View Full Version : Great Ford Commercial

07-11-2010, 07:18 AM
One of the Best I have seen in a long while---would love to see the short version on TV ... check it out------

http://www.richhumor.com/wp-filez/PerhapstheBestFordCommercia.wm v

07-11-2010, 07:39 AM
Never saw this one, thanks for sharing Tom.


07-11-2010, 08:24 AM
Every soldier honorably serving/served the interests of the United States of America, deserves that kind of appreciation from their community. Would be nice if there was a nice ride waiting in the driveway as well, but we all know that its remote.............

Especially when the Govt. is devising new ways to dip their hands in that soldier's families pockets all the time....

Meanwhile President Obama yesterday announced more/programs money for soldier with "Post Traumatic stress Syndrom".........

One has to wonder why this needs to be a PR opportunity:camera: for the President...... Why could this just be done quietly in consideration of perserving the dignity of the soldiers effected..... Seems like a step to marginalize our fighting men/women's psychosis and position the troop withdrawal as the best thing for our soldier state of mind........

Maybe I am overthinking this, but President Obama does not have a track record of doing things out of the goodness of his heart..... There is always an "angle" to the how - what - when - why - who of programs he focuses on, and it all seems to be more re-election oriented than being interested in making the meaningful change he convinced people he was capable of.........

Sorry for the Off topic rant here Marauder Man:beer: Great commercial tho:bows::flag:

07-11-2010, 09:06 AM
Definitely a commercial that should have been played a lot more often! Thanks for sharing /finding .

07-11-2010, 09:17 AM
Even after 5 years that commercial still brings a tear to my eye. There is a short version it played pretty often (here in NY atleast) around the time of the release of the 2005 Mustang.

07-11-2010, 11:13 AM
Okay WOW it brought a tear to my eye!
Thanks for posting it!


07-11-2010, 11:35 AM
:bigcry:The best commercial Ever, reminds me of my Dad. When I came home from Afghanistan for my mid-tour leave back in April I arrived at my Dad's house and learned he took liberty in taking my Rauder to the local Ford dealer to get new rear tires and had them install the rear spoiler.

07-11-2010, 05:44 PM
Never saw that one, very very good. Thanks :)

07-11-2010, 06:35 PM
Every soldier honorably serving/served the interests of the United States of America, deserves that kind of appreciation from their community. Would be nice if there was a nice ride waiting in the driveway as well, but we all know that its remote.............

Especially when the Govt. is devising new ways to dip their hands in that soldier's families pockets all the time....

Meanwhile President Obama yesterday announced more/programs money for soldier with "Post Traumatic stress Syndrom".........

One has to wonder why this needs to be a PR opportunity:camera: for the President...... Why could this just be done quietly in consideration of perserving the dignity of the soldiers effected..... Seems like a step to marginalize our fighting men/women's psychosis and position the troop withdrawal as the best thing for our soldier state of mind........

Maybe I am overthinking this, but President Obama does not have a track record of doing things out of the goodness of his heart..... There is always an "angle" to the how - what - when - why - who of programs he focuses on, and it all seems to be more re-election oriented than being interested in making the meaningful change he convinced people he was capable of.........

Sorry for the Off topic rant here Marauder Man:beer: Great commercial tho:bows::flag:

It's easy to target any President for criticism, however I applaud this administrations efforts to get the funding and attention necessary to help our returning military personnel, considering how our U.S. Congress on the whole has historically neglected the needs of our Armed Forces and Veterans. I hope you target your Congress with equal enthusiasm...or is that too difficult to embrace ??:coolman:

(U.S. Veteran)

07-11-2010, 08:02 PM
Not at all VT.... Good point. And yes....... I do contact the John Linder my the congressman in my district, and have from time to time spoken with both Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isaakson's aides when sumthin burns me up enough to go to the effort...

I will say that after the Ft. Hood shootings, former Pres. Bush made a visit to the people recovering in the hospital, and did it "quietly" as not to stirr up controversy with the Obama Administration and how they responded to that situation. He just believed it it was the right thing to do (My brother is retired military with some friends @ Ft. Hood, thats how I found out about this)...... Just want to illustrate again that there are some who do things that need to be done, and there are some who do things that need to be done, and then "spin" it for political gain.

I illustrate this in detail, because this is how Obama implements decisions made most of the time. These tactics make me wary of his or anyone elses motives........

We cannot be blind to how ambitious and at the same time inexperienced he is...... Any longer. These are two things that can sink a country by themselves, never mind combined..:shake:

07-12-2010, 04:32 AM
Even after 5 years that commercial still brings a tear to my eye. There is a short version it played pretty often (here in NY atleast) around the time of the release of the 2005 Mustang.

Actually got this off my T-Bird forum and I did not know it was 5 years old---Again all I can say is I never saw it and with that was wanting to send it our for all to see---interesting how it was known to some and only in some areas of the country though---glad I can help on some things for those who have not seen it---thanks for letting us know........

Egon Spengler
07-12-2010, 06:10 AM
:flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag:

Great commercial. Thanks for sharing!

SC Cheesehead
07-15-2010, 06:46 PM
Dang, man! Outstanding! Thanks for sharing.

07-15-2010, 07:03 PM
I have never seen that but it is great to finaly see a respectfull American comercial.Thanks again for sharring this. :)

07-15-2010, 07:18 PM
Every soldier honorably serving/served the interests of the United States of America, deserves that kind of appreciation from their community. Would be nice if there was a nice ride waiting in the driveway as well, but we all know that its remote.............

Especially when the Govt. is devising new ways to dip their hands in that soldier's families pockets all the time....

Meanwhile President Obama yesterday announced more/programs money for soldier with "Post Traumatic stress Syndrom".........

One has to wonder why this needs to be a PR opportunity:camera: for the President...... Why could this just be done quietly in consideration of perserving the dignity of the soldiers effected..... Seems like a step to marginalize our fighting men/women's psychosis and position the troop withdrawal as the best thing for our soldier state of mind........

Maybe I am overthinking this, but President Obama does not have a track record of doing things out of the goodness of his heart..... There is always an "angle" to the how - what - when - why - who of programs he focuses on, and it all seems to be more re-election oriented than being interested in making the meaningful change he convinced people he was capable of.........

Sorry for the Off topic rant here Marauder Man:beer: Great commercial tho:bows::flag:

Speaking of troop withdrawals and Obama...

Two Biographies

General McChrystal Biography:
Commander, International Security Assistance Force/ Commander, United States Forces Afghanistan
United States Army

United States Military Academy - BS - No Major
United States Naval War College - MA - National Security and
Strategic Studies
Salve Regina University - MS - International Relations
Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses
United States Naval Command and Staff College
Senior Service College Fellowship Harvard University
2LT 2 Jun 76
1LT 2 Jun 78
CPT 1 Aug 80
MAJ 1 Jul 87
LTC 1 Sep 92
COL 1 Sep 96
BG 1 Jan 01
MG 1 May 04
LTG 16 Feb 06
GEN 11 Jun 09
Nov 76 Feb 78 Weapons Platoon Leader, C Company, 1st Battalion, 504th
Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North
Feb 78 Jul 78 Rifle Platoon Leader, C Company, 1st Battalion, 504th
Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North
Jul 78 Nov 78 Executive Officer, C Company, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Nov 78 Apr 79 Student, Special Forces Officer Course, Special Forces School
, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Apr 79 Jun 80 Commander, Detachment A, A Company, 1st Battalion, 7th
Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Jun 80 Feb 81 Student, Infantry Officer Advanced Course, United States Army
Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia
Feb 81 Mar 82 S2/S3 (Intelligence/Operations), United Nations Command
Support Group Joint Security Area, Korea
Mar 82 Nov 82 Training Officer, Directorate of Plans and Training, A
Company, Headquarters Command, Fort Stewart, Georgia
Nov 82 Sep 84 Commander, A Company, 3d Battalion, 19th Infantry, 24th
Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Stewart, Georgia
Sep 84 Sep 85 S3 (Operations), 3d Battalion, 19th Infantry, 24th Infantry
Division (Mechanized), Fort Stewart, Georgia
Sep 85 Jan 86 Liaison Officer, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort
Benning, Georgia
Jan 86 May 87 Commander, A Company, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment,
Fort Benning, Georgia
May 87 Apr 88 Liaison Officer, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort
Benning, Georgia
Apr 88 Jun 89 S3 (Operations), 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort
Benning, Georgia
Jun 89 Jun 90 Student, Command and Staff Course, United States Naval War
College, Newport, Rhode Island
Jun 90 Apr 93 Army Special Operations Action Officer, J3, Joint Special
Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and OPERATIONS DESERT
SHIELD/STORM, Saudi Arabia
Apr 93 Nov 94 Commander, 2d Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment,
82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Nov 94 Jun 96 Commander, 2d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Lewis,
Jun 96 Jun 97 Senior Service College Fellowship, John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Jun 97 Aug 99 Commander, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia
Aug 99 Jun 00 Military Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, New
Jun 00 Jun 01 Assistant Division Commander (Operations), 82d Airborne
Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina to include duty as Commander, Combined
Joint Task Force Kuwait, Camp Doha, Kuwait
Jun 01 Jul 02 Chief of Staff, XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg, Fort
Bragg, North Carolina to include duty as Chief of Staff, Combined Joint
FREEDOM, Afghanistan
Jul 02 Sep 03 Vice Director for Operations, J3, The Joint Staff,
Washington, DC
Sep 03 Feb 06 Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort
Bragg, North Carolina
Feb 06 Jun 08 Commander, Joint Special Operations Command/Commander, Joint
Special Operations Command Forward, United States Special Operations
Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Aug 08 Jun 09 Director, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC
Jun 09 Present Commander, International Security Assistance
Force/Commander, United States Forces Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING
FREEDOM, Afghanistan
S2/S3 (Intelligence/Operations), United Nations Command Support Group Joint
Security Area, Korea (Feb 81-Mar 82, Captain)
Army Special Operations Action Officer, J3, Joint Special Operations
Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD/STORM,
Saudi Arabia Jun 90-Apr 93 Major/Lieutenant Colonel)
Chief of Staff, XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg, Fort Bragg, North
Carolina to include duty as Chief of Staff, Combined Joint Task Force180,
OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (Jun 01-Jul 02, Brigadier General)
Vice Director for Operations, J3, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC (Jul
02-Sep 03, Brigadier General)
Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North
Carolina (Sep 03-Feb 06, Brigadier General/Major General)
Commander, Joint Special Operations Command/Commander, Joint Special
Command Forward, United States Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg,
North Carolina (Feb 06-Jun 08, Major General/Lieutenant General)
Director, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC (Aug 08-Jun 09, Lieutenant
Commander, International Security Assistance Force/Commander, United States
Forces Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (Jun
09-Present, General)
Army Special Operations Action Officer, J3, Joint Special Operations
Command, OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD/STORM, Saudi Arabia (Jun 90-Mar 91,
Commander, Combined Joint Task Force Kuwait, Camp Doha, Kuwait (Apr 01-Jun
01, Brigadier General)
Chief of Staff, Combined Joint Task Force180, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM,
Afghanistan (May 02-Jul 02, Brigadier General)
Commander, International Security Assistance Force/Commander, United States
Forces Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (Jun 09-
Present, General)
Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Legion of Merit (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters)
Bronze Star Medal
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters)
Army Commendation Medal
Army Achievement Medal
Expert Infantryman Badge
Master Parachutist Badge
Ranger Tab
Special Forces Tab
Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge
______________________________ ______________________________ _____
Obama Biography:
Birthplace: Location remains questionable. Proof of United States
Citizenship hasn't been provided.
Education: Columbia University, Harvard Law School. Records never
produced, attendance remains questionable.
Military Career: None
Business Career: None
Political Career: Community organizer, Chicago, 1983-86; civil rights
attorney, Chicago, 1991-96;
University of Chicago, lecturer, early 1990s-2004; Illinois State Senator,
1996-2005; U.S. Senator, 2005-2008; President 2008-.
______________________________ ______________________________ ________
The wrong guy "withdrew".

Sweet video, never gets old. :up:

07-16-2010, 03:43 PM
That was great.