View Full Version : 2006 Lincoln Pickup

Donny Carlson
11-27-2003, 01:02 PM
Lets hope they have better luck with this than the Blackwood!;)

Based on the new F-150 design, this is being marketed for the Cadillac Escalade EXT demographic.

Donny Carlson
11-27-2003, 01:04 PM
Sorry, I resized the thing too small, so it looks terrible.

Here it is again...

UAW 588
11-27-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Donny Carlson
Lets hope they have better luck with this than the Blackwood!;)

If Ford Motor Company markets it anything like the Marauder it will never sell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:help: :lol: :cry:

Dr Caleb
11-27-2003, 02:09 PM
I don't understant FMC. I just don't see your average Lincon driver as wanting a pickup.

The Blackwood proves my point. Why not bring the pickup back into the Mercury banner like they used to be? Make a Mercury version of the Lighting, with the same attitude as the Marauder.

Perhaps I just need more whiskey.

RF Overlord
11-27-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Donny Carlson
Sorry, I resized the thing too small, so it looks terrible.

Dude, it's not your re-sizing...that truck DOES look terrible...

As Dr. Caleb said, WHY does Ford persist in thinking that Lincoln drivers want trucks?! And before someone mentions the Navigator, SUVs don't count as they AREN'T trucks...(they're abominations...)

Dr Caleb
11-27-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by RF Overlord
SUVs don't count as they AREN'T trucks...(they're abominations...)

I agree. If you want to haul stuff, you shoulda bought a truck. If you don't want to go off road, you shoulda got a van. If you want a people mover - van, big car or wagon. You want ground clearance, buy a plane.

11-27-2003, 04:47 PM
Let's not forget the most important issue, Lincoln Mercury dealers never have had the interest to sell a performance vehicle. It has always been the same story, a big beginning and then sales dwindle off to lack of promotion on the part of the dealers. The Blackwood failed for not only that reason, but it had no practicality as a pickup, which the Escalade has. If you think back, every performance car that Mecury has ever had has been short lived, or in our case disappeared and returned after several years. If Ford division would have had the Marauder or even the Pantera the cars would have lived on for a lot longer, although I believed the Pantera was killed off as a result of the oil embargo and it was a pet project of Henry II wife, they got divorced about the time of its' demise.

11-27-2003, 07:23 PM
So instead of King Ranch it'll be the King Hampton?

11-27-2003, 07:27 PM
I'm trying to imagine who is going to want that thing. The Nav has already gone into the ditch in s segment that it pioneered. That truck is starting out looking WAY too much like Jimmy-Joe-Bobs F150. I love the F-150 and was going to get an HD-Edition rather than my Marauder but for the lack of optional rear bench seat.

That Lincoln needs some bling bling 20s or 21s STOCK. And some kind of really hot motor if it's to have any chance. Ford could still sell such a beast at a discount price versus an Escalade.

They blew it with the Aviator by not slicking up the package enough with a stance change. Our Marauder rules because they really developed a wicked stance with the shallow front and strongly raked line.

11-27-2003, 08:00 PM
Believe me, if it is shown in some rap videos with twenty four inch wheels on it, it will sell. Here in Detroit the Escalade sells in record numbers. Most that buy them are of the MTV, BET crowd. If marketed right in the Urban areas it too will sell.

11-27-2003, 08:26 PM
As previously stated.......I don't think a Lincoln Truck will sell....but then again, I never thought I'd see a Cadillac Truck.

11-27-2003, 09:54 PM
I have to agree. I don't understand Lincoln trucks or SUVs same with Cadillac. It just doesn't fit.
Mercury trucks were only in Canada, but introducing the Mercury truck line would make more sense.

If Lincoln does this, hopefully they will do it right, unlike Cadillac which is selling thinly disguised Chev trucks and SUVs with Cadillac grilles.

The Backwood was actually a nice vehicle, and not just a F150.
The bed was only suited to the concept though, and should never have been made in the configuration it was.
The Blackwood had a 50/50 weight distribution unlike any truck I know of. It apparently handled very well too.
But again, a Lincoln truck?

11-28-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Dr Caleb
I agree. If you want to haul stuff, you shoulda bought a truck. If you don't want to go off road, you shoulda got a van. If you want a people mover - van, big car or wagon. You want ground clearance, buy a plane.

Let's not also forget that these are some of your most profitable vehicles that any manufacturer can sell. If a company doesn't have big profit vehicles like these to compensate for vehicles that don't produce as much profit, you can forget niche' vehicles for the two-percenters like us who actually have a passion for driving. That would mean no Marauder, SVT vehicles would likely also take a hike, and perhaps some of your other favorites. People also buy SUv's because it fits with their lifestyle. A car is not going to be able to tow a boat, and you can forget about towing a trailer with a minivan since they are based on a carlike chassis. There are also some people who buy a SUV as a status symbol, or because they like sitting up higher and getting a more command view of the road. IMHO, what people want to get out of their vehicle, is really their buisness. Do we need a nearly 18 ft long vehicle that has enthusiast like performance? No but we bought it because it's what we want out of a car, and it fits into our lifestyle. I traded in my Land Rover Discovery for my Marauder(not yet, since my Marauder is 2 weeks late arriving), and it's a unique vehicle in it's own way since i've actually had a chance to see what that beast can do offroad.

It's all about what you want out of your driving experience. A Marauder is not going to be able to tow a boat or trailer, won't give me a command view of the road, definately will not forge across water coming up to the headlights, won't traverse a boulder laden trail with huge rocks, but it will give me the satisfaction of driving one of the last of it's kind being full body on frame, RWD and a hot V8 engine under the hood. It's all about what your lifestyle is................