View Full Version : Oh brother...

06-30-2010, 09:00 PM
Looks like my worthless, career criminal, one man crime wave, half brother is in the paper again. http://www.winonadailynews.com/news/local/article_5a1df156-83fe-11df-9c2b-001cc4c03286.html

I suspect this'll be the last time I have to read about his sorry a$$.

Once again they didn't get his conviction number right either. It should read 32 convictions and 6 felonies since 1988. I have his NCIC report.

His last felony was where he claimed to be a flood victim (not true), got some car parts paid for by the VA because of this (fraudulently of course) and then tried to exchange them for cash at the local NAPA auto parts store. When they refused to do that, he claimed to be a Vietnam vet (drafted in the fourth grade perhaps?) and threatened to kill all of them. Odd behavior for a guy with 6 DWI's and no drivers licence....

He got 90 days house arrest for that one. Yeah, you read that right. 90 days house arrest for his 6th felony...:mad2:

Maybe if he'd gotten a year in prison he might still be around.

07-01-2010, 03:54 AM
You can choose your friends, but you can not choose your family.

07-01-2010, 05:13 AM
This is one relative that is not mentioned in any will.

07-01-2010, 05:57 AM
http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=12&articleid=20100630_12_0_JAYADe 972288

07-01-2010, 06:23 AM
Wow! Well mabe he will turn up safe with a new outlook on life?

07-01-2010, 06:36 AM
Two things...........

Is he buried on the back 40?

How do you get auto parts from the Va (Veterans Administration)?

07-01-2010, 07:10 AM
Two things...........

Is he buried on the back 40?

How do you get auto parts from the Va (Veterans Administration)?

Maybe when he is pushing Daisies.

07-01-2010, 09:13 AM
This is one relative that is not mentioned in any will.

And that is where all my problems with him came from. My Dad left the farm to me when he passed away. Who could blame him? He broke my Dads nose in front of me when I was 8 years old.

My half brother is the reason I carry my Kimber 1911 on me at all times. I won't even walk to the mailbox without it. I open the door to my house with it in my hand.

Somehow I don't think this idiot is dead. My German Shepard 'Jenny' went missing last week and my yard light was broken at the same time. I was in St. Paul chasing down 3 wheeler parts when that happened.

The guy can walk into the woods without anything and live there for weeks at a time if he wants. In fact, he does that every August. My farm has a lot of ginsing on it. The root is worth $2,000+ /lb dry. You can only legally pick it in September. He picks it in August because it has red berries on it then. My neighbors regularly report seeing him either entering or leaving my woods during this time. No ones been able to catch him in the act though.

I doubt he's in South Dakota or Wisconsin right now since he's currently wanted in both states.

If he is dead though I hope he at least took out a good sized life insurance policy. He still owes me almost $200,000 from the time I sued him after he beat me up back in '03.

I thinK I'm gonna go oil up my guns. This could get interesting before it's all over.

07-01-2010, 09:18 AM
Damn, man. Well I hope it works out to your advantage, whatever the outcome.

07-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Two things...........

Is he buried on the back 40?

How do you get auto parts from the Va (Veterans Administration)?

Beats me how he got auto parts out of the VA. The guy is a con man, a liar and a theif. I wouldn't believe him if he said "Hi" to me. He's also a dang good used car salesman... or at least he used to be.

He got into the Marines without telling them about his old knee injury. (The knee injury was the result of a motorcycle accident in Chicago where he claimed to be selling guns for the Mafia). His pre-existing condition was discovered just after completing Boot Camp and was given a bad discharge.

He went into the Marines to get away from some serious jail time. He ran a car off the road and pulled a shot gun on the guy for tailgateing him. I was sitting in the car next to him when he did that. He'd just blown back into town after spending several years in Florida selling drugs and killing "black people" (not his words BTW). At the time I was probably 14 years old and was just helping him move his stuff to a new apartment when all that happened.

The guy is a loon. This is what happens when people don't get serious jail time. It has to be much tougher to get 32 convictions if you're behind bars.

07-01-2010, 07:58 PM
I have a brother like that. They caught him with a spike strip and he put his car wheels up in a ditch. At least he got half-decent medical care in prison. But when he got out he was an even worse asshat than before. I suppose he got some good training from the other inmates. WHat really irritated me was my mother sent him thousands every time he came up with a new scheme and defended him until she died. Haven't seen him since the funeral.

Sorry about your brother. Hope your life gets better with this chapter closed.

Big Black Beast
07-01-2010, 08:26 PM
You can choose your friends, but you can not choose your family.

Not true. You can choose your family. And you can choose to not have anything to do with them if they are a pain in the butt. Some people never learn that.

07-01-2010, 08:54 PM
I have a brother like that. They caught him with a spike strip and he put his car wheels up in a ditch. At least he got half-decent medical care in prison. But when he got out he was an even worse asshat than before. I suppose he got some good training from the other inmates. WHat really irritated me was my mother sent him thousands every time he came up with a new scheme and defended him until she died. Haven't seen him since the funeral.

Sorry about your brother. Hope your life gets better with this chapter closed.

You have my deepest sympathys.

My mother is the same way. Everytime he goes to jail she's right there to bail him out. It got so bad she lost the house that my Dad bought her in the divorce. She had to move back in with her ex-husband (my Dad). Once he died, I then had my "homeless" mother living in my house...rent free. I bought her a new Chrysler 300m and even that wasn't enough. She sued me over my Dads will.

I beat her in court and three years later my worthless half brother showed up and beat me pretty badly and got me arrested. The prosecutor didn't believe my brother but they believed my mother so I was prosecuted. Took me 3 years to clear that mess up. I sued him (and won $100,000) and evicted her. She hasn't spoken to me in 4 years.

Right now no one is certain this case actually closed. If he is dead though I intend to collect everything he owns and burn it.

07-02-2010, 05:29 AM
I think he is in Maine. :rolleyes:

Beer Thief Arrested For 154th Time


12:01 PM PDT, July 1, 2010

http://media.trb.com/media/photo/2010-07/54697707.jpg 49-year-old Paul Baldwin was arrested for the 154th time.

Kittery, Maine -- Authorities say a New Hampshire man allegedly caught on store surveillance video steeling beer has been arrested 154 times.

49-year-old Paul Baldwin was arrested for the 154th time after allegedly stealing two 18-packs and a 12-pack of Budweiser from a convenience store in Maine.

Baldwin's 153rd arrest was for allegedly punching a man in the face a week after he completed a one-year jail sentence for stealing a $1.99 can of beer.

During the court appearance for his 153rd arrest, Baldwin told the judge, "I don't need a lawyer, I've been in this court more than you have."

Baldwin remains in jail, unable to post bail.

07-02-2010, 06:00 AM
That poor fellow needs help; he needs to be rehabilitated to live in society. It is not his fault he is an alcoholic, it is societies’ fault. Let us all bow our heads and join in prayer for Paul Baldwin.

07-02-2010, 07:11 AM
I think he is in Maine. :rolleyes:

Beer Thief Arrested For 154th Time


12:01 PM PDT, July 1, 2010

http://media.trb.com/media/photo/2010-07/54697707.jpg 49-year-old Paul Baldwin was arrested for the 154th time.

Kittery, Maine -- Authorities say a New Hampshire man allegedly caught on store surveillance video steeling beer has been arrested 154 times.

49-year-old Paul Baldwin was arrested for the 154th time after allegedly stealing two 18-packs and a 12-pack of Budweiser from a convenience store in Maine.

Baldwin's 153rd arrest was for allegedly punching a man in the face a week after he completed a one-year jail sentence for stealing a $1.99 can of beer.

During the court appearance for his 153rd arrest, Baldwin told the judge, "I don't need a lawyer, I've been in this court more than you have."

Baldwin remains in jail, unable to post bail.

I guess Maine has a "155 strikes and your out" law..........

What a waste.. just lock the guy up and throw away the key.......