View Full Version : Who did i pull over in Woodbridge Va?

11-28-2003, 10:29 AM
I caught (tisk tisk) a black marauder speeding on rt1 north near Occoquan rd, just wondering if the guy is on this site? I thought he had aftermarket exhaust the way it sounded, he said it didnt. It was niiiiiiiiice. :)

O's Fan Rich
11-28-2003, 11:10 AM
A marauder is an old man's car. Everyone knows old men don't speed.
It was probabably one of those Crown Vic guys who dressed their car up like a Marauder.... those young whipper snappers are always causing trouble!

BTW, did you ticket him, or just ask him to slow down in a polite manner?

11-28-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by nitrovic
I caught (tisk tisk) a black marauder speeding on rt1 north near Occoquan rd, just wondering if the guy is on this site? I thought he had aftermarket exhaust the way it sounded, he said it didnt. It was niiiiiiiiice. :)

Welcome nitrovic, it wasn't me, I never speed my car will not go over the posted speed limit. I think it has to do with those new fangled computer thing-a-migigies that they are putting in cars now a days. As much as I try she just creeps along and God forbid if someone should pull out in front of me or a person happens to be in a crosswalk the car just slows even further down or comes to a complete stop. I get so fustrated sometimes that I try and honk the horn, but all I get is a message saying "Now is that polite!". I tell you I wish we would go back to the good old days when we had those carburator thingies, before all these computer whatchamacallits. A person just can't have any fun any more racing those Ricer punks if your speed is limited. I think it is one of those commie pinko conspiracies against the American people, thats what I think. Oh well enough of my ranting, welcome to the site and remember Big Brother is watching.

11-28-2003, 01:56 PM
Well if they are on our site I doubt they will owed up to it???:lol:

RF Overlord
11-28-2003, 02:00 PM
This was in Virginia?

Maybe it was the infamous SHERIFF...

Dr Caleb
11-28-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by RF Overlord
This was in Virginia?

Maybe it was the infamous SHERIFF...

Thanks a lot RF. Just when therapy was helping me forget it.

Well, picked a bad day to quit drinking anyhow...

11-28-2003, 03:03 PM
No, i really was interested in checking out the car (used the speeding as an excuse :D ), he was real cool. It was weird, i was following on on norht rt1 at the same time he hauled as by me. I have only seen about 3 in my area, that night i saw two at the same time. I love these damn cars, just cant afford them.

11-28-2003, 03:58 PM
nitrovic - Welcome aboard. You will like it here. This is the best site in the net.:D :up:

O's Fan Rich
11-28-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by RF Overlord
This was in Virginia?

Maybe it was the infamous SHERIFF...

Or one of his many "alter egos".
I've noticed that "they" are getting BON back to it's old self again. What a waste of bandwidth.

11-28-2003, 04:16 PM
Wasn't me!!

11-28-2003, 04:28 PM
RF is Sheriff. always trying to promote himself :lol:

11-28-2003, 04:45 PM
It might have been the infamous SHERIFF himself! And I sure hope you didn't do anything you could get sued for. He won his last 4 lawsuits against cops.

11-28-2003, 04:53 PM
I saw a picture the other day on BON. Seems the infamous SHERIFF now owns a 2004 Police Interceptor! That guy has more money than he knows what to do with!


11-28-2003, 05:32 PM
Nitrovic, I think I remember you from Excessive Motors last month. It was not me that you pulled over, because you would not be asking who it was. I am glad that you are a member and I hope you can find the cash to trade up to the Ultimate 4-door driving machine. On another note, Jerry’s LM sold the Red and Silver Marauder a couple of weeks ago. I am sick of chasing down marauders to find out they are not members on this site. Instead of giving them a citation, give them a membership card with this web address.

PS: Are you still pulling the chrome off your car?

11-28-2003, 05:33 PM
"nitrovic - Welcome aboard. You will like it here. This is the best site in the net"

Thanks. Unfortunately there is not alot of sites for the vic on the web, everyone here seems helfpul and nice. :)

11-28-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by merc
PS: Are you still pulling the chrome off your car?

It's not exactly called "pulling the chrome off your car". It's called "blacking" it out. The black makes them look more like unmarked police cars. :)

11-29-2003, 01:06 AM
(PS: Are you still pulling the chrome off your car?)

Merc, whats going on? Yeah, im still trying to mess with that. We would have had a sweet trade that day if it woulda went through. Im trying to spread the word about this site, it rocks. A lot of guys from other crown vic sites lurk around looking for stuff they can steal from the Marauder, but i guess a lot of stuff just doesnt match up.
:mad2: Its tough trying to soup up a vic, not much aftermarket.

11-29-2003, 02:02 AM
A lot of guys from other crown vic sites lurk around looking for stuff they can steal from the Marauder

lurk, steal, you mean we have to be extra vigilant? :eek:

11-29-2003, 06:17 AM
Originally posted by nitrovic
A lot of guys from other crown vic sites lurk around looking for stuff they can steal from the Marauder, but i guess a lot of stuff just doesnt match up.

Is that where the valve stem caps have been going???





11-29-2003, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by nitrovic
A lot of guys from other crown vic sites lurk around looking for stuff they can steal from the Marauder, but i guess a lot of stuff just doesnt match up. :mad2: Its tough trying to soup up a vic, not much aftermarket.
Hey buddy, I dunno what you're talking about?

Everything from the Marauder fits the Crown Vic and Grand Marquis! You can even shove the engine in, if you can afford to! lol I personaly have the Marauder airbox/maf and the rear spoiler I'm saving its debut for next season, other people have the floor shifter with console, I'm sure some with 2003 cars have gotten the rims... everyone and their brother got the Marauder 26 inch chrome tips both with resonators and without... Marauder is a Panther... I don't see why anyone would steal ideas between the models...


Paul T. Casey
11-29-2003, 07:31 AM
Hey Nitrovic, welcome, and can you afford NOT to buy a Marauder. There are some good deals on '03's and some slightly used ones out there now. Check ebay, autotrader,etc. You may be pleasantly surorised.

Paul T. Casey
11-29-2003, 07:42 AM
Quick check on the net, lowest used price $18,988, lowest new, 30500ish. I'll bet there's room on these prices too.

11-29-2003, 07:49 AM
The question that's begging to be asked is...

did you ticket him...or give him a warning?

11-29-2003, 09:56 AM
I gave him a warning, nice guy to.

(Hey buddy, I dunno what you're talking about?

Everything from the Marauder fits the Crown Vic and Grand Marquis!)

I have been asking about headers for a couple days and have been told that since the engines are different, they wouldnt fit. Would the 4valve engine be a drop in? Again, i was told any 4valve would need a new computer and headers. I didnt mean lurk and steal as a bad thing, just something i was trying to do. I would love to take the Merc. engine, interior and throw it in my vic. :)

In my area i havent found one lower than 32 grand, they had it for about 2 months this summer. The merc. dealership on rt1 in woodbridge sucks.:mad:

Agent M79
11-29-2003, 09:59 AM

Given some of the deals I've seen posted here on '03s and even '04s, it would be worth your while to bring a friend and go somewhere else to pick on up or even fly and drive away if $32k is the best you can get.

Though I wouldn't do sight unseen, you could even have it trucked to you.

PS: I got pulled over recently (78 in a 65) and appreciated the warning and he had no interest (mentioned) in the car.

11-29-2003, 11:30 AM
Ok ok ok! It was me! I am addicted to speeding! I admit it! I am so ashamed! I'll NEVER do it again! I swear officer! Please let me off the hook! Palease! I'll never do it again! Honest! I swear! :D :D :D

11-29-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by nitrovic
I gave him a warning, nice guy to.

Dude you're a Good Man!

Originally posted by nitrovic

I have been asking about headers for a couple days and have been told that since the engines are different, they wouldnt fit. Would the 4valve engine be a drop in? Again, i was told any 4valve would need a new computer and headers. I didnt mean lurk and steal as a bad thing, just something i was trying to do. I would love to take the Merc. engine, interior and throw it in my vic. :)
Hey, heh I don't think you asked the right people, lol

From what I've read Dennis Reinhart, Zeus Automotive and Angry Duck Racing are all offering Crown Victoria headers that are very similar in design to those for the Marauder. I really should get that "Candy Store" section of my site completed, would save a lot of people the time and hassle doing mod research.

See you around,

11-29-2003, 02:34 PM
Nitro...If you're serious about adding MM interior and engine, one of our members here, JinFla, has a post up now in the "parts for sale" forum, and I believe the entire power train and interior is available. Check it out?

If you would be interested in an '03 MM in silver, for 26,685. with no strings, call Tim Hembree @ 800.532.8736. Tim is MarauderHombre here.

11-29-2003, 06:27 PM
Thanks jersey, you da man! That is some good info, i already contacted angry duck, they have an awesome intake setup. I am looking for long tubes right now, and cant find any under a grand, still searching. I appreciate the lookout for the MM, but im moving in 18 days, the ole lady will have non of that. Plus, ive put 6-7 grand into my vic already. Thanks though.:)

11-30-2003, 08:44 AM
Well p74vic IS "the sheriff" here I spent one day at BON and left because no one watches his antics, wasted board as far as I'm concerned. and he doesn't have a Marauder, he lied.

If anyone does not like the level of moderation here go see BON and you'll send Logan and LML a thankyou note when you get back.

Paul T. Casey
11-30-2003, 09:20 AM
What he said!

11-30-2003, 10:40 AM
Sheriff can own any car since it's all in his imagination. Soon he'll "own" a GT40.

I gave up on BON a long time ago from being sick of Sheriff's antics.

11-30-2003, 12:35 PM
Nitro.......... wasn't me. My Marauder has never been outside a 15 mile radius of the city I live in. When I take trips of any length I don't want the dead bugs and stuff on the black front bumper.

11-30-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Paul T. Casey
Quick check on the net, lowest used price $18,988, lowest new, 30500ish. I'll bet there's room on these prices too.

Dealers nationwide are selling leftover 2003 Marauders for $26,000 to $28,000 maximum.

Here's a brand new 2003 Marauder on the Internet in New Hampshire for $26,995. The car has 10 miles on it.

http://www.autotrader.com/findacar/newcar_search/newcar_detail.jtmpl?car_id=120 572470&dealer_id=1016708&cardist=504&car_year=2003&address=22901&make=MERC&model_year=2003&model=MARAUDER&search_type=new&=&distance=any&color=

11-30-2003, 02:43 PM
At the current prices for 2003 Marauders there is no reason to buy anything else, unless it's a 2004 Marauder

11-30-2003, 04:21 PM
I ran the VIN on the MM linked above, it has a build date of 06/25/2002!!!! This dealer has been sitting on this car for 17 months! I am sure they will listen to any offer at this point.
Its been sitting so long, they had to replace the battery.

11-30-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by nitrovic
(PS: Are you still pulling the chrome off your car?)

Merc, whats going on? Yeah, im still trying to mess with that. We would have had a sweet trade that day if it woulda went through. Im trying to spread the word about this site, it rocks. A lot of guys from other crown vic sites lurk around looking for stuff they can steal from the Marauder, but i guess a lot of stuff just doesnt match up.
:mad2: Its tough trying to soup up a vic, not much aftermarket.

Nitrovic, you are on the money when talking about the route 1 Woodbridge V.A. L/M dealership. If I was in the rating business I would easily given them negative numbers for service and sales. Those mo fo’s give Mercury a bad name. I bet if you were to run a background check on the sales staff, there would be no one working Monday morning. It seems like they are a division of Eastern Motors, and you know their reputation in the Washington Metro area.

11-30-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by carfixer
I ran the VIN on the MM linked above, it has a build date of 06/25/2002!!!! This dealer has been sitting on this car for 17 months! I am sure they will listen to any offer at this point. Its been sitting so long, they had to replace the battery.

6/25/2002 to 11/30/2003..... is actually just a few days over 15 months. :)

But, that's the point..... numerous other 2003 Marauders have been sitting on new car lots for over a year! Mercury is ready to give them away almost! Before they are all gone they might even be down to $20,000 for a brand new 2003 Marauder?? Anybody over 20 with a job making more than minimum wage can almost afford one now.

Remember now.... Casey said this.... not me

quote: ".....Hey Nitrovic, welcome, and can you afford NOT to buy a Marauder. There are some good deals on '03's and some slightly used ones out there now. Check ebay, autotrader,etc. You may be pleasantly surorised. Quick check on the net, lowest used price $18,988, lowest new, 30500ish. I'll bet there's room on these prices too."

11-30-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by carfixer
This dealer has been sitting on this car for 17 months!
Originally posted by P74vic
6/25/2002 to 11/30/2003..... is actually just a few days over 15 months. :)
In the math classes I took, 12+5=17, so carfixer gets an A. ;)

11-30-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by MM03MOK
In the math classes I took, 12+5=17, so carfixer gets an A. ;)

Actually over on BON the years only have 1o months since their cars sit on jack stands for at least two months out of each calendar year.

11-30-2003, 08:46 PM
(Nitrovic, you are on the money when talking about the route 1 Woodbridge V.A. L/M dealership. If I was in the rating business I would easily given them negative numbers for service and sales. Those mo fo’s give Mercury a bad name. I bet if you were to run a background check on the sales staff, there would be no one working Monday morning. It seems like they are a division of Eastern Motors, and you know their reputation in the Washington Metro area.)-

I have a good story about that. A guy bought a new Navigator there and heard a rattling a month later, then the engine stopped. He took it in (under warranty mind you) and they (dealer) said HE must have messed up his engine, and they werent going to cover it. Then, while it was in their lot for the night (the guy just left it,and told them they would fix it or he would report them to the business bureau) and the guys 20 grand stereo/dvd system gets "stolen". The dealer tells him they are not responsible for that either. I met him while he was picketing on rt1 in front of their lot. They had the nerve to call the po po on him saying he was badgering customers. Far from the truth, nicest guy in the world. That place is weak.:flamer:

11-30-2003, 08:49 PM
I have a good story about Eastern Motors, and another shady rt1 car place (near spotlight bar) that i cant talk about. SHAAAADY though man, if anybody wants to buy a car in Woodbridge from a rt 1 dealer, pm me. Ill give you the low down. Some of them scam the hell out of innocent young Marines (maybe naive, a Marine is never really innocent after their lil Japan experiences :) ).

12-01-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by MM03MOK
In the math classes I took, 12+5=17, so carfixer gets an A. ;)

Damn sure is! I don't know what I was thinking! :confused:

12-02-2003, 05:57 PM
You were thinking you were still on BON and were posting under "sheriff" and your mind became altered because you can't abuse the board here.

12-02-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by BigMerc
You were thinking you were still on BON and were posting under "sheriff" and your mind became altered because you can't abuse the board here.

Somebody mention my name? :)

12-02-2003, 06:13 PM
Yes sure did, and you are holding true to form by posting under numerous names!!! figured it would only be a matter of time before you signed up under your original name, you're LATE!!! kinda expected you to be quicker than that.

12-02-2003, 06:35 PM
Closest I have ever been to Woodbridge, Virginia is Warrenton at a gun shop. Wasn't me. :)

12-02-2003, 06:36 PM
why are you here? bon close down?

12-02-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by BigMerc
why are you here? bon close down?

You could go check for yourself? Did you lose the address? :confused:


12-02-2003, 06:51 PM
No, I just wouldn't go back because of you and your antics. This board is different the moderators won't allow it.

12-02-2003, 06:57 PM
...and in comes the moderator. Sherriff, like everyone is welcome to participate in this forum just like anyone.

What folks do on other boards with different moderation policies are not my concern. So long as everybody behaves HERE, it's all good.

I know Sherriff already has a good idea of how this site is run and trust him and everyone else to conduct themselves in the decent, civilized manner I expect.

That being said, this thread is off-topic. Done deal.