View Full Version : Lebron James

07-09-2010, 04:06 AM
Well looks like next year Miami is gonna be the team to beat. D.Wade, Lebron, and Bosh for a front lineup the Lakers are gonna be in trouble.
You guy's down south don't party too hard :beer:

Joe Walsh
07-09-2010, 04:46 AM
Yep, good for Miami and sorry for Cleveland.

I thought that it was a sad commentary on our priorities in the world today...
Every channel on TV last night was fixated on where an overpayed basketball player was going to play next.
ESPN gave him his own 1 hour special so that we could all absorb the grandeur of his announcement....please.....:sl eepy:
IMHO: The NBA sucks....college basketball rules!

BTW: I watched a high class movie instead of watching the "LeBron-athon"....I watched 'The Waterboy'.

07-09-2010, 05:40 AM
I have absolutley no problem with LeBron changing teams, he's a free agent and that is his right. The real problem I have is with the spectacle of the whole thing. No free agent in any sport has ever made teams come to visit him instead of visiting their facilities. Then to be arrogant enough to have a 1 hour special in the richest city in America masquerading as "I'm helping the boys and girls club" to announce your decision is the ultimate in ego massaging.

But to me, it all would ahve been fine if it was a spectacle to announce he was staying in Cleveland to finish what he started (like Jordan and Kobe). Instead he basically went on TV and said "I wanna ball with my friends, screw Cleveland" It's dispicable,

To think I wanted this douchebag on the Bulls, One question King *****bag
With all those stars, whose gonna play defense. I hope you never win a championship you scumbag

07-09-2010, 05:43 AM
Brad stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel.:lol:

07-09-2010, 05:49 AM
:lol: Mary would send me on vacation if I let out what I really feel. But that is precisely why I lost interest in the NBA, they are ALL overpriced Thugs who only care about one thing, themselves. (Every NBA player is like that, which is why none have my respect)

07-09-2010, 05:51 AM
:lol: Mary would send me on vacation if I let out what I really feel. But that is precisely why I lost interest in the NBA, they are ALL overpriced Thugs who only care about one thing, themselves. (Every NBA player is like that, which is why none have my respect)
I thought James was a decent guy? He's no Allen Iverson, THAT guy is a thug, and he was a thug when he lived here, before he went pro.

07-09-2010, 05:55 AM
He probably was a decent guy until this last week. When you come out of high school and say you won't play anywhere but Cleveland and then go on National TV in an hour long special for one sentence and say screw Cleveland, nice guy goes out the window. If he would have handled it like D Wade and Bosh and Boozer or any other normal free agent, that would have been good. The way he treated a team that made him King, is the ultimate example of being an egomaniac.

By the way, I am holding a one hour special on Sunday to announce my decision of what I want for dinner :lol:

07-09-2010, 05:58 AM
By the way, I am holding a one hour special on Sunday to announce my decision of what I want for dinner :lol:
I think you need to announce what city also. :P

07-09-2010, 06:01 AM
Well I am bringing the cities to me

New York is coming to town tonight with Italian Flavor

Miami is coming tomorrow morning with Cuban Cuisine

Chicago is coming with Hot Dogs and Pizza

And Cleveland is bringing the steamer

I am also hiring a television crew to document my decision, the special will be used to benefit the Pony foundation for automobiles

07-09-2010, 06:50 AM
James had a chance to decide his future image to the general public last night and he blew it. The money was equal wherever he was to sign. In Cleveland, he was the guy, it was his hometown and and they loved him. In Miami, he is playing for himself to get a trophy. Nothing wrong with that but when people look back they will remember he walked out on his hometown and that will last longer than the memories of (maybe) winning some trophy. Better not to win a trophy but have your reputation in your hometown. It would be different if he had been playing for a team like the Hornets or wherever, not his hometown. I have alot more respect for guys who stick it out with their original teams, winning or losing, especially if the money would be the same regardless of where you played. Man is he going to get boos from his hometown when Miami plays in Cleveland. Thats going to hurt.

07-09-2010, 06:56 AM
Basketball just isn't basketball anymore since the days when Jordan and Pippen were "The Team".

I'd rather watch soccer than basketball these days.

07-09-2010, 07:01 AM
Basketball just isn't basketball anymore since the days when Jordan and Pippen were "The Team".

I'd rather watch soccer than basketball these days.
I'd rather watch paint dry than watch either one of those.

07-09-2010, 07:11 AM
It wasn't equal money wherever he went. He could have been paid $20 million more to stay in Cleveland. I guess not even Cleveland is worth staying in for $20 million.

He only wants to win. The easiest way it comes. Quite frankly I don't care. I don't follow sports - you can tell I'm from Cleveland because so many of us are so numb to caring.

But I am looking forward to the day that he wants to join the Cavs again after realizing his mistake to be home again and noone is willing to listen to or accept him.

And he was an egomaniac since the start. My friend went to his rival high school and he made the poor choice of wearing a shirt with the name of it when he went somewhere to get James' autograph. James was enough of an egotistical dbag to remark about it and then refuse to give an autograph to him.

My friend and I hoped he was fatally injured on live national TV ever since. HE doesn't deserve to be in the spotlight like he is nor make the money he makes.

07-09-2010, 07:56 AM
Listen, I'm an Ohioan through and through and there's probably 100 things about Cleveland I'll always love. LeBron wasn't even a threat to crack that list. But...

it all would ahve been fine if it was a spectacle to announce he was staying in Cleveland to finish what he started (like Jordan and Kobe). Instead he basically went on TV and said "I wanna ball with my friends, screw Cleveland" ^this is 100% true.

My friends came up with a few good names for LeBron.
1. El BJ
2. Gloria James and the Miami Bound Machine
3. Quitness
4. Winless

At least we still have Josh Cribbs......

07-09-2010, 08:30 AM
How About

1) Ringless
2) Not Like Mike
3) Queen James
4) King Ding-A Ling
5) And my favorite...His cockiness as opposed to His Heirness

Joe Walsh
07-09-2010, 08:38 AM
There is no guarantee that he will win the championship in Miami...who is going to "play second fiddle" for the team's benefit?
BTW: He sure choked in the NBA playoffs this year.

07-09-2010, 09:27 AM
Could really care less about the whole thing. He may wear #23 but he will never compare to the orignal #23 in his airness Michael Jordan.

07-09-2010, 09:37 AM
I thought James was a decent guy? He's no Allen Iverson, THAT guy is a thug, and he was a thug when he lived here, before he went pro.

At Tupac Amaru Shakur want to be. :flamer:

07-09-2010, 09:48 AM
James had a chance to decide his future image to the general public last night and he blew it. The money was equal wherever he was to sign. In Cleveland, he was the guy, it was his hometown and and they loved him. In Miami, he is playing for himself to get a trophy. Nothing wrong with that but when people look back they will remember he walked out on his hometown and that will last longer than the memories of (maybe) winning some trophy. Better not to win a trophy but have your reputation in your hometown. It would be different if he had been playing for a team like the Hornets or wherever, not his hometown. I have alot more respect for guys who stick it out with their original teams, winning or losing, especially if the money would be the same regardless of where you played. Man is he going to get boos from his hometown when Miami plays in Cleveland. Thats going to hurt.

Well put..... If he had acted from a "state of grace" though the Free Agent Process vs. the high profile route he chose, it would have made him look better, but because he has limited command of the English language and was extremely nervous, he came off sounding disrespectful & self centered (I don't think for a second he wanted this image).

The thing I will be interested to see, is how long it will take him to succumb to the temptations of the Miami lifestyle....... Other than Vegas, its the place where I think a young man with lots o dough can have almost too much fun:banana2:. Clock is tikin:o

07-09-2010, 10:16 AM
BTW: He sure choked in the NBA playoffs this year. Probably because he knew he was leaving Cleveland.

Could really care less about the whole thing. He may wear #23 but he will never compare to the orignal #23 in his airness Michael Jordan. Last I knew, he planned to switch to #6 (they announced that way earlier this year).


07-09-2010, 10:21 AM
Overpriced NBA athletes?

True, so, stop watching the NBA and see the future salaries drop. But, we all will most likely watch more now that there's a new powerhouse, especially when he visits his old home team or your favorite team.

Leaving Cleveland?

The guy has all the money he'll ever need, if he doesn't blow it on a posse and friends. So, now he wants the ring(s). I don't blame him. Considering his financial situation and the mansions he could buy in either location, where would you rather live?

Most of us have left our employer when a more promising situation became available. Where was our loyalty? We left in a heartbeat.

Nothing wrong with that. It's called "business". (See: "NJ Nets leave the Meadowlands for Newark and, eventually, Brooklyn")

As for being nervous on national TV, he's an athlete, not a teleprompter reader. He did better than a lot of other "you know" athletes.

Question is, can these guys play together, and what will the rest of the Heat team be comprised of?

07-09-2010, 10:50 AM
There is no guarantee that he will win the championship in Miami...who is going to "play second fiddle" for the team's benefit?
BTW: He sure choked in the NBA playoffs this year.
I think the heat are going to dominate and win next year.

Instead of being the "go to" guy that takes a pounding all season now there are 3 to shoulder that burden, less fatigue, less playing time, less injuries and feeling fresh come playoff time. Bosh looked great the first half for the raptors and they were acually aiming for the top 4 seeds in the east before bosh got hurt and the team took a very sharp nosedive.

Three stars get together and say we want a ring, who's house are we going to...

Draftday just doesn't mean as important now, not a good thing IMO.

Unless of course the heat are your team!


07-09-2010, 10:52 AM
Damn wish he signed up for the Chicago Bulls there were talking about it him here

07-09-2010, 11:01 AM
Why would he come back to play with sane team he lose with last year minus shaq....the Cavaliers will never beat Boston they don't matchup at all...the cavs just suck...Lebron finally realized he was on a team with all lames an he would never win..he don't owe Cleveland anything they had four years to get him help....all they got was Mo Williams...but I'm a browns fan an Tim Couch owe us

07-09-2010, 01:55 PM
Overpriced NBA athletes?

True, so, stop watching the NBA and see the future salaries drop. But, we all will most likely watch more now that there's a new powerhouse, especially when he visits his old home team or your favorite team.

Leaving Cleveland?

The guy has all the money he'll ever need, if he doesn't blow it on a posse and friends. So, now he wants the ring(s). I don't blame him. Considering his financial situation and the mansions he could buy in either location, where would you rather live?

Most of us have left our employer when a more promising situation became available. Where was our loyalty? We left in a heartbeat.

Nothing wrong with that. It's called "business". (See: "NJ Nets leave the Meadowlands for Newark and, eventually, Brooklyn")

As for being nervous on national TV, he's an athlete, not a teleprompter reader. He did better than a lot of other "you know" athletes.

Question is, can these guys play together, and what will the rest of the Heat team be comprised of?

I agree with everything you said, but to call for a 1 hour special to dis your home team, that is the official moment he became a bum. If he wanted to switch teams, he should ahve acted like every other free agent and not God's gift to basketball. He is precisely the reason I stopped watching the NBA

07-09-2010, 02:11 PM
Football.....Basketball.....N-A-S-C-A-R.....ALL OF THIS IS WAAAAY OVERRATED.....and I don't watch or care about any of it anymore!!:shake:

The national news played the Lebron thing up waaaaay too much and for any ONE PERSON to represent hundreds of millions of dollars to a city tells me our society (??) has lost it completely!!!:shake:

Off the soapbox!!:D

07-09-2010, 02:18 PM
There are a few things I would like to add.
He gave Cleveland his first 7 years in the NBA and has done well. He owe's the city of Cleveland and the Cav's nothing. He's a free agent and that's what being a free agent is all about. He made a business decision that will net him more as he get's older and hopefully better, he's only 25 and has a long career in front of him. Unlike some of you guy's I hope he stay's healthy and I have no hard feelings about his decision. I say that with a smile because I'm from South Florida. Who would'nt make a move to South Beach from Cleveland? Come on, he will never see Winter again and he will be exposed to more people that have the same wealth that he has, not to mention the culture and lifestyle. How about the 12 million he can keep in his pocket because their is no employment tax or food tax. If you think he's overpaid think about this, he get's a fraction of what the owner's get and a fraction of what the Mega Corporations rake in from his brand. I would hope he's smart enough to get all he can... I would and you would too.

Play on!

07-09-2010, 03:03 PM
What ever. I would not have even batted an eye lid , maybe chuckled, if he smashed and burned in a plane crash along with the rest of the NBA. Egotistical goat nutsack licking butthole.

07-09-2010, 03:35 PM
Who would'nt make a move to South Beach from Cleveland? Just because you like it, doesn't mean everyone would. I wouldn't make the move.

Joe Walsh
07-09-2010, 03:49 PM
Just because you like it, doesn't mean everyone would. I wouldn't make the move.

Have you ever seen the young ladies in Miami??



07-09-2010, 03:54 PM
The Heat will get no zero rings for the next 5 years.

07-09-2010, 04:02 PM
I'm from Joisey. I've been to every major US city on business travel. I've been in Cleveland in the winter (Miami in the summer) walking (running) from my hotel to my office at UBS Finacial Services, previously PaineWebber. (Although, I was colder on the same type of trip in Chicago.)

I vote for Florida.

You folks in the middle of the USA?

God bless you.

07-09-2010, 09:10 PM
So King J*rkOff follows up that disgusting spectacle last night, with another special on ESPN tonight to introduce him to Miami, followed with a tweet that says "The Road to History starts now"

Brave words considering he hasn't won Jack, awful presumtuous to assume the ring.
Hands down Miami is the best city, If I were Jerky, I would have gone too, I just wouldn't have launched 2 television specials about a decision everyone knew was coming, just to feed my enormous ego.

By the way, tune into my television special tomorrow night where I get introduced to group at Sidelines Bar and Grill, following my decision to eat there tonight

Douchebag!!!!, I hope you twist your knee and have to retire.

07-10-2010, 09:02 AM
Overpriced NBA athletes?
all athletes are, especialy nfl rookies... they need that rookie salary cap.

Question is, can these guys play together, and what will the rest of the Heat team be comprised of?
lebron can play like magic if he wants, there gona have ups and downs but doesnt winning solve that bickering!...

The Heat will get no zero rings for the next 5 years.
i HIGHLY doubt that, u can win with just 1 star, how bout 3! celtics did it with 3 old guys now 3 stars in there prime. :bows:

i say this offseaon will change sports. everybody is so worried about winning a ring so all the top dogs will join eachother to make it happen. when heat wins the ring next year some star(s) will go to a westcoast team and will be part 2. and im not talking just basketball. :beatnik: