View Full Version : California smog law question.

07-30-2010, 10:55 PM
I am 90% certain I will be moving out to CA early next year. I will be taking my Marauder and Blazer with me. I understand that both my vehicles have illegal modifications because they pollute more than they did from the factory. I think I can get away with the vehicles there if I keep the Illinois plates on them. This would mean they would have to go by IL's laws and not CA. I know you can add performance products to a car, but 2003 and even 1990 is too new.

The only issue I would have is I would have to drive each car back every three to four years for admission testing to keep getting stickers for the plates. They are both also under my dads name and not mine... for a number of reasons. So I figured both of them being in CA under my dads name in Chicago would bypass the smog laws in CA because they would still be IL registered vehicles. He could send me the plate stickers in the mail.

Would this work or is there more to it?

Thanks in advance.

07-30-2010, 11:12 PM
Just wanted to say........

07-30-2010, 11:22 PM
By California state law, you have thirty days to register your car once you claim residency.

07-30-2010, 11:25 PM
I guess Dom won't be claiming residency.

07-31-2010, 12:54 AM
By California state law, you have thirty days to register your car once you claim residency.

They are not to my name. So by law they are not mine. This is why I am questioning this.

Thanks Bob, doubt I will be around for long though.

07-31-2010, 05:54 AM
If the car is in California, it will have to be registered in California. I lived in San Diego and they are sticklers for this. If you get pulled over (And you will Dom, cause it's you, and welcome back) when you show the California License, they are going to wonder why you have Illinois plates. Not only that, registering a car in a state that the car does not reside is fraud, and you could be asking for a whole lot of trouble :beer:

07-31-2010, 06:21 AM
See this is where it get's confusing. If a car is registered in another state to avoid the laws of the state that it's in, it's fraud right? Well being that they aren't under my name if I get pulled over I can say my dad let me borrow the car until I can get one. Then I see it the game is won. If they run the plates they will see them under my fathers name and not mine. The name will be linked back to Chicago and there is nothing they can do... unless I get pulled over multiple times by the same police officer.

To make my cars go by the law I would have to remove my blower, headers and high flow cats on my Mercury. Hooker headers on my K5 and probably change the engine. The original had 210 horsepower and the current one has 350. Even if I had the time or money to change these back to stock I wouldn't do it.

Is there any legal way I can get these cars in CA besides keeping the IL plates on? Not sure how legal that is, but being that they go to a different owner in a different state, I don't see what violation could be written against me. In the end it is true, I am borrowing the car and truck... until my dad decides to sign them over to me. They are more than paid for by me BTW. I just don't want them under my name. Gotta wait until I am 26 or 27 when my rates would go down...

Martyo and LEOs can you chime in please?

07-31-2010, 06:46 AM
Dom where in CA you planing on living? Northern or southern? You could take it to a state referee and see what they say to do if you fail the smog test. The referee stations can do the visuals and sniffer tests but can pass you if you have all your smog equipment and pass the sniffer.

Just make sure both cars have all smog equipment and your cats and go from there. Jdennings002 moved here last year IIRC With a Vortech and LT. He was very creative lol but there are ways to get by..,

07-31-2010, 06:53 AM
See this is where it get's confusing. If a car is registered in another state to avoid the laws of the state that it's in, it's fraud right? Well being that they aren't under my name if I get pulled over I can say my dad let me borrow the car until I can get one. Then I see it the game is won. If they run the plates they will see them under my fathers name and not mine. The name will be linked back to Chicago and there is nothing they can do... unless I get pulled over multiple times by the same police officer.

To make my cars go by the law I would have to remove my blower, headers and high flow cats on my Mercury. Hooker headers on my K5 and probably change the engine. The original had 210 horsepower and the current one has 350. Even if I had the time or money to change these back to stock I wouldn't do it.

Is there any legal way I can get these cars in CA besides keeping the IL plates on? Not sure how legal that is, but being that they go to a different owner in a different state, I don't see what violation could be written against me. In the end it is true, I am borrowing the car and truck... until my dad decides to sign them over to me. They are more than paid for by me BTW. I just don't want them under my name. Gotta wait until I am 26 or 27 when my rates would go down...

Martyo and LEOs can you chime in please?

I have 2 points from about a year ago, bought my MM about 4 months ago and am 19, everything is in my name, and my FULL COVERAGE with FULL GLASS and 500 dollar deductable is only 101.32 a month through Allstate.

07-31-2010, 06:55 AM
It would be in southern California. I am not sure if the law would be any different from one part of the state to another.

I was just told any performance modification at all is illegal. Both my vehicles are full of mods. I just don't know how to get by. I don't wanna give up the plate on the truck ever. We've had it for over 20 years.

There has to be a way.

Ms. Denmark
07-31-2010, 07:30 AM
I don't know Dom....but I'm thinking it might just be easier to man up and do what the rest of the California crowd does. Just register the cars? :dunno: Good luck.

07-31-2010, 07:32 AM
I don't know Dom....but I'm thinking it might just be easier to man up and do what the rest of the California crowd does. Just register the cars? :dunno: Good luck.

They be would illegal then... from what I understand.

Ms. Denmark
07-31-2010, 07:34 AM
They be would illegal then... from what I understand.We can't always get what we want. (sounds like a song LOL)

07-31-2010, 07:44 AM
We can't always get what we want. (sounds like a song LOL)

Rolling Stones You Can't Aways Get What You Want.

My car's response... if you can make out the words. Lyrics do have potty mouth if you look them up. ;)


1:50 mark... "You ain't ....... changing me!" :)

07-31-2010, 08:21 AM
See this is where it get's confusing. If a car is registered in another state to avoid the laws of the state that it's in, it's fraud right? Well being that they aren't under my name if I get pulled over I can say my dad let me borrow the car until I can get one. Then I see it the game is won. If they run the plates they will see them under my fathers name and not mine. The name will be linked back to Chicago and there is nothing they can do... unless I get pulled over multiple times by the same police officer.

To make my cars go by the law I would have to remove my blower, headers and high flow cats on my Mercury. Hooker headers on my K5 and probably change the engine. The original had 210 horsepower and the current one has 350. Even if I had the time or money to change these back to stock I wouldn't do it.

Is there any legal way I can get these cars in CA besides keeping the IL plates on? Not sure how legal that is, but being that they go to a different owner in a different state, I don't see what violation could be written against me. In the end it is true, I am borrowing the car and truck... until my dad decides to sign them over to me. They are more than paid for by me BTW. I just don't want them under my name. Gotta wait until I am 26 or 27 when my rates would go down...

Martyo and LEOs can you chime in please?

In the end, it's still fraud no matter how you try and explain it. Laws are laws....they are what they are :) Welcome back :D

07-31-2010, 09:35 AM
Another problem Dom, is you wouldn't be able to get California Insurance, which is mandatory if you ahve residency there. And Maintaining Illinois insurance while residing in California would also constitute Fraud. The only way to do it, legally, is the car would have to reside in Illinois for 6 months and 1 day out of the year, then could be in California the rest of the year. there are performance cars in California that are modded, and registered there, they just have to jump through a few more hoops. On the other hand, cali is as crooked as the rest of the country, so you may be able to bribe a smog test guy :lol:. Seriously though, I wouldn't fool around with this, call a smog test shop in California and see exactly what they test for and what is pass/fail, thats the only thing you need. Clean smog test, and they will register you.

07-31-2010, 10:11 AM
I think you could get by if you pulled the student card on them...? Temporary living along with cars/plates/insurance/license all from IL. Not too sure how long but I believe here in IL you have one year. Also, if you get too many tickets or worse yet more than one accident it would raise red flags through your insurance carrier. I would try it, just move around when needed.

Paul T. Casey
07-31-2010, 10:29 AM
. They are more than paid for by me BTW. I just don't want them under my name. Gotta wait until I am 26 or 27 when my rates would go down...

Incidentally, this is also fraud.

07-31-2010, 11:04 AM
Incidentally, this is also fraud.

Insurance fraud and possibly mail fraud.

RF Overlord
07-31-2010, 01:06 PM
Dom, the People's Republic of California has the most medieval emissions laws in the country and they are very strict about enforcing them. For instance, if your car came with 4 cats from the factory, it better have 4 on it at inspection time. It absolutely doesn't matter to them if your 2 cats are more efficient. If your car wasn't supercharged from the factory, your aftermarket blower better have a CARB number or off it comes. It's a case of having the right hardware is more important than whether your car actually meets the emissions specs.

...and don't even get me started on what it would take to get your Blazer to pass. :banned:

Unless you're moving there permanently, maybe you can buy a beater out there and keep the MM and Blazer back home until you figure out what your doing...

07-31-2010, 01:42 PM
Id say the easiest thing is to not go to that crappy state......Pick another one dude.

07-31-2010, 03:37 PM
Id say the easiest thing is to not go to that crappy state......Pick another one dude.

I would if I could, but what I want is out there. :( Believe me I don't wanna leave Chicago.

I just found out my friends sister lived there for four years with Michigan plates. She used the same plan I thought of. Keep it under daddy's name and have daddy send the plate stickers in the mail. WIN!

No way I am I selling one car for a stock one. :burnout:

Thanks for the tips guys.

07-31-2010, 03:54 PM
Sounds like you've got a plan to outsmart em. I say go for it! After all it's really Daddy's problem and not yours as you don't own...well anything. Are your parent's throwing a party when you move out of the basement?

Oh, BTW in case your plan fails, don't pick up the soap.

07-31-2010, 04:20 PM
Sounds like you've got a plan to outsmart em. I say go for it! After all it's really Daddy's problem and not yours as you don't own...well anything. Are your parent's throwing a party when you move out of the basement?

Oh, BTW in case your plan fails, don't pick up the soap.

Dude, I keep telling you my parents don't even have a basement nor do I live with them. You need to go back to those blue pills or dust your brain. Daddy won't have a problem other than the shipping of stickers and having to buy them. Which of course I would pay him back before he shipped them.

Why would I pick up the soap? I never shower. You don't know me too well.

POPPAJ you fail. :P

07-31-2010, 04:40 PM
Are you going to ask for donations to fund this latest adventure like you did with camp? I certainly hope so.

07-31-2010, 08:26 PM
Are you going to ask for donations to fund this latest adventure like you did with camp? I certainly hope so.

Nope. Already got all the help I need from here. Thanks for playing though.

Paul T. Casey
08-01-2010, 06:26 PM
The bottom line here is your driving around underinsured (yes, that is the correct usage of your in this case) is actually costing the rest of us money. It is figured into our rates. A big step towards growing up is taking responsibility for your own actions. You may like to think you're the greastest driver out there, and maybe you are, but statistically you do fall into the category of the worst. The descriptions of your daily antics go a long way in holding up this statement. I know that for myself, and I'm sure for the vast majority of the members here, we took our lumps and paid our "fair share" while we were in the risk pool. Now, you even plan on defrauding the state in which you plan on residing with more childish antics. Seriously, if they went out and prosecuted the cheats like you, the majority of folks would pay less. I guess it's just part of the new culture. Glad to say I'm not joining that culture.

08-02-2010, 12:01 AM
If you can tell me a way to get my car and truck into that state without making any changes I'd like to hear it. If not, then nothing you can say will change my decision.

08-02-2010, 12:25 AM
If you can tell me a way to get my car and truck into that state without making any changes I'd like to hear it. If not, then nothing you can say will change my decision.
Here's the answer...

Id say the easiest thing is to not go to that crappy state......Pick another one dude.

If people would protest California's stupid laws by just leaving, the liberal legislators there might get a clue.

08-02-2010, 02:23 AM
Here's the answer...

If people would protest California's stupid laws by just leaving, the liberal legislators there might get a clue.

Amen to that. I hate California liberals. They destroyed the place. And the country.

08-02-2010, 03:42 AM
If you can tell me a way to get my car and truck into that state without making any changes I'd like to hear it. If not, then nothing you can say will change my decision.

Once you move in and get squared away and start you "new" in Ca. someone will drop a "dime" on you and report you for not having Ca. plates on you car and truck, in Dad's name will last so long. It called FRAUD!

You have picked the worst State to try in in:flamer:

08-02-2010, 04:52 AM
If you can tell me a way to get my car and truck into that state without making any changes I'd like to hear it. If not, then nothing you can say will change my decision.

Is it worth starting a poll as to who thought this would end up any other way?

08-02-2010, 05:45 AM
Someone here said a member with a blown Marauder got it in "legally". How was this done?

I don't wanna be in this place believe me. To get what I want this is where I have to be for a few years. I'd like to be back home in Chicago five years from my departure.

Sounds like another thing to do is to move into a place with a garage. A personal garage, not a gated one that everyone parks in.

08-02-2010, 06:51 AM
I think it was already posted, but to find out how to do it legally, call the California DMV. They even have a website that might have some information on it ...

08-02-2010, 07:34 AM
I am aware of that, but someone here had to go though the same thing. I would just like to know what they have to say before I pick up the phone to the west coast.

08-02-2010, 07:57 AM
If you were Military it wouldn't be an issue if you were stationed in CA.

Why not sell the K5, take that money and buy yourself a get around car in CA for the meantime until you can figure out more on how to legally get the Marauder in CA.

08-02-2010, 08:17 AM
Why not sell the K5,

I'll tell you why not, it's been around for 18 years in the family. It's something I always loved and I keep it going. It's like a pet dog only better, it doesn't die.

I am not leaving tomorrow. If I sold it I would get 8K at most, but realistically it would be closer to 3K. By then I will have that amount of money and there will be no need to sell anything. If anything I would sell the blower on the Marauder for cash or turn it all back to stock and go back to fun mode after I move back out.

Joe Walsh
08-02-2010, 09:15 AM
I am aware of that, but someone here had to go though the same thing.
I would just like to know what they have to say before I pick up the phone to the west coast.

1: California is a quasi-Nazi state with overbearing/tree hugger/Al Gore environmental laws.
2: You have a poorly maintained, modified, S/C car that blows smoke out of the tailpipe.

As 'gdsqdcr' suggested...use your computer and go to the California DMV website, and do a little research.

At least that will give the rest of us a short break...:rolleyes:

BTW: News flash: Most cell phone plans don't have long distance charges in the US.

08-02-2010, 09:39 AM
2: You have a poorly maintained, modified, S/C car that blows smoke out of the tailpipe.

Wrong. Come take a second look at it before you type B.S. like that.

Joe, your judgement's fail.

Joe Walsh
08-02-2010, 09:42 AM
Wrong. Come take a second look at it before you type B.S. like that.

Joe, your judgement's fail.

I base my judgements on all of your "My Marauder is F'd up....:bigcry:" threads.

08-02-2010, 10:53 AM
I base my judgements on all of your "My Marauder is F'd up....:bigcry:" threads.

Everytime something needs to be done, it get's done. I wouldn't call that poorly maintained. It's in tip top mechanical shape. Come take a look, take a spin, I'd love to prove you wrong.

08-02-2010, 12:07 PM
Someone here said a member with a blown Marauder got it in "legally". How was this done?
This is about the only way:

If you were Military it wouldn't be an issue if you were stationed in CA..
There's an answer, join the military and try for a guaranteed duty station in California.

I don't wanna be in this place believe me. To get what I want this is where I have to be for a few years. I'd like to be back home in Chicago five years from my departure..
You have to decide what you want more, the cars (in their current state of mods) or your objective. None of us gets to have everything we want.

Why not sell the K5, take that money and buy yourself a get around car in CA for the meantime until you can figure out more on how to legally get the Marauder in CA.

I'll tell you why not, it's been around for 18 years in the family. It's something I always loved and I keep it going. It's like a pet dog only better, it doesn't die.

I am not leaving tomorrow. If I sold it I would get 8K at most, but realistically it would be closer to 3K. By then I will have that amount of money and there will be no need to sell anything. If anything I would sell the blower on the Marauder for cash or turn it all back to stock and go back to fun mode after I move back out.
Either take the Marauder back to stock or get another vehicle.

Sounds like another thing to do is to move into a place with a garage. A personal garage, not a gated one that everyone parks in.
Won't help for long, they'll get you on the street. You're talking about the place that sets up stings with roadside sniffers.

Once you move in and get squared away and start you "new" in Ca. someone will drop a "dime" on you and report you for not having Ca. plates on you car and truck, in Dad's name will last so long. It called FRAUD!

You have picked the worst State to try it in:flamer:
Read and understand ^^^ and VVV

1: California is a quasi-Nazi state with overbearing/tree hugger/Al Gore environmental laws.
2: You have a poorly maintained, modified, S/C car that blows smoke out of the tailpipe.

As 'gdsqdcr' suggested...use your computer and go to the California DMV website, and do a little research.

At least that will give the rest of us a short break...:rolleyes:

BTW: News flash: Most cell phone plans don't have long distance charges in the US.

08-02-2010, 12:17 PM
Dom, thought this link might help


the bottom line is you will probably have to go back to stock to legally do it, but even then you will have to use OEM parts or CARB approved parts

08-02-2010, 12:37 PM
Hey Dom what blower do you have again? ProCharger? Can you see if you have a CARB EO# stamped on the blower itself? If it does (most likely for a Mustang) you may be in luck. All the Smog techs need to see is a CARB OE# on the blower or on the car somewhere. Jdennings002 had a Paxton SL series blower and had Vortech mail the EO# sticker for his car. They were able to approve it because the blower was used on another 4VNA the Mach I. The long tubes your going to have to switch to JBA shorties only one that comes with an EO#. Also, depending on the smog shop they may notice your 2 short on your cats just depends.

You can get this CARB legal by going through the mechanism in place to do so namely the Referee stations. In all likelyhood your SC isnt going to fail the sniffer it will be the LT/Cats then again there was a member here who did have LT but placed a metal stamp on the LT (Kooks IIRC) with a JBA EO# and passed.

08-02-2010, 01:35 PM
I can contact Procharger and Kooks and see what they have to say about CA.

08-02-2010, 03:14 PM
I can contact Procharger and Kooks and see what they have to say about CA.

It will be NO from ProCharger.....:shake:

The kit is FIT and they never considered CARB approval......:cool:

08-02-2010, 03:19 PM
Darn it, they fail. :(

08-02-2010, 04:17 PM
Did you look to see whats stamped on your blower.....

Like I said all you need is a CARB EO# on the blower. LT your going to have to be creative or sell those for some JBA shorties.

08-02-2010, 05:05 PM
Hey Kid know when to quit. You have more than enough info to do the right thing.

Problem is you want it your way. In the real world(Ca. & cars)you are going to lose this round.

08-02-2010, 05:52 PM
Motorhead, you should listen to these folks on the board. In my opinion
(I am a LEO in south L.A.) you should really figure out how to get your veh registered. You would be surprised how many USC students try to do the same thing for their 4 years in california; and you would be more surprised how often they are cited for it. In an area of 58 sq miles and 650,000 people, you wouldnt believe how often I see the same vehs on the road day after day. Either way, CHP set up a hotline for neighbors to rat on each other

Check out the link

Possibly more important is the fact that if you were to get in an at fault collision where someone was to die (or wanted to make any claim- but lets be dramatic) and you are not on a policy, for a vehicle registered out of state, but you are not technically a resident of you can be royally screwed.....and once you get a ticket in that vehicle in CA the insurance company will have record of that. Guess what your parents insurance co will say, when the other party of the accident calls...they won't take care of you....THEIR BUSINESS IS TO FIND WAYS TO NOT PAY... Motorhead, you could lose everything you have.

Not to be and *********, but how can you not afford insurance but you can afford to throw so much money at performance mods....maybe re-evaluate your priorities..

BTW, about 4-5 years ago I met a guy with a marauder in orange, ca. His was blown and registered in CA. I cant remember his name, but maybe he will speak up if he reads your thread.....

best of luck to you

Paul T. Casey
08-02-2010, 07:47 PM
Not to be and *********, but how can you not afford insurance but you can afford to throw so much money at performance mods....maybe re-evaluate your priorities..

This. Close thread.

08-04-2010, 01:23 AM
Insurance is cheaper to keep the car under my dads name. He's 65. Do you think an insurance company will give a 24 year old the same rates? Same rates if they actually knew it was 550 horsepower? I say nay nay.

All of the goodies are staying on. I'll find a way regardless. I never give in. I'll contact Procharger when I wake up later, I need to call them anyway. Thanks for the help on the subject.

If need advice as to my priories in my life I will contact someone off the board. In the mean time I don't wanna hear it, don't need to hear it and no one knows my life story so the advice given would be based up lose information on cars. There is a lot more to life than that. So even if an option is given, it lacks a lot of information and prior knowledge that would be required before advice on life is even halfway helpful. In other words you guys are wasting your time and finger tips unless it proteins to the matter of the given question.

It was a car question, keep it to that. Be consultants on your own time, not on mine.

08-04-2010, 04:29 AM
unless it proteins to the matter of the given question.

I used to be on a low carb/high protein diet. ? I dunno what it has to do with cars though.

08-04-2010, 04:33 AM
I used to be on a low carb/high protein diet. ? I dunno what it has to do with cars though.
Well? Did it work?

08-04-2010, 04:48 AM
I think it's all been said and more. Dom is going to do what Dom wants to do. Thanks for playing.