, our President) goes to play golf, things are a bit over the hill.

What does Hannity think, that if anyone tries to contact the President of the United States while he's golfing, they'll get voicemail?

"Hi, youv'e reached the desk of the President of the United States. I'm sorry I can't come to the phone now, but if you leave your name and number, I will return your call as soon as possible.

If this is an emergency, dial O and you will be connected to our customer service staff. Please allow time for them to answer, as they are in a different time zone-a VERY different time zone.

Have a great day"

I'm not pro or anti Obama, but it seems like the opposition is looking for anything to pick on from the clothes he wears to the Gulf Coast, to where he goes on Memorial Day.

Sidenote: Ever what's going to happen to all those pretty Fox contributing ladies when they start to age? Can you say "lawsuits"?

Boy, I've done it now!

06-23-2010, 10:48 AM
A Nation's debt is it's measure of freedom for it is the shackle to slavery it imposes upon all it's subjects!

Public Debt to GDP
1988 40% 1998 36% 2008 40% 2010 65%, Budgeted 2020 90%.
Debt in 2008 $5.8 Trillion and in 2010 $9.2 Trillion. Increase in Debt since 2008 enough to payoff 33% of the home mortgages in the USA. Drive around knowing that in less than 2 years the debt has increased enough to payoff the mortgage on every third house and also that 47% of tax filers do not pay income tax. The increase in Debt BUDGETED over the next 10 years enough to payoff every home mortgage and GIVE EVERYONE A $7,000 BONUS!

"That figure would equal 90 percent of the estimated gross domestic product in 2020, up from 40 percent at the end of fiscal 2008. By comparison, America's debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 109 percent at the end of World War II, while the ratio for economically troubled Greece hit 115 percent last year.WASHINGTON TIMES"
"That level of debt is extremely problematic, particularly given the upward debt path beyond the 10-year budget window," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
"The proposed budget is woefully insufficient to achieve the president's goal or the important fiscal goal of stabilizing the debt at a reasonable level in the medium and long term," Ms. MacGuineas said.
For the 2016-20 period, CBO estimates that deficits will average more than 5 percent of GDP, even while assuming the economy will be near full employment, with an average jobless rate of 5 percent during that same five-year period. WASHINGTON TIMES
"Deficits in the, let's say, 5 percent of GDP range would lead to rising debt-to-GDP ratios in a manner that would ultimately not be sustainable," Mr. Orszag, the President's OMB Director, acknowledged to reporters on March 20, 2009, two months after the administration entered office.
D. Elmendorf, CBO Director, appointed by the current Congress, - In speaking about 2009 "Federal Debt held by the public will equal about 60% of GDP by the end of this fiscal year, the highest level since the early 1950's. As a result, further large deficits and increases in the debt will raise serious economic risks."
Per the CBO the 10 year Budget Baseline Debt to GDP is projected to be 67.5% and President Obama's Budget's Debt to GDP is projected to be 90% Debt to GDP.This is the result of President Obama's Budget increasing Debt an additional $3.8 Trillion. The $3.8 Trillion is from increased spending from the 2010 Fiscal year above and beyond the automatic annual increases.

For reference in 1988 the Debt to GDP was 40%, in 1998 36% and 2008 40%. After WWII over 14,000,000 dropped their uniforms and many donned hardhats to rebuild Europe and Japan. Defense spending including the War is 24%, down from the post WWII 50 year average of 35%. Point is the increased spending is entitlements which do not end.

Former Tres Sec Rubin, appointed by Pres Clinton, states - "The United States faces projected 10-year federal budget deficits that seriously threaten its bond market, exchange rate, economy, and the economic future of every American worker and family. " -"The commission also found that no economy anywhere in the world had been successful with largely state-directed activities and high walls against global integration.
The evidence, in other words, strongly suggests that a market-based model is still the best way forward. ", (Rubin wrote in NewsWeek, 12-29-09)

06-23-2010, 10:59 AM
Copied directly from the IMF report on Pres Obamas 2009-19 year Budget
International Monetary Fund, IMF Country Report No. 9/229 July, 2009

"Debt held by the public
Staff's baseline based on the FY 2010 budget 2008 - 40.8, 2009 - 58.2, 2010 - 70.5, 2011 - 75.5, 2015 - 85.6, 2019 - 99.7"

"exhibit a is the fact that under Obama's fiscal plans the national debt will climb to above 100% by 2015, far steept increase than almost any other country". "America is not Grece but it is headed in that direction. The updshot wouldn't be an IMF bail out but a collapse of the dollar resulting in hyper inflation."
Search the 2010 IMF Fiscal Monitor May, 14 2010 report for their analysis of PRes Obama's 2010-2020 Budget or search an analysis of the report by Edmund Conway with the Telegraph.Co.Uk

Pres Obama recently told the G20 to Grow the economy in lieu of reducing Gov't spending. What this means is to inflate away the debt.

More and more experts are saying we are past the point of inflating away the Debt. We are facing Deflation, meaning a GREAT DEPRESSION.

Per Elmendorf the CBO Directo 60% Debt to GDP is the danger point. Our Gov't has Budgeted 90% based on 4% annual growth and 4.5% unemployment.

My plan is roll back Gov't spending to FY 2008 and gowing forward include the Base Line increases. Index SS retirement age. Replace SS COLA with CPI. Freeze Civilian Fed hiring and pay. Fed Civilian under 55 and new hires are rolled into SS. Index Medicare eligibility age.

We will actually be able to pay off the Debt.

06-23-2010, 11:19 AM
This countries been in sick state for years before our current President, I wonder how long it will take people to realize that!


This didn't start 2 years ago.........

06-23-2010, 11:21 AM
Well he's fired now.


06-23-2010, 11:44 AM
Well it looks like he can get to booking the date's on his calander. First up Fox News Channel, they already have one discraced General over there. Oliver North will have good company. You think he was involved with the Iran Contra Affair to shine a light on that administration too? :confused:

Obama fell for it just as the General planned it. The General and his staff knew exactly how Obama would react to this so they set him up. The smart thing to do would have been for Obama to ignore it since the media was on the oil spill, but Obama can't pass up a good opportunity to screw with the military. The General and his staff had had enough of this administration and decided to focus the media on it. Now if he is let go he can write a book on it and be on every network for months telling what he had to put up with from these clowns.

06-23-2010, 11:53 AM
President Obama said he has asked Gen. David Petraeus to replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal as commander in Afghanistan. McChrystal resigned today in the wake of his controversial comments
CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/06/23/general.mcchrystal.obama.apolo gy/index.html?hpt=T1&iref=BN1

The Rolling Stone article: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/119236?RS_show_page=0

Joe Walsh
06-23-2010, 12:03 PM
This countries been in sick state for years before our current President, I wonder how long it will take people to realize that!


This didn't start 2 years ago.........

All the more reason for a 'line item Veto' provision and TERM LIMITS!
We are in deep ***** folks and the deficit is 'coming home to roost' very soon!
We have to get these pork barrel Washington 'Lifers' the hell out of office!
I don't care what party they are members of!

When such a big fuss is made because our President (yes, our President) goes to play golf, things are a bit over the hill.

What does Hannity think, that if anyone tries to contact the President of the United States while he's golfing, they'll get voicemail?

"Hi, youv'e reached the desk of the President of the United States. I'm sorry I can't come to the phone now, but if you leave your name and number, I will return your call as soon as possible.

If this is an emergency, dial O and you will be connected to our customer service staff. Please allow time for them to answer, as they are in a different time zone-a VERY different time zone.

Have a great day"

I'm not pro or anti Obama, but it seems like the opposition is looking for anything to pick on from the clothes he wears to the Gulf Coast, to where he goes on Memorial Day.

:hmmm: Yeah, and the media cut GW so much slack ....:rolleyes:

Sidenote: Ever what's going to happen to all those pretty Fox contributing ladies when they start to age? Can you say "lawsuits"?

Hopefully they age better than Barbara Streisand, Rosie O'donnell, Barbara Mikulski and the rest of the liberal ladies.

Boy, I've done it now!


06-23-2010, 12:18 PM
Well it looks like he can get to booking the date's on his calander. First up Fox News Channel, they already have one discraced General over there. Oliver North will have good company. You think he was involved with the Iran Contra Affair to shine a light on that administration too? :confused:

Oliver North wasnt a general. he was a Liertenant Colonel, Far off from being a general.

06-23-2010, 12:23 PM
Unfortunately administrations have been running wars for decades. I agree that the front line generals should run the wars but he should step down. It's not proper for a General or any of his staff or subordinates should make any public comments about how they feel about leadership. We can't show any division to the enemy.

Enough said.

The issue is not about whether the General is a great soldier/leader/strategist; it is about opposing the Administration publicly (whether right or wrong)---such conduct cannot be tolerated.

06-23-2010, 12:39 PM
Enough said.

The issue is not about whether the General is a great soldier/leader/strategist; it is about opposing the Administration publicly (whether right or wrong)---such conduct cannot be tolerated.

I served in the US Army in Iraq as part of OIF 06-08 and we were instructed on numerous occasions that absolutly NO opinions were to be made to any part of the media. This was specifically made clear by higher to include any comments as to how the White house was running the war effort and our views on the war on terror. Although I agree 100% with the general its not the place of a soldier to voice such things publically.

At the same time the President shouldnt be suprised when the military doesnt like him after such BS as not honoring our fallen on memorial day. I truly think that SOB hates america

06-23-2010, 12:39 PM
All the more reason for a 'line item Veto' provision and TERM LIMITS!
We are in deep ***** folks and the deficit is 'coming home to roost' very soon!
We have to get these pork barrel Washington 'Lifers' the hell out of office!
I don't care what party they are members of!



I agree!

06-23-2010, 12:41 PM
CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/06/23/general.mcchrystal.obama.apolo gy/index.html?hpt=T1&iref=BN1

The Rolling Stone article: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/119236?RS_show_page=0

OK, so let's move foward.....................

06-23-2010, 12:46 PM
Do you think he is an idiot and did not know what would happen?

Do you think he did it on purpose to try and change the CIC policy?

Why is the CIC going back to the very person he and his party spoke so poorly about? Remember what they called him by mispronouncing his name?

Could it be the CIC is going back to the previous policy in a way that smokes screens it to his own party?

06-23-2010, 01:18 PM
OK, so let's move foward.....................

Easier said than done. People on the left including our illustrious President are still blaming George Bush, Dick Cheney and Halliburton for all their failures. Ask the troops in Afghanistan who they respect, Gen McChrystal or Pres Obama. Not even a question on that one.

06-23-2010, 01:27 PM
Ask the troops in Afghanistan who they respect, Gen McChrystal or Pres Obama. Not even a question on that one.

Excuse me Sir but how do you know this? Is that an opinion or fact? How many Soldiers, Sailor, Airmen or Marines did you poll? Please don't speak for us. Thank you.

06-23-2010, 01:40 PM
I served in the US Army in Iraq as part of OIF 06-08 and we were instructed on numerous occasions that absolutly NO opinions were to be made to any part of the media. This was specifically made clear by higher to include any comments as to how the White house was running the war effort and our views on the war on terror. Although I agree 100% with the general its not the place of a soldier to voice such things publically.

At the same time the President shouldnt be suprised when the military doesnt like him after such BS as not honoring our fallen on memorial day. I truly think that SOB hates america
I truly think some people go way over the line.

06-23-2010, 01:44 PM
Excuse me Sir but how do you know this? Is that an opinion or fact? How many Soldiers, Sailor, Airmen or Marines did you poll? Please don't speak for us. Thank you.

Well said Speed.

06-23-2010, 01:51 PM
"At the same time the President shouldnt be suprised when the military doesnt like him after such BS as not honoring our fallen on memorial day. I truly think that SOB hates america"

If you are talking about being out of town on Memorial Day, I would like to point out George Bush was out "clearing brush" at his ranch on Memorial Day in 2007. Does he "hate America" too?

06-23-2010, 02:26 PM
I'm stunned. I just cannot believe that members of our military are actually dissing a community organiser, undocumented worker, and coked up infanticidal socialist lunatic like Obama.

It's shocking!

What is the world coming to?

06-23-2010, 02:37 PM
"At the same time the President shouldnt be suprised when the military doesnt like him after such BS as not honoring our fallen on memorial day. I truly think that SOB hates america"

If you are talking about being out of town on Memorial Day, I would like to point out George Bush was out "clearing brush" at his ranch on Memorial Day in 2007. Does he "hate America" too?

Sure does, Just because I hate Obama doesnt mean i love G Dub. I think the memorial day situation was just one of the many ways Obama dishonors our soldiers and our country. I could care less if people flame me on the internet for it but Ill jump for joy if someone finds a way to get him out early

06-23-2010, 02:40 PM
I truly think some people go way over the line.

What line is that??? Am I supposed to keep my mouth shut for some reason?? I belive hes the most danergous politician in recent memory, and ill be damned if ill hold back because hes the president, I am no longer in the military so thankfully he was never my commander in chief.

06-23-2010, 02:44 PM
I'm stunned. I just cannot believe that members of our military are actually dissing a community organiser, undocumented worker, and coked up infanticidal socialist lunatic like Obama.

It's shocking!

What is the world coming to?

Wasn't President Bush the one with the coke problem, and drinking problem?

06-23-2010, 02:50 PM
Wasn't President Bush the one with the coke problem, and drinking problem?

Why does it always turn to Bush??? Yeah that sure was him, but he has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

i think im going to start comparing Obama to Taft all the time, about as relevant

06-23-2010, 02:51 PM
Merged thread alert!

06-23-2010, 03:02 PM
Why does it always turn to Bush??? Yeah that sure was him, but he has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

i think im going to start comparing Obama to Taft all the time, about as relevant
Wasn't really looking to compare him to President Bush as they are both Jackazzes, but calling Obama a coked up finatic while not accepting the same for Bush just didn't seem right. But now that I know you do accept the same for Bush, may the thread continue

Oh and I think it turns to Bush because Dem's hated him as much as Rep's hate Obama, so when Obama gets slammed, it's just natural to point out the mistakes of the other side. However in my humble opinion we haven't had a good President in 50 years
Kennedy-Bum, bought and paid for by the mob and cheated in the election
Johnson-Just too easy to pick apart
Carter-even dumber than Ford
Reagan-Good Gift of speak, rallied against the commies, but Star Wars and Reaganomics started the downward spiral
Bush I-Should have finishedwhat he started
Clinton-All Bone, no Backbone, but at least a balanced budget
Bush II-Disaster, but I will say that I was glad a Republican was in office during 9/11, that;s the only way we would have started to kick someone's ass for that disaster
Obama-Year one, he can't control his own party and all the other valid points that have been brought up

So who's with me, how about this guy for President 21389

06-23-2010, 03:29 PM
What line is that??? Am I supposed to keep my mouth shut for some reason?? I belive hes the most danergous politician in recent memory, and ill be damned if ill hold back because hes the president, I am no longer in the military so thankfully he was never my commander in chief.
Well if you feel it's ok to say that the rightfully elected president hates his country then in my opinion you have crossed the line.

Too many hannity clones spouting off, in my opinion.

06-23-2010, 03:46 PM
Well if you feel it's ok to say that the rightfully elected president hates his country then in my opinion you have crossed the line.

Too many hannity clones spouting off, in my opinion.

Same arguement the Bush Wackos spat off, I never said he wasnt rightfully elected. he won, plain and simple. But hes also a socialist plain and simple, which goes against everything the american system is based on. He also goes around the world saying how flawed our country is and how we have made so many mistakes, thats no someone who loves this country. Thankfully we have freedom of speach so that line you speak of doesnt exist.

06-23-2010, 04:16 PM
Same arguement the Bush Wackos spat off, I never said he wasnt rightfully elected. he won, plain and simple. But hes also a socialist plain and simple, which goes against everything the american system is based on. He also goes around the world saying how flawed our country is and how we have made so many mistakes, thats no someone who loves this country. Thankfully we have freedom of speach so that line you speak of doesnt exist.

Great post!

Kind of reminds me of an ex-girlfriend. She totally loved me... Except she wanted me to dress better, shave my beard, cut my hair, get a better job, get better friends, take some bumper stickers off my car, go back to college, quit smoking, eat better, wear better clothes, and spend more time with her friends.

Yep, she loved me alright.:rolleyes: I think about her every single time I hear Resident Obama talk about changing everything about something he claims to "love".

During Bush years, the left would call diasagreements with him "Patriotic". During Obama, if you disagree with him you're racist. Lulz.

BTW, Kernie, Do you even have a dog in this fight?

06-23-2010, 04:57 PM
Same arguement the Bush Wackos spat off, I never said he wasnt rightfully elected. he won, plain and simple. But hes also a socialist plain and simple, which goes against everything the american system is based on. He also goes around the world saying how flawed our country is and how we have made so many mistakes, thats no someone who loves this country. Thankfully we have freedom of speach so that line you speak of doesnt exist.
I'm not fond of wackos right or left, i'm just tired of hearing from them.

06-23-2010, 05:10 PM
Too many hannity clones spouting off, in my opinion.

I'm glad to see you have started using facts and logic in your posts, instead of name calling and generalizing everyone that doesn't agree with you into one group that "can't think for themselves". :beer:

06-23-2010, 06:44 PM
"Moving to Montana soon..."

06-23-2010, 06:56 PM
Great post!

Kind of reminds me of an ex-girlfriend. She totally loved me... Except she wanted me to dress better, shave my beard, cut my hair, get a better job, get better friends, take some bumper stickers off my car, go back to college, quit smoking, eat better, wear better clothes, and spend more time with her friends.

Yep, she loved me alright.:rolleyes: I think about her every single time I hear Resident Obama talk about changing everything about something he claims to "love".

During Bush years, the left would call diasagreements with him "Patriotic". During Obama, if you disagree with him you're racist. Lulz.

BTW, Kernie, Do you even have a dog in this fight?
Did she have a point?

HE he,


06-23-2010, 07:19 PM
From an earlier post:

"but Ill jump for joy if someone finds a way to get him (Obama) out early"

There are a number of ways to interpret this statement. The poster may want to consider that in future posts.

06-23-2010, 09:24 PM
Did she have a point?

HE he,


Nope! I'm just fine the way I am. :D Perfection can't be improved.

06-23-2010, 09:24 PM
"Moving to Montana soon..."

Gonna raise me a crop of dental floss? :confused:


06-23-2010, 09:59 PM
Nope! I'm just fine the way I am. :D Perfection can't be improved.
There you go!


06-23-2010, 10:00 PM
Gonna raise me a crop of dental floss? :confused:

Zappa is the man!

Dynamoe humm dynamoe humm...

06-23-2010, 11:56 PM
From an earlier post:

"but Ill jump for joy if someone finds a way to get him (Obama) out early"

There are a number of ways to interpret this statement. The poster may want to consider that in future posts.

LOL if I had ment it in that way I would have said so, I mean a legal way

06-24-2010, 10:25 AM
LOL if I had ment it in that way I would have said so, I mean a legal way

WHEW! Glad you clarified that.

Now those two black Crown Vics parked outside your house will probably be recalled along with that unmanned drone overhead.


06-24-2010, 10:33 AM
WHEW! Glad you clarified that.

Now those two black Crown Vics parked outside your house will probably be recalled along with that unmanned drone overhead.


That would be the worst way to undercover keep tabs on me, I would probly walk over, "Hey guys nice p71's!"