View Full Version : Well guess who is going to be hitched?

07-12-2010, 06:46 PM
I got the bigest surprise of my life today by accident :lol:

One of my friends called me up and bitched me out for not telling him about it sooner and asked me what we wanted for a wedding present.

I said what the hell are you talking about?

Then he went WOOPS :eek:

Fran was sending text messages to everyone of our friends inviting them to our wedding this comming Saturday before telling me what was comming first :laugh: and forgot to tell everyone else not to say anything to me about it yet :rofl:

Here is a pic of the wedding cake Fran picked out that a co-worker make's.


Well for 5 years I have asked for this and wanted it to happen and now on the eve of a operation :argh: I am getting my wish :toast:

We had exchanged rings over a year ago for our aniversary so the only thing missing was the paper and cerimony basicly. I had considerd us married and did not want anyone else in my life. This just make's it for real!

So anyways I consider you all part of my family and wanted to share the surprise.

I guess when I see Smoke and the others on Sunday @ the Ford Car show it will be an even better day for me all the way around because I was told I still have to go to the show anyways as a guift to me from Fran! :surprise:

bd bd bd bt that's all folk's says porky pig! :D

07-12-2010, 06:48 PM
Far out, man! Congratulations, and I know a guy who performs weddings. Big crybaby, but whatever. Hope you two have a million happy years together.:beer:

07-12-2010, 06:57 PM
Thats great news Leo!

07-12-2010, 06:59 PM

Mr. Man
07-12-2010, 07:16 PM
Congratulations on your impending nuptials.:congrats:. Remember this one simple rule of marriage and you'll do just fine. If your wife isn't happy, you will not be happy, that's what Paula tells me anyways.

Good luck on the surgery too!:)

07-12-2010, 07:18 PM
Far out, man! Congratulations, and I know a guy who performs weddings. Big crybaby, but whatever. Hope you two have a million happy years together.:beer:
http://dracharyaphaneendra.files.word press.com/2009/09/man-crying.jpg

Awesome man!! Just Awesome!!:beer:

07-12-2010, 07:23 PM
Congratulations on your impending nuptials.:congrats:. Remember this one simple rule of marriage and you'll do just fine. If your wife isn't happy, you will not be happy, that's what Paula tells me anyways.

Good luck on the surgery too!:)

LMAO I hear ya on that one and have been experiencing all of that for years now :lol:

But what I am still puzzled about is where in the hell the cash came from to do all of this :confused:

I have been stuck @ home avoiding car shows and cruises scraping together money for the show board to be made.

And then Fran pulls this off :bows:

Mr. Man
07-12-2010, 07:26 PM
She may be using HER money. Not to be confused with our money or your money(which is actually our money).

07-12-2010, 07:26 PM
Far out, man! Congratulations, and I know a guy who performs weddings. Big crybaby, but whatever. Hope you two have a million happy years together.:beer:

Actualy there is a co-worker @ the factory that is a Justice of the Peace and offerd to officiate the wedding just like the other one that offerd to do the wedding cake as well for us.

So I guess it is off to the City Clerks office tomarrow to get the license aplication done or we are in trouble to say the least.

07-12-2010, 07:29 PM
http://dracharyaphaneendra.files.word press.com/2009/09/man-crying.jpg

Awesome man!! Just Awesome!!:beer:


Fran just called while on break and I asked what finaly made you change your mind about us getting married!

And I Quote,

"I wanted you to have something to live for after the operation and not give up on life" :bigcry:

Mr. Man
07-12-2010, 07:34 PM

Fran just called while on break and I asked what finaly made you change your mind about us getting married!

And I Quote,

"I wanted you to have something to live for after the operation and not give up on life" :bigcry:
That's a beautiful thing... bet that CBT guy is blubbering again:D:lol:

07-12-2010, 08:07 PM
Congrats! So when was she planning on telling you?

07-12-2010, 08:52 PM
Congrats man

07-12-2010, 10:42 PM
Need someone to take pics? :D

1 Bad Merc
07-12-2010, 11:01 PM
Leo that is awesome! She is a very special women and you are a lucky man! Congrats to the both of you.

07-13-2010, 03:28 AM
That's a beautiful thing... bet that CBT guy is blubbering again:D:lol:
Well of course. "Just because I rock, doesn't mean I'm made of stone."

07-13-2010, 04:14 AM
Congratulations Leo, like they say, be careful what you wish for...J/K may many more happy years come your way

07-13-2010, 05:09 AM
Congrats! We wish you and Fran many years of happiness.

Chris & Gordon

Egon Spengler
07-13-2010, 05:17 AM

Fran just called while on break and I asked what finaly made you change your mind about us getting married!

And I Quote,

"I wanted you to have something to live for after the operation and not give up on life" :bigcry:
When I ask my girlfriend why she likes me, she says "Because of your car" hahaha... SHE'S A KEEPER!

Good luck buddy! Sounds like you will have a wife waiting for you on the other side of your surgery! Congratulations!

07-13-2010, 05:29 AM

Good luck with the wedding and your operation!

07-13-2010, 05:36 AM
It's already been said, but congrats!


07-13-2010, 05:40 AM
Congrats Leo! She sounds like a keeper!

Marauderville isn't the honeymoon right??! ;)

07-13-2010, 06:18 AM
Good stuff LV - congratulations and I'll see ya Sunday...


07-13-2010, 10:26 AM
She may be using HER money. Not to be confused with our money or your money(which is actually our money).

Are you trying to confuse me with "who's on first What's on second and I don't know is on third" ? :lol:

Normaly I have to pick up the slack when Money is running tight in paying the bills and stuff when I am TOLD about it but I have to admit I am not told about stuff too often and end up fidning out late in the game.

Since the over time was basicly killed off things have been really tight so it is all a shock to me on how this is being pullled off.

But I think I just found out today the hard way. The Gas Company woke us up with a knock @ the door saying they were here to shut it off.

Right now checking with the Salvation Army and the United Way to see if they can help turn it back on again.

Fran was in tears about this happening but I just huged and said don't worry all will be okay there is always a way to get through pitfalls in life!

I get a check the 21st and 28th and see if they can turn it on till I can get them some cash other wise it will be cold showers together to make it warm for us. I can't use the $300.00 for the Lovenox shots tht would mean a no go for making it to the operation table.

See what lack of comunication does in a family? :argue:

07-13-2010, 10:41 AM
Congrats Dave & Fran all the best.

07-13-2010, 11:09 AM


07-13-2010, 11:35 AM
More g00d news... Congrats Bro!

07-14-2010, 02:26 PM
Well got the gas turned back on the Doc's were willing to say it was a needed item so they are now working on a payment plan for us to make it easier to afford it.

Went and did the aplication for the Marrage license and got what we need for Saturday to make it happen.

Had engraved bows made to tie onto Champagne floots that match the cake for everyone to drink out of and go home with. Not bad $20.00 for the bows and for 25 Floots @ Ikia it was only $25.00.

This is getting a bit real for me now to say the least and starting to make me nervous like most grooms would be as the day approaches. :puke:

And went for the blood work the Doc's need before the operation next week. God I hate needles! :depress:

07-16-2010, 11:53 AM
Still have a lot of work to do but you get the idea.
Making flutes for friends to take home with them to remeber our wedding.



07-17-2010, 02:46 AM
Congrats my friend enjoy.

07-20-2010, 10:14 AM
Congrats my friend enjoy.

Thanks SilverSurfer and also a big thanks to Gordon & Christina AKA Haggis for the card you sent us as well!

Still working on all of the pictures everyone took of our wedding and when I feel a bit better and get the chance I will post them for all to see.

In the mean time here is the cake and the floral arangment before it all started.





Yesterday I went for the tooth extraction and a part of the double root snaped off in the jaw and when they tryed to get it out it punched it's way into my left nasel cavity which isn't too good. After the pacemaker surgery recovery I will have to have oral surgery to have that piece of tooth removed before it causes an infection.
So the pain and headachs are not too cool! Plus I had to start injecting the Lovenox shots to keep my blood clotting problem stable until Thursday operation.

So I am not going to be around much for a while. But it was nice to see Bob and PSG this last Sunday @ the Mercury Car show here in CT.
Anyways catch you all lator have a great week.


Mr. Man
07-20-2010, 12:19 PM
Well of course. "Just because I rock, doesn't mean I'm made of stone."
That's what she said:P

Mr. Man
07-20-2010, 12:24 PM
Thanks SilverSurfer and also a big thanks to Gordon & Christina AKA Haggis for the card you sent us as well!

Still working on all of the pictures everyone took of our wedding and when I feel a bit better and get the chance I will post them for all to see.

In the mean time here is the cake and the floral arrangement before it all started.





Yesterday I went for the tooth extraction and a part of the double root snapped off in the jaw and when they tried to get it out it punched it's way into my left nasal cavity which isn't too good. After the pacemaker surgery recovery I will have to have oral surgery to have that piece of tooth removed before it causes an infection.
So the pain and headaches are not too cool! Plus I had to start injecting the Lovenox shots to keep my blood clotting problem stable until Thursday operation.

So I am not going to be around much for a while. But it was nice to see Bob and PSG this last Sunday @ the Mercury Car show here in CT.
Anyways catch you all later have a great week.

We will keep you in our thoughts Dave. Hope all turns out OK. Congratulations on your nuptials.:)

07-20-2010, 12:30 PM
So officially you're now in "ball-n-chain" mode !! Congratulations belatedly!!

Mr. Man
07-20-2010, 12:34 PM
So officially you're now in "ball-n-chain" mode !! Congratulations belatedly!!

You must have a comfy couch:D

07-20-2010, 12:36 PM
We will keep you in our thoughts Dave. Hope all turns out OK. Congratulations on your nuptials.:)

Thanks for the Congrats and well wishes and thoughts!

Okay here are some of the pictures you all can handle it how ever you want but it is time to come clean and be honest. You all are supose to be my friends and part of my Marauder life and it is time to see what make's a difference between you all.

Some of you have kept the secret for me thanks and others I am sure I wish I had told you sooner!









07-20-2010, 12:38 PM










So time to run and hide and wait for the fallout to happen hopfully most of you will be cool about this info and still talk to me and or us.

Egon Spengler
07-20-2010, 12:46 PM
So time to run and hide and wait for the fallout to happen hopfully most of you will be cool about this info and still talk to me and or us.
Well the cat is out of the bag! haha

Whatever make you happy buddy! It is all about finding your soulmate and whoever makes you happy! Glad you found someone who cares for you and is there to help you through the difficult times! Good luck with you new endeavor and good luck with the surgeries!

Hope he is the same size as you or close to it anyways! Then you can double your wardrobe!:D


07-20-2010, 02:39 PM
No worries here Dave, your family. When you can find someone in this world (ANYONE) that can put up with your own BS, that's the one to be with. Coulnd't be happier for you.

Congrats, may life be happy (Well at least once you get through all your medical stuff, we'll keep a good thought)


07-20-2010, 05:00 PM
Hey, good for you, congrats!

Anyone who can't\won't accept your reality {reality, not choise}, well that's thier problem!


07-20-2010, 05:10 PM
:eek:.... <--- Okay, now with that outta the way... LOL, you're all g00d in my books, you just caught me off guard with that one. Leo it's NOT up to me to judge, do what makes you hapPpY BTW screw everyone else who disagrees, it's your life so live it. Hey, you're a MARAUDER owner so what can I say, Congrats again!

07-20-2010, 06:19 PM
Dave... great hangin' out with you on Sunday. It was a fun event. Would have offered both of you proper congratulations if I had known. So...CONGRATS!! All the best to you both and good luck with the surgery. Maybe I can get out your way for an event in the future

Ms. Denmark
07-20-2010, 06:45 PM

So time to run and hide and wait for the fallout to happen hopfully most of you will be cool about this info and still talk to me and or us.Dave, here's wishing you and Francisco a long and happy life together! Don't run and hide from anything......certainly not your friends here on mm.net. Mr. Man and I look forward to seeing you both at Carlisle next year. (Please tell us that he loves your car too! );) Congratulations!

07-21-2010, 11:36 AM
I want to thank all of you for being so cool about this!

To be honest I was nervous as hell telling the truth to all of you!

They say the hardest thing you can do is come out to your family and right now you all are part of my family. Francisco has never told his family because his father is a preacher and would never understand so it was only friends @ our wedding.

I wish my Mother had been around for the wedding all she ever wanted is for me to be happy and she knew about me when I was 16 and she was there for me when I had to burry my first Love when he was murderd in a truck stop in New Mexico while I was getting suplies for us while driving cross country. This is when I stoped driving big rigs after his death.

So without normal family my friends mean a lot to me!

To answer your question Ms. Denmark yes Francisco Love's the Marauder and like's all I have done to her and suports my going to shows and what not. Just too afraid to drive it for fear of getting a scratch on her LOL. Actualy if he can get vacation time for next years Carlisle yes I hope he can come along as well. Just have to make sure we have someone to take care of Molly and Franky if they are still around they will be 14 this year.

Thanks bobsawyer7 I did not know how to broach the subject with anyone in person and this is why I never said anything. But thanks for being very cool about it all!

takedown sorry for the shock but your not the first no one ever knows about me unless I say something to them and that is rare for me when there is no need to.

Yes kernie it is not a choice and I would wish it on no one because it can be a lonley life with a lot of problems that come with it. But thanks for saying what you did.

PonyUP & Egon Spengler you guys are cool and the best for the suport thanks!

No worries I will not be changing and shuving this down your throats people. That is not my way in life! Just hated always checking my words and watching what I said or how I had to put stuff to hide things. There comes a time in a mans life where you must face things good or bad and now that I have something real and permanant going on it was time to be honest and come clean.

Anyways thanks for the well wish tomarrow on the operation I am nervous as hell to say the least and I am not the only one nervous about it. The doctors said I have a 65% chance of having a heart attack or a stroke during it so reality is setting in. I have to be there @ 6 a.m. and they start the operation @ 7:30 a.m..

Lets see what happens and one of us will let you know how it goes one way or the other.

Thanks again :beer:

Egon Spengler
07-21-2010, 11:48 AM
PonyUP & Egon Spengler you guys are cool and the best for the suport thanks!
This was coming from a kid raised strict Catholic! haha. Like I said, it was the card that was dealt to you and the fact you found someone who is there for you through the ups and downs is all that matters! Sounds like you have lead a life you could write a book about!
As for the surgeries, stay positive and know that you will push through it without a problem. I am sure the doctors working you are great doctors and are prepared to handle any obstacle that comes during the surgery. I wish you the best of luck! Keep your head up and know that there is someone that loves and cares about you on the other side of the surgery! Plus you have the collective of mm.net behind you!

I am sure you will be posting back up here in no time!:beer:

07-21-2010, 11:56 AM
Different strokes for different folks.....

As long as your happy.


07-21-2010, 12:05 PM
No problem from me Leo.... You should have the same headache as the rest of us...LOL...

As long as your happy and really "for better or for worse"

07-21-2010, 12:10 PM
Thanks fastblackmerc and musclemerc.

Yes I am very happy and very lucky.

Anyways I am off to the dentist again for x-rays and meds scripts.

Woke up today with a major sinus headach from the broken tooth that sliped into the sinus cavity druing the extraction Monday and getting a bad smell comming out of my mouth from the jaw so need to find out what is going on.

Catch you all lator!

Egon Spengler
07-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Thanks fastblackmerc and musclemerc.

Yes I am very happy and very lucky.

Anyways I am off to the dentist again for x-rays and meds scripts.

Woke up today with a major sinus headach from the broken tooth that sliped into the sinus cavity druing the extraction Monday and getting a bad smell comming out of my mouth from the jaw so need to find out what is going on.

Catch you all lator!
Good luck and thanks for the friendly add!

07-21-2010, 12:59 PM
Hope you have many happy years together, sorry I missed the party

07-21-2010, 04:09 PM
Best of luck Dave on all fronts and congrats! Sorry I missed out on Sunday!


07-21-2010, 08:33 PM
Late to the party again.
Congrats, on the nuptials and good luck with the surgery, remember a positive attitude is a big part of successful operation as well.

07-21-2010, 08:36 PM
:congrats: to the both of you.

07-22-2010, 08:53 AM
First thanks to djv5150 , SMOKE , 1stMerc and DOOM for the congrats and suport it is truly apreciated!

Egon Spengler I was an alterboy and raised Roman Catholic so I understand where you are comming from.

Now about the surgery for today. I have a massive nasel cavity infection from the tooth pull on Monday. A part of the root snaped off and when the student dentist tryed to get it out he pushed it through the nasel cavity wall on my left side and it started a serious infection.

My heart surgen said a pacemaker acts like a magnet for infections like that and it would draw it right to the heart during the operation so I have to find an oral surgen to go in through the jaw into the nasel canal to remove the tooth fragment before any other surgery can be done.

Here is the x-ray of before and after the tooth pull and I circled the tooth fragment in the nasel canal. In the upper jaw your nasel cannal is right against your jaw area and in the x-rays you can see the air pockets that fallow along the tooth and jaw line.


I am actualy in more pain now than before they pulled the tooth and all I can smell and taste is the infection so it's not fun. Moving my head around makes it worse and I have the worst sinus headach possable.

The dentist admits a student should not have been working on me but it was a low cost health clinic and he was watching several people work.

07-22-2010, 09:15 AM
First thanks to djv5150 , SMOKE , 1stMerc and DOOM for the congrats and suport it is truly apreciated!

Egon Spengler I was an alterboy and raised Roman Catholic so I understand where you are comming from.

Now about the surgery for today. I have a massive nasel cavity infection from the tooth pull on Monday. A part of the root snaped off and when the student dentist tryed to get it out he pushed it through the nasel cavity wall on my left side and it started a serious infection.

My heart surgen said a pacemaker acts like a magnet for infections like that and it would draw it right to the heart during the operation so I have to find an oral surgen to go in through the jaw into the nasel canal to remove the tooth fragment before any other surgery can be done.

Here is the x-ray of before and after the tooth pull and I circled the tooth fragment in the nasel canal. In the upper jaw your nasel cannal is right against your jaw area and in the x-rays you can see the air pockets that fallow along the tooth and jaw line.


I am actualy in more pain now than before they pulled the tooth and all I can smell and taste is the infection so it's not fun. Moving my head around makes it worse and I have the worst sinus headach possable.

The dentist admits a student should not have been working on me but it was a low cost health clinic and he was watching several people work.

Well good luck!

It's not always "you get what you pay for". I had wisdom teeth extracted by a dentist and he pulled a piece of bone out of my nasal cavity.

07-22-2010, 09:28 AM
Wow congratulations Leo, you guys deserve happiness however/wherever you find it.

I remember when my uncle Mike and his long time partner Tom got married. Never saw 2 people happier to be able to say their vows. Plus it was one of the best parties I ever went to.

Wish you many years of happiness together.

07-22-2010, 07:20 PM
First thanks to djv5150 , SMOKE , 1stMerc and DOOM for the congrats and suport it is truly apreciated!

Egon Spengler I was an alterboy and raised Roman Catholic so I understand where you are comming from.

Now about the surgery for today. I have a massive nasel cavity infection from the tooth pull on Monday. A part of the root snaped off and when the student dentist tryed to get it out he pushed it through the nasel cavity wall on my left side and it started a serious infection.

My heart surgen said a pacemaker acts like a magnet for infections like that and it would draw it right to the heart during the operation so I have to find an oral surgen to go in through the jaw into the nasel canal to remove the tooth fragment before any other surgery can be done.

Here is the x-ray of before and after the tooth pull and I circled the tooth fragment in the nasel canal. In the upper jaw your nasel cannal is right against your jaw area and in the x-rays you can see the air pockets that fallow along the tooth and jaw line.


I am actualy in more pain now than before they pulled the tooth and all I can smell and taste is the infection so it's not fun. Moving my head around makes it worse and I have the worst sinus headach possable.

The dentist admits a student should not have been working on me but it was a low cost health clinic and he was watching several people work.

That sucks, what I'm sure is a happy time, is now complicated by medical pain. Good luck finding a surgeon to get the fragment. The worst pain there is, is pain in the mouth. Stick me with needs, break a bone, do whatever you want, but if my teeth hurt, I'm in misery. Good luck man, we'll keep a good thought :beer:

07-22-2010, 08:22 PM
CONGRATS Leo! And hope the whole tooth thing works out.

Mr. Man
07-22-2010, 08:26 PM
That sucks, what I'm sure is a happy time, is now complicated by medical pain. Good luck finding a surgeon to get the fragment. The worst pain there is, is pain in the mouth. Stick me with needs, break a bone, do whatever you want, but if my teeth hurt, I'm in misery. Good luck man, we'll keep a good thought :beer:
Guess you haven't had a kidney stone yet.

Congratulations on your big day Dave. :beer:

07-23-2010, 03:02 AM
Congrats to both of you. Arleen and I wish you many happy years together. FWIW, my best man came out to us on our wedding day. Seriously had no idea... To each his own.

07-23-2010, 04:46 AM
:congrats: from me & Trish. Welcome to the ranks of happiness :beer: (We just got married this past July 10th in Vegas)

Egon Spengler
07-23-2010, 05:43 AM
The worst pain there is, is pain in the mouth
I guess I'll say it...


07-23-2010, 08:55 AM
I guess I'll say it...


I knew as soon as I wrote that, there was going to be a "That's what she said" posting. I was just get her jacked on novachance before whe starts :lol:

08-05-2010, 03:37 PM

How you doing? Did you have your surgery? Hope all is well.