View Full Version : "The Force"

06-28-2010, 06:37 AM
They train officers to use "The Force" now? Guess this ol' Jedi mind trick didn't work on this lady, lol!

Lawyer Explains 'Taser Granny' Suit

Lona Varner, 86, Zapped During Police Visit Last December

POSTED: 5:02 pm CDT June 27, 2010
UPDATED: 6:45 pm CDT June 27, 2010

EL RENO, Okla. --

An 86-year-old El Reno woman who was shot with a Taser after police officers said she threatened them said she wants the city to pay for what she did.

The police report about the incident said Lona Varner threatened to stab officers with a knife when they came to her apartment in December.
"It seems to me that using some sort of high voltage on an 86-year-old seems inappropriate," said her attorney, Brian Dell.
He said Varner is filing suit against the city because of the police officer's actions.


"The whole purpose behind this lawsuit is they used the force on an elderly woman," he said.
According to the police report, El Reno officers described Varner as aggressive and threatening during the December visit. The first officer on the scene said that Varner told him, "I want to die. I did not call you, so get the (expletive) out of my house."
The report said that Varner pulled out a knife and said, '"If you try and get the knife, I will stab you and kill you. I killed four Japs in World War II and I would not bat an eye killing you."
Three officers said they threatened to use the Taser if she didn't cooperate. They said when she became more aggressive, they used the device on her.
"She's a pretty salty old lady and she is really mad about it," Dell said.
According to the report, while officers controlled Varner's arm and removed the knife, she received a laceration from her elbow to her wrist. That's where her attorney said officers went too far.
"(For) someone like that, skin is like tissue. It tore both her wrists," he said.
The report said they used the Taser a second time after she continued to be aggressive after the first one.
The lawsuit asks the city to pay Varner at least $75,000.

06-28-2010, 07:02 AM
They train officers to use "The Force" now? Guess this ol' Jedi mind trick didn't work on this lady, lol!

Lawyer Explains 'Taser Granny' Suit

Lona Varner, 86, Zapped During Police Visit Last December

POSTED: 5:02 pm CDT June 27, 2010
UPDATED: 6:45 pm CDT June 27, 2010

EL RENO, Okla. --

An 86-year-old El Reno woman who was shot with a Taser after police officers said she threatened them said she wants the city to pay for what she did.

The police report about the incident said Lona Varner threatened to stab officers with a knife when they came to her apartment in December.
"It seems to me that using some sort of high voltage on an 86-year-old seems inappropriate," said her attorney, Brian Dell.
He said Varner is filing suit against the city because of the police officer's actions.


"The whole purpose behind this lawsuit is they used the force on an elderly woman," he said.
According to the police report, El Reno officers described Varner as aggressive and threatening during the December visit. The first officer on the scene said that Varner told him, "I want to die. I did not call you, so get the (expletive) out of my house."
The report said that Varner pulled out a knife and said, '"If you try and get the knife, I will stab you and kill you. I killed four Japs in World War II and I would not bat an eye killing you."
Three officers said they threatened to use the Taser if she didn't cooperate. They said when she became more aggressive, they used the device on her.
"She's a pretty salty old lady and she is really mad about it," Dell said.
According to the report, while officers controlled Varner's arm and removed the knife, she received a laceration from her elbow to her wrist. That's where her attorney said officers went too far.
"(For) someone like that, skin is like tissue. It tore both her wrists," he said.
The report said they used the Taser a second time after she continued to be aggressive after the first one.
The lawsuit asks the city to pay Varner at least $75,000.

Where the hell was she when she was killing Japs?

Egon Spengler
06-28-2010, 07:05 AM
Sounds like she needed a tazing to me! Crazy brod. If they grabbed her she would have bruised and tore her tissue skin. Sounds like a good idea to me to taze... Either way she would have given the office s*** afterwards!

06-28-2010, 07:10 AM
Just because you are a crazy old bag doesnt mean you cant injure an officer. Imagine what people would be saying if she had been sucessful in stabbing an officer.

06-28-2010, 07:38 AM
Just because you are a crazy old bag doesnt mean you cant injure an officer. Imagine what people would be saying if she had been sucessful in stabbing an officer.
For real, I'll slap an old lady in a heartbeat if she starts waving a knife near me. Then I'll hide her dentures, and loosen all the lightbulbs in her house so nothing happens when she claps. Look at her, she's got the crazy eye. Used to see it all the time in 'Nam.

Mr. Man
06-28-2010, 10:39 AM
If she was waving a knife around I would have shot her between the eyes.

06-28-2010, 10:47 AM
Perhaps it might be of interest that the original call was to emergency medical personnel because a relative was concerned that the "old broads" medication might be causing problems. The police (from the information I have) entered prior to the EMT's arrival with guns drawn. The woman was bedridden and on O2. If the police had stayed out of the way and allowed the EMTs to properly respond and do their job, this entire situation might have been avoided.

Egon Spengler
06-28-2010, 11:23 AM
Perhaps it might be of interest that the original call was to emergency medical personnel because a relative was concerned that the "old broads" medication might be causing problems. The police (from the information I have) entered prior to the EMT's arrival with guns drawn. The woman was bedridden and on O2. If the police had stayed out of the way and allowed the EMTs to properly respond and do their job, this entire situation might have been avoided.
Police have to secure a scene before entry of EMT's in some cases. What we are taught is "Scene Safety / BSI (Body Substance Isolation)" as the first thing that needs to be done prior to treating a patient. If the scene is not safe, we do not treat. If the relative called and the old broad didn't want to be treated and threatened our lives, then we back off and let the police deal with her if we can't calm her down. So either way, it seems as thought the police police were going to get involved with this feisty broad. If she had a knife, all we can do is try to talk her down and for her to surrender the knife willingly, otherwise, the cops need to step in for our own safety.

06-28-2010, 12:03 PM
Where the hell was she when she was killing Japs?

San Francisco.

06-28-2010, 12:15 PM
Police have to secure a scene before entry of EMT's in some cases. What we are taught is "Scene Safety / BSI (Body Substance Isolation)" as the first thing that needs to be done prior to treating a patient. If the scene is not safe, we do not treat. If the relative called and the old broad didn't want to be treated and threatened our lives, then we back off and let the police deal with her if we can't calm her down. So either way, it seems as thought the police police were going to get involved with this feisty broad. If she had a knife, all we can do is try to talk her down and for her to surrender the knife willingly, otherwise, the cops need to step in for our own safety.
The paramount question is why were the police in the house in the first place? The EMTs DID NOT call them - they had not yet arrived on the scene. Exactly what were the police doing there. If I were to call for medical help, and armed police were to arrive prior to the medical help, enter the house without a warrant and uninvited, I would demand that they immediate vacate the premices. In most stated police cannot legally enter without a warrant or exegent circumstinces. Inmost localaties, the police are charged to protetect, not terrorize

Egon Spengler
06-28-2010, 12:19 PM
The paramount question is why were the police in the house in the first place? The EMTs DID NOT call them - they had not yet arrived on the scene. Exactly what were the police doing there. If I were to call for medical help, and armed police were to arrive prior to the medical help, enter the house without a warrant and uninvited, I would demand that they immediate vacate the premices. In most stated police cannot legally enter without a warrant or exegent circumstinces. Inmost localaties, the police are charged to protetect, not terrorize
In my town when you call 911 for a medical emergency you automatically get a cruiser, fire truck, and ambulance to ensure scene safety and enough manpower. Officers are first on scene most of the time to ensure that the scene is safe prior to our arrival. They can also begin first aid and information gathering to make treating the patient a little easier and getting them on the way to the hospital a little quicker. Standard procedure in my town to have at least one officer on scene for a medical emergency. Those extra hands can come in handy as well sometimes!

Joe Walsh
06-28-2010, 12:23 PM
An 86-year-old El Reno woman who was shot with a Taser after police officers said she threatened them said she wants the city to pay for what she did.

They said when she became more aggressive, they used the device on her.
"She's a pretty salty old lady and she is really mad about it," Dell said.

Lona was heard screaming: "Don't Taze me Bro'!!!"

The report said they used the Taser a second time after she continued to be aggressive after the first one.

What's next:

UFC presents; Lona 'The Blade' Varner vs. Rodney 'Cop Kicker' King in a no-holds-barred Tazer Match!


06-28-2010, 12:49 PM
I'll hide her dentures, and loosen all the lightbulbs in her house so nothing happens when she claps. Look at her, she's got the crazy eye.

Absolutely Classic Casey :lol::lol::lol:

06-28-2010, 06:38 PM
Absolutely Classic Casey :lol::lol::lol:
I know a thing or two about a thing or two, and crazy women are one of them.

06-28-2010, 06:46 PM
I know a thing or two about a thing or two, and crazy women are one of them.
Obviously the wife doesn't read this forum. :D

06-28-2010, 06:55 PM
Obviously the wife doesn't read this forum. :D

I don't let her use new fangled electronical devices like computers and such. It distracts her from her chores.

Mr. Man
06-29-2010, 11:53 AM
Casey I didn't know your lady friend wore dentures, lucky you:D